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Can members be anymore RUDE and MEAN????

Tampa, you radiate goodness. That's a very fine post, and I agree with what you and TonyTony say. I certainly knew the second I read Jimmy's post that he was gonna get some flak for claiming he and the brokies were pornstars. And as far as El Bobby is concerned, I think he's already 75% back to perfect, and will be 100% by the time his next scene is uploaded. I'm glad we saw him right out of the clink because it gave us something to contrast with. Like a make-over program on a teleshopping channel.

But TonyTony has a point about the internet. We all know the clichés about anonymity and zero accountability, which I think are true. The internet is like your car in rush hour traffic, whence you can shout at the harassed soccer mom who's being dumbish about the highway code, "you fucking stupid, inept blonde moron, try getting a driver's license before you take that heap back onto the highway bitch," without any compunction or conscience. I'm sure you do it every day.

I don't think that idiot would have shouted "You lie" at Obama in Congress if the internet hadn't loosened up his sense of propriety and respect first. The whole Bushisms thing on Slate and elsewhere turned jeering and disdain into acceptable political parlance. And we're no better.

So the internet is a mean place, but it's almost everything else as well. There's plenty of space for saintliness. And a lot of that resides in the posts from Tampa24.

Agreed Slimmie, and I might add anytime someone posts something that another takes issue with, we know all too well they will get called out on the carpet for it as well by the opposing opinion(s).

But seriously, I think we do a pretty good job self policing ourselves in terms of stating our thoughts and feelings regarding the scenes, the models, the production, the staff and crew, and so on.

We all have such diverse opinions and tastes, not to mention differences in personality and when we write in a forum, our meaning is oftentimes lost between the lines that are read and scrutinized sometimes more closely than the actual words themselves.

I do disagree with JohnnyG919 when he says "The only thing that your payment gives you the 'right' to to do is to view the content on this site. It doesn't give you the right to dictate what the models should or should not do. ...Your presence on this forum is a privelege afforded to you by the owners of this site - not a protected right."

Johnny, in my opinion the forum and our participation in it is actually a feature and benefit of your paid membership as are the bonus sites, photo galleries, at least 2 updates per week, bonus (BTS) footage, it is not a "privelege". I do agree it's not a protected right (as in a U.S. constitutional right), anymore than any of the other features of membership are. But unless you violate the site's terms of service and are banned, forum participation is a personal decision made by all site customers whether or not they want to log in and join the conversation.

The purpose of any forum is for us all to get together and discuss our thoughts and opinions regarding the content, and in doing that we oftentimes have thoughtful and interesting debate regarding the same.

Anytime you get a group of people together to discuss topics they all enjoy, you're going to get differing opinions that will sometimes come off as rude.

I would like to point out that member participation on the forum is quite different than employee and model participation. We do so because we want to. But the way I see model participation is similiar to authors holding book signings, or a dance troupe performing for a small group of garden club members: It's a great way to get yourself out there and promote the product.

Of course all the models we see and love in the scenes are real people, but at the end of the day they are here to promote the site, and hopefully generate interest in it so that we will remain as a member, and hopefully join other BluMedia sites as well. I know of more than one person who at one time or another has kept their membership rebilling month after month for the sole reason of the friendships and conversations on the forum even when the site content was less than satisfactory.

It generates interest and drama when there are long, sometimes passionate discussions and even conflicts on the forum. I sometimes find myself watching a thread with great interest as the drama unfolds in front of my eyes, and I have even found myself waiting with almost baited breath for the next episode after a particularly shocking cliff-hanger type response from a dissenting member.

It's great stuff, and Mark knew what he was doing when he created the forum. He also knew what he was doing when he decided to have the models start posting along with us; prior to the 2.0 reboot he even told us the models would be posting on a regular basis and it absolutely had the wanted effect of generating interest and promoting the product...and all that goes along with it.
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Jimmy you are 1 to talk. The shit that comes out of you're mouth is so rude to people, we can tell that you just don't care what you say and how it affects others. And IN A WAY you guys are just a peice of meat. You have sex on camera so other people can get off, and then you get paid and go home. End of story. anything on top of that is just gravy. If some members don't like what i just wrote I DON'T CARE!!!
You sure have alot of anger there Bigslim. Jimmy may be the focus of your anger right now. But I suspect that is has very little to do with him. One of my favorite lessons from a book called "A Course in Miracles" is a lesson that I often hate to admit the truth about. Especially when I am in a moment of anger myself. The lesson is: "I'm never upset for the reasons I think I am."
Big Slim, that has to be one of the rudest posts I have ever seen on this forum. I find it slightly ironic that in your below post you accuse Jimmy of being rude to people, then you say this?

Take a chill pill hot stuff.

Jimmy you are 1 to talk. The shit that comes out of you're mouth is so rude to people, we can tell that you just don't care what you say and how it affects others. And IN A WAY you guys are just a peice of meat. You have sex on camera so other people can get off, and then you get paid and go home. End of story. anything on top of that is just gravy. If some members don't like what i just wrote I DON'T CARE!!!

For someone with a Behavioral Science degree, this forum is such an interesting place to just sit back and observe....:cool:
I agree, sadly though, not for the reasons that you might think. OVERALL the forum has become mundane anymore, and not so,(dare I say), kind/CIVIL(better word choice). I used to find it 'therapeutic/soothing' to talk about problems that I might have, but now, am aftaid to 'air' my news/open myself up to vulnerability, when I need to. This is a reason why I have not posted much recently. When 'we' wanted Broke Straight Boys to 'change', I was HOPING that did not include the demeanor/attitude of the forum. (Just my opinion)

For someone with a Behavioral Science degree, this forum is such an interesting place to just sit back and observe....:cool:
I agree, sadly though, not for the reasons that you might think. OVERALL the forum has become mundane anymore, and not so,(dare I say), kind/CIVIL(better word choice). I used to find it 'therapeutic/soothing' to talk about problems that I might have, but now, am aftaid to 'air' my news/open myself up to vulnerability, when I need to. This is a reason why I have not posted much recently. When 'we' wanted Broke Straight Boys to 'change', I was HOPING that did not include the demeanor/attitude of the forum. (Just my opinion)
I have been reading this forum since it's inception, Bob, and I honestly don't see any major change in the demeanor of the forum, nor do I see it as any less "kind" or "civil".

From the very start, while discussing models and episodes, there have been many negative reviews of films and models. Some models were "panned" by the critics for not being attractive, and I can recall some iconic models on the site like Dustin and CJ, who were initially wildly popular, received terrible, and often cruel commentary in their latter stages of their Broke Straight Boys careers for being overweight and for losing their hair.

We also had people complaining about model's lack of "reinventing" themselves, and appearing too often. Of course, member's of the forum have always accused models of being gay, while portraying themselves as straight, and we had member's complain about David, for either talking too much, or saying things that were politically incorrect, and in one extreme ridiculous case, he was accused of participating and filming what was called a "rape scene".

My point is that as long as we are given an open, honest, uncensored place to state our opinions, there will always be negativity, as well as all of the positive, supportive people who are always kind and gentle, when discussing a model or a scene or life in general.

In recent times Bob, I have read many posts by yourself involving personal issues involving your health, as well as that of your family and friends, and I believe that the support was always 100% positive and encouraging. I think that you are overstating the negativity here. I feel that this is, and always has been a wonderful place to discuss, argue, and debate the site itself and the world around us.

I would hope that you would continue to use this forum for same 'therapeutic/soothing' purposes that you always have, for I really do not see this "change" that you refer to.
I agree, sadly though, not for the reasons that you might think. OVERALL the forum has become mundane anymore, and not so,(dare I say), kind/CIVIL(better word choice). I used to find it 'therapeutic/soothing' to talk about problems that I might have, but now, am aftaid to 'air' my news/open myself up to vulnerability, when I need to. This is a reason why I have not posted much recently. When 'we' wanted Broke Straight Boys to 'change', I was HOPING that did not include the demeanor/attitude of the forum. (Just my opinion)

In the year and a half that I have been a member here, there have been about three times, that the forum turned upside down, and things were crazy, in a bad way. During those times members were attacking each other and sometimes management.:thumbdown:

We are not in those kinds of times Bob. You have been around during those times, and certainly you can tell the difference.

But even during those times, members were always supportive of each other, with there personal, medical, and sensitive issues. I do not remember a time when a member posted a personal issue on this forum, for support, prayers, or advise, and had anyone be anything but kind.:001_wub:

Right now things are a little boring. We, the forum members, are not coming up with any new, fresh, and fun thread topics. In the absence of those kinds of threads, and the appearance of the models on the forum, we are turning there for our fun and our opinionatedness. In men, as in music, our tastes are very different. We are capitalizing on those differences right now, knowing full well, that we will never agree.

Knowing that we will never agree on the issues doesn't keep us from trying to convince our friends, that they would be better off to follow our path. But try as we might, we simply cannot convince our friend the vegetarian to eat meat.:001_rolleyes:

Right now we are stuck on, what some people view as chubby or stocky, as opposed to others, and what some people view as rude, verses what others view as, acceptable criticism for the business they have placed themselves in.

Again, we will not agree...........My opinion, because we all have them, is that anyone who thinks any of the "present" models on Broke Straight Boys are chubby or stocky, have a very distorted view of body and weight issues. I have heard it said here that the ideal Broke Straight Boys would have 0% body fat...........Well 0% body fat, is actually an unhealthy way to be. If a female drops below 15% body fat, they run the risk of their reproductive system shutting down, their bone mass deteriorating, followed by other organs and systems of the body. Men do not have the same reproductive system as a woman, but they still have one, as well as bones and all other organs the body needs to function. Thin might be in.............but there is a "too" thin, and we should not be supporting it.
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I couldn't agree more MsK.

It would be very premature to look at one thread that is getting very heated and then deduce that the whole forum is going to hell for good. These things have an ebb and flow about them. At any given time the threads that are getting the most attention can take a negative turn. Then a few days later we are all gabbing about something much more positive and uplifting. In other periods the forum goes into full support mode for someone who is going through a rough patch in their life.

I don't feel the need to panic. Even among friends in this very thread who are not in agreement, there is no permanent damage. Good men (and women) can disagree, and at the end of the day still have mutual respect for one another.
I couldn't agree more MsK.

It would be very premature to look at one thread that is getting very heated and then deduce that the whole forum is going to hell for good. These things have an ebb and flow about them. At any one time the threads that are getting the most attention can take a negative turn. Then a few days later we are all gabbing about something much more positive and uplifting. In other periods the forum goes into full support mode for someone who is going through a rough time.

I don't feel the need to panic. Even among friends in this very thread who are not in agreement, there is no permanent damage. Good men (and women) can disagree, and at the end of the day still have mutual respect for one another.
personally, I wouldn't mind some of the models putting on a bit of weight. I really dislike the 'washboard abs theme and I hate it when there are prominent ribs sticking out.

I like a bit of padding on the sides and a little belly I can gently pat.
I don't feel the need to panic. Even among friends in this very thread who are not in agreement, there is no permanent damage. Good men (and women) can disagree, and at the end of the day still have mutual respect for one another.

I certainly hope so. I try to be pretty even-handed overall, but I can be pretty passionate at times. I have the utmost respect for many of the forum members here - at least the ones I know. That doesn't mean I can always agree with them - and what a boring forum it would be if we were all "Happy happy joy joy" all the time. (Sorry, I had to fit Renn and Stimpy in there somewhere. :001_smile: )
I certainly hope so. I try to be pretty even-handed overall, but I can be pretty passionate at times. I have the utmost respect for many of the forum members here - at least the ones I know. That doesn't mean I can always agree with them - and what a boring forum it would be if we were all "Happy happy joy joy" all the time. (Sorry, I had to fit Renn and Stimpy in there somewhere. :001_smile: )
Johnny, I do believe that you hit the nail right on the head, and as Ms. K & Tampa also stated, the basic "tone" of the forum is not negative or "nasty". We all have our opinions and usually like to passonitely defend them when someone vehimently disagrees.

But the point is that it is okay to disagree with friends, and colleagues. I'm not familiar with the Renn & Stimpy cartoons, but I certainly get your point, Johnny and agree with it. The forum would be totally boring if we were all "Happy happy joy joy" all the time. :wink:

And I agree 100% with Ms. K when she says that the forum has always been 100% behind any of our member's when they have reported problems or illness with themselves or friends and family. Speaking for the collective forum, I think that we are a kind and supportive group of basically good, solid people. :thumbup1:
this thread has been almost as much fun
as the "Torrin" dispute! (remember him?)

Where's Rifle when you need him?!​

personally, I wouldn't mind some of the models putting on a bit of weight. I really dislike the 'washboard abs theme and I hate it when there are prominent ribs sticking out.

I like a bit of padding on the sides and a little belly I can gently pat.

I have been waiting for someone to jump in and say they like the models to have a little more meat on their bones. I know they are out there. :biggrin:

It's great that you have been one of the people to speak up TJ. :thumbup1:
this thread has been almost as much fun
as the "Torrin" dispute! (remember him?)

Where's Rifle when you need him?!​

Jason, you make me feel like this is "Old Timers Day" at Broke Straight Boys Yes skinny, less than attractive, homophobic? Torin sure caused a stir on the forum. And indeed, where is Rifle or Aquarius to offer the erudite opinion on issues? :biggrin:
Jason, you make me feel like this is "Old Timers Day" at Broke Straight Boys Yes skinny, less than attractive, homophobic? Torin sure caused a stir on the forum. And indeed, where is Rifle or Aquarius to offer the erudite opinion on issues? :biggrin:

I thought Torin was HOT, and I loved him and wish he would be in many more scenes!
I thought Torin was HOT, and I loved him and wish he would be in many more scenes!

There were not too many of us that felt that way about Torrin, Abe, I also thought he was hot and I loved the fact that although he bemoaned the gay stuff, his big cock was always hard before he could drop his draws.
Plus it got everyones blood pumping.

Ahh, but for the good ol' days.

Thank you for calling me on it, Ms. K

I am sorry!

In the year and a half that I have been a member here, there have been about three times, that the forum turned upside down, and things were crazy, in a bad way. During those times members were attacking each other and sometimes management.:thumbdown:

We are not in those kinds of times Bob. You have been around during those times, and certainly you can tell the difference.

But even during those times, members were always supportive of each other, with there personal, medical, and sensitive issues. I do not remember a time when a member posted a personal issue on this forum, for support, prayers, or advise, and had anyone be anything but kind.:001_wub:

Right now things are a little boring. We, the forum members, are not coming up with any new, fresh, and fun thread topics. In the absence of those kinds of threads, and the appearance of the models on the forum, we are turning there for our fun and our opinionatedness. In men, as in music, our tastes are very different. We are capitalizing on those differences right now, knowing full well, that we will never agree.

Knowing that we will never agree on the issues doesn't keep us from trying to convince our friends, that they would be better off to follow our path. But try as we might, we simply cannot convince our friend the vegetarian to eat meat.:001_rolleyes:

Right now we are stuck on, what some people view as chubby or stocky, as opposed to others, and what some people view as rude, verses what others view as, acceptable criticism for the business they have placed themselves in.

Again, we will not agree...........My opinion, because we all have them, is that anyone who thinks any of the "present" models on Broke Straight Boys are chubby or stocky, have a very distorted view of body and weight issues. I have heard it said here that the ideal Broke Straight Boys would have 0% body fat...........Well 0% body fat, is actually an unhealthy way to be. If a female drops below 15% body fat, they run the risk of their reproductive system shutting down, their bone mass deteriorating, followed by other organs and systems of the body. Men do not have the same reproductive system as a woman, but they still have one, as well as bones and all other organs the body needs to function. Thin might be in.............but there is a "too" thin, and we should not be supporting it.