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3rd Grade Playground Sound Effects


BSB Addict
Oct 26, 2008
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The island next door to Ibiza
Those noises. Not the ones that sound like vertical studs being knocked in, to make a drywall partition, that you sometimes either get in the middle of an attempt at penetration, or otherwise just as a virgin blow job gets underway. The other ones.

...which could be interpreted as the mewing, squeaking, shrieking and moaning of a porn starlet being serviced (the sound track of the porn video that David lays on as a stiffening agent for the Straighties) could be, as I say, if they didn't sound so much like recess at a primary school, or the kids being let out for the day.

Could it be that reality is so omnipresent in D&E Productions that we are sometimes getting playground noise mixed in with the sound of cute Brokies' heavy breathing, the slap of groin and scrotum against moist butt, or David exhorting a first time top, sotto voce, to "FUCK that ass hard."?

The pity is that D&E moved a while back to new premises, so unless there's another grade school next door, those noises are history.

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LOL I always found that a little disconcerting to be in the middle of some action enjoying some good porn...and hearing the laughter of children at play. Something told me, That just AIN'T right! HAHA It just ain't right, I tell ya.
Those noises. Not the ones that sound like vertical studs being knocked in, to make a drywall partition, that you sometimes either get in the middle of an attempt at penetration, or otherwise just as a virgin blow job gets underway. The other ones.

...which could be interpreted as the mewing, squeaking, shrieking and moaning of a porn starlet being serviced (the sound track of the porn video that David lays on as a stiffening agent for the Straighties) could be, as I say, if they didn't sound so much like recess at a primary school, or the kids being let out for the day.

Could it be that reality is so omnipresent in D&E Productions that we are sometimes getting playground noise mixed in with the sound of cute Brokies' heavy breathing, the slap of groin and scrotum against moist butt, or David exhorting a first time top, sotto voce, to "FUCK that ass hard."?

The pity is that D&E moved a while back to new premises, so unless there's another grade school next door, those noises are history.


Could it be that its the creche/nursery for the children of the str8 boys who David is filming, you know the way it goes. Honey im just off to have my hair/nails done you mind the kids, but hun i was just going out, so take them with you.
Panic phone call to David, no problem we have a play area for them.
They make all that noise, as the little old lady, the Mrs Doubtfire look alike who cares for them knows its best, so they don't hear daddy going oh yes fuck me with that big cock.
Ok i thought i was hearing things so those were kids i heard outside during the filming
I have meant to comment on that so many times!!! :lol: It did kind of creep me out that little kids were at play outside, while the Broke Straight Boys were getting it on just inside! :lol:

You guys are all sooo funny!!

Yeah, I hope the new studio is not near a playground, or at the very least, Mrs. Doubtfire keeps the straighties kiddies waaayy on the other side of the studio! :lol:
Could it be that its the creche/nursery for the children of the str8 boys who David is filming, you know the way it goes. Honey im just off to have my hair/nails done you mind the kids, but hun i was just going out, so take them with you.
Panic phone call to David, no problem we have a play area for them.
They make all that noise, as the little old lady, the Mrs Doubtfire look alike who cares for them knows its best, so they don't hear daddy going oh yes fuck me with that big cock.
What a concept! Broke Straight Boys Day Care Center. :001_rolleyes:
What a concept! Broke Straight Boys Day Care Center. :001_rolleyes:

And many a dad comes out to the playground and says to his darling daughter:"Honey after all the fun daddy just had at grownup playtime inside, I'm afraid you're not going to get that little brother or sister you've been asking for. Sorry sweetie. But daddy has other plans..." LMAO
Yeah we had some issues with lawn mowers, kids screaming and all sorts of fun things. I'm glad those issues have got better.


Mark, don't apologize! At all! The less isolated from what's actually happening in the real world on the other side of the set, the better.

But since D&E's new premises are, from what you say, more soundproofed, please ask Dave when he comes back at least to remember what he said about outtakes and bloopers. It would be cool to see the kind of indoctrination session you mentioned yesterday on that other thread, where they're given a general idea of what's gonna be goin' down during the scene. I'd even like to see the boys getting their eye makeup on before the shoot. It would be an excuse to see Cody doing his day job. :tongue_smilie:
Brilliant thread Slim. I've thought about commenting on the "3rd party" sound effects for some time. The kids screaming, junk yard dog barking, mother's shouting, etc etc. At first I found it rather off putting but as time went on I kinda liked it and now will always associate these sounds with Broke Straight Boys I wonder if the junk yard dog et al really knew what was happening behind those paper thin walls. xx