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Dirty Question for All!!!


Active Member
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Iowa...not Idaho, Iowa
Well forumites, I've found myself very horny today and needing to release that energy quite a bit.

So I was thinking if I'm a freak or it others do this numerous times a day. My record in a 24 hour period is 19 times. I was wondering what everyone elses records were. Keep in mind this can't include anything with another person. Just you and your hand......or B.O.B.

Just keeping the forum dirty.....

Thanks guys!!!!

First of all, thank you for keeping the forum "dirty", as sex is what brought us all here.

For a guy, age is a major factor in how many times, one can "release" in a 24 hour period. I can't speak for the female members. As a teen, I would say six times in 24 hours was about my max. Now at a much later period of my life, once a day usually does it for me as a max, but there are occasions where I'm so moved to release twice in a day.

I love discussions about stuff like this. :001_tt2:
Friction burns......

Well forumites, I've found myself very horny today and needing to release that energy quite a bit.

So I was thinking if I'm a freak or it others do this numerous times a day. My record in a 24 hour period is 19 times. I was wondering what everyone elses records were. Keep in mind this can't include anything with another person. Just you and your hand......or B.O.B.

Just keeping the forum dirty.....

Thanks guys!!!!

Holey crap batman! That's some pent up energy. :masterbate:

Do you now use a seeing eye dog because you must surely now be blind after such a session?

I couldn't ever honestly claim anything in double digits.:sperm:
It's usually when I just discovered a new porn site and I can't stop watching videos. It gets a little time consuming but totally worth it!!!! There's nothing like those orgasms that make your body shake uncontrollably and lose your breath. And in 15 minutes, and after a cig of course, I can do it all again.

Sometimes being a girl is fucking awesome!!!!
It's usually when I just discovered a new porn site and I can't stop watching videos. It gets a little time consuming but totally worth it!!!! There's nothing like those orgasms that make your body shake uncontrollably and lose your breath. And in 15 minutes, and after a cig of course, I can do it all again.

Sometimes being a girl is fucking awesome!!!!

Now there's a girl that could turn a gay man straight. Truely amazing. :001_tt1: Wanta get married?
Now there's a girl that could turn a gay man straight. Truely amazing. :001_tt1: Wanta get married?

That would be perfect!!! I've been trying to find a gay guy to marry so I can fuck Austin. So here's the plan. Austin fucks you, and you fuck me. I feel it's the closest I'll ever get to having sex with Austin.
Apparently, I am hypersexual. I am 53 years old and in a committed relationship. We live an hour apart and only see each other on the weekends. I usually masturbate from 2-3 times per day. He's 10 years younger than me and can hardly keep up on the weekends. Many times I fall asleep with his penis in my mouth.

Don't discount your chances with Austin. You can always flip that around. Austin is not totally opposed to having a penis penetrating him, and he can fuck like a machine. I am sure he would be open to a little variety. Good luck!
Well forumites, I've found myself very horny today and needing to release that energy quite a bit.

So I was thinking if I'm a freak or it others do this numerous times a day. My record in a 24 hour period is 19 times. I was wondering what everyone elses records were. Keep in mind this can't include anything with another person. Just you and your hand......or B.O.B.

Just keeping the forum dirty.....

Thanks guys!!!!

I've never actually counted my orgasms in a 24 hour period so I can't really give you an accurate number, but I'm pretty sure I've at least matched your 19, but I'm willing to give it a go and see if I can beat you, wannabe.... :001_tt2:
I've never actually counted my orgasms in a 24 hour period so I can't really give you an accurate number, but I'm pretty sure I've at least matched your 19, but I'm willing to give it a go and see if I can beat you, wannabe.... :001_tt2:

Well we need to decide on a day so I can get new batteries, carton of cigerettes and a spaghetti dinner the night before. Wannabe's gotta have the energy for all those convulsions. :tongue_smilie:

That would be perfect!!! I've been trying to find a gay guy to marry so I can fuck Austin. So here's the plan. Austin fucks you, and you fuck me. I feel it's the closest I'll ever get to having sex with Austin.



Are you saying I need to share you with Austin? Or is this Austin sharing just on special occasions like your birthday and perhaps christmas if your nice and not naughty. Can I f#%k Austin? What about Jimmy?
I feel as if Austin doesn't prefer the vag anymore. SOOOOOO my plan was I could use you to get to him. I know, I'm a bitch, but I wanna see my mans hips work in real life!
You can fuck who ever you want. And I will do the same. We can randomly cuddle some nights, and watch the updates together......as long as your cool with me and BOB having quality time infront of you.
If these circumstances dont work for you, our marriage might not last very well.
I feel as if Austin doesn't prefer the vag anymore. SOOOOOO my plan was I could use you to get to him. I know, I'm a bitch, but I wanna see my mans hips work in real life!
You can fuck who ever you want. And I will do the same. We can randomly cuddle some nights, and watch the updates together......as long as your cool with me and BOB having quality time infront of you.
If these circumstances dont work for you, our marriage might not last very well.

Let's get a 'hotel room' so to speak and continue by PM.
Well forumites, I've found myself very horny today and needing to release that energy quite a bit.

So I was thinking if I'm a freak or it others do this numerous times a day. My record in a 24 hour period is 19 times. I was wondering what everyone elses records were. Keep in mind this can't include anything with another person. Just you and your hand......or B.O.B.

Just keeping the forum dirty.....

Thanks guys!!!!

Good thread wannabe. 19 times in 24 hrs is truley remarkable. I would guess that it takes quite some foreplay before you explode. If this is so then you must spend virtually all day in that position lol.
Austin, Masturbation Habits, and Exorcism



Are you saying I need to share you with Austin? Or is this Austin sharing just on special occasions like your birthday and perhaps christmas if your nice and not naughty. Can I f#%k Austin? What about Jimmy?

Dear underwear fun,

I'll gladly share Austin and/or Jimmy (Slater, I assume) with anybody with any sexual orientation and will NEVER EVER feel shortchanged or complain! In fact I will feel the Penis Gods protecting all Gay boys have smiled upon me with all that implies!

Getting back to the original statement of jacking off 19 times in a 24 hour period, I just want to know if this is due to extensive use of video games? Also, who is doing your skin grafts and how many times per week do you visit him? Are you getting a "frequent flyer discount" on his services? Have you been diagnosed with "carpal tunnel syndrome" as a consequence?

Even if you purchased ID lube by the 55 gallon drum and had an applicator suspended directly above both your bed and your couch or easy chair (much like the quick fill applicator used at your oil changing service bay), I would check into a clinic immediacy to see if you have OCD or at least are manic or has someone disguised some Viagra in your candy bowl.

No. You will not go blind or have hair growing from the palm of your hand(s). Hair cannot establish itself in an ocean of ID Lube. I imagine your biggest concern is the possibility of igniting a fire through spontaneous combustion. Surely you don't smoke, heaven forbid! From here on out, I would only use foil lined condoms just in case a spark got started. You would be better off with asbestos lining from Midas but we can't have you coming down with dick cancer, now can we!

As an adolescent, I was repeatedly reassured by health professionals you siimply cannot j/o too much because you would eventually hit a dry well (using petroleum industry terminology). I have to ask can you even hold down a job or currently have sufficient time on your hands to answer the phone?

Truthfully, in my sophomore year in college, I did approach your frequency approximately but I soon found out that the old law of economics on "diminishing returns" applied equally to my semen resources and my overworked testicles. In my prime I achieved a record of only 12 times in the same 24 hour period without lube. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Boy, Oh Boy did my little boy suffer mightily from these times of unusual stress and hardship! In fact OSHA federal workplace requirements mandated me post the following notice on my dorm room door stating "Masturbation Area Testing Zone - Hard Hat Protection Required for All Entering This Erection Site"!

It was a little embarrasing at first but then my local priest started visiting regularly with his bulbs of garlic draped around his crotch for my exorcism. No, i said exorcism, not circumcision. He did not abuse me as I would have much preferred. My biggest regret is that this exorcism would not have happened if the damn scaple used for my doctor at birth for my circumcision had only been blessed with holy water and the doctor had steadier hands. I don't intend to make this topic too long, but I did get the short end of the stick. I have had to adjust living with this nub or remnant of my former glorious self ever since he sliced and diced me. Just remember that routine circumcision was intended to reduce masturbation by reducing sensitivity of the glans thus discouraging frequent need for masturbation.

I wonder if the uber-masturbator is cut or uncut? Only time will tell!
Good thread wannabe. 19 times in 24 hrs is truley remarkable. I would guess that it takes quite some foreplay before you explode. If this is so then you must spend virtually all day in that position lol.

Well, I don't know about wannabe, but for me, once I get going, I can just go and go and go without much foreplay at all. So, for instance, I can actually have 3 or 4 orgasms in about a 2 minute period of time on a good day.... Look, I'm really bad at math, in spite of what I've been telling people for years while I've been volunteering as treasurer for our neighborhood pool.... Don't hold that against me... my hubby is a mathematician.... He helps A Lot!!! At any rate, I could potentially have 19 orgasms in an hour if suitably inspired, although that's really pushing it. So let's just say that in, say, 3 hours time, I could probably have 19 orgasms, with or without batteries.... Toys help, but they are not necessary....
Dear underwear fun,

I'll gladly share Austin and/or Jimmy (Slater, I assume) with anybody with any sexual orientation and will NEVER EVER feel shortchanged or complain! In fact I will feel the Penis Gods protecting all Gay boys have smiled upon me with all that implies!

Getting back to the original statement of jacking off 19 times in a 24 hour period, I just want to know if this is due to extensive use of video games? Also, who is doing your skin grafts and how many times per week do you visit him? Are you getting a "frequent flyer discount" on his services? Have you been diagnosed with "carpal tunnel syndrome" as a consequence?

Even if you purchased ID lube by the 55 gallon drum and had an applicator suspended directly above both your bed and your couch or easy chair (much like the quick fill applicator used at your oil changing service bay), I would check into a clinic immediacy to see if you have OCD or at least are manic or has someone disguised some Viagra in your candy bowl.

No. You will not go blind or have hair growing from the palm of your hand(s). Hair cannot establish itself in an ocean of ID Lube. I imagine your biggest concern is the possibility of igniting a fire through spontaneous combustion. Surely you don't smoke, heaven forbid! From here on out, I would only use foil lined condoms just in case a spark got started. You would be better off with asbestos lining from Midas but we can't have you coming down with dick cancer, now can we!

As an adolescent, I was repeatedly reassured by health professionals you siimply cannot j/o too much because you would eventually hit a dry well (using petroleum industry terminology). I have to ask can you even hold down a job or currently have sufficient time on your hands to answer the phone?

Truthfully, in my sophomore year in college, I did approach your frequency approximately but I soon found out that the old law of economics on "diminishing returns" applied equally to my semen resources and my overworked testicles. In my prime I achieved a record of only 12 times in the same 24 hour period without lube. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Boy, Oh Boy did my little boy suffer mightily from these times of unusual stress and hardship! In fact OSHA federal workplace requirements mandated me post the following notice on my dorm room door stating "Masturbation Area Testing Zone - Hard Hat Protection Required for All Entering This Erection Site"!

It was a little embarrasing at first but then my local priest started visiting regularly with his bulbs of garlic draped around his crotch for my exorcism. No, i said exorcism, not circumcision. He did not abuse me as I would have much preferred. My biggest regret is that this exorcism would not have happened if the damn scaple used for my doctor at birth for my circumcision had only been blessed with holy water and the doctor had steadier hands. I don't intend to make this topic too long, but I did get the short end of the stick. I have had to adjust living with this nub or remnant of my former glorious self ever since he sliced and diced me. Just remember that routine circumcision was intended to reduce masturbation by reducing sensitivity of the glans thus discouraging frequent need for masturbation.

I wonder if the uber-masturbator is cut or uncut? Only time will tell!

OMG!!!! I think I need to change my panties, I just laughed sooooo hard!!!

OK, so I admit that as a girl I come with my own lube and therefore don't injure myself on a regular basis when engaging in a marathon masturbation session. And even then, I'm a big fan of lube just from an aesthetic perspective....

So I will say this.... I have had problems with bursitis from some of my wanking sessions. I've certainly strained muscles in my shoulders and back from using toys excessively.... sometimes a girl can desensitize herself.... but I can orgasm enough times in an hour to take the edge off of any stressful situation, so I take a lot of "naps" when I get home from work.
Well we need to decide on a day so I can get new batteries, carton of cigerettes and a spaghetti dinner the night before. Wannabe's gotta have the energy for all those convulsions. :tongue_smilie:

Pick a day Friday, Saturday or Sunday and we are on!
Confusion and in the mood too


I"m a girl, so I dont need any lube.

LL-shall we start tomorrow? Dude, just from reading this thread im in the mood.

Yes. I admit it even though this totally goes against my sexual preference.:anal_smiley: I really was trying to come on to underwearfun because I find him to be very hot! Anyway, it is some consolation that I have indirectly gotten you hot too! Lucky you! With your lube-free zone and all!

Guys are ruled totally by their dicks! No there is no mystery to this phenomenon. I simply stay in the mood with a heavy dose of gay porn.:porn:
You might say I have been ..."Ridden hard and put up wet.":doggystyle:
Dear lovelumps,

I am so pleased that you found my post so satisfying. Nice to know someone out there cares! In situations like this, I feel you really need to get ahold of yourself and really go to town! Have your own marathon session with my blessings and best wishes!!!!!
