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Advisory for all members-please read carefully.


BluMedia Staff
Staff member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
South Florida
Many of you have contacted me to what is going on, what is this conspiracy, underline issue with many of the senior members of this forum.

Before I go into detail, I was warned by many that had told me privately what is and still going on regarding this forum. Before this forum ever started I have never had such drama and such stress placed upon me as a person. Although I have been praised for my work, I have been equally bashed and all levels. Before this forum arrived, my life as simple, I ran a business and filmed porn and I really didn't have to deal with members of the site. Members had no way of contacting each other and no way of communicating with each other. Before the forum the days of Broke Straight Boys were much simpler.

Since this forum has started, in theory the idea was great and I for one was very excited about having this forum added to the Broke Straight Boys site. However, there have been some major abuses on this forum by many of the members which I will out line and discuss in this thread.

I wasn't aware of what has been going on. I've been warned by many other members that no longer are on this site that many of the senior members (which will remain, nameless) have contacted each other and chatted amongst themselves privately. There is nothing wrong with doing this and we can't stop you for contacting each other. However, these particular guys are to my knowledge started with about 15-20 members, they are retired guys that have nothing really to do with there time and find going on this forum and chatting with one another is there favorite pass time. Okay..whatever floats there boat. However, it has become and problem because there goal has become to dig up dirt and drama and find out what the "real inside scoop is when the camera is really off". They want to know the real details of the my life and the models lives, so it become there goal to try to find out as much information as they possibly can and obtaining as much info on myself and the models.

Now, here where it starts getting juicy....This was all happening for the past year or two that these guys were obtaining this information. In the months and years of getting to know these guys, they have found out my real name and searched online for my facebook account. I found out when a childhood friend from my facebook account got an email from on of these members that emailed him wanting to know what I was like as a teenager and asking personal questions. My sister got an email from another member asking her what its like having me as a brother. This really opened my eyes and I started doing my own investigation. My friend joined up the Broke Straight Boys and the forum and started getting private messages from several of the guys from this group. Here is an excerpt from that particular from one of those guys in the group:

I have something I want to talk to you about but it is top secret and you can not and must not speak of it with anyone, and I mean NO ONE, regardless of who else you may know from the forum. By passing this along I am violating a very sacred trust but you seem cool and worthy of being so trusted. In exchange I will share with you what will most likely be very inside information from Broke Straight Boys behind the scenes. And no they do not know this leak exists. I am sorry to sound so mysterious but I really am sticking my neck out here. If this sounds interesting and you can give me that much trust and honesty send me an email at my home address XXXXXXXXX. I don't dare say any of this on any of the boards.

The above is an email that has been circulating to many of the members of this Broke Straight Boys forum. The information they have to my knowledge is my personal information, and many of the models personal information and real names and were you can find them online and hunt them down and chat with them.

What these guys are doing and they don't realize is they are prying into personal and private information of myself and models. Without any thought and any regards to there private lives they are contacting these models without there permission. They don't realize perhaps that maybe some of these models are on the downlow and don't want to be contacted, perhaps some models are in the closet and don't want anyone to know they are gay or bi or whatever and they don't want to be contacted by members of this site.

In addition to this group infringing on our personal information, it has recently come to my attention that not only are they getting our information but other members they want to know more about. I'm not going into detail on this subject because I don't don't want to scare other members on this forum.

I will give everyone here an advisory. I know its fun coming to this forum and speaking to other Broke Straight Boys forum members. I know you folks are very passionate about the site and have many different view points about the models, the episodes and so on...but although you build electronic friendships on this site, the other folks on this site are NOT truly your friends. Its very easy to blur the lines, but basically WE all of us included really don't know each other and if you share private information such as myspace or facebook, you don't know where your information will end up and who's reading your private information. Although we claim, not me! not me! we innocently give out this information and who knows who is reading your information or receiving your information. Today's technology is a great invention but can be used for good and for bad. If you have my information and models information and you give it out to another member of the site, think before you do this, you maybe giving it out to some evil individuals out there that may have alternative motives and that is why I'm angry and very upset with those original group of senior members that passed along this private information and most likely even more information and what accusation and assumption that has been made.

Oddly enough when I confronted one of the main offenders of infringing on our private information, oddly enough he blamed me for having my last name posted on my email thread. Oddly enough he blamed me for having our acknowledgment in a book that was loosely written about Broke Straight Boys He partly blamed me because I slipped a few times and called the model by his first name. Just because you have access to my real name, or you get a models real name doesn't give you and any of the members on this site to infringe on our private lives! I never got an apology, I never got a confession that this was happening...NOTHING! All I got was some half ass post that read from some of the offenders never claiming there fault nor an apology and to this day these guys think they didn't do anything wrong and no harm was done. Really SAD!!!

This post should serve as a warning as I have learned my lesson. As for me...I'm not going to be posting anymore...I have been too insulted by these guys and I never had such stress before in my life. I've tried to be nice and be friends with all of our members. I do appreciate your support, but its time for me to leave this forum and start working on filming again. For me the party is over and its back to work. I hope you enjoy what I film and I look forward to your continued support.
I'm sorry it's come to this david....happy filming
Me Too

Let the healing begin and lets give everyone the benefit of the doubt.:mellow:
Thanks for the Update

I was wondering what all the to-do was about. Now I know. Happy filming, you do good work.

When I was a kid in HS just getting into the cyberworld I was careless with my personal information and privacy. It led to a really ugly situation. I was being stalked tho I never encouraged the guy in anyway. He didn't see anything wrong with what he was doing because he was 'just a nice guy who wanted to be my friend and assumed I wanted to be his.' My parents had to call the police. It got messy. Restraints had to be put in place. I learned my lesson the hard way. I now keep my personal life personal.

There have been guys on The Forum who have tried to get personal information from me. Where I live. The name of my college. My real name. It freaks me out and I have not responded. I don't care how nice they are, or how much they may pretend to just being friendly. As far as I am concerned they need to get a life and its not mine.

I feel for you, David. By the very nature of your job you are more out there. I am really sorry that there are people who have no life of their own and are making things uncomfortable for you. With friends/Forumites like these who need wierdos?

The majority of them may just be having 'harmless' fun, but it only takes one.
It's very sad when people stoop so low to get a kick out of life. These people need to get out more and meet people in the real world. I used to be on Facebook and used it a lot but didn't understand the security element of it, as it was the early days of FB. It ended up with so called friends causing a major rift between my bf and myself who had been together for 18 months. In the end it didn't matter because through FB, I found out that he was cheating on me. I have never used FB, Myspace or anything like this anymore. I wont even put my face pic on an avator anymore.

Once bitten etc etc.
Excerpt from e-mail to David:

David, Eddie and all:

One I will take my guilt. I am sorry. I should never have done what I did.

I did share information and did not take into account the ramifications. That is true and I cannot express how sorry I am. However, I do not have David's SSN, DL number or anything else of that sort. I do not sit at my computer and spend hours researching him. I did not contact his family and friends. I did not show up at his door and demand entry. I did not research other members and attempt to contact them.

I do infact have a life. I spend far more time with the hubby, volunteering, and living than anything else.

As for bitter old queen........ that's one opinion. Not necessarily the truth.

We both need to speak in generalities David and that can lead to misunderstandings by others. You express one side and are in the driver's seat. I do not know the exact items for which I am said to be guilty except for sharing of information and I am guilty of that. I can tell everyone one this, I have no knowledge of participating in a group of 15-20 people.

So paint me (and the others) as you will, but I'd like the other forumites know that while I transgressed, not all of the items David mentioned were done with the knowledge of any others. I do share their blame if they used info that came thru me, I readily admit that and pray for forgiveness.

There are two side to every story and each side has it's own point of view. In this case those points of view cannot be discussed publically except by generalization. Please keep that in mind. I am not trying to escape blame. I can readily admit guilt to sharing information. But I cannot let me (as the person who admitted guilt) be painted the one representative of all the evils without knowing the charges against me.....
If I knew then I could make the correct apologies and admissions of guilt AND AM MORE THAN WILLING TO DO SO.

David; I have had my beefs with the site and with you personally via this forum. However, those who take it to the next level and try to get personal information about you sicken me! Contacting your family??? That is WAY over the line. What if your family didn't know exactly what you do for a livivng?? As I said before, you and I have had our different opinions aobut some issues, but never would I (and I think any normal person) take this site so personally that I would feel it neescessary to delve into your or any of the models personal lives. In my opinion
Some guy's just don't realise this site is your "dream's come true" to watch... and think about the word "DREAM'S". "NOT REAL"....the models are guys that are str8 some bi and some gay, but where the not real thing comes in, is there names, where they are from and what they do part time, coz that is none of your biz!! How would you feel some1 knows every littel thing about you and could use it against you? I know i would not like it and most of the world will prob agree with me. SO GUYS PLS ENJOY THE FANTACY then get back to your reality. Don't do 2 others that you don't want done to yourself!!! Thank you
David, I am so sorry that you have been scorned. While I DO believe in Freedom of Speech, I equally believe in Freedom of Choice, and that 'member' had the CHOICE, (at ANY TIME) -[sorry to have to say this, this way], to cancel his membership, and search for one that is more suiting his 'taste'. As you know from my records, I, myself, have been around since the days of the updates on page 1, and have NEVER had such vulgarity, as you have described, but rather, civility. If there is anything I can do in support. please let me/us know, to show our appreciation for the work you do. Also, a possible solution to the 'problem': since being a 'senior' member is a 'priveledge' (sp?), and not a 'right', perhaps you can suspend/revoke their membership, and their fee would be forfeited?

Keep up the good work!

Bob F

Many of you have contacted me to what is going on, what is this conspiracy, underline issue with many of the senior members of this forum.

Before I go into detail, I was warned by many that had told me privately what is and still going on regarding this forum. Before this forum ever started I have never had such drama and such stress placed upon me as a person. Although I have been praised for my work, I have been equally bashed and all levels. Before this forum arrived, my life as simple, I ran a business and filmed porn and I really didn't have to deal with members of the site. Members had no way of contacting each other and no way of communicating with each other. Before the forum the days of Broke Straight Boys were much simpler.

Since this forum has started, in theory the idea was great and I for one was very excited about having this forum added to the Broke Straight Boys site. However, there have been some major abuses on this forum by many of the members which I will out line and discuss in this thread.

I wasn't aware of what has been going on. I've been warned by many other members that no longer are on this site that many of the senior members (which will remain, nameless) have contacted each other and chatted amongst themselves privately. There is nothing wrong with doing this and we can't stop you for contacting each other. However, these particular guys are to my knowledge started with about 15-20 members, they are retired guys that have nothing really to do with there time and find going on this forum and chatting with one another is there favorite pass time. Okay..whatever floats there boat. However, it has become and problem because there goal has become to dig up dirt and drama and find out what the "real inside scoop is when the camera is really off". They want to know the real details of the my life and the models lives, so it become there goal to try to find out as much information as they possibly can and obtaining as much info on myself and the models.

Now, here where it starts getting juicy....This was all happening for the past year or two that these guys were obtaining this information. In the months and years of getting to know these guys, they have found out my real name and searched online for my facebook account. I found out when a childhood friend from my facebook account got an email from on of these members that emailed him wanting to know what I was like as a teenager and asking personal questions. My sister got an email from another member asking her what its like having me as a brother. This really opened my eyes and I started doing my own investigation. My friend joined up the Broke Straight Boys and the forum and started getting private messages from several of the guys from this group. Here is an excerpt from that particular from one of those guys in the group:

I have something I want to talk to you about but it is top secret and you can not and must not speak of it with anyone, and I mean NO ONE, regardless of who else you may know from the forum. By passing this along I am violating a very sacred trust but you seem cool and worthy of being so trusted. In exchange I will share with you what will most likely be very inside information from Broke Straight Boys behind the scenes. And no they do not know this leak exists. I am sorry to sound so mysterious but I really am sticking my neck out here. If this sounds interesting and you can give me that much trust and honesty send me an email at my home address XXXXXXXXX. I don't dare say any of this on any of the boards.

The above is an email that has been circulating to many of the members of this Broke Straight Boys forum. The information they have to my knowledge is my personal information, and many of the models personal information and real names and were you can find them online and hunt them down and chat with them.

What these guys are doing and they don't realize is they are prying into personal and private information of myself and models. Without any thought and any regards to there private lives they are contacting these models without there permission. They don't realize perhaps that maybe some of these models are on the downlow and don't want to be contacted, perhaps some models are in the closet and don't want anyone to know they are gay or bi or whatever and they don't want to be contacted by members of this site.

In addition to this group infringing on our personal information, it has recently come to my attention that not only are they getting our information but other members they want to know more about. I'm not going into detail on this subject because I don't don't want to scare other members on this forum.

I will give everyone here an advisory. I know its fun coming to this forum and speaking to other Broke Straight Boys forum members. I know you folks are very passionate about the site and have many different view points about the models, the episodes and so on...but although you build electronic friendships on this site, the other folks on this site are NOT truly your friends. Its very easy to blur the lines, but basically WE all of us included really don't know each other and if you share private information such as myspace or facebook, you don't know where your information will end up and who's reading your private information. Although we claim, not me! not me! we innocently give out this information and who knows who is reading your information or receiving your information. Today's technology is a great invention but can be used for good and for bad. If you have my information and models information and you give it out to another member of the site, think before you do this, you maybe giving it out to some evil individuals out there that may have alternative motives and that is why I'm angry and very upset with those original group of senior members that passed along this private information and most likely even more information and what accusation and assumption that has been made.

Oddly enough when I confronted one of the main offenders of infringing on our private information, oddly enough he blamed me for having my last name posted on my email thread. Oddly enough he blamed me for having our acknowledgment in a book that was loosely written about Broke Straight Boys He partly blamed me because I slipped a few times and called the model by his first name. Just because you have access to my real name, or you get a models real name doesn't give you and any of the members on this site to infringe on our private lives! I never got an apology, I never got a confession that this was happening...NOTHING! All I got was some half ass post that read from some of the offenders never claiming there fault nor an apology and to this day these guys think they didn't do anything wrong and no harm was done. Really SAD!!!

This post should serve as a warning as I have learned my lesson. As for me...I'm not going to be posting anymore...I have been too insulted by these guys and I never had such stress before in my life. I've tried to be nice and be friends with all of our members. I do appreciate your support, but its time for me to leave this forum and start working on filming again. For me the party is over and its back to work. I hope you enjoy what I film and I look forward to your continued support.

I am truly saddened to read all this. I understand your hurt and frustration. I hope you will at least continue to read the posts. I am not surprised all this happened, think about it. The insights you have come in and given us; the interviews that allow us to peek closer at the models lives; the Straight Boy Gatherings where people actually can meet models, all these events perhaps gave some people the idea that they had a right to peoples private lives. IT DOES NOT!

May time heal your wounds. Meanwhile, I appreciate the good work you do on this site. Keep up the great work! And, have fun doing it.
It may come as a surprise to some of my friends on the forum that I was, I think, a member of the group David is talking about. (Or actually maybe it won't.) But from his description it sounds like there must have been other "groups", bigger, with an older demographic, creepier, dangerous, dating back much farther. I remember several months ago telling Jayce that I was a fan of a certain porn star. He's never been on Broke Straight Boys but is terrific looking and really interesting, and Jayce kindly sent me a few photos of this guy he had in his capacity of facilitator and agent. We later did speculate about the sites, the management and the models, but really nothing that couldn't at a bit of a stretch be posted on the forum. Jason has confessed his transgressions to David. I guess David will forgive him eventually since I think they've been friends up to now. But I can tell you I'm flummoxed by where this has all gone, and I'm neither being ingenuous nor naive when I say that. The half dozen people on the "Reply to all" list who occasionally exchanged messages via e-mail don't square in any tiny way with the types Dave has described. One of the sweetest, mildest members of this forum, sickened by the back story and the really creepy descriptions of the protagonists of the conspiracy, has blotted himself out, said goodbye to me and maybe 2 or three others, and is no longer part of Broke Straight Boys I actually don't know if I'm expected, as one of the 6 guys who were chatting, to do the same. I can only assume that there was something really malign going on among other, different, members that we didn't know anything about. David says no one's apologized. Well, I'm really sorry we, and the others we don't know, the stalkers and threateners, have put you through this. Even if you don't post any more I hope you'll see this apology, since you were hoping to hear one and certainly deserve it.
I've decided to get outta here, simply because I cannot trust the people I thought were friends and also the site owners. Also, when other forumites state that, its a t0ugh life and accept that long term members who have contributed so much to the forum, and so it's good that they should leave, is a good thing, then I think it's time to leave also.

Bye bye and if you choose not to want a cock then shove it on your head where your brains appear to be.
I've decided to get outta here, simply because I cannot trust the people I thought were friends and also the site owners. Also, when other forumites state that, its a t0ugh life and accept that long term members who have contributed so much to the forum, and so it's good that they should leave, is a good thing, then I think it's time to leave also.

Bye bye and if you choose not to want a cock then shove it on your head where your brains appear to be.

What I failed to say is that I PM'd David soon after his thread and whilst I am not part of his so called psycho group, I thought he may have replied.

Good luck America you deserve each other.
Jon, we've certainly had our differences, but I am saddened to see you go. I do, however take exception to your last sentence. Not all Americans (nor British, French, Italian, etc.) behave in the manner which has nearly toppled this forum. Some of us play well with others, color inside the lines and pick up our toys.

I don't know if your statement was made in anger, if it was sarcasm, or just an extremely poor choice of words, but as a proud American, I feel that it was rude, out of line and certainly undeserved.
Jon, we've certainly had our differences, but I am saddened to see you go. I do, however take exception to your last sentence. Not all Americans (nor British, French, Italian, etc.) behave in the manner which has nearly toppled this forum. Some of us play well with others, color inside the lines and pick up our toys.

I don't know if your statement was made in anger, if it was sarcasm, or just an extremely poor choice of words, but as a proud American, I feel that it was rude, out of line and certainly undeserved.

i agree carking, especially on our independence day weekend. i believe he was pointing that comment at me however, since the above comment about the whole shoving the dick in my brain part, was in reference to something i said on another thread. oh well.
David, I am very sorry this has happened to you and to anyone else whose personal information was harvested by these people.

It sounds like these people, whoever they may be, really need to get a life. They ought to do what I do, and just join all the paysites so they can divide their porn-time up among many sites during their down time.

This really pisses me off that they went and did this, because this site is one of the few sites that has a forum where the members can chit chat amongst ourselves, and comment on our thoughts regarding the various scenes and what-not. It was also fun having you participate in threads, and you made it a lot more fun.

Whoever you all are that went and did this, I hope you're proud of yourselves. Now as a result, we all have to pay the consequences for your actions, and David will no longer be posting here.

No more joking around with him, and having him joke around with us like he used to all because you took it upon yourselves to ruin it for all the rest of us who have done nothing wrong.

David I don't blame you one bit for deciding to back away from the forum, and focus solely on filming/production.

To those of you who caused this, thanks for ruining it for everyone else. I hope you're proud of yourselves.

David, I am very sorry this has happened to you and to anyone else whose personal information was harvested by these people.

It sounds like these people, whoever they may be, really need to get a life. They ought to do what I do, and just join all the paysites so they can divide their porn-time up among many sites during their down time.

This really pisses me off that they went and did this, because this site is one of the few sites that has a forum where the members can chit chat amongst ourselves, and comment on our thoughts regarding the various scenes and what-not. It was also fun having you participate in threads, and you made it a lot more fun.

Whoever you all are that went and did this, I hope you're proud of yourselves. Now as a result, we all have to pay the consequences for your actions, and David will no longer be posting here.

No more joking around with him, and having him joke around with us like he used to all because you took it upon yourselves to ruin it for all the rest of us who have done nothing wrong.

David I don't blame you one bit for deciding to back away from the forum, and focus solely on filming/production.

To those of you who caused this, thanks for ruining it for everyone else. I hope you're proud of yourselves.


Abe, I bet you $150 Dave will have posted something really amusing (both intentionally and unintentionally god bless him) within the next 6 weeks. Just send me your full name, address, phone and bank account numbers (so I can make a direct payment via IBAN transfer, bank to bank, in case he doesn't post inside the deadline). Oh yeah, social security number and also net worth. If you have heirs and what the date is on the latest version of your will would also be useful. Just in case you win the bet you understand.
Abe, I bet you $150 Dave will have posted something really amusing (both intentionally and unintentionally god bless him) within the next 6 weeks. Just send me your full name, address, phone and bank account numbers (so I can make a direct payment via IBAN transfer, bank to bank, in case he doesn't post inside the deadline). Oh yeah, social security number and also net worth. If you have heirs and what the date is on the latest version of your will would also be useful. Just in case you win the bet you understand.

slim, i love your sarcasm, have i ever told you that?