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Advisory for all members-please read carefully.

Big feet means big shoes. And, I'd rather have small hands. It makes my dick look bigger.
.................. WHY??????

The only word that really works here. Why?
Why do "we" feel the need to insult one another?
Why do "we" crave and desire the drama and carnage that always follows?
Why do "we" assume and make accusations against one another?
Why do "we" allow things to spiral out of control?
Why do "we" think we are better than others?
Why do "we" poke, pry and take information, secrets, fears, hopes, dreams, knowledge that is not ours in hope we can know more?
Why.................. Why.......................... WHY????????????????????????

Do "we" not understand the ramifications of "our" actions? Have "we" as a people in general not learned from past mistakes? Do "we" not realize the injustices "we" put on ourselves? What would "we" do if "we" were the ones this was occurring to?

I do not know the entire details of what has occurred nor do I need to know. HOWEVER, "we" must learn from this. Every day our technology advances, yet it seems "we" as a people die more and more. "We" have accepted regular communication with others via internet and email, while our pen has diminished. "our" vocabulary as a whole no longer exist and "our" ability to be civil lessens each day.

Yes "we" are the civilized barbaric people that advance at leaps and bounds, but at what cost? When will "we" learn??????

So to all this I ask one more time.................... WHY????
.................. WHY??????

The only word that really works here. Why?
Why do "we" feel the need to insult one another?
Why do "we" crave and desire the drama and carnage that always follows?
Why do "we" assume and make accusations against one another?
Why do "we" allow things to spiral out of control?
Why do "we" think we are better than others?
Why do "we" poke, pry and take information, secrets, fears, hopes, dreams, knowledge that is not ours in hope we can know more?
Why.................. Why.......................... WHY????????????????????????

Do "we" not understand the ramifications of "our" actions? Have "we" as a people in general not learned from past mistakes? Do "we" not realize the injustices "we" put on ourselves? What would "we" do if "we" were the ones this was occurring to?

I do not know the entire details of what has occurred nor do I need to know. HOWEVER, "we" must learn from this. Every day our technology advances, yet it seems "we" as a people die more and more. "We" have accepted regular communication with others via internet and email, while our pen has diminished. "our" vocabulary as a whole no longer exist and "our" ability to be civil lessens each day.

Yes "we" are the civilized barbaric people that advance at leaps and bounds, but at what cost? When will "we" learn??????

So to all this I ask one more time.................... WHY????

gremlin, im drinking, and i just puked in my mom's rose bush, so that means the drama is over. time to start anew. we are moving on, lets just get to it!
.................. WHY??????

The only word that really works here. Why?
Why do "we" feel the need to insult one another?
Why do "we" crave and desire the drama and carnage that always follows?
Why do "we" assume and make accusations against one another?
Why do "we" allow things to spiral out of control?
Why do "we" think we are better than others?
Why do "we" poke, pry and take information, secrets, fears, hopes, dreams, knowledge that is not ours in hope we can know more?
Why.................. Why.......................... WHY????????????????????????

Do "we" not understand the ramifications of "our" actions? Have "we" as a people in general not learned from past mistakes? Do "we" not realize the injustices "we" put on ourselves? What would "we" do if "we" were the ones this was occurring to?

I do not know the entire details of what has occurred nor do I need to know. HOWEVER, "we" must learn from this. Every day our technology advances, yet it seems "we" as a people die more and more. "We" have accepted regular communication with others via internet and email, while our pen has diminished. "our" vocabulary as a whole no longer exist and "our" ability to be civil lessens each day.

Yes "we" are the civilized barbaric people that advance at leaps and bounds, but at what cost? When will "we" learn??????

So to all this I ask one more time.................... WHY????

I've always enjoyed your post.
The rose bush has been puked upon. A new day has dawned. I will be with you all for the lovin' in a few minutes. I'm going to Google "puke on rosebush" to see if it can be saved.
For us non-imbibers, can we just roll a big fattie instead?


Joe will definately be down with this. He is probably infusing his vodka with mary jane.....
Read your message.. Understand the frustration.. <B U T T > heads.. This is the only forum I deal with.. Most others are S--T.. Great site.. I look forward to each new update.. Love the site,Models and it has proven to be worth the membership fee.. Fear not!! just keep on giveing your members the same quality you started with and continue to provide.. F--K them!! T H A N K S!!
I am new and don't know anything about any groups or conspiracies. Would somebody please define "personal information." If there is information about you on the web, then it is NOT personal, it is in the public domain and you cannot get mad at people who read it. "Digging" may be just googling somebody's name. That is not a crime and does NOT constitute "stalking." An invasion of privacy would be if someone illegally obtained your credit report or a copy of your tax return. Notice that I said "illegally." However, if somebody goes to the courthouse records or searches the net and finds out something about you, that is not snooping or "digging." It is just reading what is out there in the public domain already on display for all the world to see. Sharing information that is in the public domain with others is no crime either. You read something on the net and tell your friend about it. That is perfectly legitimate and legal. It is just research and reading. The U.S. Supreme Court held in Sullivan vs. NY Times that when you put yourself out there for all the world to see, then you are a "public" figure and as such you have to tolerate a lot more than a non-public figure. When you are putting yourself out there to be watched and viewed on an internet porn site you become a "public figure."
I am new and don't know anything about any groups or conspiracies. Would somebody please define "personal information." If there is information about you on the web, then it is NOT personal, it is in the public domain and you cannot get mad at people who read it. "Digging" may be just googling somebody's name. That is not a crime and does NOT constitute "stalking." An invasion of privacy would be if someone illegally obtained your credit report or a copy of your tax return. Notice that I said "illegally." However, if somebody goes to the courthouse records or searches the net and finds out something about you, that is not snooping or "digging." It is just reading what is out there in the public domain already on display for all the world to see. Sharing information that is in the public domain with others is no crime either. You read something on the net and tell your friend about it. That is perfectly legitimate and legal. It is just research and reading. The U.S. Supreme Court held in Sullivan vs. NY Times that when you put yourself out there for all the world to see, then you are a "public" figure and as such you have to tolerate a lot more than a non-public figure. When you are putting yourself out there to be watched and viewed on an internet porn site you become a "public figure."

I think we've just found our new para legal. Well researched Logan. :thumbup1:
I am new and don't know anything about any groups or conspiracies. Would somebody please define "personal information." If there is information about you on the web, then it is NOT personal, it is in the public domain and you cannot get mad at people who read it. "Digging" may be just googling somebody's name. That is not a crime and does NOT constitute "stalking." An invasion of privacy would be if someone illegally obtained your credit report or a copy of your tax return. Notice that I said "illegally." However, if somebody goes to the courthouse records or searches the net and finds out something about you, that is not snooping or "digging." It is just reading what is out there in the public domain already on display for all the world to see. Sharing information that is in the public domain with others is no crime either. You read something on the net and tell your friend about it. That is perfectly legitimate and legal. It is just research and reading. The U.S. Supreme Court held in Sullivan vs. NY Times that when you put yourself out there for all the world to see, then you are a "public" figure and as such you have to tolerate a lot more than a non-public figure. When you are putting yourself out there to be watched and viewed on an internet porn site you become a "public figure."

Your correct. Nobody accused anyone of this being legal or not. My point of this post is TO BE CAREFUL WHEN GIVING OUT YOUR INFORMATION! If members want to find other members facebook information and contact each other on facebook, there is no law and its not illegal. I'm just advising our members to be careful when giving out your information regardless if its personal or private. You don't know who your giving out your info to and you have no clue who can read it.

Privacy is an issue when it does come to a porn site. I'm not concerned about myself, but concerned about others such as other members that don't want to be contacted via facebook from other members and members contacting models and searching for models via facebook. Although *WE* are placing ourselves into the public eye, there are many members and models that do not want to be contacted by members of this site. Unfortunately some "fans" of this site don't understand this and go above and beyond and keep contacting models and wanting to know them on a personal basis and can't take "NO" as an answer or don't understand when they are told, "please leave me alone and please respect my privacy".

Then this does become an issue and this is why I started this thread. Thank you for your legal insight and you input onto this matter.

PS...back to my cave :thumbup:
Logan, there is legal, there is moral, and there is ethical. While certain actions were not illegal, they were morally reprehensible and criss-crossed ethical lines. I defer to your scholarly research as to legal boundaries, but contend that the intent was certainly beyond what a reasonable person would consider acceptable.

I have maintained all along that sites such as MySpace and Facebook are dangerous, and a haven for a certain segment of the population whose intents are less than honorable. I also would implore you to exercise the "me" test when determining whether or not something is acceptable. That test is simple: How would I feel if someone did this to me?