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Cardiac News

Mark, this is of course GREAT NEWS!!! I'm glad for you and your family.

Now just do what you HAVE TO do so that you don't have to go through this again. If you don't know what's good and not good for your health find the experts or information that you need for YOU to become the best expert in the field of keeping Mark healthy that there is.

As for your mom, she's been through hell. Let her get her hair done. It's the small things in life that she will enjoy the best. It's part of being normal again which I'm sure she yearned for the most.
This the best news I have heard in a while. I am so thankful all the prayers were answered. I have a feeling all of the healthy changes you have made, will keep you from having the same situation reoccur. :biggrin:

As for your mother and her hair. I so agree with her. The world could be falling apart, 8 1/2 months pregnant, unexpected bills, crisis at work, or any number of things to be dealt with, but my hair appointment will be kept. Bad hair days make verything else seem so much worse.:thumbup:
A Royal Decree is in the offing. Man the forum for further details!

Well, Today was the day, and I got the news on my mom. It was.......GOOD! Real Good. They only found a hatpin size benign tumor pushing the bile duct opening shut. The placement of a stent has relieved her problem. She underwent the procedure at 11:30 this morning, and by 3 pm she was back home, tired but alert and trying to find reasons to get out of her MD ordered bedrest. But she set her hair appt for Wed., (Women, I'll never understand them) called all her friends, and drove me near to distraction with "honeydos" all afternoon. I am trying to remember why Carl and I went out to dinner late tonight, oh, yeah, that's right! While mom was resting in recovery, my cardiac nurse called me on my cell phone, to explain that I had not heard from the cardiologist because there was....NOTHING to report. NO aneurism, just scar tissue that was healing nicely, and TWO arteries that had repaired themselves, increasing my cardiac blood supply to within normal levels! So Carl and I had two reasons to celebrate, and yes, (Joey, I am drunk right now too! Thanks for celebrating early for me!) And thanks to each and everyone of you here in Forumland who battered God's ears till He in His infinite love gave in and gave me and my mom an Incredible Easter miracle. I love you all more than I will ever be able to say.
but know our gratitude will always upper most, If any of you need me, I promise I will always be there!

In Humble gratitude,

Dear Markymark, Her Majesty,

As it would appear that all things are back in their proper place in your kingdom, so too could one rightfully assume Her Majesty's return to managing Her Majesty's "Affairs of State", or should I speak ever so boldly without Her Majesty's wise counsel preceding my precipitous remarks today? Without receiving any rolled up proclamation written on parchment bearing Her Majesty's official seal might be viewed by some as being without precedent, lacking sufficient protocol for good public relations approaching treason on my part, and Her Majesty's flare for good timing?

Certainly, the bountiful blessings Her Majesty and Her Royal Mother have been visited upon of late with the combined return to good health should be due sufficient cause to declare a national holiday throughout all the land as justly earned reasons for the following:

1.) celebrations including tournaments including dusting off of previously sheathed lances and the brushing and braiding of manes of steeds;

2.) freeing of prisoners who now, deemed nonviolent with their newly broken bodies and spirits, profess unfaltering loyalty to Her Majesty, lest they be returned to the rack for further physical and spiritual therapy;

3.) using that previously war-time heated oil to better peacetime usage for the preparation of the "deep-fried Royal Twinkies" as a Royal gesture of benevolence in "sharing the wealth with Her Majesty's peasants"; and

4.) all of this despite the fact this is the "time for personal sacrifice of fasting and abstaining from meat in any form live or otherwise" in Her Majesty's Kingdom during the "Lenten Season".

Your most loyal of servants awaits your royal proclamation to be shared by e-mail throughout the land of these times of great merriment and celebration upon receiving only Her Majesty's Royal Seal. I wait in great anticipation to declare "Let the Royal Celebration begin forthwith and with all deliberate haste!"

Your Faithful Servant,

Yay! So glad to hear the great news about you and your mom.

I agree with Ms K. A bad hair day can make the best day seem wrong. Long live fabu hair stylists! May I never be too old or infirm to care that my eyebrows and lipstick are flawless, that I have no visible mustache or chin hair, and that my coiffure is the perfect shade of whatever color I'm desiring at the moment and that all my curls are in place.
Well, Today was the day, and I got the news on my mom. It was.......GOOD! Real Good. They only found a hatpin size benign tumor pushing the bile duct opening shut. The placement of a stent has relieved her problem. She underwent the procedure at 11:30 this morning, and by 3 pm she was back home, tired but alert and trying to find reasons to get out of her MD ordered bedrest. But she set her hair appt for Wed., (Women, I'll never understand them) called all her friends, and drove me near to distraction with "honeydos" all afternoon. I am trying to remember why Carl and I went out to dinner late tonight, oh, yeah, that's right! While mom was resting in recovery, my cardiac nurse called me on my cell phone, to explain that I had not heard from the cardiologist because there was....NOTHING to report. NO aneurism, just scar tissue that was healing nicely, and TWO arteries that had repaired themselves, increasing my cardiac blood supply to within normal levels! So Carl and I had two reasons to celebrate, and yes, (Joey, I am drunk right now too! Thanks for celebrating early for me!) And thanks to each and everyone of you here in Forumland who battered God's ears till He in His infinite love gave in and gave me and my mom an Incredible Easter miracle. I love you all more than I will ever be able to say.
but know our gratitude will always upper most, If any of you need me, I promise I will always be there!

In Humble gratitude,

MarkyMark, this is such awesome news. It sounds like you have been given that chance to get everything back on track. You keep up the positive mental attitude and implement all of the health living choices they are asking of you (within reason that is) and I think that everything will work out for the best for many prosperous years to come...:thumbup:
Mark that is such great news. You, your mom and Carl will stay in my prayer's.
Sorry I've been away, and sorry I spoke too soon. I have a change in status to relate, I will tell tomorrow, I can't do it tonight.
Keeping a positive outlook

Sorry I've been away, and sorry I spoke too soon. I have a change in status to relate, I will tell tomorrow, I can't do it tonight.

Dear Markymark,

Just know that we care for you and that you will be in our prayers, regardless.
Sleep as well as possible.


So after being told basically that since I had not heard from the Cardiologist for so long, his nurse mused, "there must be nothing to worry about, No Aneurism" Blah Blah Blah!
Yesterday the cardiac surgeons had their weekly meeting for potential candidates and my name pops up, because I am diagnosed with a "True Aneurism of the left ventricular chamber" WOW! I have NO idea what this will entail, and have not been called to set an appointment to discuss this with the surgeons as of this afternoon. More later, I guess.
True left ventricular aneurysms involve bulging of the full thickness of the left ventricular wall, while a false aneurysm of the left ventricle is, in fact, a rupture of the left ventricular wall contained by surrounding pericardium. So your "hernia" obviously comes out into the thoracic cavity, rather than being strapped in by the exterior heart wall muscles.

I found an interesting article, and cut this bit out since you were contemplating surgery earlier on:

"Because of the relatively good prognosis for asymptomatic left ventricular aneurysm, no indications for repairing chronic, asymptomatic aneurysms are established. Yet, in low-risk patients during operation for associated coronary disease, investigators report repairing large, minimally symptomatic aneurysms.

On the other hand, operation is indicated for symptoms of angina, congestive heart failure, or selected ventricular arrhythmias. For these symptomatic patients, operation offers better outcome than medical therapy. To be worthy of operation, a dyskinetic or akinetic left ventricular aneurysm should significantly enlarge left ventricular end-systolic volume index (over 80 mL/m2) and end-diastolic volume (over 120 mL/m2). These volume criteria are, however, poorly defined and limited by technical difficulty measuring left ventricular volume in aneurysmal left ventricles. Because results are not affected by whether aneurysms are akinetic versus dyskinetic, Dor et al feel that dyskinesia is not a prerequisite for aneurysm repair.

Operation is also indicated in viable patients with contained cardiac rupture, with or without development of a false aneurysm. Because left ventricular pseudoaneurysms may have a tendency to rupture when acute or of larger size (either with or without symptoms), operation is indicated. Similarly, congenital aneurysms have a presumed risk of rupture and should undergo repair independently of symptoms. Rarely, embolism is an indication for operation in medically treated patients at high risk for repeated thromboembolism. The role of operation in asymptomatic patients with very large aneurysms or documented expansion of aneurysms is uncertain.

Relative contraindications to operation for left ventricular aneurysm include excessive anesthetic risk, impaired function of residual myocardium outside the aneurysm, resting cardiac index less than 2.0 L/min/m2, significant mitral regurgitation, evidence of nontransmural infarction (hibernating myocardium), and lack of a discrete, thin-walled aneurysm with distinct margins. Global ejection fraction may be less useful than ejection fraction of the basal, contractile portion of the heart in determining operability.

Angioplasty has an uncertain role in the treatment of left ventricular aneurysms but may be indicated in patients with suitable coronary anatomy, one- or two-vessel disease, a contraindication for operation, or asymptomatic status with inducible ischemia."

You've probably seen the same or similar material if you're like me and head for your goog to find out what your doctor didn't have time to tell you. Reading up on stuff like this is also useful prior to a visit with the doctors and surgeons, if you want them to be precise in their chat with you. I know it's scary to be back on their candidates list, but they may take you off again after looking over your images anyway. And at the very very least it's a sign they're being thorough. Love you a lot and am thinking of you Majesty dude.
Oh Mark,

I'm so sorry to hear about your latest scare. I hope that as Slim alludes to that the final diagnosis, after more testing and consultation, will not be as serious. Please know that you and Carl will be in my thoughts and prayers as well.
Thank you Slim and Tampa. Carl's mother is a medical research person, and in fact did tell me much the same late yesterday. Whatever the consult decision is, I am not allowing myself to stress about it. My only real worry is that my mom be healthy enough to make it to the hospital, here's why. In the last three years, she has lost a husband, two in laws, a sister, a cousin, and her lifelong best friend. She got to say goodbye to two of them, and neither was her husband, which she still grieves over to this day. If something DID happen to me, and she could not get to the hospital, I believe it would kill her to not be able to say goodbye to another loved one. For some reason I cannot explain, I have a sense of guilt over that possibility.
Mark, Tampa and I are both hispanoparlantes and know the expression: "Madre solo hay una." Which sort of means, extending it a bit for reasons of exegesis, that you gotta love her while you've got her cause you only get one mom.

I don't want you to feel guilty, but it's very heartening to hear that you've got another good one to add to those already on your list of reasons to get the better of your condition.

Love to all your troupe dear man.
Gracias a todos por sus palabres muy especiales. Es verdad que mi madre es mi solo, y en este momenta, la parte plus importante de mi vida. How was that for a 1,000 th post?
Oh Mark so sorry to hear about your latest situation just when everything seemed to be going good. Please know your whole family is in our prayers for a fast and full recovery. I can attest that prayer works so hang in there my friend. I can’t picture the forum without you.