LOL, Mike! Worked for me, too!
Thanks, silvercamel! You reminded me of a time years ago. My father had a semi load of hay brought in for our horses. I don't remember how he got them, but he hired 2 boys to help me stack the hay in the barn. Straight guys. One was my classmate. I'd seen him naked in the locker room. The other was a hot blonde from my youngest sister's class. Typical jocks. Baseball, football, etc. It was hot so they took off their shirts. I finally couldn't take it anymore, so told them I was going to get them refreshments. It took me longer than it should have, but I was much calmer when I returned. Didn't last long. By this time, they were sweaty AND covered with hay.

I did end up fucking the hot blondes beautiful ex-wife years later, but that's another story. My classmate's little brother got naked at the house my guy and I were living in a few years after. He was really cute, but scared off the girls we were partying with. Sigh.... He was too drunk to get it up. That family was blessed with the bods and cocks though....... Faces, too!