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Advisory for all members-please read carefully.

Abe, I bet you $150 Dave will have posted something really amusing (both intentionally and unintentionally god bless him) within the next 6 weeks. Just send me your full name, address, phone and bank account numbers (so I can make a direct payment via IBAN transfer, bank to bank, in case he doesn't post inside the deadline). Oh yeah, social security number and also net worth. If you have heirs and what the date is on the latest version of your will would also be useful. Just in case you win the bet you understand.

Abe where are you? I need to send you my full name, address, phone and bank account numbers so you can make a direct payment via IBAN transfer, bank to bank (since, just exactly as predicted, he did in fact post inside the deadline...and with a much more reasonable version of the facts). Oh yeah, you'll want my social security number and also my net worth. I can tell you now I've got a fair sized bunch of heirs, and I'll PM you the date on the latest version of my will when I hear from you.

You just have to confirm that you're deffo gonna send the one fifty :thumbup::thumbup1::w00t::lol:
A New one or Used one, I don't care, CarKing you...

i have maintained all along that sites such as myspace and facebook are dangerous, and a haven for a certain segment of the population whose intents are less than honorable. I also would implore you to exercise the "me" test when determining whether or not something is acceptable. That test is simple: How would I feel if someone did this to me?

Carking you have really got this one pegged.

To my dislike I had to cancel my facebook account because someone hijacked my account to the extent that they were sending out notes to family and friends that were supposed to be from me while in fact they were not. These were terribly embarrassing notes and statements that took me sometime in finding to whom they were sent and what was said. I don’t know to this date whether I have got it all straighten out or not.

To some people it’s just a prank, to others it is a vicious attack , and to those who have found themselves to be the recipients, it can be devastating.

It may be legal, no argument on that one, but it sure to hell ain’t ethical or moral! (and for an old southern gentleman as myself to use such language you gotta know that I have been bit by the aforementioned event and despised it like hell, oops, there I go again.)
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Logan, there is legal, there is moral, and there is ethical. While certain actions were not illegal, they were morally reprehensible and criss-crossed ethical lines. I defer to your scholarly research as to legal boundaries, but contend that the intent was certainly beyond what a reasonable person would consider acceptable.

I have maintained all along that sites such as MySpace and Facebook are dangerous, and a haven for a certain segment of the population whose intents are less than honorable. I also would implore you to exercise the "me" test when determining whether or not something is acceptable. That test is simple: How would I feel if someone did this to me?

this is why i don't have a facebook or myspace. i won't let something bad happen to me twice from those. :)
I think that a lot of it stems from the fact that we have bred an entire generation who is so into video games and multi-media that they are removed from reality. When a kid grows up playing video games, and they push a button and "nuke" someone, but that someone is back alive and well in just a few seconds, the kid doesn't know the finality of some actions. They have no real concept of the consequences.
Can't you just ban these assholes from the site? I suppose they could always access under a different name or email.
You should set up a strict rule that if anyone......ANYONE starts spreading rumors, names, addresses etc about you or any of the models...they are quickly deleted from the system.
Good Luck!
I think that a lot of it stems from the fact that we have bred an entire generation who is so into video games and multi-media that they are removed from reality. When a kid grows up playing video games, and they push a button and "nuke" someone, but that someone is back alive and well in just a few seconds, the kid doesn't know the finality of some actions. They have no real concept of the consequences.

I was with you, carking, up until this post. Way to generalize! And an "entire generation" at that! You sound like a person who knows little about video games, and even less about the people who play them.
Clock, you are absolutely right that my generalization was unfair. I do feel that SOME people have a personality that is more vulnerable to suggestion and are being bombarded by all types of media, not just video games. You're right, I know precious little about video games because I do not play them. However, I am not alone in feeling that some of the video games are more violent and suggestive than others, or else there wouldn't be a rating system. Without the generalization, you can look at cartoons. In my childhood, it was the Roadrunner and Wyle E. Coyote. The Roadrunner would blow up old Wyle E., and in the next scene he was back. So, apparently, being blown up doesn't hurt or leave permanent damage. Most people can figure out that it is fantasy, but, as I said, some are succeptible to suggestion and don't see the consequences.

Look at a show as simple as the Simpsons. Is it a stretch of the imagination to understand that this show in particular demonstrates to youngsters that it is OK to talk to your parents like Bart talks to his?

Once again, I apologize for the generalization, but not for the jist of the post. We have become a society made up of SOME people who can't separate fantasy from reality. "Reality TV" has helped to blue those lines. Is it reality that you can select a beautiful young woman, place her in a mansion with 12 eligible men, and at the end of 12 weeks, she will select one to be her husband, will fall madly in love with him, and break the hearts of the other 11?

I know that most generations look at the next generation and think that the world is going to hell. It has happened since the beginning of time. I am really no exception to that. The theory has two major problems: 1) if that is the case, we have no one to blame by my generation. We have been so wrapped up in our own chase for the brass ring that we have neglected to be parents and mentors for our children, shown them right from wrong and held them responsible to make the proper decisions. And 2) there are far, far more good young people out in society than those who I have described. The media thrives on ratings, and ratings are gained by broadcasting all of the evil, perverse, and immoral things being done to each other. Unfortunately, the good kids, the huge majority, get their good grades, contribute to the welfare of society, have amazing talent, make wonderful music, show unparallelled athletic ability, produce beautiful art, and a hundred other things they never get credit for, only because it doesn't sell. So, in that way, my post was unfair. Please forgive me.
this is why i don't have a facebook or myspace. i won't let something bad happen to me twice from those. :)

Same here Zyl. Like most young people of today I was on facebook but had to be carefull to keep my gay and str8 friends apart because I was not out. So I made two accounts, one for my str8 friends and one for my gay ones. My ex bf was a friend on my gay one and behind my back started communicating and eventually dating one of my other so called gay friends. Sure the bf is now definately an EX, but so is my two FB accounts.
:blush: I understand where you are coming from, carking. I get a bit defensive about criticism defining a generational divide. Mainly because those with more experience and authority have the upper hand in such arguments. But I am guilty as well. (E.g., I'm trying to get over my pet peeve about the decline of proper English usage and spelling that I have perceived as a product of tweeting and texting by my peers and those younger than I. How to encourage correct usage without sounding like I am setting others apart from myself?) We would likely agree on many aspects of modern life and technology. Me being defensive doesn't help. Your demonstration of integrity and graciousness is a worthy example to follow.
expose not that wich one would not like exposed of them self

Greetings David: First let me tell you that I am with you.. Love what you have done.. GOOD JOB Great site, models,members and staff.. I have nothing bad to say.. Has been worth my membership.. THANK YOU!! As for the BUTT HEADS????? Not worth your time.. drive on and be that wich is you and continue on to film and create that wich will entertain as you do now.. BEST TO YOU.. Thanks Condor6