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Opinions | How lucky we are to have Jared Kushner!

Alexandra Petri 20 hrs ago [Columnist of the Washington Post]


How lucky we are! The man and the hour have met.

In crises, there come moments that cry out for leadership. If only the right person will rise to the call, then the course of history can be altered. Well, can there be any doubt that we have found that right person?

Into every age there comes this epoch-defining human being. The 19th century had Napoleon, the 18th, George Washington, the 20th, Einstein and Franklin Delano Roosevelt both. How lucky for the 21st century that we have someone who combines all their virtues and all their intellect and all their business acumen into a single slim body with a suit on it. And he’s barely 39 years old! And it just so happens, also, that he is the president’s son-in-law!

What are the odds?

We would be fortunate if into this generation had been born a person capable of solving the problem of peace in the Middle East, or the opioid crisis, or how to make government work in an age of pandemic — but what are the odds that we would have all three, and that they would turn out to be the same man? Truly the gods have blessed us. Truly this is a towering intellect.

The amazing thing, too, is that if you were to listen to him talk, you would not think that this was a man who knew anything about anything. Perhaps to really understand his brilliance you must be related to him. At least there was one person who always believed in Jared Kushner, and fortunately for him, that person was the president’s son-in-law, who through a strange coincidence was also himself.

Yes, thank heavens there was one person who always knew he could rise to any challenge, and that his mind was capable of absorbing any question, no matter how complex. Could Jared Kushner be the greatest genius who has ever lived? It’s a possibility that Jared Kushner cannot rule out. He has always basked in the serene confidence that he could do his own calculations and they would, in fact, be better than anyone else’s estimates. Just because they were different did not mean they were wrong. He is applying this approach now to a grave question: As Vanity Fair reported, he is “doing my own projections, and I’ve gotten a lot smarter about this. New York doesn’t need all the ventilators.” Thank goodness, because if someone is wrong about that, people will die.

Jared Kushner was wise enough to look at the problems that ultimately fall on a country’s government to solve, and think outside the box. Maybe, after all, the stockpile of ventilators and equipment was not for the states or the people who resided in them, but for some undefined “us” who was not the states! Maybe, after all, this is not a pandemic, in which people are dying, every day, but a good opportunity to teach recalcitrant states a lesson about leadership — and perhaps question the whole notion of whether we are a nation of states at all! Maybe, after all, this would be a good time to reframe governors seeking to save the lives of their citizens as freeloaders asking for some kind of handout! (”What you have all over the country is a lot of people are asking for things that they don’t necessarily need at the moment.") So many thoughts that would never have occurred to anyone else!

How fortunate we are to have someone leading us who is never in doubt and who always, as though by magic, alights on the one solution that has simultaneously never occurred to anyone and is absolutely correct. I am glad he does not combine humility with his other virtues, or he would have put someone else in charge, on the grounds that he could not possibly be the right person to solve every question. And then where would we be? Thank God that we elected a person who happened to know this wonderful man, whom otherwise no one would have elected or appointed to anything!

Thank you, Jared, for getting us to where we are now.

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/opinions-how-lucky-we-are-to-have-jared-kushner/ar-BB12affD
Yes indeed. Jared seems to have a decent affinity for running businesses. Even when he and his family almost ran the whole family business into the ground over a real estate deal gone bad in NYC that they purchased for $1.8 Billion in 2008. The Kushner's bought the huge property at 666 5th Avenue. With an address like 666 who would have guessed that it might have been a bad idea that would haunt them for the next 11 years? The project started going badly for them from the beginning. So much so that they could barely afford to keep up with the payments on a building that just wasn't generating nearly enough income to pay off a billion dollar plus debt. It became an albatross around their necks.

Last year they were so far into the red (with no more investors willing to lend them more money to throw into the kitty) that that one bad investment decision alone threatened to bankrupt Jared and his family's whole company. But alas the rumor is that Jared used his influence from the White House to shake down some Middle East leaders of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, etc. for special foreign policy promises from the U.S. that aligned with their own national interests. Finally the Kushners had enough cash to be able to sell/dump the property without losing all of their own money in the process.

That's a really involved saga that most if us have no interest in delving into. However it is truly galling that Jared is given all of these roles, responsibilities and portfolios for which he has no educational or experiential background in. Remember how he's supposed to be working on a wonderful Middle East peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians? Except that he has no qualifications whatsoever? Trump once said of Jared, “If you [Jared] can’t produce peace in the Middle East, nobody can. All my life I‘ve been hearing that’s the toughest deal to make, but I have a feeling Jared is going to do a great job.”

Jared's not a an accredited diplomat. He has no education or background in political science, foreign affairs or international studies. Trump apparently seems to think that Jared can bring long awaited peace to the Middle East based solely on the fact that he's the president's son-in-law, and that he's Jewish. Why didn't anyone else think of such a brilliant plan? Well of course that's why Jared is so eminently better qualified, and has so much better a chance at it, than career diplomats and seasoned international negotiators the world over who have failed for nearly a century.

Now that Jared has had 3+ years to work on this magnificent Middle East peace plan, I'm waiting for the huge announcement of a "Pax Kushner" settlement of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict at any moment.

Oh. Jared's also in charge of forming a national response to the opioid epidemic. I hear that's going swimmingly as well.

So without any medical, health administration, or public health background whatsoever...why not put him in charge of the national response to Corona virus as well. Maybe he can do as well with that as he has for Middle East peace.

Source of quote: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/10/jared-kushners-family-is-screwed-and-its-all-boy-wonders-fa
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That is pretty good. I sure would feel better if he was in charge of the National response!
I just turned on the news and there are now 45,000 plus deaths in the US and at a time when the states will begin to phase in the governments plan on opening the economy. I'm sure these plans were debated and discussed in great detail, I also believe no one expects them to work. Cases and deaths will increase and by August I think we will have 80,000 deaths. Will our normal lives ever return. No. Society will ever be changed and depending on your personality and mental health status it will be much more difficult for some than others. This virus will be with us until there is a vaccine. I hope what I saw on the news from Oxford University is true. They feel they will have an effective vaccine by fall. :thumbup: When you get right down to it this country, this planet can not survive without an economy. The economy is driven by people spending money, not only on essentials but enjoyment. If all the restrictions were lifted today and life returned to what is previously was how many of you would go out to dinner? A movie? on a cruise? I doubt more than 40% and that 40% are realists and probably believe "It is what it is" and "let the chips fall where they may". Being that we probably wont have a vaccine for a year and that the economy can't continue on the course it's going now I personally believe that all restrictions will be lifted, the rates of infection will INCREASE as will DEATHS, and those that survive survive and those that don't die. This will give the herd immunity and we will evolve into a different society. Remember they don't even know if those that have had COVID and therefore antibodies are immune to getting the disease again and if they are for how long this immunity will last. Generally speaking when our bodies are attacked by a pathogen we develop antibodies and this protects us from getting the disease again. So you would think logically that the same would apply in this case. But everyone is saying "we don't know". My personal prediction is that within two months all state mandated self quarantines will be lifted. More people will die and those that survive will go on with their lives and the population will have heard immunity. Remember (and I know science has achieved milestones since then) the pandemic of the Spanish fly lasted 4 years. It wont be that bad for us but it's a painful road ahead. And think about the restaurants, movie theaters, bars and gyms. If they can handle 50% of what they use to handle what happens to prices. Are you going to pay $200.00 for a dinner that two months ago would cost you $100.00, and how can you possibly have social distancing in a day care, all these kids do is roll around and jump on each other. I work with Covid patients, It's not fun. I wear my PPE the entire shift. One thing that I have noticed is the ones who are in the hospital and seem to be doing fine can crash in 60 seconds and drop their oxygen saturations down into the 80's and need to be vented and these are not elderly people.
I just turned on the news and there are now 45,000 plus deaths in the US and at a time when the states will begin to phase in the governments plan on opening the economy. I'm sure these plans were debated and discussed in great detail, I also believe no one expects them to work. Cases and deaths will increase and by August I think we will have 80,000 deaths. Will our normal lives ever return. No. Society will ever be changed and depending on your personality and mental health status it will be much more difficult for some than others. This virus will be with us until there is a vaccine.

I hope what I saw on the news from Oxford University is true. They feel they will have an effective vaccine by fall. :thumbup: When you get right down to it this country, this planet can not survive without an economy. The economy is driven by people spending money, not only on essentials but enjoyment. If all the restrictions were lifted today and life returned to what is previously was how many of you would go out to dinner? A movie? on a cruise? I doubt more than 40% and that 40% are realists and probably believe "It is what it is" and "let the chips fall where they may". Being that we probably wont have a vaccine for a year and that the economy can't continue on the course it's going now I personally believe that all restrictions will be lifted, the rates of infection will INCREASE as will DEATHS, and those that survive survive and those that don't die.

This will give the herd immunity and we will evolve into a different society. Remember they don't even know if those that have had COVID and therefore antibodies are immune to getting the disease again and if they are for how long this immunity will last. Generally speaking when our bodies are attacked by a pathogen we develop antibodies and this protects us from getting the disease again. So you would think logically that the same would apply in this case. But everyone is saying "we don't know". My personal prediction is that within two months all state mandated self quarantines will be lifted. More people will die and those that survive will go on with their lives and the population will have heard immunity. Remember (and I know science has achieved milestones since then) the pandemic of the Spanish fly lasted 4 years.

It wont be that bad for us but it's a painful road ahead. And think about the restaurants, movie theaters, bars and gyms. If they can handle 50% of what they use to handle what happens to prices. Are you going to pay $200.00 for a dinner that two months ago would cost you $100.00, and how can you possibly have social distancing in a day care, all these kids do is roll around and jump on each other. I work with Covid patients, It's not fun. I wear my PPE the entire shift. One thing that I have noticed is the ones who are in the hospital and seem to be doing fine can crash in 60 seconds and drop their oxygen saturations down into the 80's and need to be vented and these are not elderly people.

Thank you so much for your contributions to our society as a heathcare provider Frontier. I don't know if you are an MD, an ARNP, a nurse, a CNA or what. But Thank You!

I look forward to joining in this conversation that you've started. Because the pros and cons of going with a "herd immunity" approach, along with all of the moral, ethical and even political ramifications of it is something I've been pondering a lot over the last several weeks.

But that is going to be a heady, long and controversial conversation among all of us.
I follow Covid 19 pretty closely, not in the mainstream media but in reading articles written as it relates to evidence based medicine. It can't be stated too forcibly that this virus will dictate when and how we will kick start our economy and when we can even begin to alter our present position on shelter in place and social distancing. I just read that in the past 48 hours the country has added an additional 2,247 deaths and this is reported at a time when our delusional and narcissistic elected President and the Governor of Georgia are loosing restrictions in advance of the guidelines of the White House Task Force. It's difficult to understand how our elected officials refuse to appreciate that Covid 19 is at least three times more infectious than Influenza and ten times more deadly. I just had to spent $70.00 for 6 N-95 masks for work. Someday---when this is all behind us I am very interested in seeing an objective documentary from the begining to the end covering this topic, and not something created by 60 minutes.
I follow Covid 19 pretty closely, not in the mainstream media but in reading articles written as it relates to evidence based medicine. It can't be stated too forcibly that this virus will dictate when and how we will kick start our economy and when we can even begin to alter our present position on shelter in place and social distancing. I just read that in the past 48 hours the country has added an additional 2,247 deaths and this is reported at a time when our delusional and narcissistic elected President and the Governor of Georgia are loosing restrictions in advance of the guidelines of the White House Task Force. It's difficult to understand how our elected officials refuse to appreciate that Covid 19 is at least three times more infectious than Influenza and ten times more deadly. I just had to spent $70.00 for 6 N-95 masks for work. Someday---when this is all behind us I am very interested in seeing an objective documentary from the begining to the end covering this topic, and not something created by 60 minutes.
i have a lot of conservative friends, mostly evangelicals..lol, and most of them think this whole virus is political. Even my brother thinks this. LOL
i have a lot of conservative friends, mostly evangelicals..lol, and most of them think this whole virus is political. Even my brother thinks this. LOL
That seems to be the latest conservative radio/Fox News Trumpists talking point that the virus is a "hoax" and that many old people who would have died anyway are being classified as coronavirus victims for political reasons. That seems to be what Boris Johnson thought too originally shaking everyone's hand until he got the virus and almost died from it. That seemed to be his "come-to-Jesus moment". Hopefully the disbelievers will not require a near death experience to realize how dangerous the disease still is.
Our governor has extended the lock down until May 26 and the republicans have filled a lawsuit against him because they say he's overreacting. I can't help but wonder if Trump takes acid on a regular basis because I can't imagine how else he would get all these crazy ideas?
Our governor has extended the lock down until May 26 and the republicans have filled a lawsuit against him because they say he's overreacting. I can't help but wonder if Trump takes acid on a regular basis because I can't imagine how else he would get all these crazy ideas?
well according to a story I just read, everything is back to normal for us in Georgia tomorrow. I think Brian Kemp will go down in history as one of the dumbest Governors to ever hold office in Georgia.
well according to a story I just read, everything is back to normal for us in Georgia tomorrow. I think Brian Kemp will go down in history as one of the dumbest Governors to ever hold office in Georgia.

Now that we're electing morons for president he should have high hopes.
I can't help but wonder if Trump takes acid on a regular basis because I can't imagine how else he would get all these crazy ideas?

I would rather he take his own advice and chug down a cup or two of bleach. Or inject himself with some liquid Lysol. Ya know... Put up or shut up. haha :P