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Cardiac News

Hope this doesn't sound redundant to say "hang in there"!

I'm finding out how a pregnant woman feels when they rush her to the hospital and the baby decides to hold things up for awhile. I am now scheduled for tomorrow at 9:00. The food is terrible (low sodium, yech!) The guy in the next bed has 10,000 relatives, the nurse keeps her gloves in the freezer, and Jayman, you'll love this one, the Dr. is dyslexic or something, he keeps calling me mr. Shartz. I hope he has the right chart! I don't need another kidney! (Yikes!)

More later!

Dear Mark,

Try to look at it in a positive way, you dyslexic doctor may have you emerge with two dicks. Just don't name your second one Mr. Schwartz cause you may have two catheters going at the same time. LOL

Then, you may have justification for the additional kidney. Certainly, you could have a most impressive package that way. I am trying to think of all of the positive outcomes of such additional equipment. I guess you would never know exactly which one one of the two needs a rubber the most, though. Life is full of decisions to make.

All foolishness aside, I will be praying for you, Mark.


Dear Mark,

Try to look at it in a positive way, you dyslexic doctor may have you emerge with two dicks. Just don't name your second one Mr. Schwartz cause you may have two catheters going at the same time. LOL

Then, you may have justification for the additional kidney. Certainly, you could have a most impressive package that way. I am trying to think of all of the positive outcomes of such additional equipment. I guess you would never know exactly which one one of the two needs a rubber the most, though. Life is full of decisions to make.

All foolishness aside, I will be praying for you, Mark.



Well, Stimpy, I guess I COULD go to Broadway...and play opposite Spiderman as ...Dr. Octopus(sy)?
Well, Stimpy, I guess I COULD go to Broadway...and play opposite Spiderman as ...Dr. Octopus(sy)?

LOL, that is great. So, how did the surgery go... I see you still have your sense of humor. So far that is a good sign.:thumbup1:
OK so here's the news. I had the angioplasty done this morning. They made one wondeful discovery, and one not too good discovery. I don't need any stents, the arteries are clearing up, and the one that was completely clogged has been replaced by a new one which apparently grew in on it's own, not too uncommon I am told! YAY!! But, the Cardiologist decided to check the other chamber of my heart, and found an aneurism. It is a bulge in the interior wall of the heart. Depending on how "thick" the wall of the bulge is, it may be no problem. But if the wall of the bulge is thin, it could easily be fatal. A CAT scan will make the determination. More waiting. If surgery is required, it will have to be open heart, and to do it correctly, they may have to stop the heart for a few moments. Very scary!
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I am home resting tonight, tomorrow I begin refiling for my disability so I can get Medicare Insurance, otherwise, no surgery!
Just wait for the bull dike nurse to give the intimate shave. What a blast. lol j/k

BTW, is there any way to complain that your roommate has so many visitors you can't get rest and there's no privacy? If that doesn't work you're sure to be discharged before the week is out.

Get well Mark and keep us posted.


Actually, I messed that up too. I figured it would be a female nurse, so I shaved at home yesterday. I got the only cute gay male out nurse in Cardiac Support, and of course, there was nothing left for him to do!!! Well, almost nothing, he did have to put the electrode monitors on, and I LET him help me undress, so it wasn't a complete loss!
OK so here's the news. I had the angioplasty done this morning. They made one wondeful discovery, and one not too good discovery. I don't need any stents, the arteries are clearing up, and the one that was completely clogged has been replaced by a new one which apparently grew in on it's own, not too uncommon I am told! YAY!! But, the Cardiologist decided to check the other chamber of my heart, and found an aneurism. It is a bulge in the interior wall of the heart. Depending on how "thick" the wall of the bulge is, it may be no problem. But if the wall of the bulge is thin, it could easily be fatal. A CAT scan will make the determination. More waiting. If surgery is required, it will have to be open heart, and to do it correctly, they may have to stop the heart for a few moments. Very scary!

My prayers are with you for a positive outcome.:001_smile:
I am home resting tonight, tomorrow I begin refiling for my disability so I can get Medicare Insurance, otherwise, no surgery!

It is a sad state of afairs when money determines the kindo care people will receive to prolong their life. I will ask the Angels to help you cut through any red tape. You are in my prayers dear sir...:001_smile:

No matter what the diagnosis you still muct think positive. One way or the other you will get through this.

The wheels of government grind slowly. I'm sure you know that disability coverage takes a long time to get approved. Probably months.

Depending on the procedure you need I would speak to the hospital finance people to see what they can finagel for you in the absense of Midicare coverage right now. These people often have their methods.

I would definately ask.
I'm so glad you are home, in your own bed. Rooms full of people you don't know, are not the most conducive to a speedy recovery.

My thoughts and prayers are still with you guys. Rest and relax, as long as the doc tells you to. Then you can prepare for whatever comes next.

Whether you end up needing open heart surgery or not, you are VERY fortunate that they found that little aneurysm. Most times, people never know they have one until it bursts and they bleed to death in minutes. Furthermore, if your aneurysm is inside the heart, it would probably not be as fatal as the blood would still be contained within the heart. More difficult, is when the aneurysm is outside the heart and it just bleeds into your chest.

Still no surgery is without its risks, and I am not wishing to downplay the gravity. But again, you are so fortunate that they found it and that they can repair it! Probably the single thing that could most often cause an aneurysm to rupture is a sudden increase in your blood pressure. So, watch your salt intake, watch your diet, control your temper, if that is even a problem (which I doubt), and don't do any heavy lifting or straining.
In short, just lay around and be taken care of. I know that is unnatural, lol.

Do take care and I pray you will be out of this before long. As vicekid often says, live long and prosper.

I'm so happy your procedure went well. I'll be thinking of you & praying that everything else goes well. Open heart surgery can be a scary prospect, my uncle has had 2 in the last 8 months but he has done exceptionally well. If you happen to need it, I hope you can have a similar experience. And maybe next time ask the nurses to throw their gloves in the blanket warmer before donning them?:lol:
It makes me sad to think that someone needs to apply to have a life-sustaining surgery covered. As a Canadian, I'm not exactly sure how the process goes, but I hope that goes well for you too so you get all the help you need.
One hurdle down, many more to come....but congrats, Mark, just take each day at a time!. I am saying it like that, because I am living through my drama, as well, and eventhough I find it hard to take my own advice, I feel better if I knew others that were having challenging times, (including you), were coping better, healing towards being their 'old'selves , again

Keep in touch!
Well, 10:00 am is the time for the scan, and then we'll know soon after that if I'll be running in the Ironman Triathalon anytime soon. LOL! Everything is settling down for my mom, so maybe the luck will hold?

Not to change the subject too much or too quickly but is anyone allowed to say why Joey got banned? And, I am sorry to see aladinsane87 feels he must leave. I am sorry for his pain, and hope he heals soon.

God Bless everyone. Hope to be on tomorrow night!
I vote for the Ironman Triathalon

Well, 10:00 am is the time for the scan, and then we'll know soon after that if I'll be running in the Ironman Triathalon anytime soon. LOL! Everything is settling down for my mom, so maybe the luck will hold?

Not to change the subject too much or too quickly but is anyone allowed to say why Joey got banned? And, I am sorry to see aladinsane87 feels he must leave. I am sorry for his pain, and hope he heals soon.

God Bless everyone. Hope to be on tomorrow night!

Dear Markymark,

May God bless you with good news tomorrow morning. Don't forget to get your running shoes!

God Bless You, Mark


Dear Markymark,

May God bless you with good news tomorrow morning. Don't forget to get your running shoes!

God Bless You, Mark



Well, Today was the day, and I got the news on my mom. It was.......GOOD! Real Good. They only found a hatpin size benign tumor pushing the bile duct opening shut. The placement of a stent has relieved her problem. She underwent the procedure at 11:30 this morning, and by 3 pm she was back home, tired but alert and trying to find reasons to get out of her MD ordered bedrest. But she set her hair appt for Wed., (Women, I'll never understand them) called all her friends, and drove me near to distraction with "honeydos" all afternoon. I am trying to remember why Carl and I went out to dinner late tonight, oh, yeah, that's right! While mom was resting in recovery, my cardiac nurse called me on my cell phone, to explain that I had not heard from the cardiologist because there was....NOTHING to report. NO aneurism, just scar tissue that was healing nicely, and TWO arteries that had repaired themselves, increasing my cardiac blood supply to within normal levels! So Carl and I had two reasons to celebrate, and yes, (Joey, I am drunk right now too! Thanks for celebrating early for me!) And thanks to each and everyone of you here in Forumland who battered God's ears till He in His infinite love gave in and gave me and my mom an Incredible Easter miracle. I love you all more than I will ever be able to say.
but know our gratitude will always upper most, If any of you need me, I promise I will always be there!

In Humble gratitude,
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I am so happy for you M&M! Congratulations on your wonderful news. Wishing your mom a very speedy recovery. :thumbup:
Wonderful! Marvelous! as J.S. Bach once said.
Huge amounts of soppy, disgusting love to you, Carl and your soon to be beautifully coiffed mamma.

Great news and great news, Mark.

As for your mom, my mother died on a Sunday morning. She couldn't get out of bed the day before, the only day she felt like that during her illness. Neither stopped her on Friday of going to the beauty parlor and getting her hair done. Gotta look good in the afterlife! :biggrin:
We Are Family

That is wonderful news, Mark. I am so pleased with the great news regarding your Mom and yourself. Keep in mind that we are family here in forumland, and when you hurt, we hurt, and when you are happy, so are we.

Thank you so much for sharing this great news, with the rest of your extended family. :thumbup: