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Hi, how is your day going.

Back to work Monday is still wet outside however it is supposed to be sunny later. Wishing all a very good day! :thumbup1:

As we approach mid December, today is a clear sunny but cool morning. A good day to be out and about, but with winter clothing. Wishing everyone a great day! :sun:

Just 3 more finals for me! Then a month break.

Haven't had much time for anything including pornography. I started watching one of the recent videos and found the kissing a little dull. Then I remembered how excited I was to see guys kissing back in the day. It's so human of me to lose appreciation of what I have and take for granted.
Just 3 more finals for me! Then a month break.

Haven't had much time for anything including pornography. I started watching one of the recent videos and found the kissing a little dull. Then I remembered how excited I was to see guys kissing back in the day. It's so human of me to lose appreciation of what I have and take for granted.
Good luck and that is a failing we all have
Just 3 more finals for me! Then a month break.

Haven't had much time for anything including pornography. I started watching one of the recent videos and found the kissing a little dull. Then I remembered how excited I was to see guys kissing back in the day. It's so human of me to lose appreciation of what I have and take for granted.
Good perspective and Good to see you posting again Treb. I understand how important college is for you. But all work and no play makes Treb a dull boy. :tongue_smilie: Seriously good luck with your finals.
Another cold morning with crystal clear blue skies as I begin my four day weekend. :sun:

I’m heading into Manhattan to meet one of my college friends and his wife for lunch. I was thinking about how I was randomly placed in a particular wing of a particular dorm on my college campus over fifty years ago. And today four of my best friends are guys who were also randomly placed in that same wing. Whenever we get together, at first glance I think of how different they look from the seventeen or eighteen year old kids we were when we first met, but after a few minutes of talking and laughing it’s like the five plus decades of time magically disappear and it feels like I am back in my dorm in upstate New York in the late sixties…

Wishing you all a happy day filled with great memories, great friends and great times today too ! :thumbup:

I took the subway to Grand Central Terminal today to meet my friends in the area for lunch. I loved the magnificent Chrysler Building poking up into the sky and the iconic Grand Central Terminal. I had a great day and am looking forward to another great one on Friday. Good wishes to all. :001_smile:

Sadly Meds are a necessary evil. They perform life saving functions but often come with nasty side affects. I hope my fellow forumites are spared their needs.
As the weekend begins, I am enjoying the beautiful morning and thinking how fortunate I am to be living here in Brooklyn Heights, so close to the excitement of Manhattan, a five minute subway ride to Wall Street, or a fifteen minute ride to midtown like yesterday when I met friends near Grand Central. I love the excitement and wonders of Manhattan but I also love that where I live has a small town neighborhood feel, kind of the best of both worlds. Wishing everyone a great Friday and a fabulous weekend!!!

Today was a good day as I went to the Apple Store in Downtown Brooklyn. As I was leaving I looked up and noticed the new Brooklyn skyline. As a kid The Williamsburg Savings Bank was the tallest building by far in the area. Today we have the new super thin, super tall skyscrapers going up.

Fitst an archival photo of Williamsburg Savings Bank and then two photos from today with the new skyscrapers around it.

My day is ending far better than it began. I so love reading stories with a gay theme and there are so many gifted wordsmiths among us. So I WISH all of you a wonderful weekend.