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10 random facts about you.

Hi Stimpy,

Thanks for your kind words. We are sitting in Houston waiting for our flight from Houston back to Corpus Christi. I took Rick for a surprise weekend of hot air ballooning in Albuquerque, NM last Friday morning. I wasn't going to say anything here but decided I would.
Just as the sun was setting, we were over a beautiful deep canyon, mountains all around us and there were many other balloons off in the distance, I knelt down, took Rick's hand and told him my deepest inner feelings and asked him to marry me. Rick was so totally caught off guard and the timing could not have been better. He said YES of course! This was a moment and weekend I will cherish always.

I am leaving in a few days to finish my enlistment with the Marine Corps and will become a reservist in July 2014. Rick is also leaving in a few days to finish his MBA and will be working in the Indian Ocean as well as doing classes on research ships off of Australia, New Zealand and other places. Rick will be done in June 2014. We talked this morning and have pretty much set our sights on a wedding in the Spring of 2015. We will be settled by then and can make plans for an epic wedding!

I just thought I would share this with you all and probably won't be online here again for some time after a I head out.
Enjoy life, be good to each other and send Ricky birthday wishes on October 31st.

Semper Fi

Oh my gosh Bradley!

That's wonderful! I wish you both nothing but the best. What a beautiful setting to propose to the love of your life. I'm so happy for you. You are both very lucky to have found each other. :)

9. I had dyslexia as a child. I wrote about it in my dairy. I caught that. Very cute! LOL

"Dear Dairy,
Today my dotcor told me I have ewither diyslexia or blain dramage."
Dyslexics Untie!! :biggrin:

10. My girlfriend looks a bit like Charlize Theron, and a lot like Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Does she like to wear Beth's "hoochie mama" clothes? haha (Dog's wife Beth that is. lol)

I too am rather curious as to how she combines both looks. Beautiful movie star and hippie, haggard looking law enforcer. haha
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What's your disagreement with gay marriage?

One has to look back on some other threads advo, I don't know, I just don't think it is right. The Brit gay community fought hard and long to get a civil partnership and also allowing gays in the military. This was passed around 2000 ish, and it still has a bitter taste in some quarters but that taste is getting milder as time goes on.

Adding fuel to a fire is not good and would bring back the homophobic stance once more and possibly spoiling the good work that was done for civil partnership. Guess your states never even had civil partnership so guess we're talking on different levels.
Friggin plane is delayed 40 minutes so I am back on line. Jon, I really don't think 27 is too young! That is how old I will be in the spring of 2015. God you know the horror I have been through in Afghanistan and I can't handle getting married?? WTF.. Plus I have known Rick since I was 11 years old. What more do I need??
You know I think the world of you but something is amiss here we need to chat about later on buddy! It's not like we both just turned 18 or something.
Luv, Bradley

Speak to me in private please Bradley and not in front of this audience.
One has to look back on some other threads advo, I don't know, I just don't think it is right. The Brit gay community fought hard and long to get a civil partnership and also allowing gays in the military. This was passed around 2000 ish, and it still has a bitter taste in some quarters but that taste is getting milder as time goes on.

Adding fuel to a fire is not good and would bring back the homophobic stance once more and possibly spoiling the good work that was done for civil partnership. Guess your states never even had civil partnership so guess we're talking on different levels.

This is one of those cases where we're like 50 small countries, not one big one. Marriage is almost completely a state-by-state thing. Some states - mine included - do have civil partnerships (although we call them civil unions here). Our federal Constitution (which we took the time to write down, unlike a certain European country I could name), arguably guarantees the equal protection of the laws to minority groups. What actually constitutes a minority group* doesn't OFFICIALLY encompass LGBT people, but we seem to be very slowly moving in that direction.

* Constitutional Law aside: The official test for whether a group qualifies for the "equal protection of the laws" is whether (1) they're a discrete and insular minority that (2) has historically been denied the use of the political process. You all at home can make your own determination as to whether we gay people fit that definition.

Anyway, the thing is, civil unions are weird - they're not EXACTLY the same as marriage because the national government recognizes benefits, including the state pension system (Social Security), for couples that are married, but not necessarily for couples that have only a civil union. So it creates some really interesting issues of inequality that are going to play out over the next few years in the courts as they struggle to determine whether we enjoy the full equal protection of the laws.

My own stance, aside from the grave moral issues that arise from denying loving couples the right to marry each other, is that my Constitution guarantees me the same rights that the majority has, and that includes the right to marry the person I love and receive full recognition from my government.

In the case that struck down laws banning gay sex, Anthony Kennedy gave my favorite quote in all of the law: "As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom." That, to me, captures the essence of our Constitution: greater and greater recognition of the worth and dignity of every individual through the elimination of laws rooted in bigotry.
....In the case that struck down laws banning gay sex, Anthony Kennedy gave my favorite quote in all of the law: "As the Constitution endures, persons in every generation can invoke its principles in their own search for greater freedom." That, to me, captures the essence of our Constitution: greater and greater recognition of the worth and dignity of every individual through the elimination of laws rooted in bigotry.

A MEN to that!( no pun intended!)
Anyway, the thing is, civil unions are weird - they're not EXACTLY the same as marriage because the national government recognizes benefits, including the state pension system (Social Security), for couples that are married, but not necessarily for couples that have only a civil union.

That's where the UK differs. Civil Partnerships have the same legal, social benefits, pensions, divorce etc etc that a marriage has. The only difference is the word marriage.
Hi Stimpy,

Thanks for your kind words. We are sitting in Houston waiting for our flight from Houston back to Corpus Christi. I took Rick for a surprise weekend of hot air ballooning in Albuquerque, NM last Friday morning. I wasn't going to say anything here but decided I would.
Just as the sun was setting, we were over a beautiful deep canyon, mountains all around us and there were many other balloons off in the distance, I knelt down, took Rick's hand and told him my deepest inner feelings and asked him to marry me. Rick was so totally caught off guard and the timing could not have been better. He said YES of course! This was a moment and weekend I will cherish always.

I am leaving in a few days to finish my enlistment with the Marine Corps and will become a reservist in July 2014. Rick is also leaving in a few days to finish his MBA and will be working in the Indian Ocean as well as doing classes on research ships off of Australia, New Zealand and other places. Rick will be done in June 2014. We talked this morning and have pretty much set our sights on a wedding in the Spring of 2015. We will be settled by then and can make plans for an epic wedding!

I just thought I would share this with you all and probably won't be online here again for some time after a I head out.
Enjoy life, be good to each other and send Ricky birthday wishes on October 31st.

Semper Fi

Oh my God, congratulations Brad and Rick! I am so happy for you both; love is a wonderful thing to share. Please keep us updated on the wedding plans; if you have a Facebook page, do let us know as well. All the best to both of you!:thumbup:
That's where the UK differs. Civil Partnerships have the same legal, social benefits, pensions, divorce etc etc that a marriage has. The only difference is the word marriage.
Someone said earlier that "all 50 states are different" this is so true Jon. My state of Washington had the similiar civil union benefits for Gays, but last year we voted to legalize same-sex marriage. Most states aren't that open to change (state govt not people) but mine is very open to the people. Along with the legalization of same-sex marriage, we legalized pot. Also a Gay man is running for Mayor of Seattle and has a great chance of winning.

You'll do fine Johnny. It takes a while to get the hang of posting, responding to posts and reading different threads if you're not familiar with chat rooms. If you have questions just put them out there and we'll help you. :)
I am lost.

Well, welcome! You found your way here...the rest will be much easier. Someone even told me once that if you push a couple of buttons on your keyboard, naked guys will appear!:scared: So don't worry, ANY button you push will be the right one. May we know more about you? How about the area of the world you live in. I live in Texas, around Dallas. The weather here has finally broken and we are actually having a bit of fall weather, warm during the day, colder at night. How is the weather where you are?
Welcome Johnny!! Like Tampa said, just ask us questions and someone will help guide you around. It is a much funner site once you know all it has to offer. Keep posting my buddy!
10 Random Facts about me ;)

1. Fav Food - Chicken
2. Sports I've played - Baseball, FootBall, soccer
3. Love Photography & Thinking Out Side The Box
4. I'm A Real Bitch If I Go With Out Food For Along Period Of Time
5. I'm Never Give Up On Anything
6. Love Playing Xbox & Computer Games
7. I Smoke A Blunt To Get Focused Before I walk In To The Gym
8. Supppper Picky
9. I Try To Up Lift Others During Hard Times
10. I Love My GMA!
#1. I like chicken a lot too. But I must admit that a good steak is really my favorite.

#2 I really enjoy baseball. I like soccer too. I find it much nicer to watch a soccer game in person than on tv. Tampa used to have its own MLS team. (The Tampa Bay Mutiny) Unfortunately it folded after a couple seasons.

#9. You sound like you are a very good friend to those lucky enough to have earned your friendship. xo
10 Random Facts about me ;)

1. Fav Food - Chicken
2. Sports I've played - Baseball, FootBall, soccer
3. Love Photography & Thinking Out Side The Box
4. I'm A Real Bitch If I Go With Out Food For Along Period Of Time
5. I'm Never Give Up On Anything
6. Love Playing Xbox & Computer Games
7. I Smoke A Blunt To Get Focused Before I walk In To The Gym
8. Supppper Picky
9. I Try To Up Lift Others During Hard Times
10. I Love My GMA!

Let's see, I think we are opposites:
1. Seafood or Steak
2. I like football and rugby, but I've fucked a baseball and soccer players; guess that doesn't count.
3. Okay, we're good here. I am very visual and am "way" outside the box
4. I'm sure it's your high-ass metabolism. But, I am never "far from food."
5. I let go of things very easily, hence, "no biggie" is a big phrase of mine.
6. I like cards or board games.
7. I have not smoked pot in 30 years, but most times people who meet me for the first time think I'm always high.
8. Not picky at all, except when it comes to food. My dad was a chef and growing up, we never had PBJ's or Hamburger Helper. It was always "high end" meals.
9. I am always a positive person to be around and feel that whatever you give, you get back in spades.
10.I'm assuming it's the car company you like. Again, for me, whatever gets me down the road, is just fine.

Well shit, yep; we are opposites. So from here on out, we're gonna have to base our relationship on sex. I know, I hate to do it too. Wonder if there is a place we can go and chat about sex and watch you "have fun?!":shock: I'm sure you are laughing because when I "get you all to myself" on Flirt4Free, all I want to do is talk...fuck, I'm such a girl!:bump:
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