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10 random facts about you.

1. I love my family and friends, but prefer to be alone most of the time.
2. I don't like a messy living room. The rest of the house can look like shit though.
3. In a 20 year span I've lived in 3 houses and never new my neighbors.
4. Refuse to buy another house, the 20 something in me doesn't want to get tied down.
5. I work graveyard, and love it!! having days off is a blessing.
6. Bad at saving money. Williams fault lol
7. I'm great at finding antique furniture and paying next to nothing for them.
8. I have a rolling stones lips tattoo, but would go see Neil Diamond first.
9. Have a secret crush on Rafael Nadal
10. I'm a very masculine bottom gay man, but I do check out woman?

Look at you, sharing yourself...tasty!
What is your favorite thing to do when you're alone? Okay, second favorite thing.....
What work do you do on the graveyard shift?
Don't you love Antique Roadshow? Do you restore antiques for fun/profit?
I love a tennis player's body (guys and girls); fuck their calves just do it for me!
Hey, I'm a very masculine bottom too...:001_tongue:
Look at you, sharing yourself...tasty!
What is your favorite thing to do when you're alone? Okay, second favorite thing.....
What work do you do on the graveyard shift?
Don't you love Antique Roadshow? Do you restore antiques for fun/profit?
I love a tennis player's body (guys and girls); fuck their calves just do it for me!
Hey, I'm a very masculine bottom too...:001_tongue:
I do Indian craft work ie: dreamcatchers, moccasins and some beading. I work at a Co-op grocery store. I love antique roadshow, don't restore antiques though it ruins them!!. We are twins in the sack my dear!! xoxoxo Beth
4. "...the 20 something in me doesn't want to get tied down."
7. I'm great at finding antique furniture and paying next to nothing for them.
8. I have a rolling stones lips tattoo, but would go see Neil Diamond first.
9. Have a secret crush on Rafael Nadal
10. I'm a very masculine bottom gay man, but I do check out woman?

4. So you don't like to be tied down. But do you mind being tied up? :bondage: LOL :biggrin:

7. I'm curious also if you fix it up for resale. I know a few people who do that.

8. Where do you have the tattoo at? :)

9. Oops! Secret's out. :)

10. Do you have any desires to do anything with a woman? Or do you just admire them for their beauty sometimes?
4. So you don't like to be tied down. But do you mind being tied up? :bondage: LOL :biggrin:

7. I'm curious also if you fix it up for resale. I know a few people who do that.

8. Where do you have the tattoo at? :)

9. Oops! Secret's out. :)

10. Do you have any desires to do anything with a woman? Or do you just admire them for their beauty sometimes?
You could have tied me up 6 months ago, but have turned 50 since and now it's just wrong!!lol. I have a sister who has a second hand/consignment shop who is a master at restoring and resale, I just add to my house. My tattoo is on my upper left arm, I got it in 1979 and boy was my Mom pissed! No desires to be with a woman, I just get along better with them and really appreciate their body structure. However I might have to consider Ziva from NCIS, that woman is beautiful!!!
Well I guess I will just join in. My name is Brad. Bradley Reed

1. I grew up in Michigan but call Texas my home now.
2. I met my boyfriend and love of my life Rick when I was 9 when we moved next door to him. We are still together and very happy but we were apart for the past almost 4 years due to me serving my Country in the Marine Corps and Rick's college commitments living on research ships and being in some amazing places around the world.
3..I am an only child and LOVE my mom with all of my heart!!
4. I am a rugged masculine smart guy who loves to be in and under the water, race cars and boats, learning to fly, I love to run, hike, play soccer, water polo camping and I love music.
5. I have an amazing uncle that has inspired me to excel in life in every way possible! He is my guiding light!
6. I am a very loving and caring person and will give my last penny to those who deserve it. I am also excellent at sniffing out bullshit artists! I will always help teach others to fend for themselves and help them along their way to a sound life!
7. I have seen so much anger, stupidity and far too many things to even talk about that would bring you to your knees if I told you. I am going to do all I can in life to end the ridiculous things that people do to each other.
8. I have done three tours in the middle east and will become a Marine Reserve in less then a year and finish college.
9. I want to marry my boyfriend Rick as soon as possible after I leave the Corps full time.
10. I am a sweet guy! Don't be afraid to write and say hello!

Thanks for your time!
Well I guess I will just join in. My name is Brad. Bradley Reed

1. I grew up in Michigan but call Texas my home now.
2. I met my boyfriend and love of my life Rick when I was 9 when we moved next door to him. We are still together and very happy but we were apart for the past almost 4 years due to me serving my Country in the Marine Corps and Rick's college commitments living on research ships and being in some amazing places around the world.
3..I am an only child and LOVE my mom with all of my heart!!
4. I am a rugged masculine smart guy who loves to be in and under the water, race cars and boats, learning to fly, I love to run, hike, play soccer, water polo camping and I love music.
5. I have an amazing uncle that has inspired me to excel in life in every way possible! He is my guiding light!
6. I am a very loving and caring person and will give my last penny to those who deserve it. I am also excellent at sniffing out bullshit artists! I will always help teach others to fend for themselves and help them along their way to a sound life!
7. I have seen so much anger, stupidity and far too many things to even talk about that would bring you to your knees if I told you. I am going to do all I can in life to end the ridiculous things that people do to each other.
8. I have done three tours in the middle east and will become a Marine Reserve in less then a year and finish college.
9. I want to marry my boyfriend Rick as soon as possible after I leave the Corps full time.
10. I am a sweet guy! Don't be afraid to write and say hello!

Thanks for your time!

Hey Brad,
Thanks for adding your info to the forum...the more the merrier! Congratulations on such a long relationship...when you know, you know. As for your 1-10:
2. Thank you for serving! Without giving away any military secrets, can you share a "day in the life" of serving while on tour?
4. Ah, the elusive masculine gay guy; do you get hit on a lot by guys and girls?
6. Rick has told us about the horrible incident where he worked. I am sure you read the comments; how do you feel about what was written?
8. Why are you getting out of the Marines? What do you plan to do next?
9. I love Texas, been here since I was 18, but I do not see the legalization of same-sex marriage anytime soon (unfortunate). Do you and Rick plan to marry in another state, where?
10. Please add your thoughts to the forum; you are as important as anyone else here.
Hi Beth:

Thank you for saying hello and your support of my time in the Corps! You are very welcome!
#2- A day in my life while I was serving. I just got back from Afghanistan so I will use that. You never knew sand could get in so many places in your body. It was semi controlled chaos every day. You sleep by the minutes, not hours. We truly are a band of brothers that watch each others back. I am lucky to have been on every tour with the guy I bunked with since basic training "Drew". We are truly brothers and have been though so much. He is straight BTW. Being gay was never an issue for me and you don't have time for anything like that anyway. Drew does know but he is the only one. He actually was just here in Texas for a visit with Rick and me last week.
Being there was very rewarding, VERY frustrating. The part I enjoyed the most was protecting the little kids and teaching them to play baseball, sing, dance, learn some English. I adopted a dog to look after in every town I was in. The kids loved me and I loved them. Then in an instant, they were gone in an attack on them by their own people. I have never endured so much heartache. The reasons behind it by their own people are so stupid, so crewel. This has to stop but given a 2000 year history of them fighting each other over there. It won't
4. I do get hit on a LOT!!! 97% girls, 3% guys!
6. As far as the incident at Rick's dive center where he worked. I like all of those that worked there, the cops and others think it was fine. Rick didn't explain all of the trouble that guy had been causing. When he went over the limits, Rick did what he had to do to protect himself and others. I saw the hate in that guys eyes and it doesn't come from just being a homophobe. He has some real issues inside. I suspect he may really be gay himself and had something happen to him to turn him into a madman. I feel bad for him and hope he gets the help he needs.
8. I am leaving active duty to become a Reservist as I decided to finish college, not re-up again. My commitment is over in 9 months and I made all proud who know me and that I serve with. Including myself. Time for me now.
9. I am not sure yet. I do see same sex marriage coming here in the not too distant future. It will be a battle but I think it will happen.
Rick and I will pick a state and a date. Hell I haven't asked him yet. He may say no way!! LOL
10. The forum is OK I guess.
I haven't been on it much but I do know there are some great people on here like you and also people I wish to never speak with. Case in point I had a "Private Message" this morning when I logged on. It was from some A-hole telling me he was offended by my avatar photo of me in Afghanistan holding my rifle. He told me to take it down. That WILL not happen!

Ya'all have a great day!
Hey Brad,
Thanks for adding your info to the forum...the more the merrier! Congratulations on such a long relationship...when you know, you know. As for your 1-10:
2. Thank you for serving! Without giving away any military secrets, can you share a "day in the life" of serving while on tour?
4. Ah, the elusive masculine gay guy; do you get hit on a lot by guys and girls?
6. Rick has told us about the horrible incident where he worked. I am sure you read the comments; how do you feel about what was written?
8. Why are you getting out of the Marines? What do you plan to do next?
9. I love Texas, been here since I was 18, but I do not see the legalization of same-sex marriage anytime soon (unfortunate). Do you and Rick plan to marry in another state, where?
10. Please add your thoughts to the forum; you are as important as anyone else here.
Last edited:
Well I guess I will just join in. My name is Brad. Bradley Reed

1. I grew up in Michigan but call Texas my home now.
2. I met my boyfriend and love of my life Rick when I was 9 when we moved next door to him. We are still together and very happy but we were apart for the past almost 4 years due to me serving my Country in the Marine Corps and Rick's college commitments living on research ships and being in some amazing places around the world.
3..I am an only child and LOVE my mom with all of my heart!!
4. I am a rugged masculine smart guy who loves to be in and under the water, race cars and boats, learning to fly, I love to run, hike, play soccer, water polo camping and I love music.
5. I have an amazing uncle that has inspired me to excel in life in every way possible! He is my guiding light!
6. I am a very loving and caring person and will give my last penny to those who deserve it. I am also excellent at sniffing out bullshit artists! I will always help teach others to fend for themselves and help them along their way to a sound life!
7. I have seen so much anger, stupidity and far too many things to even talk about that would bring you to your knees if I told you. I am going to do all I can in life to end the ridiculous things that people do to each other.
8. I have done three tours in the middle east and will become a Marine Reserve in less then a year and finish college.
9. I want to marry my boyfriend Rick as soon as possible after I leave the Corps full time.
10. I am a sweet guy! Don't be afraid to write and say hello!

Thanks for your time!

I know Bradders from my friendship with Rick and I can testify that all those 10 things are are true to the point and in some cases amplified x 10. Without bigging him, he is a great guy and I hope to be at his and Rick's wedding.
Well I guess I will just join in. My name is Brad. Bradley Reed

1. I grew up in Michigan but call Texas my home now.
2. I met my boyfriend and love of my life Rick when I was 9 when we moved next door to him. We are still together and very happy but we were apart for the past almost 4 years due to me serving my Country in the Marine Corps and Rick's college commitments living on research ships and being in some amazing places around the world.
3..I am an only child and LOVE my mom with all of my heart!!
4. I am a rugged masculine smart guy who loves to be in and under the water, race cars and boats, learning to fly, I love to run, hike, play soccer, water polo camping and I love music.
5. I have an amazing uncle that has inspired me to excel in life in every way possible! He is my guiding light!
6. I am a very loving and caring person and will give my last penny to those who deserve it. I am also excellent at sniffing out bullshit artists! I will always help teach others to fend for themselves and help them along their way to a sound life!
7. I have seen so much anger, stupidity and far too many things to even talk about that would bring you to your knees if I told you. I am going to do all I can in life to end the ridiculous things that people do to each other.
8. I have done three tours in the middle east and will become a Marine Reserve in less then a year and finish college.
9. I want to marry my boyfriend Rick as soon as possible after I leave the Corps full time.
10. I am a sweet guy! Don't be afraid to write and say hello!

Thanks for your time!

Hi Brad, Thanks for sharing parts of yourself with us. You sound like a wonderfully loyal person to have as a friend.

I'm a sucker for a love story so it's lovely to hear your devotion to Rick. How old were you when you realized you were meant to be together? Was there a light bulb moment or did you the love grow gradually?
Hi Grace:

It was just before Rick and I moved to Texas to start college. I knew then but it was amplified 10 times over when I got back home a few weeks ago! Thanks
Dear Brad,

Having known Rick Bell for a while, it is doubly sweet to read your "10 random facts" and to be able then to put 2 and 2 together. You both seem to be such sweet guys and I can only wish you two the very best life has to offer. May you always remain in love! Nice to meet you finally!!! God Bless you both!!!


1. I have never owned a car with a working horn.
2. To this day I've had a crush on Shania Twain.
3. As a child, I believed Shania Twain married Mark Twain...
4. I'm a raging Coke addict. And anyone who says Pepsi is better clearly has issues.
5. I have 3 dogs; 1 Boxer and 2 Saint Bernards
6. I secretly do gay-for-pay porn on the side to make extra money, but don't tell anyone.
7. Pretzel M&M's are the bomb.
8. Other than this job, I've never worked outside of the aquatic business.
9. I had dyslexia as a child. I wrote about it in my dairy.
10. My girlfriend looks a bit like Charlize Theron, and a lot like Dog the Bounty Hunter.
1. I have never owned a car with a working horn.
2. To this day I've had a crush on Shania Twain.
3. As a child, I believed Shania Twain married Mark Twain...
4. I'm a raging Coke addict. And anyone who says Pepsi is better clearly has issues.
5. I have 3 dogs; 1 Boxer and 2 Saint Bernards
6. I secretly do gay-for-pay porn on the side to make extra money, but don't tell anyone.
7. Pretzel M&M's are the bomb.
8. Other than this job, I've never worked outside of the aquatic business.
9. I had dyslexia as a child. I wrote about it in my dairy.
10. My girlfriend looks a bit like Charlize Theron, and a lot like Dog the Bounty Hunter.

:wtf:You do gay porn?! Alas, yet another reason I like you.:001_tongue:
1. How does your car pass inspection? "Betsy," my 95 Buick Regal has to be "tapped" just right to blow; Steve still can't "find the spot."
2. I agree about this lady...and knowing how she raised her sister almost by herself is even more reason to appreciate "her beauty."
3. If they had kids, would it be "Twains?!"(get it, plural, more than one kid....:sick2:)
4. I have to disagree, I love Pepsi, and long before Steve started working for them.
5. Holy shit...or "large holy shit!"
6. I openly pay for gay-for-pay porn...thinking about added an "British" site as well, something about their accents.
7. That damn salty-sweet mixture is always perfect!
8. I have had two interviews where, in the middle, the people look at me and asked, "how is your mom?" I got both jobs because of her. She was very well known and admired. I ended those jobs and became a teacher, something she thought was "a waste of time that never pays enough." Teaching was by far my favorite job; I still volunteer at schools.
9. I have taught many kids with all kinds of "challenges." It is simply a different way of doing things. Did you also know that those with "learning challenges" are often more intelligent and able to "think outside the box" more easily?
10. Ah, so you do have a "love interest?" So, please "do tell?" You know we want all the details...especially your correlation between Charlize Theron and Dog the Bounty Hunter as it applies to your gal?! Remember to answer carefully, she could actually be a member of this site and you don't want to cause problems!:001_tongue:
I haven't come across them here, so I have to ask. How do Pretzel M&Ms work? Are they M&M shapes with oval pretzels inside, or pretzel shapes encased in M&M color and crunch?

Either way they sound delicious! :001_smile:
I popped the question

Hi Stimpy,

Thanks for your kind words. We are sitting in Houston waiting for our flight from Houston back to Corpus Christi. I took Rick for a surprise weekend of hot air ballooning in Albuquerque, NM last Friday morning. I wasn't going to say anything here but decided I would.
Just as the sun was setting, we were over a beautiful deep canyon, mountains all around us and there were many other balloons off in the distance, I knelt down, took Rick's hand and told him my deepest inner feelings and asked him to marry me. Rick was so totally caught off guard and the timing could not have been better. He said YES of course! This was a moment and weekend I will cherish always.

I am leaving in a few days to finish my enlistment with the Marine Corps and will become a reservist in July 2014. Rick is also leaving in a few days to finish his MBA and will be working in the Indian Ocean as well as doing classes on research ships off of Australia, New Zealand and other places. Rick will be done in June 2014. We talked this morning and have pretty much set our sights on a wedding in the Spring of 2015. We will be settled by then and can make plans for an epic wedding!

I just thought I would share this with you all and probably won't be online here again for some time after a I head out.
Enjoy life, be good to each other and send Ricky birthday wishes on October 31st.

Semper Fi
Dear Brad,

Having known Rick Bell for a while, it is doubly sweet to read your "10 random facts" and to be able then to put 2 and 2 together. You both seem to be such sweet guys and I can only wish you two the very best life has to offer. May you always remain in love! Nice to meet you finally!!! God Bless you both!!!


Good luck to them both but I think it is too soon. I have also told them privately but as they chose to open it up to the forum I thought I would say my peace. I love the guys to bits and have been invited to the wedding, but I guess I just don't believe in gay marriages, let alone for those so young.
Friggin plane is delayed 40 minutes so I am back on line. Jon, I really don't think 27 is too young! That is how old I will be in the spring of 2015. God you know the horror I have been through in Afghanistan and I can't handle getting married?? WTF.. Plus I have known Rick since I was 11 years old. What more do I need??
You know I think the world of you but something is amiss here we need to chat about later on buddy! It's not like we both just turned 18 or something.
Luv, Bradley
Good luck to them both but I think it is too soon. I have also told them privately but as they chose to open it up to the forum I thought I would say my peace. I love the guys to bits and have been invited to the wedding, but I guess I just don't believe in gay marriages, let alone for those so young.
Good luck to them both but I think it is too soon. I have also told them privately but as they chose to open it up to the forum I thought I would say my peace. I love the guys to bits and have been invited to the wedding, but I guess I just don't believe in gay marriages, let alone for those so young.

What's your disagreement with gay marriage?
Friggin plane is delayed 40 minutes so I am back on line. Jon, I really don't think 27 is too young! That is how old I will be in the spring of 2015. God you know the horror I have been through in Afghanistan and I can't handle getting married?? WTF.. Plus I have known Rick since I was 11 years old. What more do I need??
You know I think the world of you but something is amiss here we need to chat about later on buddy! It's not like we both just turned 18 or something.
Luv, Bradley

Also, congrats guys! I don't know you as well as some others do, but it's always so very sweet to know that there's a little more love in the world.