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Can members be anymore RUDE and MEAN????

your rewrite of history is a good read.
belgium and poland attacked an innocent central european state.
harmless comments like for some idiotic reason some people like him?
I'll say this and then I'm done. THIS IS PORN, PEOPLE! It is a VISUAL medium. Everything about it is superficial. The model's looks is what makes us watch, and then the sex. Period. All the other stuff about it (which I love) such as the model's personality, thoughts, hopes, dreams, intelligence, etc. are all, for lack of a better term, gravy. We can argue until we're blue in the face about who has a right to say what and when and if it's appropriate, and we'll never agree. One of the things I love about gays is that we've been censored all our lives. We tend to be outspoken and over the top because of it. On blogs, we finally have the freedom to say what we want in a public forum and it seems we can't even do that. I haven't noticed anyone being rude or mean. Sure, some may say things without sugar-coating, but as has been stated, WE'RE ALL ADULTS! I would like to think we're all a bit tougher than children, and being gay, we most certainly should be.

Somebody said they weren't looking for the models to get all girly and start "making love" and they wanted just the rough fucking no kissing or reciting poetry. Well, how about straight-talk? And when you have ADULTS who are paying their money, we tend to be even more blunt and to the point about what we do and don't like. Again, I haven't read anything here insulting or mean. I have read some angry comments, but so what? If you think they have been mean, go to the Waybig blog and see what mean really is.

Now, I've just exercised my right to voice my thoughts and opinions in what I deem a respectful, mature, and intelligent way. If I as a gay man can't do that here, then this isn't the blog I thought it was.

I completely agree with both ChicanoDag, and Balboa, with their thoughtful comment's made on this thread. I especially like what ChicanoDag said comparing the job of being a model on Broke Straight Boys to being a "skiploader", (whatever that is). Every profession does require certain skills and qualifications, and I thought that the following paragraph is particularly insightful.

"The guys having sex on Broke Straight Boys must meet certain qualifications. Just like anybody in any job. They must be able to get and maintain an erection. They must cum. And they must be attractive to a reasonable number of people. That is not superficial. That is the job description. I will never be paid by Broke Straight Boys to have sex. I have a belly and I have grey in my beard. But then, my job description does not require me to maintain an erection while operating a skiploader."

When we are paying to see what our idea of physical perfection is, in our porn stars, I believe that a comment about a model's change in physical appearance is justified.

I did not detect a tone of rudeness by any of the posters. It sounded more like big fan's of Bobby's who were disappointed by his change in appearance, and a plea to improve his appearance. And as the criticism is over things that Bobby can easily control, and change if he so chooses, I felt that it was fair criticism, even if the original title of the post was a bit harsh.

Great points, both Mike and Balboa. You are both right actually, I guess my thinking was more along the lines of how would it make Bobby feel if he was to read the thread. But in all fairness, even amongst friends and co-workers, you're going to hear it if people start noticing you're gaining weight, suddenly going bald, stuff like that. It's not pleasant to hear, but it's a fact of life.

I guess my main thing was I was completely shocked, because I just do not see Bobby as getting fat! Maybe a little bit in the face he has put on some weight, but certainly not on his hot body.

It was really noticeable with Dustin in his later scenes, not only his substantial weight gain but also the fact that he suddenly was never without that hat covering his baldness which looked ridiculous. I mean it's fine to wear a hat, but to suddenly clutch to it if it's about to fly off when you're fucking, is a bit much. BUT, in Broke Straight Boys's defense, I believe Dustin was an exclusive at the time and they couldn't put him out to pasture so to speak until his contract had ended at which time they did.

It is totally true, in porn it's all about looks and what the viewers want to see.

But at the same time I do think it's funny that so many people say really mean things about Jimmy and yet it's no problem to basically call Bobby fat.

Mark !!

So this is the new face of Broke Straight Boys 2 . Reading this post I now know why people think Jimmy comes accross as RUDE. ( I do not remember anyone saying he was mean). Reading the posts about Bobby they seem to come from fans caring about him. He and Clay came up with some bullshit story about him being in jail so a member comments that being in jail seems to have put a few pounds on him. I would think Bobby would be more affended by a big mouth announcing the death of his parents on a porn sight. You should do something about YOUR models attacking YOUR paying members about harmless comments. Jimmy did not seem to mined when his fans attacked members for harmless comments about seeing to much of him.

so would you feel worse about it if bobby did really gain weight in jail? Im not going to say if its true or not but it could be.
so would you feel worse about it if bobby did really gain weight in jail? Im not going to say if its true or not but it could be.

That's pretty unlikely Jimmy. In jail, you aren't fed much. I know because my sister is a captain at a county jail and I have a friend who was in jail for awhile and they basically feed you enough to keep you from starving, and that's about it. A lot of guys have plenty of access to weights, and they lift all the time. Not saying that's what everyone in jail does, but many do however. I think it's pretty much unheard of to actually *gain* weight in jail.

This is not to be argumentative towards Jimmy, nor is it to say that I think Bobby hs even gotten fat because I most certainly do not, at all.

I'm sorry. I was a bit taken aback when I saw this thread and I had to go check out the thread in question.

I don't often find myself in disagreement with Mikeyank, but I think this is one occasion where I am. My personal feeling about the comments toward Bobby are that they are tasteless and disrespectful - and largely unfounded. I do note, Mike, that you don't really think Bobby looks bad at all, but I disagree that these comments were not out of line.

I do agree that everyone has a right to their opinion. The free speech argument is thrown around too often and it's really entirely irrelevant here. This isn't about anyone's right to say anything they want. You have that right. No one is going to throw you in jail for saying something tasteless and disrespectful. But that doesn't make it any LESS tasteless and disrespectful. It's not about your right. It's about common decency.

Yes, Bobby is on a porn site. That doesn't mean he aspires to be a porn star. Yes, there are some of you who think that even a little extra weight is somehow a bad thing. It's not, but as they say, opinions are like ***holes - everybody has one. But the idea that you, because you pay for this site, somehow have the right to say things that are downright mean and that Jimmy - who obviously found these statements offensive (as do more than a few members) - does not... Well that's just insane.

Most people here wouldn't go up to someone in a public place and call them fat. Most wouldn't even do it in private. It's not any more okay here. Yes, you have the 'right' to do it, but you'd still be a jerk for saying it. It violates the laws of common decency - which, apparently, are not very common these days.

And let's get one thing straight about being paying members: The only thing that your payment gives you the 'right' to to do is to view the content on this site. It doesn't give you the right to dictate what the models should or should not do. It does not make it less disrespectful to talk smack about the models. (We've all violated that one on a few occasions.) Your presence on this forum is a privelege afforded to you by the owners of this site - not a protected right.

You can say what you want and you can argue your reasons all you like, but the bottom line is that what was said was upsetting to a number of members and at least one of the models. That, in itself, is a reason to think twice about it. If you wouldn't say it to your mother or to your sister, you should at least think before you say it here.
that was EXTREMELY well said, JohnnyG! I ESPECIALLY liked the part in te red. :thumbup:

I'm sorry. I was a bit taken aback when I saw this thread and I had to go check out the thread in question.

I don't often find myself in disagreement with Mikeyank, but I think this is one occasion where I am. My personal feeling about the comments toward Bobby are that they are tasteless and disrespectful - and largely unfounded. I do note, Mike, that you don't really think Bobby looks bad at all, but I disagree that these comments were not out of line.

I do agree that everyone has a right to their opinion. The free speech argument is thrown around too often and it's really entirely irrelevant here. This isn't about anyone's right to say anything they want. You have that right. No one is going to throw you in jail for saying something tasteless and disrespectful. But that doesn't make it any LESS tasteless and disrespectful. It's not about your right. It's about common decency.

Yes, Bobby is on a porn site. That doesn't mean he aspires to be a porn star. Yes, there are some of you who think that even a little extra weight is somehow a bad thing. It's not, but as they say, opinions are like ***holes - everybody has one. But the idea that you, because you pay for this site, somehow have the right to say things that are downright mean and that Jimmy - who obviously found these statements offensive (as do more than a few members) - does not... Well that's just insane.

Most people here wouldn't go up to someone in a public place and call them fat. Most wouldn't even do it in private. It's not any more okay here. Yes, you have the 'right' to do it, but you'd still be a jerk for saying it. It violates the laws of common decency - which, apparently, are not very common these days.

And let's get one thing straight about being paying members: The only thing that your payment gives you the 'right' to to do is to view the content on this site. It doesn't give you the right to dictate what the models should or should not do. It does not make it less disrespectful to talk smack about the models. (We've all violated that one on a few occasions.) Your presence on this forum is a privelege afforded to you by the owners of this site - not a protected right.

You can say what you want and you can argue your reasons all you like, but the bottom line is that what was said was upsetting to a number of members and at least one of the models. That, in itself, is a reason to think twice about it. If you wouldn't say it to your mother or to your sister, you should at least think before you say it here.[/QUOTE]
I'm sorry. I was a bit taken aback when I saw this thread and I had to go check out the thread in question.

My personal feeling about the comments toward Bobby are that they are tasteless and disrespectful - and largely unfounded. I do note, Mike, that you don't really think Bobby looks bad at all, but I disagree that these comments were not out of line.


Okay, I'm sorry JohnnyG, but I am gonna have to call you out on this one. Did you really go back and read the entire thread to be able to come back with that assesement? Or are you just talking about the title of the thread? If you did indeed read what you refer to in the body of the thread, then I challenge you, or any of the others, including Jimmy to post direct quotes or excerpts from the thread that supports your claims.

I have gone back and read the entire thread again and with the exception of a couple of generalizations not directed at any one model in particular, I read mostly supportive comments about Bobby from the majority of the posters. I read nothing that was tasteless or disrespectful etc... , so please, pretty please with sugar on top, educate me and some of my friends so that we will be able to identify rude, mean, tasteless and disrespectful the next time we see it.

- Jason
I'm sorry. I was a bit taken aback when I saw this thread and I had to go check out the thread in question.

My personal feeling about the comments toward Bobby are that they are tasteless and disrespectful - and largely unfounded. I do note, Mike, that you don't really think Bobby looks bad at all, but I disagree that these comments were not out of line.


Okay, I'm sorry JohnnyG, but I am gonna have to call you out on this one. Did you really go back and read the entire thread to be able to come back with that assesement? Or are you just talking about the title of the thread? If you did indeed read what you refer to as tasteless and disrespectful in the body of the thread, then I challenge you, or any of the others, including Jimmy to post direct quotes or excerpts from the thread that supports your claims.

I have gone back and read the entire thread again and with the exception of a couple of generalizations not directed at any one model in particular, I read mostly supportive comments about Bobby from the majority of the posters. I read nothing that was tasteless or disrespectful etc... , so please, pretty please with sugar on top, educate me and some of my friends so that we will be able to identify rude, mean, tasteless and disrespectful the next time we see it.

- Jason
Sorry guys, tried to do an edit and ended up posting twice, not sure how that happened. -J
That was a thread initiated by a customer of the site who adores Bobby. Get that straight for a start. He's a guy who for whatever reason, and there could be hundreds of different ones, depends on Bobby for sexual release. Just guessing here, but maybe he even found in Bobby his ideal sex icon--because frankly Bobby has all the qualities a gay sex icon oughta have. A lot of Bobby fans, and I'm one of them, love his curly hair. (I think it goes a lot deeper than that because the hair is only part of the picture, but perhaps it's the hair that's the symbol of Bobby's cuteness). In fact Bobby is adorable in almost all the ways a cute Broke Straight Boys can be adorable: his amazing body, his cheeky attitude, his mischievous banter, his laugh, his stiffy, his willingness to get it on. But visually, and porn is a visual thing, he's a knockout.

The customer who loved Bobby loved him for all of the above, but got turned on by him through his eyes. And when Bobby suddenly didn't do it for him because visually he'd changed radically, he put in a pitiful plea for him to do whatever it took to return to the Bobby he loved.

No disrespect, no tastelessness, no anger, no hate. Love. "I adored you with your curly hair and flat belly. Could you grow the one and shrink the other please?" Not just "please", but "please, please, please".

Bobby's getting back to being Bobby. His adorable hair is starting to curl at the nape of his neck and his diet has improved. He's exercising his abs the way god wanted a cute sexy guy's abs to be exercised, and which isn't available 24/7 in a DUI lockup. He looks fit as fuck in today's video. The man who initiated that thread, if he hasn't been shouted off the site by the hysterical reaction to his original post, will be a much happier man than he was when he posted the original request.

My guess is that Bobby was already tanned and fit, with his hair well on its way to gettin' curly, when that pasty, shorn, flabby, post-prison video was uploaded. And has been enjoying the fun, and the attention, his momentary visit to couch-potatoland has caused.

I hope all the dudes who pay to see Bobby at his best doing fag shit with other hotties are relieved to have him back, and all the guys who got a little overexcited at what they perceived to be disrespect to a much loved model, can relax.
still trying to read the love in this post:
HELP! My favorite model has turned into Mr. Potatohead.
...but successfully reading the stymied lust in this post:
HELP! My favorite model has turned into Mr. Potatohead.
This was a thread initiated by a customer of the site who adores Bobby. Get that straight for a start. He's a guy who for whatever reason, and there could be hundreds of different ones, depends on Bobby for sexual release. Just guessing here, but maybe he even found in Bobby his ideal sex icon--because frankly Bobby has all the qualities a gay sex icon oughta have. A lot of Bobby fans, and I'm one of them, love his curly hair. (I think it goes a lot deeper than that because the hair is only part of the picture, but perhaps it's the hair that's the symbol of Bobby's cuteness). In fact Bobby is adorable in almost all the ways a cute Broke Straight Boys can be adorable: his amazing body, his cheeky attitude, his mischievous banter, his laugh, his stiffy, his willingness to get it on. But visually, and porn is a visual thing, he's a knockout.

The customer who loved Bobby loved him for all of the above, but got turned on by him through his eyes. And when Bobby suddenly didn't do it for him because visually he'd changed radically, he put in a pitiful plea for him to do whatever it took to return to the Bobby he loved.

No disrespect, no tastelessness, no anger, no hate. Love. "I adored you with your curly hair and flat belly. Could you grow the one and shrink the other please?" Not just "please", but "please, please, please".

Bobby's getting back to being Bobby. His adorable hair is starting to curl at the nape of his neck and his diet has improved. He's exercising his abs the way god wanted a cute sexy guy's abs to be exercised, and which isn't available 24/7 in a DUI lockup. He looks fit as fuck in today's video. The man who initiated this thread, if he hasn't been shouted off the site by the hysterical reaction to his original post, will be a much happier man than he was when he posted the original request.

My guess is that Bobby was already tanned and fit, with his hair well on its way to gettin' curly, when that pasty, shorn, flabby, post-prison video was uploaded. And has been enjoying the fun, and the attention, his momentary visit to couch-potatoland has caused.

I hope all the dudes who pay to see Bobby at his best doing fag shit with other hotties are relieved to have him back, and all the guys who got a little overexcited at what they perceived to be disrespect to a much loved model, can relax.
That is exactly what I saw in the original poster's comments, a loving caring plea to Bobby to please please take some steps toward returning to the physical beauty that he shared with us from his introduction to us as a "broke straight skater boy", with all the attributes that Slim, so eloquently described.

Yes, the title of his thread seemed rude, and perhaps tasteless, but his plea was from the heart, out of love to the persona known on Broke Straight Boys as Bobby.
for god sake someone asked bobby to lose weight because he was getting fat...maybe god for bid his parents died and hes going through stress so hes been eating more than usual and exercising less...HOW THE FUCK can members think that im a mean rude person but post and say things about models like were just fuck toys...its imature to talk about other people this way even if we are pornstars...

oh boo-hoo Jimmy, people who put themselves out there as objects of desire also put themselves out there to be critiqued; it goes with the territory and the internet is a mean place, which is not about to change.
Bobby is a prince, but he's out of shape and has a crappy haircut; people noticed. If a professional dramatic actor let himself get out of shape, and changed his look significantly, he would not get work. Bobby is lucky enough to be very charming and well liked. I am confident he will weather this storm.

Porn stars? Really? I thought you were Broke Straight Boys
Jimmy, You are a good friend with a valid point. Although we enjoy great freedom in the USA, that does not mean that we need to be unkind just because we can. Again, thanks Jimmy for your comments! Best wishes.
Okay, I'm sorry JohnnyG, but I am gonna have to call you out on this one... - Jason

Fair enough. Yes, I read the entire thread. And you're damn right I take exception at the title - and the very first post. Even if I hadn't, the first one would have been enough.

"Bobby had an awsome perfect lean body,without one gram of fat. And now he is on his way to be a stocky dude. Please, someone tell him to start a diet. Please"

You're right, most of the other posts were largely being supportive and to some extent trying to rationalize the statement, but the premise and the post was (in my opinion) rude and disrespectful.

If you don't agree, okay; you're entitled to your opinion. Nothing that I say will change your mind - and I'm not trying to. But I stand behind what I said. Obviously other people do find it to be rude and in poor taste. If I were totally on my own here, I wouldn't have wasted the time to post. I have no need to try to convince anyone.

But I'm not alone. People were offended by the post. My point is that you (and others) should recognize that. Don't tell them that that it *wasn't* offensive. They were offended. That, by definition, makes it offensive. You can disagree with them all you like, but in the end, people were upset by it. I happen to believe they had good reason.
That is exactly what I saw in the original poster's comments, a loving caring plea to Bobby to please please take some steps toward returning to the physical beauty that he shared with us from his introduction to us as a "broke straight skater boy", with all the attributes that Slim, so eloquently described.

Yes, the title of his thread seemed rude, and perhaps tasteless, but his plea was from the heart, out of love to the persona known on Broke Straight Boys as Bobby.

Hi Mikeyank,
That's not what I took from the comment at all. I really hate being in disagreement with you. I have a lot of respect for you and your kind, even-handed posts. But I didn't see a loving plea in this at all. This is not something I would say lovingly to anyone I know and no one I know would say it to me. I saw "Bobby, you're getting fat and you don't look the way I want you to. Please change it now."

There are any number of ways that it could have been said "lovingly", but this was not one of them. I'm going to leave it at that. I feel, at this point, that we're beating a dead horse. I only wanted to voice my support for the guys who found this to be rude. I didn't set out to make the original poster feel like an ass. Enough has been said already.
Fair enough. Yes, I read the entire thread. And you're damn right I take exception at the title - and the very first post. Even if I hadn't, the first one would have been enough.

"Bobby had an awsome perfect lean body,without one gram of fat. And now he is on his way to be a stocky dude. Please, someone tell him to start a diet. Please"

You're right, most of the other posts were largely being supportive and to some extent trying to rationalize the statement, but the premise and the post was (in my opinion) rude and disrespectful.

If you don't agree, okay; you're entitled to your opinion. Nothing that I say will change your mind - and I'm not trying to. But I stand behind what I said. Obviously other people do find it to be rude and in poor taste. If I were totally on my own here, I wouldn't have wasted the time to post. I have no need to try to convince anyone.

But I'm not alone. People were offended by the post. My point is that you (and others) should recognize that. Don't tell them that that it *wasn't* offensive. They were offended. That, by definition, makes it offensive. You can disagree with them all you like, but in the end, people were upset by it. I happen to believe they had good reason.

Thanks JohnnyG, for having the balls to step up to the plate to illustrate your position. I totally respect and appreciate that. I will take note that here in Broke Straight Boys Land, calling someone a "stocky dude" is rude, disrespectfull and in poor taste and I will be sure not to direct that term at anyone.

Thanks again -J

Any others?
oh boo-hoo Jimmy, people who put themselves out there as objects of desire also put themselves out there to be critiqued; it goes with the territory and the internet is a mean place, which is not about to change.
Bobby is a prince, but he's out of shape and has a crappy haircut; people noticed. If a professional dramatic actor let himself get out of shape, and changed his look significantly, he would not get work. Bobby is lucky enough to be very charming and well liked. I am confident he will weather this storm.

Porn stars? Really? I thought you were Broke Straight Boys

Dear Tony,

While the tone of your post is rather sharp I won't even say that I disagree with it overall. It seems to me though that we have reached an uneasy stalemate on many of these issues. Porn models are hired and gain popularity based primarily on their looks and talent. And much more so on the former than the latter. That can sometimes be a rather cold and ugly truth about the business. Especially so when you are dealing with real human beings who have feelings.

If a model makes or wants to make a big change in his appearance, he has to consider the fact that many in his fan base won't like it. If a model starts going bald or packing on pounds...if he dyes his hair, makes a drastic change to his hairstyle, gets piercings, gets new tattoos, does some odd manscaping, shows up unshowered or with a sunburn...starts obviously doing drugs...any manner of things...viewers will definitely notice. Some viewers, especially fans of the model, will be upset and want to say as much. They have the right to an opinion. The model has the right to make changes to his own body of course. But viewers don't have to like that fact.

Now we go to the other side of the coin. If a model starts getting negative feedback on his physical appearance he will naturally be upset by it. He may feel like saying something to the effect of, "Wait a minute here. Please don't talk about me like I'm just a piece of meat. Outside of work I am a real person with a real life, and I have feelings." Viewers have the right to state an opinion..but the model doesn't have to like it. The model has the same free speech right to give some pushback to his detractors.

The one thing that I will take exception to in your post Tony is your assertion that the internet is a mean place. I believe that it certainly can be at times. However if everyone on the planet accepts the premise that the internet is a mean place, I think that's a cop-out. That would mean that it's acceptable and encouraged for anyone and everyone to be mean. Because after all, "Everyone else is doing it too." I think our better angels or our own personal responsibility should be our best guide as to how we conduct ourselves online. Being the flawed human beings that we are we will all have our own missteps and regrets on the internet. Hopefully we learn from them. But I don't think that our natural inclination is to be mean.

Was Jimmy too forceful in his response to this thread? Against posts that were actually more supportive of Bobby than not? Perhaps. But that's very subjective and in the eye of the beholder. Obviously Jimmy felt justified in speaking up. I personally believe that Jimmy's intentions are good and that his heart is in the right place. He felt that the honorable thing to do would be to defend his friend. And he did. Again I respect him for that.

As for Bobby, it is because many of us have such fondness for him as a person and a model (and not as just a piece of meat) that we will be patient with him. He obviously has had some drama in his personal life that has been causing him no small amount of stress. We fans of his need to support him now, more than ever, so that he can work through his current difficulties.

I think Bobby will come back better than ever. :001_smile:
Tampa, you radiate goodness. That's a very fine post, and I agree with what you and TonyTony say. I certainly knew the second I read Jimmy's post that he was gonna get some flak for claiming he and the brokies were pornstars. And as far as El Bobby is concerned, I think he's already 75% back to perfect, and will be 100% by the time his next scene is uploaded. I'm glad we saw him right out of the clink because it gave us something to contrast with. Like a make-over program on a teleshopping channel.

But TonyTony has a point about the internet. We all know the clichés about anonymity and zero accountability, which I think are true. The internet is like your car in rush hour traffic, whence you can shout at the harassed soccer mom who's being dumbish about the highway code, "you fucking stupid, inept blonde moron, try getting a driver's license before you take that heap back onto the highway bitch," without any compunction or conscience. I'm sure you do it every day.

I don't think that idiot would have shouted "You lie" at Obama in Congress if the internet hadn't loosened up his sense of propriety and respect first. The whole Bushisms thing on Slate and elsewhere turned jeering and disdain into acceptable political parlance. And we're no better.

So the internet is a mean place, but it's almost everything else as well. There's plenty of space for saintliness. And a lot of that resides in the posts from Tampa24.