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Hi, how is your day going.

I’m feeling well however I am losing faith that this forum will ever get back on track. I see that October 24, 2008 was my join date, fifteen years ago this month. This forum got me through some tough periods in my life over those fifteen years, with a community of always dozens and at times perhaps 100 active members, posting on a regular basis. I used to compare it to the TV show Cheers, a place you could come into after a sometimes tough day and there were friends, who “knew your name”, or at least your screen name. We would laugh and joke and sometimes discuss serious topics as well. The forum was most definitely my online family.

I’m not quitting the site or the forum but it is very disheartening to see what it has become. It is sad to me………
I suppose it could come off as mean-spirited to bring this up with what you just wrote, Mike, but in school, the philosophy lounge is becoming a kind of fun meeting place for me. Sometimes it's pretentious (does Immanuel Kant have to come up every 15 minutes?!), and it worries me the lack of women and people of color around, but it's cool to have this little community. I don't find most of the lads attractive, so it's not some erotic thing, but the youthful energy is invigorating.

Yesterday one of the guys and I played a game of chess, and we're both terrible. But somehow it attracted a crowd and I was in this weird pleasantly stressful situation.
I may be old but this much I know. It is counterproductive and delusional to live in the past. I love making a pathway to the future. Yes, it is important to learn from the past but to build from your mistakes and not glorify the pastbut that is just me, each to their own...
I suppose it could come off as mean-spirited to bring this up with what you just wrote, Mike, but in school, the philosophy lounge is becoming a kind of fun meeting place for me. Sometimes it's pretentious (does Immanuel Kant have to come up every 15 minutes?!), and it worries me the lack of women and people of color around, but it's cool to have this little community. I don't find most of the lads attractive, so it's not some erotic thing, but the youthful energy is invigorating.

Yesterday one of the guys and I played a game of chess, and we're both terrible. But somehow it attracted a crowd and I was in this weird pleasantly stressful situation.
Not mean-spirited at all Treb. In fact I envy you for being in that college community and your philosophy lounge sounds very cool. I loved my four years of college living in a dorm with lounges and even the dining hall was a place to congregate and socialize. Even my job was a similar atmosphere for discussion and laughter. The sense of community was great.

Those are real life situations but as we grow older, particularly single guys like me, it becomes harder to make new friends and this forum came along as I was going through a career crisis having lost my over thirty year job in 2004, and this became my salvation with the backdrop of our love of young straight guys having gay sex, I bonded with guys and girls and we became a worldwide community of online and in some cases real life friends.

Real life situations are obviously preferenrial but this forum became a springboard to real life friends as well as a comfortable place to discuss our lives, our sadness and joys, as well as television, movies, music, politics and hot guys. I understand that things change and life goes on but I get frustrated logging on every day here and finding few members and little to talk about.
Not mean-spirited at all Treb. In fact I envy you for being in that college community and your philosophy lounge sounds very cool. I loved my four years of college living in a dorm with lounges and even the dining hall was a place to congregate and socialize. Even my job was a similar atmosphere for discussion and laughter. The sense of community was great.

Those are real life situations but as we grow older, particularly single guys like me, it becomes harder to make new friends and this forum came along as I was going through a career crisis having lost my over thirty year job in 2004, and this became my salvation with the backdrop of our love of young straight guys having gay sex, I bonded with guys and girls and we became a worldwide community of online and in some cases real life friends.

Real life situations are obviously preferenrial but this forum became a springboard to real life friends as well as a comfortable place to discuss our lives, our sadness and joys, as well as television, movies, music, politics and hot guys. I understand that things change and life goes on but I get frustrated logging on every day here and finding few members and little to talk about.
To be clear I came here to mention my day, but saw I was coming up right after your sadder one. I was not trying to brag or anything.
To be clear I came here to mention my day, but saw I was coming up right after your sadder one. I was not trying to brag or anything.
Not really a sad day. Maybe I used a poor choice of words saying that. I love reading about your experiences at college. You are what’s good here. I want to read people posting about real things that we can comment on. And you and a few others do that. Thank you for being an active member here Treb. :thumbup1:
I‘ve spent a lot of time today trying to follow the Israel-Hamas war in addition to watching cable news, by watching YouTube videos explaining the history of Zionism and the creation of Israel. I’ve always had a superficial understanding but not an educated one. Too bad we don’t have a thread here as we did following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
I‘ve spent a lot of time today trying to follow the Israel-Hamas war in addition to watching cable news, by watching YouTube videos explaining the history of Zionism and the creation of Israel. I’ve always had a superficial understanding but not an educated one. Too bad we don’t have a thread here as we did following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

There should be one
We live in a world where a few evi people create in speakable suffering, death and destruction for so many and that is rightly reported but sadly what is often forgotten is the mu;tople people who go unnoticed doing good day- day. mI only wish that ,too, got much larger press.
I hope today was a day you jumped for joy and sang and danced to a jolly toon!
As I get backup after going back to bed to read some awesome gay stories, it occured to me what a gift it is to have the Forum to spread the good ward about life on this special corner of our world. Everyone know I love posting not just hot athletes & gay porn but on this and other verbal thread my thoughts & wishes. I, too, wish more people would post their thought here and on other thread. I truly hope everyone wakes up feeling good enjoying their day. Also I apologize for my multiple typos. I won't blame it on my failing eye I just ain't good at typing!
I had a great day on two fronts today. First I had a stimulating and productive work day, accomplishing quite a bit. While the family that owns the business may not be demonstratively appreciative, I know they recognize how much I bring to their company, and more importantly to me, I know how much I accomplished. I’m only there twice a week, but when everything I plan out in advance goes well, I feel great about myself.

And I am even more thrilled about today’s forum postings. Juanjo, Frontier, Bob all made a return appearance. fortude, TouchKrazy and decwhatty also contributed talking about real things. And Jay talked about “Real” Sports, not pseudo athletes wearing sports drag. And David shared some of his gay culture bar observations and Max and Treb added to the conversations talking about real life topics too. We also got to wish Chac a Happy Birthday!!! Hopefully he’s been out celebrating and will join us when he recuperates from partying. And br also got involved in some conversations too.

This my friends is what the forum is supposed to be, CONVERSATIONS, about real things!!! Perhaps today is a one off, and tomorrow it will go back to what it has become but at least for one brief shining movement, I am in Forum Jubilation!!! Today has been reminiscent of when “The Forum” was “The Forum”.

No big parties for me, I do NOT like being the center of attention. Just had dinner with the family and had a few baseball games with the nephews. It's my preferred way to spend it, low key and stress free
I was just thinking how music I love happy inspiring music. But I know my tastes are not shared by most on the Forum as they are for Beethoven & Mozart but I do enjoy enjoy some up-to-date stuff as well.