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Cardiac News


BSB Addict
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
State of Confusion
Hey everyone:

Well, I just heard from the Cardiac Dr. and the news is not the news I hoped for. It seems that dieting and exercise will not work to repair the damage to my heart. Instead, I must undergo surgery this week. The stress is killing Carl, and I haven't even called my mom to tell her yet. I can imagine how that is gonna go. The family has a birthday party scheduled for her on the tenth, and now I have to dump this bombshell on them. All because I was too lazy to take the proper steps and care for myself as I knew I should have. I feel like a real SHIT. I guess this also means I wont be on the forum for awhile, which also sucks. Dammit I feel so stupid right now!

Hey everyone:

Well, I just heard from the Cardiac Dr. and the news is not the news I hoped for. It seems that dieting and exercise will not work to repair the damage to my heart. Instead, I must undergo surgery this week. The stress is killing Carl, and I haven't even called my mom to tell her yet. I can imagine how that is gonna go. The family has a birthday party scheduled for her on the tenth, and now I have to dump this bombshell on them. All because I was too lazy to take the proper steps and care for myself as I knew I should have. I feel like a real SHIT. I guess this also means I wont be on the forum for awhile, which also sucks. Dammit I feel so stupid right now!


Don't beat yourself up.... I doubt Carl wants that from you. This is your emergency wake up call. Everyone gets one at some point in life. I got mine a couple of years ago. And what have I done? I made the changes I needed to make and then slipped back into old habits. However, I've been working hard at getting back on track. So, you'll do the same thing. You'll pick yourself up by your garter belt straps and do what you need to do to get healthy for you and for Carl. I'll be thinking of you this week and wish you a very speedy recovery!
So goes for me too. My prayers and thoughts are with you and Carl and your family on your upcoming surgery. Wish you a speedy recovery. We all love your here in forum land.

Much Love Always,
Mark you are in my thought's and prayer's. I hope you have a speedy recovery. We will miss you while your gone. And be glade when you come back.
Mark my prayers are certainly with you for a very fast recovery. We will anxiously await your return. In the mean time perhaps have Carl log on and give us updates on your progress from time to time. God Speed my good friend
Had a call from a very loving male friend who is dropping everything to come and stay this next week, to help mom and carl out. Between the prayers, kind wishes, and words of support from all of you, and the way everyone in my family is stepping up, I think I'm gonna be ok. I am still shaking a little, but as you can see, I have been trying to stay distracted here in the forum. I did go through all 76 pages of Cute Boy Friday to get plenty of pics to load into the ipad to look at while I'm in the hospital, and while I'm recuperating in bed. Sure hope I get some cute male nurse... (bedpans and catheters, you know!) I will try to keep in touch, if the hospital has wifi.
I was told this evening that the procedure will be a cardiac angioplasty, so now I'm less nervous, since I know what that is from two years ago. It's just that this time instead of one stent, they need to put in three. The only thing is, I have to sleep on my back, and for the first night I have to have a weight (5 lbs) on my inner thigh where they insert the tube that goes up to my heart, so the wound heals right. I cannot sleep on my back! But maybe they'll knock me out with versed & fentanyl? (I should be so lucky!)

I promise I will try to beat this.

Thanks guys and gals!

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In the scheme of things, this is just one more hurdle to get past!

Dearest Markymark,

We live in an age that such procedures would have seemed miraculous when we were just kids. Your condition is not only the results of your not taking care of yourself, there are other biological characteristics you inherited that also contribute to this situation, most likely. So, Mark please don't beat yourself up with that "Catholic" nack for "feeling guilty" that we both share.

It does not serve you or Carl or the rest of your family well. Your heart condition is what it is, nothing more and nothing less. You need to be focusing your time on the fact that this will give you and Carl both something wonderful, namely more time together in the long run. Neither you or I can claim to be invulnerable as we are decidedly way past our factory warranty. We definitely are not teenagers any longer!

Mark, I will be praying for your full and speedy recovery as will be plenty of others I am sure in your church and on the forum. Besides, you see what a mess we have on the forum without your participation!


Had a call from a very loving male friend who is dropping everything to come and stay this next week, to help mom and carl out. Between the prayers, kind wishes, and words of support from all of you, and the way everyone in my family is stepping up, I think I'm gonna be ok. I am still shaking a little, but as you can see, I have been trying to stay distracted here in the forum. I did go through all 76 pages of Cute Boy Friday to get plenty of pics to load into the ipad to look at while I'm in the hospital, and while I'm recuperating in bed. Sure hope I get some cute male nurse... (bedpans and catheters, you know!) I will try to keep in touch, if the hospital has wifi.
I was told this evening that the procedure will be a cardiac angioplasty, so now I'm less nervous, since I know what that is from two years ago. It's just that this time instead of one stent, they need to put in three. The only thing is, I have to sleep on my back, and for the first night I have to have a weight (5 lbs) on my inner thigh where they insert the tube that goes up to my heart, so the wound heals right. I cannot sleep on my back! But maybe they'll knock me out with versed & fentanyl? (I should be so lucky!)

I promise I will try to beat this.

Thanks guys and gals!


Dearest Mark,

I look upon this as good news. My mother had 3 angioplasties without a hitch. In fact they saw her as an out-patient and after the anestetic wore off, she rode back home in my car and recovered in a minimum of time. Furthermore, she was 20 years older than you. When she did pass some years later, it was not at all related to her heart, but rather due more to her advanced age of 86.

I believe you will do fine!


Hey everyone:

Well, I just heard from the Cardiac Dr. and the news is not the news I hoped for. It seems that dieting and exercise will not work to repair the damage to my heart. Instead, I must undergo surgery this week. The stress is killing Carl, and I haven't even called my mom to tell her yet. I can imagine how that is gonna go. The family has a birthday party scheduled for her on the tenth, and now I have to dump this bombshell on them. All because I was too lazy to take the proper steps and care for myself as I knew I should have. I feel like a real SHIT. I guess this also means I wont be on the forum for awhile, which also sucks. Dammit I feel so stupid right now!


Many prayers for you and your family.

I have a family member sho is a cardiologist. Of course that doesn't make me one. But I do hear him often talk about all the advances that have become routine today. Even open heart surgury patients are released very quickly to rehab compared to the past. And with a much higher success rate.

The same goes for an angioplasty procedure. No one likes to go to the hospital for anything but you'll be up and at it, and released quicker than you think. So quick in fact that the gorgeous male nurce you'll get will tell you to give YOURSELF the sponge bath. lol

Seriously, the key to all this will be the adjustments you'll make after you leave the hospital. Easy for me to say at 23. Diligence with your meds, diet and the follow-up visits to the doctor are the way through this.

Mark, you are in my prayers and we'll see you here back in the forum in a few days.
Mark, I know this is a tough thing to have to go through, but I agree with all the previous posters, that this is very common surgery today, and I too know many folks who've gone through it and come out great. Isn't this what President Clinton had a year or so ago, and he is just fine today.

Good luck, God Speed, and we'll be seeing you back on the forum, well before the new scenes are released. I predict that you will be back to still hear David welcoming someone to Broke Straight Boys, and asking them how much he thinks that he should be paid. :tongue_smilie:

See you back here real soon, my friend. :thumbup:
Mark, I know this is easier said than done, however, try not to stress too much, as that in and of itself is not good. Maybe this is a wake up call of sorts, from a higher source, that other things that are happening in your family's life are not as significant as this trying time. Believe me, (if you read my post regarding being hospitalized, etc, you would know that things are just 'changing for you, Carl, and your family, in the future

Hey everyone:

Well, I just heard from the Cardiac Dr. and the news is not the news I hoped for. It seems that dieting and exercise will not work to repair the damage to my heart. Instead, I must undergo surgery this week. The stress is killing Carl, and I haven't even called my mom to tell her yet. I can imagine how that is gonna go. The family has a birthday party scheduled for her on the tenth, and now I have to dump this bombshell on them. All because I was too lazy to take the proper steps and care for myself as I knew I should have. I feel like a real SHIT. I guess this also means I wont be on the forum for awhile, which also sucks. Dammit I feel so stupid right now!


I see her royal highness is not above the ills that befall the commoners. But alas, with so many well wishes, your highness will be back in no time! Besides, you must be in form for the up and coming royal nuptials. William and Kate would not be amused.

And be patient! We spend a life time destroying our health, and then expect it to be all undone in a mere few days. It doesn't work that way! Listen to your doctors, take the time you need to recover, enjoy the time you will spend slowing down.
Then get your ass in gear and, get back in here! Where you are loved and valued by so many. Best wishes.

I know so many guys that had multibypasses and are back to FULL ACTIVE lives as good as before and in such a short time after the surgery. Think positve thoughts and those who love you will help too. Get back on line as soon as you can it will help.
GOOD LUCK and see you soon
Hey everyone:

Well, I just heard from the Cardiac Dr. and the news is not the news I hoped for. It seems that dieting and exercise will not work to repair the damage to my heart. Instead, I must undergo surgery this week. The stress is killing Carl, and I haven't even called my mom to tell her yet. I can imagine how that is gonna go. The family has a birthday party scheduled for her on the tenth, and now I have to dump this bombshell on them. All because I was too lazy to take the proper steps and care for myself as I knew I should have. I feel like a real SHIT. I guess this also means I wont be on the forum for awhile, which also sucks. Dammit I feel so stupid right now!



You are a good friend I love you like an older brother. I can tell you that I don't like the idea of you undergoing surgery any better than anyone else. However; I know that many people improve their longevity and come out much better after these procedures. My uncle had his first surgery when he was 35. He has had two other procedures on his heart since then. He is in his early 90's. You love Carl and your kids very much. I believe that you will be here for them as long as necessary. Meditate with your higher power and talk with your angels. I will send love and light healing energy as well as my prayers. Going into this kind of procedure with an open mind and positive thoughts will strengthen your resolve and help to alleviate anxiety and fear.

Live long and prosper my good friend. :wink:
Thanks everyone for all the kind thoughts and wishes. Carl just came in the room and informed us that We had better get well quick because he met some guy online in San Francisco who knows boats and is willing to replace Us as first mate. So now We are laughing Our backside off while reading posts and packing an overnite case (Including a well stocked Ipad). If We go in the A.M. We'll try to let you all know, otherwise We'll try posting after being admitted. Take Care all of you, and obey the Royal Council! Lords Jayman, Slim, Rifle, Stimpy, I2, as well as the Ladies in Waiting, We leave Forumland in your hands, and May Peace reign over all members of the Court Royale!

By the way Stephane, while you are busy creating new Glyphs, how about a couple with crowns on them?

And a Royal Nod to Mark for correcting access problems and allowing Us to return to Forumland this evening. Blessings on All!

I'm finding out how a pregnant woman feels when they rush her to the hospital and the baby decides to hold things up for awhile. I am now scheduled for tomorrow at 9:00. The food is terrible (low sodium, yech!) The guy in the next bed has 10,000 relatives, the nurse keeps her gloves in the freezer, and Jayman, you'll love this one, the Dr. is dyslexic or something, he keeps calling me mr. Shartz. I hope he has the right chart! I don't need another kidney! (Yikes!)

More later!
I'm finding out how a pregnant woman feels when they rush her to the hospital and the baby decides to hold things up for awhile. I am now scheduled for tomorrow at 9:00. The food is terrible (low sodium, yech!) The guy in the next bed has 10,000 relatives, the nurse keeps her gloves in the freezer, and Jayman, you'll love this one, the Dr. is dyslexic or something, he keeps calling me mr. Shartz. I hope he has the right chart! I don't need another kidney! (Yikes!)

More later!


It may be time to let the Dr. know your name. LOL

Hummm! Gloves in the freezer. That is a new one.

Maybe you can have some one sneak in some cumin, turmeric, and or some curry powder. The curry power used in small quantities has a mild background heat. Also, olive leaf and oregano leaf (which might look like another kind of medicine) have powerful antibiotic properties. They could prove beneficial starting them a few days before surgery. Sage and mustard powder can also go a long way toward helping improving flavor too. I would avoid pepper. That stuff can really over work the liver. That organ will be busy enough with all of the meds you will be on. Turmeric, Milk Thistle, Artichoke leaf, Burdock root and Dandelion Root are great at detoxifying the liver and improving over all function. Cranberry, Asparagus, and Dandelion Root are also great for the kidneys. The Dandelion Root may increase urine out put so be careful there. At least these are pretty much organic supplements.

Branch Chain Amino Acids and L-Argenine, L-Lysine, and L-Carnitine would be good supplements to support your cardio vascular recovery too. They are in most Whey, Pea, and Soy protein supplements. EAS makes A Whey Protein that is low in potassium, sodium, and carbs. It is a formulation recommend to diabetics and those people who do kidney dialysis too. That EAS product is a performance line supplement with a very nice balance of Branch Chain Amino Acids. I mention this because the Heart is a muscle.


I would check with a Dietitian and Dr. first but this is one the best and most affordable and scientifically engineered muscle strengthening products on the market.

I don't want to over step my bounds here. Your TX team will be full of great information for your full recovery...

I will be sending you love and light healing energy and prayers daily my good friend.

Bless your heart.:biggrin:
Just wait for the bull dike nurse to give the intimate shave. What a blast. lol j/k

BTW, is there any way to complain that your roommate has so many visitors you can't get rest and there's no privacy? If that doesn't work you're sure to be discharged before the week is out.

Get well Mark and keep us posted.

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