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Hi, how is your day going.

I can't say I will be particularly regularly posting, but thanks. I got over COVID and have had a lot of schoolwork to make up.

This morning, I was up in the pre-dawn hours and my cat was making weird meows. I couldn't figure out what he wanted and tried to go back to sleep. Not 3 minutes pass and I hear the sound of a liquid hitting a floor. He was peeing over the side of a box on the ground straight onto the floor. After dealing with that I tried to figure out why he was doing that, and thought to fully change the litter. I ended up spilling the dirty litter all over the bathroom floor. That's why I asked about vacuuming. Since it was pre-dawn, I spent a lot of time sweeping and using a dustpan.

Cats, gotta love'em and gotta hate'em. I love them, nice warm purring furballs 😸

Warning for the squeamish; don't click the link LOL 😂😅
Today is another beautiful autumn morning, with sunny skies here! Have a great day today wherever you are!

It may be a great day to be alive, but after being 11 days late in submitting a paper due to stupid COVID brain, and being a couple hundred words short at that, it's not a great day to be mediocre!
It may be a great day to be alive, but after being 11 days late in submitting a paper due to stupid COVID brain, and being a couple hundred words short at that, it's not a great day to be me
I am sorry to hear what you are going thru but YOU are not mediocre just sick. It, too, will pass I know with all my health issues many days I feel like shit but then comes good day and that you must remember and strive for, please hang in as best you can things will get better.
My eyes were good yesterday but bad today. Unfortunately there are no visiting optometrists at present.
It may be a great day to be alive, but after being 11 days late in submitting a paper due to stupid COVID brain, and being a couple hundred words short at that, it's not a great day to be mediocre!
Treb. While in some ways I’m way jealous of you being on a college campus, with all the young eye candy everywhere, on the other hand, I don’t envy you being back in the classroom needing to write papers and all. Especially for you after taking a break from school. Having to go back and get into that mindset, must be very trying. Hopefully you will continue and get the degree you are seeking leading to a lucrative career. I’m rooting for you!
Today, the string of beautiful fall days here, continues on this Wednesday morning, as I prepare to wrap up my abbreviated work week. I hope the nice weather holds into the weekend as I’ve signed up for two more walks, on Friday and on Sunday. But for today, wishing all forumites a wonderful day! :biggrin:

I just realized that a beloved fellow member, Tampa, has not appeared for many months. I hope he is well and if any fellow member is in touch please tell him how much I and my fellow members miss him.
I just realized that a beloved fellow member, Tampa, has not appeared for many months. I hope he is well and if any fellow member is in touch please tell him how much I and my fellow members miss him.
We exchanged text messages a month or so ago and he assured me that he and his family are all well. I didn’t ask him why he hasn‘t posted in so long, and he didn’t volunteer an explanation either. As long as he is well, that is what matters to me.

I’m now used to the forumites of the past dropping off, as there is so little actual discussion that goes on here any more. I am grateful to the few who remain who are here to offer opinions and participate in discussions, however sadly it is a dwindling minority.
My day is off to a good start and I’m feeling good as my four day weekend begins on yet another beautiful autumn day in New York City. I have plans to be out and about this weekend and the nice weather should make it even nicer as I explore the parks and scenery of the city in November. :001_smile:

Thank you Mike for the update. I just wanted to know he was fine, I am glad he is. Everyone should do the things they like on the Forum. It is easy enough to find your own niche . In all aspects of life people move on and life changes as people find new interests or their health forces them to. Why would it be any different here on the Forum. That is not to be for or against chnage it is just part of life
Have a wonderful day, if you are not feeling well I hope you feel better soon.
My day and whole weekend is off to a great start! Yesterday I was on a 5.5 mile walk through the entire length of Central Park starting at the south end on 59th Street, ending on the northern end in Harlem on 110th Street, and visiting many spectacular sights on a warm November day. Here are a few shots from the northern end of the park, and the North Woods, close to Harlem which is not where many tourists and even locals often go. It is quite simply magnificent!

