i have a lot of conservative friends, mostly evangelicals..lol, and most of them think this whole virus is political. Even my brother thinks this. LOL
That seems to be the latest conservative radio/Fox News Trumpists talking point that the virus is a "hoax" and that many old people who would have died anyway are being classified as coronavirus victims for political reasons. That seemed to be his "come-to-Jesus moment". Hopefully the disbelievers will not require a near death experience to realize how dangerous the disease still is.
Everything here in the States has become so overly politicized. But the right-wingers seem to enjoy being angry abut everything. And Fox encourages this. It's not enough to report on something in an unflattering light, or for viewers to be merely upset about it. They are purposely agitated over things that sometimes on the face of it are rather trivial things, to the point of being absolutely outraged and frothing at the mouth over it. The ad revenues continue pouring in with the steady viewership numbers. The network stays rich. The anchors and the op-ed "journalists" grow ever richer, and the viewers are utterly clueless as to how much they are being so blatantly manipulated primarily for the sake of helping others make more money.
Grab the guns Martha! This is an outrage! We're not taking this lying down. No sir-ee. We're gonna go get those bastards. This is 'Murica!
(Umm. No sir. We are not going to put a nativity scene out in front of this DMV building.)
Another point I'd make about these angry yeehaws with their loaded guns, MAGA hats, swastikas and Confederate flags (with no protective masks to protect others from them) descending like a torch wielding mob on government offices in a solidly northern Union state like Michigan (Whose very own automotive plants also built the tanks and warplanes to help overthrow the Nazis in W.W.II. Oh the irony!), is that when people are frightened over something they feel they have no control over, that anger is the easier emotion to go to rather than fear, depression and the resulting worry.
That's why many funerals and the aftermaths of such often see families turning against each other with grudges and grievances over the past, or how the arrangements were made for the departed loved one. Or who gets what afterwards. Rather than dealing with their genuine emotions of grief and mourning following the passing, and doing the tough part of working through that...it's easier (and more comforting?) to find someone else to "blame" and be very angry at. (However undeserved it may be.)
So that misdirected anger over Corona is almost predictable. (Even as the potential for violence, death and destruction it inspires in the more unstable elements of society makes it the least useful and least productive waste of energy possible.) If you can't go demonstrate against the virus, or shoot at it and kill it for all the inconvenience and harm it's doing to you, your family and loved ones...then go demonstrate against and physically threaten the people tasked with dealing with the fallout of the virus. Makes sense to too many people in a twisted way.
Of course there are some people in charge of dealing with this who really are competent and genuinely trying to do the adult thing for the benefit of all of society. (Whether they are successful or not.) Then there are others who are not being the competent helpful grownup in the room. They are either incompetent or are corrupt and morally compromised using this crisis to pursue their own agendas and purely selfish ulterior motives. Or they're both incompetent and corrupt. Take your pick. haha
As for spotting the difference between those who are truly trying to help to the best of their abilities and keep people safe, and those who merely give lip service to helping out to the best of their abilities but really are not...therein lies the rub. It's in the eyes of the beholder.
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