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Hi, how is your day going.

It does all go by so quickly. Here we are on November 8th. Tommorow is two weeks away from Thanksgiving. This coming Monday will be six weeks away from Christmas. Wasn’t it just Labor Day???? :001_unsure: lol

That’s why I try to enjoy each day and each season and I pay attention now and notice things that I never noticed when I was younger. Today is a chilly morning in the low 40’s but the sun is shining brightly and it is indeed a very pretty morning! I am off to work soon and I wish you all a great day!

I’ve completed my abbreviated work week and am on my extended four day weekend now. Today is laundry day and my stuff is now in the dryer. After folding laundry and making my bed, it is relaxation time here. I do have a walking tour scheduled for Saturday of the Hudson River in Lower Manhattan, starting on Chambers Street on the West Side wrapping around the Battery to the East Side and across the Brooklyn Bridge. However this is not my regular walking group and the leader of this group is unreliable, so I am not getting my hopes up of it happening. But if it does, it should be a sunny cool autumn morning for the walk.

Here are a couple of images from outside while doing my morning routine today. Wishing you all a wonderful day!!!

While we are approaching mid November, most of the trees around here still have their autumn leaves. Winter will be here soon enough. While this morning is overcast, sunny skies are forecast for the weekend and I plan to get out and enjoy. Have a great weekend! :sun:

My eyesight varies from day to day. Today it is better so reading especially the screen is much easier, The day my eyes were tested my zsight was good and the Optometrist advised not getting glasses. I chose not, in hindsight a mistake. The problem is there are no visiting Optometrists at present and I have to wait till next year. In the scheme of things not a biggie but a friggin pain in theass!
My day went great. I did my walk on the lower Manhattan Hudson River shoreline. Around a four mile walk at a moderate pace on a very sunny cool fall day. Here are a couple of pics from today. I will post more later on the thread Tampa started called, “What’s Life Like in New York City?”

Well, today my eyes were great I AM ABLE TO SEE PRINT EASILY WITH NO BLURRING AND THE STORIES ( I wish my fingers were not so klutzy) I enjoy were easy to see,
Two images from me this morning on a sunny, but chilly mid November morning. First is from a few minutes ago, as New York City gets deeper into autumn. And the second is from my walk yesterday through the lower part of Manhattan on the west side along the Hudson River. Wishing you all a very pleasant Sunday!

What's the earliest time you can run a vacuum?
Welcome back to the forum Treb. Last we heard from you, you were out of commission with COVID. Being my mother’s son, I tend to over worry. So glad to see you back posting…and vacuuming.

According to the “google machine”:

“Never, ever to make preventable noises, before 9 AM ,or after 8PM because people need peace, or to sleep, and time to simply enjoy their homes . I wouldn't say vacuuming at 6:30am every morning is normal or not normal for people to do.”

I would agree that 9 AM is an appropriate hour. :welcome: Back to forumland Trebligon!!!!!
I can't say I will be particularly regularly posting, but thanks. I got over COVID and have had a lot of schoolwork to make up.

This morning, I was up in the pre-dawn hours and my cat was making weird meows. I couldn't figure out what he wanted and tried to go back to sleep. Not 3 minutes pass and I hear the sound of a liquid hitting a floor. He was peeing over the side of a box on the ground straight onto the floor. After dealing with that I tried to figure out why he was doing that, and thought to fully change the litter. I ended up spilling the dirty litter all over the bathroom floor. That's why I asked about vacuuming. Since it was pre-dawn, I spent a lot of time sweeping and using a dustpan.
I can't say I will be particularly regularly posting, but thanks. I got over COVID and have had a lot of schoolwork to make up.

This morning, I was up in the pre-dawn hours and my cat was making weird meows. I couldn't figure out what he wanted and tried to go back to sleep. Not 3 minutes pass and I hear the sound of a liquid hitting a floor. He was peeing over the side of a box on the ground straight onto the floor. After dealing with that I tried to figure out why he was doing that, and thought to fully change the litter. I ended up spilling the dirty litter all over the bathroom floor. That's why I asked about vacuuming. Since it was pre-dawn, I spent a lot of time sweeping and using a dustpan.
It might ave been better had you used a broom. While I am a dog person. i HAVE AND STILL AM DEALING WITH A CAT.Sorry bad eyes and fingers. Hope you are all better. my youngest son recoverying from his 3rd bout of Covid. Your priority of school first is right and I always read what you write and look forward to your posts. Be well and leave time ror fun.