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Can members be anymore RUDE and MEAN????


Broke Straight Boys Model
BSB Model
May 20, 2011
Reaction score
for god sake someone asked bobby to lose weight because he was getting fat...maybe god for bid his parents died and hes going through stress so hes been eating more than usual and exercising less...HOW THE FUCK can members think that im a mean rude person but post and say things about models like were just fuck toys...its imature to talk about other people this way even if we are pornstars...
I TOTALLY agree with you there, Jimmy, immature, not to mention SHALLOW, SUPERFICIAL, but, although I detest his comment for that reason, I will NEVER tell him/anyone with whom I do not agree on/about a subject/opinion to quell/stifle his comments, as that is one of the great freedoms we are entitled to in America, (within reason)....Freedom of Speech.

(Just my opinion)

for god sake someone asked bobby to lose weight because he was getting fat...maybe god for bid his parents died and hes going through stress so hes been eating more than usual and exercising less...HOW THE FUCK can members think that im a mean rude person but post and say things about models like were just fuck toys...its imature to talk about other people this way even if we are pornstars...
every action, every word, every breath, and every heartbeat, has but a single resolve, and that is freedom -- freedom made orderly for this Nation by our constitutional government; freedom under a government limited by the laws of nature and of nature's God;
freedom balanced so that order lacking liberty will not become the slavery of the prison cell; balanced so that liberty lacking order will not become the license of the mob and of the jungle.
Now, we Americans understand freedom. We have earned it; we have lived for it, and we have died for it.
but being rude is not a sign of freedom, it is a sign of a lack of civility.
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every action, every word, every breath, and every heartbeat, has but a single resolve, and that is freedom -- freedom made orderly for this Nation by our constitutional government; freedom under a government limited by the laws of nature and of nature's God;
freedom balanced so that order lacking liberty will not become the slavery of the prison cell; balanced so that liberty lacking order will not become the license of the mob and of the jungle.
Now, we Americans understand freedom. We have earned it; we have lived for it, and we have died for it.
but being rude is not a sign of freedom, it is a sign of a lack of civility.

I think it goes beyond rude, I think it was plain old MEAN. Rob Ryder, while I'm not a big fan of his work, had a great point which is so true awhile back when he said that even though they are in porn, and are performers for the viewers' pleasure, these guys have feelings. Thank you Rob for pointing that out to us awhile back, and thank you Jimmy for calling us out for being mean spirited in regards to Bobby. And I think it really says something for Jimmy, for he takes his own criticism with a grain of salt and he laughs about it. But Jimmy took it upon himself to defend his friend Bobby from those of us who make their very existance as Broke Straight Boys models possible. So those who say Jimmy is rude, or homophobic or whatever, I'm sorry but what he just did by posting above was a very kind, and decent thing for him to do for his friend.

We ALL have our favorites, and those things that turn us off just like we have things that turn us on, our likes and dislikes are as different from each other as night is from day. But at the end of that day, what really matters is how we treat each other and how we make others feel about themselves.

Thank you Jimmy for pointing that out to us, and thank you Rob for doing the same thing also awhile back.

for god sake someone asked bobby to lose weight because he was getting fat...maybe god for bid his parents died and hes going through stress so hes been eating more than usual and exercising less...HOW THE FUCK can members think that im a mean rude person but post and say things about models like were just fuck toys...its imature to talk about other people this way even if we are pornstars...

I agree with you Jimmy that that is very rude and shallow. I have refused to even read that thread. Let alone post on it. That is how I protest against it. Others point out the issues of freedom of speech. I believe that our free speech should be civil.
Mean comments to models

I agree that there seems to be a mean streak running through many of the threads - particularly when new videos or pictures are up. However, despite the total nastiness , members still have a right to vent even though their comments are despicable. Remember, the Supreme Court just recently ruled that free speech is to be protected in the case of the christians protesting at soldiers funerals. This is in the same category only worse since the models are alive and well and can see, read and feel the ugliness. Side to Colin thanks for joining forum and I envy you your outdoor sport on rivers - is it the Rogue in Oregon by any chance = was in Medford at the headwaters of the Rogue and would love to travel its entire distance.
freedom of speech gaves us the right to say anything we want?
falsely yelling fire in a crowded theater, is not protected by freedom of speech, yet!
polite society does not need a court to say what was learned at the dinner table.
why say anything a post what you would never say to someone to their face.
pass the f...ing pea, now!
I think everyone's getting bent out of shape over the thread's title (about Bobby's weight). If you read what's actually posted, the comments were respectful and constructive. No where did anyone insult or even suggest that Bobby was fat. Quite the contrary. While I wasn't in love with the thread's title because it seemed a little insensitive, I understood the poster's concern and I respect the fact that there is always disappointment when a model changes his looks. Change, after all, isn't always an easy thing to accept. But I wouldn't call it mean or rude.
Jimmy is right on this count. While we can critique an actor's performance it is not right to use "ad hominem" attacks. How many of us are perfect to the point where we can't be criticized for some aspect of our physcial appearance? None, I believe. Remember that!!!
While I wasn't in love with the thread's title because it seemed a little insensitive, I understood the poster's concern and I respect the fact that there is always disappointment when a model changes his looks. Change, after all, isn't always an easy thing to accept. But I wouldn't call it mean or rude.

You make a good point about models who suddenly change their looks. It can sometimes be disappointing to us viewers. And we viewers have the right to express our feelings about it. As long as it's reasonably polite and civil. I mean it's one thing to say that you don't like a guy's new haircut. It really pushes the limit of good taste though to talk publicly about a model's weight.
Let's take a look at this logically, shall we? Without all the emotional entanglements.

First let me state my belief. I believe that there is nothing inherently wrong with pornography or with people (men and women) who are in the porn industry. I also believe that there is nothing wrong with prostitution. Being paid money for sex, either on the screen or off, should be treated as just another job. We all get paid for our skills, whether that skill is calculating mathematical equations, selling our manual labor or selling our ass. There is nothing wrong with any of that.

Second, if you are going to be employed at a particular job, you are going to need to have the skills and qualifications for that job. Knowing how to operate a skiploader enables me to have a job in construction. If I lose the knowledge of how to operate a skiploader, or become physically unable to operate a skiploader, I will no longer keep my current job.

(If I do lose the ability to operate a skiploader, most likely I will get government assistance to retrain me for a new job. Which is one of the reasons why I believe the porn industry should be recognized as a legitimate career.)

I have read many accusations of Broke Straight Boys members being “superficial.” The accusations have made me chuckle. But I have felt no need to respond. Now I do want to respond. Not to yell and condemn. But, hopefully, to explain. At least to explain how I see things.

The guys having sex on Broke Straight Boys must meet certain qualifications. Just like anybody in any job. They must be able to get and maintain an erection. They must cum. And they must be attractive to a reasonable number of people. That is not superficial. That is the job description. I will never be paid by Broke Straight Boys to have sex. I have a belly and I have grey in my beard. But then, my job description does not require me to maintain an erection while operating a skiploader.

I do agree that as a society we should be civil and respectful of each other. And it seems to me that we seem to be loosing our ability to be civil. But as my wife always says, “Freedom is for the brave, not for cowards.” It is true that slander and libel are illegal. But the truth is a one hundred percent defense. I can call Lindsay Lohan a drunk. It is not nice. But it is protected under the law for it can be proven to be true. Freedom is for the brave.

I like Bobby. I found him more attractive with his curly hair. I don’t find him to be overweight. I don’t like his tattoos. These are my opinions.

I think it’s interesting to note that Bobby’s newer scenes are not in the top ranking. I agree that something seems to be missing. I know he was in jail recently. And I sincerely hope that he hasn’t suffered any trauma. My best wishes go out to Bobby.

I agree that there should be civility and respect in our society. But I also believe that it is bizarre to condemn people for no longer finding a model attractive. While I would never call someone “superficial” for no longer liking a model’s looks, I would hope that we can all be respectful toward each other.
I think everyone's getting bent out of shape over the thread's title (about Bobby's weight). If you read what's actually posted, the comments were respectful and constructive. No where did anyone insult or even suggest that Bobby was fat. Quite the contrary. While I wasn't in love with the thread's title because it seemed a little insensitive, I understood the poster's concern and I respect the fact that there is always disappointment when a model changes his looks. Change, after all, isn't always an easy thing to accept. But I wouldn't call it mean or rude.

Totaly agree balboa, it always amazes me the things that people consider mean, insensative, obnoxious, hateful and a personal attack. I have gone back and read the posts and never seem to find the personal insults either.
I guess some people spend so much time looking for crabgrass, that they never get to enjoy their lawn. :biggrin:

There is a very good "Native American/Peoples of the First Nation" saying that I like very much, and it states: "You never point a finger and anyone, because there are three pointing right back at you." I agree with Jimmy and the rest here that have stated that some on here have been extremely rude to the models here on Broke Straight Boys Some, in their opinions, might be true..those I will not judge or critique on. What I would question is why? Why do some feel they have the right to make such statements; to out right attack another person, hurt their feelings and call it "freedom of speech"? Children say some pretty hurtful statements at times, but they are children and have not yet learned or been taught that saying such things are hurtful to the person. An adult learns these things and learns that sometime keeping such opinions to oneself is maturity and respectful to the other person. I personally think some of us have forgotten we are adults talkiing to adults and they deserve our respect, as we would expect their respect of ourselves. They are people, not objects of our desires. To say some of the things on here about Jimmy, Bobby, Jake or any of the other models on here that are negative, w/o knowing the persons' personal life and or experiences is rude. Before we make these statements on here or any where maybe we should all stand in front of a mirror and while pointing the finger at the models look at the three pointing back at ourselves. To be rude is child-like to be respectful to another person is being an adult. Freedom of speech has nothing to do with hurting another person, how would we feel if it was just the reverse?
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Amen Jimmy couldn't of said it better my self. Its one thing to be a critic its another thing to belittle the models. Yes everyone is titled their opinions but some people should just filter it a little bit. Your the man Jimmy thanks for all your help. Your a cool dude.
The problem with sites like this (and others) is that people don't realize that these are just models playing a part. They don't understand that they have real lives and real problems just like the rest of us. Unfortunately, in the porn industry, it seems people are critiqued for every physical flaw, including weight. With that said, I don't see any overweight stars on this site so I'm not sure what people are talking about.
I'll say this and then I'm done. THIS IS PORN, PEOPLE! It is a VISUAL medium. Everything about it is superficial. The model's looks is what makes us watch, and then the sex. Period. All the other stuff about it (which I love) such as the model's personality, thoughts, hopes, dreams, intelligence, etc. are all, for lack of a better term, gravy. We can argue until we're blue in the face about who has a right to say what and when and if it's appropriate, and we'll never agree. One of the things I love about gays is that we've been censored all our lives. We tend to be outspoken and over the top because of it. On blogs, we finally have the freedom to say what we want in a public forum and it seems we can't even do that. I haven't noticed anyone being rude or mean. Sure, some may say things without sugar-coating, but as has been stated, WE'RE ALL ADULTS! I would like to think we're all a bit tougher than children, and being gay, we most certainly should be.

Somebody said they weren't looking for the models to get all girly and start "making love" and they wanted just the rough fucking no kissing or reciting poetry. Well, how about straight-talk? And when you have ADULTS who are paying their money, we tend to be even more blunt and to the point about what we do and don't like. Again, I haven't read anything here insulting or mean. I have read some angry comments, but so what? If you think they have been mean, go to the Waybig blog and see what mean really is.

Now, I've just exercised my right to voice my thoughts and opinions in what I deem a respectful, mature, and intelligent way. If I as a gay man can't do that here, then this isn't the blog I thought it was.
I completely agree with both ChicanoDag, and Balboa, with their thoughtful comment's made on this thread. I especially like what ChicanoDag said comparing the job of being a model on Broke Straight Boys to being a "skiploader", (whatever that is). Every profession does require certain skills and qualifications, and I thought that the following paragraph is particularly insightful.

"The guys having sex on Broke Straight Boys must meet certain qualifications. Just like anybody in any job. They must be able to get and maintain an erection. They must cum. And they must be attractive to a reasonable number of people. That is not superficial. That is the job description. I will never be paid by Broke Straight Boys to have sex. I have a belly and I have grey in my beard. But then, my job description does not require me to maintain an erection while operating a skiploader."

When we are paying to see what our idea of physical perfection is, in our porn stars, I believe that a comment about a model's change in physical appearance is justified.

I did not detect a tone of rudeness by any of the posters. It sounded more like big fan's of Bobby's who were disappointed by his change in appearance, and a plea to improve his appearance. And as the criticism is over things that Bobby can easily control, and change if he so chooses, I felt that it was fair criticism, even if the original title of the post was a bit harsh.
Finally, the voices of reason!!

Balboa, you are my new hero. ChicanoDag,nice analogy. Mikeyank, insightful and eloquent as always. -'nuff said

When we are paying to see what our idea of physical perfection is, in our porn stars, I believe that a comment about a model's change in physical appearance is justified.

I did not detect a tone of rudeness by any of the posters. It sounded more like big fan's of Bobby's who were disappointed by his change in appearance, and a plea to improve his appearance. And as the criticism is over things that Bobby can easily control, and change if he so chooses, I felt that it was fair criticism, even if the original title of the post was a bit harsh.

I happen to agree with you Mike about some of the posts on this thread. For instance Chicanodag and Balboa make very good points. If a model makes a drastic change in his appearance, be it a very different haircut, dying his hair a different color, one or more brand new tattoos, a noticeable fluctuation in weight (either up or down)...it's bound to disappoint some and please a few others. Paying viewers have the right to state an opinion. Either pro or con. Models who want to work on camera should be aware of those implications if they are contemplating a subtle or drastic change of their bodies. I personally still have to cringe though when the issue of weight is involved.

I was being honest when I said that I have not read the thread or posts in question because the title alone made me very uncomfortable. Jimmy felt that the thread and posts were rude and over the top. I see that many of you disagree.

Look at what happened here though. Jimmy has been accused of being "rude", "mean", and so on with the other models. Yet as soon as he saw that thread he jumped in to defend his friend and fellow model. So that immediately calls into question whether he has a bad relationship with his coworkers. As the senior model here on Broke Straight Boys 2 that is exactly the role I would hope that he plays off-set in helping out his fellow models who have less experience in the business than he does.

This also jibes perfectly with his claim that a man of his character will naturally come to the defense of the underdog or those he feels are being bullied. Even if Jimmy has it all wrong, and the posts on the other thread are much more benign than he makes them out to be...I have to respect him for coming to Bobby's defense. Jimmy is exactly the kind of friend that I would want to have...and exactly the kind of friend that I would want to be to others.

Free speech works both ways. We viewers have the right to critique models and their scenes. Jimmy as a model himself, and the senior model whom the other models look to for guidance...has the same free speech right to come in and ask us to tone down some of the rhetoric.
for god sake someone asked bobby to lose weight because he was getting fat...maybe god for bid his parents died and hes going through stress so hes been eating more than usual and exercising less...HOW THE FUCK can members think that im a mean rude person but post and say things about models like were just fuck toys...its imature to talk about other people this way even if we are pornstars...

Mark !!

So this is the new face of Broke Straight Boys 2 . Reading this post I now know why people think Jimmy comes accross as RUDE. ( I do not remember anyone saying he was mean). Reading the posts about Bobby they seem to come from fans caring about him. He and Clay came up with some bullshit story about him being in jail so a member comments that being in jail seems to have put a few pounds on him. I would think Bobby would be more affended by a big mouth announcing the death of his parents on a porn sight. You should do something about YOUR models attacking YOUR paying members about harmless comments. Jimmy did not seem to mined when his fans attacked members for harmless comments about seeing to much of him.