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BSB lies to its members?


Apr 30, 2011
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In the vid with Daxter (Dexter) and Rabib (Rabid) it portrays Rabid's first time with a guy is on this site where his scenes are done July and August 2007. But look at the boys4porn.com site (not updated in over a year) and its shows Rabid (Rabib) with a model named Jeff Walker on page 4 for a vid done June of that year. Clearly a month before he even appeared om Broke Straight Boys as 'straight' later. Now did Rabid(Rabib) lie to Broke Straight Boys or Broke Straight Boys lie to its members? Either way Rabid (Rabib) is by far my most favorite model still. Send whatever hate mail you wish, I'm just bringing up a valid point.
OMG.... you mean these guys aren't really str8? What a shock! I bet I won't get the same sandwich at Arbys that they use on their ads either. Next your going to tell me the Easter Bunny isn't real either. Sorry I am just amazed that anyone doesn't get it.
:001_rolleyes:I was totally aware that this is a PORN site:001_tt1:, where ACTORS are HIRED and PAID:ohmy:, to ACT in a scene, and PLAY a ROLE......................But the Easter Bunny thing?

Erik, don't burst my bubble.:mad:

Who's next? The Tooth Fairy, Santa's Elves, dragons, Cupid...........
:thumbdown: Are you just Bored, and looking to 'spice up'/heat up the forum? WOW! I cannot believe you wasted a thread on this!
Life has its challenges and running Broke Straight Boys is like any other business. It tries its best to bring a good product to market, but even with all its utmost care, things happen like models stretching the truth maybe. Don't be mad, be happy and go with the flow. Life is too short for such trivialities.
Inspite of the name, some of our best models have always been "GAY" as a $3 bill!

I could care less about all the pretense over supposedly "straight" models that has become the "new orthodoxy" of Broke Straight Boys-2 and lowered the standards of acceptable Broke Straight Boys models overall. Where are the beautiful models of old and why are we not attracting more beautiful men as we did previously.

The quality of models for Broke Straight Boys-1 brought us wonderful and handsome models like Austin Grant, Porn Shane, Tank Shane, Kevin Williams, Mike Robbins, Jimmie Slayton, Danny, Leon, Diesal, Jason, Cousin Mikey, Logan, Preston, Nu, Zakk, Nelson, and many more that over time grew into a less than straight orientation over time. Even Logan himself stated he dates both girls and guys. Of course we were not looking so frequently at "rough trade" type models back then, either! Many of the best episodes have involved openly gay models with a gay for pay, or at least open-minded model.

Every since Broke Straight Boys-2 has been on this fervant fundamentalist "straight-boy crusade", Broke Straight Boys fans have suffered with the unfortunate consequences of taking things too literally in the production of newly evolving but not completely there yet episodes Where has the sense of humor gone that was so frequently present in David's interviews? The only reason there has been improvement on Broke Straight Boys-2 in recent months is because they have slowly brought things back more into allignment with original Broke Straight Boys-1 standards. In my opinion, Broke Straight Boys-2 has been a big disaster as far as I can tell. I am here now mostly for the forum, as the episodes are predictable, lack energy of original Broke Straight Boys-1 episodes, lack spontaneity (Like in the Pizza boy & Michael episodes) and assume a secondary position to this "GAY" porn site. If the forum is better than the episodes, this says volumes about the new Broke Straight Boys

Sometimes when it is not broken, don't fix it (and risk making it actually worse).

I know people want to see Logan again, but after taking into consideration all the changes, why would he want to be a part of Broke Straight Boys, now after all these changes, even if he could.


Why the rude tone to a post?

In the vid with Daxter (Dexter) and Rabib (Rabid) it portrays Rabid's first time with a guy is on this site where his scenes are done July and August 2007. But look at the boys4porn.com site (not updated in over a year) and its shows Rabid (Rabib) with a model named Jeff Walker on page 4 for a vid done June of that year. Clearly a month before he even appeared om Broke Straight Boys as 'straight' later. Now did Rabid(Rabib) lie to Broke Straight Boys or Broke Straight Boys lie to its members? Either way Rabid (Rabib) is by far my most favorite model still. Send whatever hate mail you wish, I'm just bringing up a valid point.
Much like the recent thread "Pls somebody ask Bobby to lose weight pls", which actually turned out to be a fan of Bobby who was disappointed in his weight gain, this thread also has a nasty tone to it's title, "Broke Straight Boys lies to its members?", which is simply a question about the actual first scene by a member's favorite model's Rabib.

Why can't you just ask the question about his first appearance without accusing the site of "lying" to it's member's. And of course as erikthbod and Ms. K pointed out, this is a gay porn site, and much like the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy, and Santa's elves, we should sit back, loosen our pants, (or our skirts in some cases), and enjoy the fantasy.

This is not CNN, Fox News, Sixty Minutes, or Face the Nation, where we must get to the truth, and uncover the lying unscrupulous politicians, and billionaires who may be polluting the planet, or stealing our tax dollars. This is a place to unwind, forget the stress from our everyday lives, and get into the fantasy of a straight guy having gay sex for money.

And Avery, I hope that you don't consider my post, "hate mail", as you refer to it as. It is merely what I consider a dose of reality.
I usually don't read this type of thread but decided to read it just for the hell of it. All I want to say is that I see 7 BSB2 episodes on the members favorite episode list. That must mean something right? To me, BSB2 had a rough start but is now becoming a success.

As for Rabid, well I can't say more than what has been already said by members.
In the vid with Daxter (Dexter) and Rabib (Rabid) it portrays Rabid's first time with a guy is on this site where his scenes are done July and August 2007. But look at the boys4porn.com site (not updated in over a year) and its shows Rabid (Rabib) with a model named Jeff Walker on page 4 for a vid done June of that year. Clearly a month before he even appeared om Broke Straight Boys as 'straight' later. Now did Rabid(Rabib) lie to Broke Straight Boys or Broke Straight Boys lie to its members? Either way Rabid (Rabib) is by far my most favorite model still. Send whatever hate mail you wish, I'm just bringing up a valid point.

Avery you would have a valid point if this was a current issue, but we are talking about a scene that is over 4 years old. In porn years, 4 years ago might as well have been a decade ago.
Couldn't have said it better.

I could care less about all the pretense over supposedly "straight" models that has become the "new orthodoxy" of Broke Straight Boys-2 and lowered the standards of acceptable Broke Straight Boys models overall. Where are the beautiful models of old and why are we not attracting more beautiful men as we did previously.

The quality of models for Broke Straight Boys-1 brought us wonderful and handsome models like Austin Grant, Porn Shane, Tank Shane, Kevin Williams, Mike Robbins, Jimmie Slayton, Danny, Leon, Diesal, Jason, Cousin Mikey, Logan, Preston, Nu, Zakk, Nelson, and many more that over time grew into a less than straight orientation over time. Even Logan himself stated he dates both girls and guys. Of course we were not looking so frequently at "rough trade" type models back then, either! Many of the best episodes have involved openly gay models with a gay for pay, or at least open-minded model.

Every since Broke Straight Boys-2 has been on this fervant fundamentalist "straight-boy crusade", Broke Straight Boys fans have suffered with the unfortunate consequences of taking things too literally in the production of newly evolving but not completely there yet episodes Where has the sense of humor gone that was so frequently present in David's interviews? The only reason there has been improvement on Broke Straight Boys-2 in recent months is because they have slowly brought things back more into allignment with original Broke Straight Boys-1 standards. In my opinion, Broke Straight Boys-2 has been a big disaster as far as I can tell. I am here now mostly for the forum, as the episodes are predictable, lack energy of original Broke Straight Boys-1 episodes, lack spontaneity (Like in the Pizza boy & Michael episodes) and assume a secondary position to this "GAY" porn site. If the forum is better than the episodes, this says volumes about the new Broke Straight Boys

Sometimes when it is not broken, don't fix it (and risk making it actually worse).

I know people want to see Logan again, but after taking into consideration all the changes, why would he want to be a part of Broke Straight Boys, now after all these changes, even if he could.



Stimpy, I concur with all of the points you make and sympathize with the feeling behind it. Firstly, I cannot really make a judgment about how things were in the months before the revamp on this site, but I do know that during my off and on tenure here throughout the years, I was always pretty satisfied with the content, the models, the host, the camerawork, storylines, etc. Sure, there were some models I wondered why they were in front of the camera, but overall, there were some pretty impressive models, and lots of variety.

I never had a problem with gay models appearing here, because they added some variety and made performances, because you need to have someone in the room that knows what he's doing, and str8 guys don't have a clue about gay sex. So it made perfect sense to me. If the mission statement has become, "no gay guys here", "this is Broke Straight Boys, not BrokeGayBoys" then the sex will be what we've been seeing; boring, mechanical, passionless, sterile, totally without erotic value. Some of the current models are nice looking, but not of the same caliber of previous models, of which Stimpy gave a pretty thorough list.

The recent duo of Kevin & Darren is a perfect example. If these guy had been totally str8 with no experience, it would have been a boring scene no matter how attractive. But because they brought something to the table besides their str8-ness, it was a phenomenal scene.

Like Stimpy, I'm here mostly for the forums. If I want to get off, I go to other sites. That says a lot about the direction BSB2 is going. Sure, it has improved, but it hasn't even reached the level of the previous Broke Straight Boys
Stimpy, I concur with all of the points you make and sympathize with the feeling behind it. Firstly, I cannot really make a judgment about how things were in the months before the revamp on this site, but I do know that during my off and on tenure here throughout the years, I was always pretty satisfied with the content, the models, the host, the camerawork, storylines, etc. Sure, there were some models I wondered why they were in front of the camera, but overall, there were some pretty impressive models, and lots of variety.

I never had a problem with gay models appearing here, because they added some variety and made performances, because you need to have someone in the room that knows what he's doing, and str8 guys don't have a clue about gay sex. So it made perfect sense to me. If the mission statement has become, "no gay guys here", "this is Broke Straight Boys, not BrokeGayBoys" then the sex will be what we've been seeing; boring, mechanical, passionless, sterile, totally without erotic value. Some of the current models are nice looking, but not of the same caliber of previous models, of which Stimpy gave a pretty thorough list.

The recent duo of Kevin & Darren is a perfect example. If these guy had been totally str8 with no experience, it would have been a boring scene no matter how attractive. But because they brought something to the table besides their str8-ness, it was a phenomenal scene.

Like Stimpy, I'm here mostly for the forums. If I want to get off, I go to other sites. That says a lot about the direction BSB2 is going. Sure, it has improved, but it hasn't even reached the level of the previous Broke Straight Boys

I actually agree with you Balboa, and Stimpy too. It recently dawned on me that I haven't, em, utilized a new Broke Straight Boys scene in quite some time. Sure I watch them and have my opinions on them and all that, but I do think the content is becoming boring, mechanical, nothing at all exciting or hot to watch. Yes I like the forum and it's fun to post on the threads and interact with all of you, but is it worth spending $34.87 a month to comment on my opinions in the threads on the forum? Not to me it's not, especially with the economy the way it is and I'm making less money now than I was making in 2006, which really sucks big time.

There comes a time when you have to start cutting expenses, and un-necessary items. I consider my membership to Broke Straight Boys an un-necessary expense and the lack of hot scenes makes my membership really a place to hang out with my friends in the forum, and hope for some hot content on the bonus sites.

I had such high hopes in the scene where Bobby fucks Mark, once I saw the kissing in the picture stills, I thought WOW! But then when I watched the scene, there was zero kissing and it was a huge let down.

Yeah I love Kevin's huge cock, but it's just not enough to get me excited. I had high hopes for Colin, but I'm not going to keep rebilling in hopes that Colin will give me a really hot scene that I can't live without.

Yes I much prefer watching believably straight guys get it on, but they have to actually be enjoying themselves too though. That means kissing (without being prompted), rock hard cocks, and great cum shots. Boring, mechanical sex just doesn't do it for me personally.

I'm not saying I hate Broke Straight Boys, because I don't at all. But I'm getting really bored with the content however.
Did you say boring, mechanical, and without passion?

I actually agree with you Balboa, and Stimpy too. It recently dawned on me that I haven't, em, utilized a new Broke Straight Boys scene in quite some time. Sure I watch them and have my opinions on them and all that, but I do think the content is becoming boring, mechanical, nothing at all exciting or hot to watch. Yes I like the forum and it's fun to post on the threads and interact with all of you, but is it worth spending $34.87 a month to comment on my opinions in the threads on the forum? Not to me it's not, especially with the economy the way it is and I'm making less money now than I was making in 2006, which really sucks big time.

There comes a time when you have to start cutting expenses, and un-necessary items. I consider my membership to Broke Straight Boys an un-necessary expense and the lack of hot scenes makes my membership really a place to hang out with my friends in the forum, and hope for some hot content on the bonus sites.

I had such high hopes in the scene where Bobby fucks Mark, once I saw the kissing in the picture stills, I thought WOW! But then when I watched the scene, there was zero kissing and it was a huge let down.

Yeah I love Kevin's huge cock, but it's just not enough to get me excited. I had high hopes for Colin, but I'm not going to keep rebilling in hopes that Colin will give me a really hot scene that I can't live without.

Yes I much prefer watching believably straight guys get it on, but they have to actually be enjoying themselves too though. That means kissing (without being prompted), rock hard cocks, and great cum shots. Boring, mechanical sex just doesn't do it for me personally.

I'm not saying I hate Broke Straight Boys, because I don't at all. But I'm getting really bored with the content however.

Dearest Abe,

Thankyou for sharing your views and my not mentioning "boring, mechanical, and without passion" were not oversights on my part. Rather, I assumed them to be "givens" for Broke Straight Boys-2. I think by now all of us here are survivors of puberty and, therefore, are familiar with "Penis Mechanics-101". Once you get your ever-faithful "penis " going, then the variables become minimized until the moment of "molten lava-flow" with its unpredictable trajectory on the way out. The "trip there and back" is mostly on the masturbator's own mind and does not usually lend itself to be captured on film. Consequently, many forumites have admitted historically that they never waste their time actually watching a solo j/o scene. It is not like the ending isn't a foregone conclusion.

I think the reason the BTS scenes go so well is that they universally show the BTS persona for some of the more aloof Broke Straight Boys models. The Broke Straight Boys audience is not here to see an uninspiring scene. We would much prefer leaving an episode thinking all the while, "Wow they really had me going there. I was on the edge of my seat time and time again as the scene introduced new twists and turns in the episode".

  • Think about Leon and Scott in the Disney World Hotel setting, the "iconic bedroom scene" crowned by two white ceramic swans on the headboard just above two beautiful models - Leon and Scott - in this pristine hotel room scene. Think about the flip-flop, the kissing, and general intimacy of their impassioned interaction on the footage. WOW!!! (Thank God there wasn't a futon in sight).lol

Just two completely sexy guys sharing the same bed and all of the accompaning "benefits" that followed from that point forward. To David's credit, there was no "play-by-play directions" throughout their intimate encounter. This scene simply made the hair on the back of my neck stand up in anticipation, following the precedent already established by my own dick. There was nothing "PREDICTABLE OR MECHANICAL IN THESE PRICELESS PRECEEDINGS"!

Surely Broke Straight Boys can have the "occasional, truly passionate scene from time-to-time with two willing and horny attractive guys", regardless of "which side they part their hair in the morning"! There is nothing in the world I enjoy more than having my eyes glued to the monitor for something equally special, beautiful, and passionate like the Leon and Scott hotel episode on a more frequent basis.

Perhaps I am a "passion-junkie" but I don't think I am alone in my views on this site.


Dearest Abe,

Thankyou for sharing your views and my not mentioning "boring, mechanical, and without passion" were not oversights on my part. Rather, I assumed them to be "givens" for Broke Straight Boys-2. I think by now all of us here are survivors of puberty and, therefore, are familiar with "Penis Mechanics-101". Once you get your ever-faithful "penis " going, then the variables become minimized until the moment of "molten lava-flow" with its unpredictable trajectory on the way out. The "trip there and back" is mostly on the masturbator's own mind and does not usually lend itself to be captured on film. Consequently, many forumites have admitted historically that they never waste their time actually watching a solo j/o scene. It is not like the ending isn't a foregone conclusion.

I think the reason the BTS scenes go so well is that they universally show the BTS persona for some of the more aloof Broke Straight Boys models. The Broke Straight Boys audience is not here to see an uninspiring scene. We would much prefer leaving an episode thinking all the while, "Wow they really had me going there. I was on the edge of my seat time and time again as the scene introduced new twists and turns in the episode".

  • Think about Leon and Scott in the Disney World Hotel setting, the "iconic bedroom scene" crowned by two white ceramic swans on the headboard just above two beautiful models - Leon and Scott - in this pristine hotel room scene. Think about the flip-flop, the kissing, and general intimacy of their impassioned interaction on the footage. WOW!!! (Thank God there wasn't a futon in sight).lol
Just two completely sexy guys sharing the same bed and all of the accompaning "benefits" that followed from that point forward. To David's credit, there was no "play-by-play directions" throughout their intimate encounter. This scene simply made the hair on the back of my neck stand up in anticipation, following the precedent already established by my own dick. There was nothing "PREDICTABLE OR MECHANICAL IN THESE PRICELESS PRECEEDINGS"!

Surely Broke Straight Boys can have the "occasional, truly passionate scene from time-to-time with two willing and horny attractive guys", regardless of "which side they part their hair in the morning"! There is nothing in the world I enjoy more than having my eyes glued to the monitor for something equally special, beautiful, and passionate like the Leon and Scott hotel episode on a more frequent basis.

Perhaps I am a "passion-junkie" but I don't think I am alone in my views on this site.



Hi Stimpy, I must confess the ONLY BTS scene I ever watched in anything more than a couple seconds was the most recent one with Logan. And I admit I fast forwarded through everything looking for Logan. I just don't really have the time to watch all the BTS footage, I rarely watch an entire scene from start to finish. I always ignore the pre-nudity talking, unless I'm trying to see what someone was talking about in the forum.

The Leon scene in the hotel room, I heard about it but never watched it because by then I was *not* a Leon fan and in fact Leon made me lose my appetite just because of his former scenes where he looked downright unsanitary (yes I admit, I'm somewhat a neat freak). So after I got the image in my mind of Leon being dirty and gross, I couldn't watch anything with him in it.

I know I can be sooooo finicky and picky, but isn't that my right as a porn consumer? If it doesn't do it for me, I move on to something else that does.

AGAIN, I don't mean to make it sound like I suddenly dislike Broke Straight Boys, I'm just getting bored.

Knowing the way history repeats itself, suddenly there will be a super hot scene and I'll suddenly cancel my cancellation like that last time when suddenly Colin came riding into the picture like the calvary or something! :thumbup:
Geez...I have been a member for a long time and don't get into responding on the threads. But for crying out loud, do soo many of the people posting have to be such queens and bitch about everything. Rabid was great, he did a nice job. Who gives a crap if he was found in a scene some where else. And if your bored move on don't bitch about it, just do it.
Geez...I have been a member for a long time and don't get into responding on the threads. But for crying out loud, do soo many of the people posting have to be such queens and bitch about everything. Rabid was great, he did a nice job. Who gives a crap if he was found in a scene some where else. And if your bored move on don't bitch about it, just do it.

I also don't post lots either. A lot of models have huge potential to be awesome and hot and are either paired up crappy or have lost interest. Look at Bobby he was awesome at the beginning and now i get angry watching him cause he doesn't even try to impress now. And Jimmy should not be doing gay porn at all. He has been in over 12 scenes and still hasn't kissed and still can't suck dick to save his life. He should be doing straight porn cause he would be awesome. Sorry for my rant
I find three things interesting about this thread. First, there is a post by someone identified as "Site Owner" which says "There is guys that are straight on here, bi and all that. I try to keep the gay guys off of here because it is Broke Straight Boys and not broke gay boys after all." Now, this would indicate to me that there is no "act" going on here, at least not intentionally. However, a couple of very vocal people who don't appear to be "site owners" or even related to the production, but just subscribers like me, are claiming that this is all an act. In their view, people should just STFU and enjoy the fantasy. I can't help but wonder why these people feel they are justified in their views when this "site owner" appears to say just the opposite. I also don't understand why their views aren't shot down as incorrect if such is the case (as appears to be here).

Second, why is it that any time someone expresses any level of discontent over the site, people start calling them "queens" and all manner of other stuff, or order them to go away and find something more to their liking, when, in fact, they USED to like this? Are we not all paying customers? Why is it some of you feel that all comments here must be positive? I don't understand it. I've even seen some of these people make complaint comments themselves, and nobody jumps down their throats about it. (Well, that's probably because they are the ones always jumping down someone's throat!")

Third, I see some of the same themes coming up in this discussion as were in that long thread about Jimmy. I wonder why...
I also don't post lots either. A lot of models have huge potential to be awesome and hot and are either paired up crappy or have lost interest. Look at Bobby he was awesome at the beginning and now i get angry watching him cause he doesn't even try to impress now. And Jimmy should not be doing gay porn at all. He has been in over 12 scenes and still hasn't kissed and still can't suck dick to save his life. He should be doing straight porn cause he would be awesome. Sorry for my rant

Jimmy may not be into kissing? Just take it for what it is worth and if it bothers you that much avoid his videos. There are some guys on here that I will never watch but it doesn't mean there are not others on here that I can't wait to see. I understand where you are coming from but some of these guys will never go past a certain point no matter what. We as the customer just have to accept that and move on.
In the vid with Daxter (Dexter) and Rabib (Rabid) it portrays Rabid's first time with a guy is on this site where his scenes are done July and August 2007. But look at the boys4porn.com site (not updated in over a year) and its shows Rabid (Rabib) with a model named Jeff Walker on page 4 for a vid done June of that year. Clearly a month before he even appeared om Broke Straight Boys as 'straight' later. Now did Rabid(Rabib) lie to Broke Straight Boys or Broke Straight Boys lie to its members? Either way Rabid (Rabib) is by far my most favorite model still. Send whatever hate mail you wish, I'm just bringing up a valid point.

Like Mark said, believe it or not, these boys are straight!