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A Message To Our Members:

Good luck to Sha and Bryce on being the new producer/director and leading Broke Straight Boys and College Dudes to greater success. My wish is that Sha and Bryce stay active on the forum and chat with us on scenes, etc.
My first inclination is to agree that I do want them to do that too, but I've seen it "go bad" numerous times in the history of the Broke Straight Boys forum when David, Clay (to a small degree), Johnny Robins, (who handled the forum beautifully), and then Damian Christopher, (who was not the best at communicating with us honestly) all discussed the models and their way of handling scenes, but then as some members got demanding or outraged that they were not doing exactly what they wanted, it got somewhat tense. So I've learned that it is sometimes best for the directors to remain somewhat aloof from the forum, but on the other hand I do appreciate being able to directly communicate with the guys who are actually shooting the scenes. So with reservations, I'd like for Sha and perhaps Bryce to have an open line of communication with us.
This is exciting news... Sha is a great interviewer, and a superb communicator on this forum.

Hot boys are for me not necessarily boys that look like Greek gods. Rather I watch a shy straight farmer son, making out for the first time with a Mormon boy. David knew how to make these kind of videos were my toes curled in my shoes. Embarrassing, honest... like in the movie Being There with Peter Sellers.

Rather present me with Broke Straight Boys, than the well paid professionals available on plenty of other sites... Finding the right director for Broke Straight Boys is like finding a new James Bond! And Sha, you have everything going for you...

PS: No teaser trailer?

Thank you Sha, and the rest of the Broke Straight Boys team for updating us on the "happenings." First, I would like to send good thoughts to Johnny; I hope you continue to get better. As well, I really appreciate the ability to have this type of conversation and feel that my ideas matter. As things continue to stabilize, I wish only good things for all the Broke Straight Boys people!
Many have commented before me... but I wanted to say I appreciate an update on what has been going on behind the scenes. Simply put, I'm going nowhere. Yes there have technical issues and some model who weren't that great. But I don't expect things to be perfect all the time and I sure don't expect to like every model. But overall things are fine. I look forward to my Broke Straight Boys in 2015. I hope you are able to get back to doing more BTS. Most of them I really enjoy... nice to see the guys in a non-porn light too!
If I ever said anything that caused angst, I regret it, I'm new here, I had no idea how understaffed you all were. I will keep my opinions in the forms of suggestions, I would prefer you all to have nice models than to have a steady stream of mediocre models. That's just my preference. Also, I would prefer you keep the good models around longer: Just because something is "old", doesn't mean it's not useful. I'm not unrealistic, I know this is Broke Straight Boys, I know guys will "age out" at some point, but until then, really good models don't need to be "pushed out". Just say'in.

Finally Sha, I know your hands are full, but I would like to request more Behind the Scenes, when you can. They are so good, and I miss Ms. Sabrina. The guys in their everyday state, if you will, is really good to see.



That's a great post Vulcan!

Thanks for sharing all of that. If I've said anything lately that has caused Sha or Bryce any angst, grief or hurt feelings, then I most sincerely apologize. I respect and care about all of you guys back at the Broke Straight Boys house as fellow human beings and as professionals. I see the important purpose of any feedback (either positive or negative) as letting the professionals know if what they are doing, or even attempting for the first time, is working for the audience. I would never want any of my critiques or negative feedback of certain scenes to be taken personally.

As much as we were clamoring many months ago for some fresh faces, I agree with Vulcan that as far as new models being hired, that quality should take priority over quantity. I had suspected probably wrongly that the reason we weren't getting any new models and fresh faces was because of a complacency in hiring. Now we know that they have been both understaffed and the pool of high quality applicants has simultaneously been dwindling. So all I can say to that is to agree with Vulcan again. I will be patient. And I will ask that they wait for some of the best applicants rather than rushing the hiring process just to get a new face on the set.

Some good BTS vids thrown in the mix also help keep the positive vibes going. They help during good times, and they help especially during periods when some of the porn videos are not getting the best ratings. If done well, they really are a win/win for keeping members happy and allowing them to feel that personal connection to the models and staff. :)
This Post is very thoughtful. Thank you very much, Sha. I have been a member of Broke Straight Boys on and off, mostly off, for 5 years. I was skeptical of the reboot, but thought I would give it a change a try last year. I am so glad I did, this is a fantastic site. I never bothered coming to the member boards over the past five years until I joined last November. When I did come, I found something else I'd been missing out on.

Who would have thought the administrators and owner of a porn site would listen to, let alone care so much about, what there subscribers feel, think and say. This site is truly one of a kind. It really goes one step above just porn, it is actually entertainment in several ways, per my opinion. Because of this post, I have a small glimpse of what's going on behind the scene with the administration; I'm assuming being this understaffed, it must be close to chaos. I applaud you all for hanging in there Sha. If I ever said anything that caused angst, I regret it, I'm new here, I had no idea how understaffed you all were. I will keep my opinions in the forms of suggestions, I would prefer you all to have nice models than to have a steady stream of mediocre models. That's just my preference. Also, I would prefer you keep the good models around longer: Just because something is "old", doesn't mean it's not useful. I'm not unrealistic, I know this is Broke Straight Boys, I know guys will "age out" at some point, but until then, really good models don't need to be "pushed out". Just say'in.

Finally Sha, I know your hands are full, but I would like to request more Behind the Scenes, when you can. They are so good, and I miss Ms. Sabrina. The guys in their everyday state, if you will, is really good to see. I know there is the reality T.V. show, but, I just don't do reality T.V., their may be others who feel the same, but I can only speak for me, and I don't want to be negative. I do hope the TV show isn't going to eventually phase out Behind the Scenes.



That's a great post Vulcan!

Thanks for sharing all of that. If I've said anything lately that has caused Sha or Bryce any angst, grief or hurt feelings, then I most sincerely apologize. I respect and care about all of you guys back at the Broke Straight Boys house as fellow human beings and as professionals. I see the important purpose of any feedback (either positive or negative) as letting the professionals know if what they are doing, or even attempting for the first time, is working for the audience. I would never want any of my critiques or negative feedback of certain scenes to be taken personally.

As much as we were clamoring many months ago for some fresh faces, I agree with Vulcan that as far as new models being hired, that quality should take priority over quantity. I had suspected probably wrongly that the reason we weren't getting any new models and fresh faces was because of a complacency in hiring. Now we know that they have been both understaffed and the pool of high quality applicants has simultaneously been dwindling. So all I can say to that is to agree with Vulcan again. I will be patient. And I will ask that they wait for some of the best applicants rather than rushing the hiring process just to get a new face on the set.

Some good BTS vids thrown in the mix also help keep the positive vibes going. They help during good times, and they help especially during periods when some of the porn videos are not getting the best ratings. If done well, they really are a win/win for keeping members happy and allowing them to feel that personal connection to the models and staff. :)

Great posts guys....Well stated....My thoughts also......
Over all, I think, in fact I KNOW of all of the sites I've ever subscribed to, this is the only one where the site owners, operators are personable. From technical issues to sharing various information about how they are trying to bring the best entertainment to it's members. As a subscriber, there are a few sites that provide a page to allow members to make suggestions about "what they would like to see" but, it's not the same as having members concerns replied to and having a discussion. That alone, makes me enjoy this site more than most!
Over all, I think, in fact I KNOW of all of the sites I've ever subscribed to, this is the only one where the site owners, operators are personable. From technical issues to sharing various information about how they are trying to bring the best entertainment to it's members. As a subscriber, there are a few sites that provide a page to allow members to make suggestions about "what they would like to see" but, it's not the same as having members concerns replied to and having a discussion. That alone, makes me enjoy this site more than most!

And some of the members are okay too!!! lol
Thanks but...

I really appreciate that you took the time to address the concerns of members. I can honestly appreciate a lot of what you said. Having said that may I play devil's advocate for a moment? Basically what you said was that you knowingly were doing sub-standard shooting because the person who you hired fell ill and the person who took over did the best he could. As interesting as that is, the reality of that is your members were fed sub-standard scenes because whomever was in charge was not interested putting behind the camera someone who was capable of doing the shooting. How many times does one have to see "technical issues" before they are addressed? Wouldn't honest concern for members make that a priority? Simply put the person shooting did not know what they were doing, and no one cared to do anything about it.
Now you say things that are hardly encouraging. " All the technical issues with the new 4K camera we started using last month have been completely resolved" Seriously? Why would anyone who cared about members think it was acceptable to shoot one frame with a camera they did not know how to use? then you say " My business partner, Bryce who has a degree in film production... It had literally been over a decade since Bryce had held a camera so you are going to see some bumps in these first videos as we transition". Seriously again? We should be impressed that a person has a degree in film production but is willing to shoot when he is not ready too? Since when does a degree in film production mean you know how to shoot gay porn?
It wasn't just that the people who were shooting did not know what they were doing, they did not know what they should be doing. A quick example recently was at the end of the scene Zander Floyd was sucking hard on the other models dick while he was coming. the camera man did not have the instinct to show the hottest thing in the scene. I could give examples for days, but the larger point is nobody cared enough to do anything about it for months, and now you say give us time to get up to speed we have a film degree person shooting.
The sheer volume of what you are shooting I realize does not give you the luxury of time. The late Matt Sterling sometimes took months to get a scene right. I once in one of my video's took 3 weeks to get a cum shot. I know you don't have the time. But that is not an excuse for not caring about members and shooting crap. Surely there are more than two people in the country who can shoot. I haven't picked a camera to shoot porn in probably almost 10 years, but if
i agreed too I would make sure I could or I would not turn the camera on. I offered months ago to go over with whomever was shooting how they could improve their shooting was told they would pass along the offer to the production team and it died there. I was not asking for money, I was just hoping to keep things like what happened in the Zander Floyd scene from happening.
I just felt that Broke Straight Boys was as close to what I had done as anything out there. Rule # 1` was always respect the buyers, and the talent. Just getting it done is not going to help your retention rates. "Trust us" keep spending your money we have a person with a film degree that seemingly doesn't see the problem with shooting with a camera no one knows how to use does not seem to be a prescription for success. For me if I could not do it the best I could I would not do it, and frankly your members and your talent deserve nothing less.
I really appreciate that you took the time to address the concerns of members. I can honestly appreciate a lot of what you said. Having said that may I play devil's advocate for a moment?

The sheer volume of what you are shooting I realize does not give you the luxury of time. The late Matt Sterling sometimes took months to get a scene right. I once in one of my video's took 3 weeks to get a cum shot. I know you don't have the time. But that is not an excuse for not caring about members and shooting crap. Surely there are more than two people in the country who can shoot. I haven't picked a camera to shoot porn in probably almost 10 years, but if I agreed too I would make sure I could or I would not turn the camera on. I offered months ago to go over with whomever was shooting how they could improve their shooting was told they would pass along the offer to the production team and it died there. I was not asking for money, I was just hoping to keep things like what happened in the Zander Floyd scene from happening.

Welcome to the forum Alan.

You are entitled to your opinions and you are certainly entitled to share them. As a former videographer I'm sure you also know that the resources you need to do your job in the real world are not always available to you 100% of the time. It's not like there are a plethora of perfectly qualified producers of gay filming on speed dial. When you're caught in the lurch of being without your primary director/producer you want to cast a wide net and find the best available talent under the right terms and conditions for your company. The show must go on at all times whether you have the most ideal people in position or not. Subscribers may not like it. (And have the option of leaving) The owners and staff of a site may not like it either. They have the option of continuing to look for exceptionally qualified talent. I would say though that if they are looking for another director for the site, that the vetting process should not be rushed. We wouldn't want the site to hire someone new on the fly, find out they're not a good fit, and then be stuck with them under contract for a long period either.

Those of us who've been around for years know that the site has always pulled a rabbit out of the hat during periods when the content has taken a temporary slide. That's part of the reason why we are more patient and understanding than some of the newer members. But even for the newer members, the archives are so vast that one could get enjoyment from those for several months without regard to the quality of the most current films. I believe the quality will pick up fairly quickly. Am I happy as a subscriber when there is any dip in quality at all? Of course not. It's frustrating. But I also know from experience and my understanding of the people who run the site, that they have high standards too. If they see something they don't like or that isn't working, they fix it.

On another point, you say you offered your advice and expertise to them a while back. I seem to recall another poster making the same offer. It would seem strange to me that you were enough of a fan of the site for a while (and cared enough) to offer your advice to the current director, but never cared to join or venture into the forum. That leads me to wonder whether you are a former member of the forum posting under a different screen name. Maybe. Maybe not.

Whether you were denied direct access to a producer on the site such as a phone number or private email address...if you are truly not seeking monetary compensation for your advice, there is always the Private Message feature of the forum to communicate directly with the staff. Johnny the former director always had PM capabilities...as does Sha, Mark, Chuck, etc. So it's possible to get private communication going up the ladder of the company fairly easily. If you want to give private and technical advice from one professional who wants to help another, you can always go that route.
I really appreciate that you took the time to address the concerns of members. I can honestly appreciate a lot of what you said. Having said that may I play devil's advocate for a moment? Basically what you said was that you knowingly were doing sub-standard shooting because the person who you hired fell ill and the person who took over did the best he could. As interesting as that is, the reality of that is your members were fed sub-standard scenes because whomever was in charge was not interested putting behind the camera someone who was capable of doing the shooting. How many times does one have to see "technical issues" before they are addressed? Wouldn't honest concern for members make that a priority? Simply put the person shooting did not know what they were doing, and no one cared to do anything about it.
Now you say things that are hardly encouraging. " All the technical issues with the new 4K camera we started using last month have been completely resolved" Seriously? Why would anyone who cared about members think it was acceptable to shoot one frame with a camera they did not know how to use? then you say " My business partner, Bryce who has a degree in film production... It had literally been over a decade since Bryce had held a camera so you are going to see some bumps in these first videos as we transition". Seriously again? We should be impressed that a person has a degree in film production but is willing to shoot when he is not ready too? Since when does a degree in film production mean you know how to shoot gay porn?
It wasn't just that the people who were shooting did not know what they were doing, they did not know what they should be doing. A quick example recently was at the end of the scene Zander Floyd was sucking hard on the other models dick while he was coming. the camera man did not have the instinct to show the hottest thing in the scene. I could give examples for days, but the larger point is nobody cared enough to do anything about it for months, and now you say give us time to get up to speed we have a film degree person shooting.
The sheer volume of what you are shooting I realize does not give you the luxury of time. The late Matt Sterling sometimes took months to get a scene right. I once in one of my video's took 3 weeks to get a cum shot. I know you don't have the time. But that is not an excuse for not caring about members and shooting crap. Surely there are more than two people in the country who can shoot. I haven't picked a camera to shoot porn in probably almost 10 years, but if
i agreed too I would make sure I could or I would not turn the camera on. I offered months ago to go over with whomever was shooting how they could improve their shooting was told they would pass along the offer to the production team and it died there. I was not asking for money, I was just hoping to keep things like what happened in the Zander Floyd scene from happening.
I just felt that Broke Straight Boys was as close to what I had done as anything out there. Rule # 1` was always respect the buyers, and the talent. Just getting it done is not going to help your retention rates. "Trust us" keep spending your money we have a person with a film degree that seemingly doesn't see the problem with shooting with a camera no one knows how to use does not seem to be a prescription for success. For me if I could not do it the best I could I would not do it, and frankly your members and your talent deserve nothing less.

With all due respect to the poster, and her/his rights, to her/his opinions, this is my biggest problem with "devil advocate": it produces more complaints, and no suggestions for solutions. I tremendously enjoy watching porn (particularly on this site), but I have no knowledge at all about studio production and camera work, so I can't give Sha any kind of advice. If you have any knowledge about work in film, studio work, film-studio work production, then perhaps you could contact Sha, and give him some constructive tips?

Also, having a Film Production degree is surely useful in this line of work, since they are producing, well, film. I don't think Broke Straight Boys would be quite successful if their cameramen had degrees in, say, entomology. Just Say'in.


I really appreciate that you took the time to address the concerns of members. I can honestly appreciate a lot of what you said. Having said that may I play devil's advocate for a moment? Basically what you said was that you knowingly were doing sub-standard shooting because the person who you hired fell ill and the person who took over did the best he could. As interesting as that is, the reality of that is your members were fed sub-standard scenes because whomever was in charge was not interested putting behind the camera someone who was capable of doing the shooting. How many times does one have to see "technical issues" before they are addressed? Wouldn't honest concern for members make that a priority? Simply put the person shooting did not know what they were doing, and no one cared to do anything about it.
Now you say things that are hardly encouraging. " All the technical issues with the new 4K camera we started using last month have been completely resolved" Seriously? Why would anyone who cared about members think it was acceptable to shoot one frame with a camera they did not know how to use? then you say " My business partner, Bryce who has a degree in film production... It had literally been over a decade since Bryce had held a camera so you are going to see some bumps in these first videos as we transition". Seriously again? We should be impressed that a person has a degree in film production but is willing to shoot when he is not ready too? Since when does a degree in film production mean you know how to shoot gay porn?
It wasn't just that the people who were shooting did not know what they were doing, they did not know what they should be doing. A quick example recently was at the end of the scene Zander Floyd was sucking hard on the other models dick while he was coming. the camera man did not have the instinct to show the hottest thing in the scene. I could give examples for days, but the larger point is nobody cared enough to do anything about it for months, and now you say give us time to get up to speed we have a film degree person shooting.
The sheer volume of what you are shooting I realize does not give you the luxury of time. The late Matt Sterling sometimes took months to get a scene right. I once in one of my video's took 3 weeks to get a cum shot. I know you don't have the time. But that is not an excuse for not caring about members and shooting crap. Surely there are more than two people in the country who can shoot. I haven't picked a camera to shoot porn in probably almost 10 years, but if
i agreed too I would make sure I could or I would not turn the camera on. I offered months ago to go over with whomever was shooting how they could improve their shooting was told they would pass along the offer to the production team and it died there. I was not asking for money, I was just hoping to keep things like what happened in the Zander Floyd scene from happening.
I just felt that Broke Straight Boys was as close to what I had done as anything out there. Rule # 1` was always respect the buyers, and the talent. Just getting it done is not going to help your retention rates. "Trust us" keep spending your money we have a person with a film degree that seemingly doesn't see the problem with shooting with a camera no one knows how to use does not seem to be a prescription for success. For me if I could not do it the best I could I would not do it, and frankly your members and your talent deserve nothing less.

Alan has some very good points there - a lot which I agree with.
I really appreciate that you took the time to address the concerns of members. I can honestly appreciate a lot of what you said. Having said that may I play devil's advocate for a moment? Basically what you said was that you knowingly were doing sub-standard shooting because the person who you hired fell ill and the person who took over did the best he could. As interesting as that is, the reality of that is your members were fed sub-standard scenes because whomever was in charge was not interested putting behind the camera someone who was capable of doing the shooting. How many times does one have to see "technical issues" before they are addressed? Wouldn't honest concern for members make that a priority? Simply put the person shooting did not know what they were doing, and no one cared to do anything about it.
Now you say things that are hardly encouraging. " All the technical issues with the new 4K camera we started using last month have been completely resolved" Seriously? Why would anyone who cared about members think it was acceptable to shoot one frame with a camera they did not know how to use? then you say " My business partner, Bryce who has a degree in film production... It had literally been over a decade since Bryce had held a camera so you are going to see some bumps in these first videos as we transition". Seriously again? We should be impressed that a person has a degree in film production but is willing to shoot when he is not ready too? Since when does a degree in film production mean you know how to shoot gay porn?
It wasn't just that the people who were shooting did not know what they were doing, they did not know what they should be doing. A quick example recently was at the end of the scene Zander Floyd was sucking hard on the other models dick while he was coming. the camera man did not have the instinct to show the hottest thing in the scene. I could give examples for days, but the larger point is nobody cared enough to do anything about it for months, and now you say give us time to get up to speed we have a film degree person shooting.
The sheer volume of what you are shooting I realize does not give you the luxury of time. The late Matt Sterling sometimes took months to get a scene right. I once in one of my video's took 3 weeks to get a cum shot. I know you don't have the time. But that is not an excuse for not caring about members and shooting crap. Surely there are more than two people in the country who can shoot. I haven't picked a camera to shoot porn in probably almost 10 years, but if
i agreed too I would make sure I could or I would not turn the camera on. I offered months ago to go over with whomever was shooting how they could improve their shooting was told they would pass along the offer to the production team and it died there. I was not asking for money, I was just hoping to keep things like what happened in the Zander Floyd scene from happening.
I just felt that Broke Straight Boys was as close to what I had done as anything out there. Rule # 1` was always respect the buyers, and the talent. Just getting it done is not going to help your retention rates. "Trust us" keep spending your money we have a person with a film degree that seemingly doesn't see the problem with shooting with a camera no one knows how to use does not seem to be a prescription for success. For me if I could not do it the best I could I would not do it, and frankly your members and your talent deserve nothing less.

I also joined in January and TOTALLY AGREE! Where is the pride in a job well done! Could not be sorrier that I signed up to hear 11 and a half month of excuses. Maybe Sha has spent too much time with street hustlers rather than gay entertainment professionals.
Well, the ones I've met personally were.....THE BEST!

But which one did you like better? lol Don't answer that question! :lol:

Actually it's hard to believe that it's been over three months since our "rendezvous" in New Paltz on that warm October day. I wonder what happened to the skateboarder who was starring at us in Starbucks, or maybe it was me staring at him. :blush:

Sorry for going so far :offtopic:
Does this help?

Your request (#9530) has been solved. To reopen this request, reply to this email or click the link below:

I gave my private information both contact and identity in that request. I was not aware of any other way to do it.

Welcome to the forum Alan.

You are entitled to your opinions and you are certainly entitled to share them. As a former videographer I'm sure you also know that the resources you need to do your job in the real world are not always available to you 100% of the time. It's not like there are a plethora of perfectly qualified producers of gay filming on speed dial. When you're caught in the lurch of being without your primary director/producer you want to cast a wide net and find the best available talent under the right terms and conditions for your company. The show must go on at all times whether you have the most ideal people in position or not. Subscribers may not like it. (And have the option of leaving) The owners and staff of a site may not like it either. They have the option of continuing to look for exceptionally qualified talent. I would say though that if they are looking for another director for the site, that the vetting process should not be rushed. We wouldn't want the site to hire someone new on the fly, find out they're not a good fit, and then be stuck with them under contract for a long period either.

Those of us who've been around for years know that the site has always pulled a rabbit out of the hat during periods when the content has taken a temporary slide. That's part of the reason why we are more patient and understanding than some of the newer members. But even for the newer members, the archives are so vast that one could get enjoyment from those for several months without regard to the quality of the most current films. I believe the quality will pick up fairly quickly. Am I happy as a subscriber when there is any dip in quality at all? Of course not. It's frustrating. But I also know from experience and my understanding of the people who run the site, that they have high standards too. If they see something they don't like or that isn't working, they fix it.

On another point, you say you offered your advice and expertise to them a while back. I seem to recall another poster making the same offer. It would seem strange to me that you were enough of a fan of the site for a while (and cared enough) to offer your advice to the current director, but never cared to join or venture into the forum. That leads me to wonder whether you are a former member of the forum posting under a different screen name. Maybe. Maybe not.

Whether you were denied direct access to a producer on the site such as a phone number or private email address...if you are truly not seeking monetary compensation for your advice, there is always the Private Message feature of the forum to communicate directly with the staff. Johnny the former director always had PM capabilities...as does Sha, Mark, Chuck, etc. So it's possible to get private communication going up the ladder of the company fairly easily. If you want to give private and technical advice from one professional who wants to help another, you can always go that route.
Sha ~

Thank you for this thoughtful post. You are an exceptionally kind, thoughtful, and insightful interviewer and director - - - and, the videos are (I think) definitely on the upswing. (It is really great to see Paul back, also.)

All the best,
While there have been some great gay porn directors who had degrees in film, Toby Ross and Tom DeSimone come to mind a degree in film production would not help in knowing what is erotic and what isn't. The best have always been those who instinctively know what turns people on. If they don't have that sense they will never be top flight. It's like trying to teach a tone deaf person to sing on key.My frustration was/is that I tried to offer solutions and got nowhere. What really hurts to see are moments that could have been wonderful lost for good by people who simply failed the members and the talent. Seriously when a cameraman can't do the simplest things like clean the camera lens, shoot in focus, not realize he is shooting into light when outdoors, what are the chances he will go the extra mile to get the difficult shots?
When I was shooting I always shot the A camera myself and that way I was sure i had what I needed when it came time to edit. I realize this is not the same but were whomever has been shooting was working for me I would have looked at what he was shooting and fired him about ten minutes in. The issue is simple you don't get two bites at the apple. You either get the shot or you don't. If you don't it is lost. If you don't respect the work, or the members, or the talent why do you do it?
I just watched the current scene and I have to say Broke Straight Boys management should be proud of the content thats being released this new year!! We will all forget 2014 and move on to greener pastures!!:thumbup1: