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10 random facts about you.

All of that resonates, and I can't imagine living in a world where that was the case. I'd like to think that I'd have had the courage to live my life openly in that environment and damn the consequences, but if I'm honest I have my doubts.
Thanks Advocate88 for letting us get to know you a bit. I would say that, regardless of your exam results, don't ever feel like you have to do "one or the other." Let yourself be open to finding a balance between the activities/jobs that interest you.
I would also tell you to check out the "Tales of Lust and Seduction" thread Lipps4U would do for the forum; he is not on the site now, but man can he write!
I also like tennis; although "average" at that, would be a stretch for me.
Please enjoy the forum and "write" often!
Thanks, guys! I've wanted to do this job since I graduated from high school; what an incredible feeling to have a dream come true.

And mikeyank, always free for you. :)
Somehow I missed the recent posts. Congratulations Advo on your new positions. How does that job equate to a uk job. If you were over here would you be a solicitor, lawyer or Queens Counsel.
Thanks a million, Jon.

We don't make a distinction in the States on the front end - being admitted yesterday would allow me to do any of those three jobs. I'm looking at different options now, but most likely I'll end up as sort of a half and half solicitor/barrister. I can't, however, practice outside my state - I have to associate with someone local if I get any out of state clients unless I go through the qualification process for another state. Actually, I'd be curious if you know if there are any similar geographic restrictions in the UK.
1) I am just under 6' tall but, appear taller because ALL of my extremities are LONG
2) I served in two branches of the Armed Services: Marine Corps and United States Navy. (Post Viet Nam era)
3) I enjoy "structure" and don't like disorder, lawlessness or the like.
4) I am quite introspective at times (too much)
5) I get asked " Are you a cop?"" Were you in the military? " A lot!
6) Only people who know me well, know that I am gay (and that's only because I chose to tell them)
7) My best body feature (that I enjoy) is my upper body: chest, shoulders particularly.
8) Favorite body feature on a man, his butt!
9) Have been in long term relationships with guys and girls in the past, once at the same time (that was interesting)
10) If I could choose the "perfect guy" for me: He would be built similarly to and look a lot like a newly graduated Marine Recruit : or Adam Baer.
Thanks Betu. I am particularly interested in *3 as I like order and structure too. In Broke Straight Boys some call me the thread police because I like to keep the threads in the correct section lol

That is really funny to me because, a while back when I was new to the forum, there was a discussion and I don't remember what is was, but after reading your comments, I adopted my own term of endearment for you, and it was "The Sherriff." Even a "newbie" can pick up that! I do mean that affectionately!
11. I'm licensed to practice law in the state of Illinois!


Congratulations! Great Job. Good luck to you also. Now you can ad Esq. to your signature, I think that's hot!
Thanks a million, Jon.

We don't make a distinction in the States on the front end - being admitted yesterday would allow me to do any of those three jobs. I'm looking at different options now, but most likely I'll end up as sort of a half and half solicitor/barrister. I can't, however, practice outside my state - I have to associate with someone local if I get any out of state clients unless I go through the qualification process for another state. Actually, I'd be curious if you know if there are any similar geographic restrictions in the UK.

Hi dude. Once again the rules and laws of the US amazes me - it's like 50 different countries. As far as the uk is concerned and as far as I know and I am no expert, there are no geographic restrictions here and i would be pretty 100pc on that. As long as one is suitably qualified you can apply for any job in any part of the uk.
Hi dude. Once again the rules and laws of the US amazes me - it's like 50 different countries. As far as the uk is concerned and as far as I know and I am no expert, there are no geographic restrictions here and i would be pretty 100pc on that. As long as one is suitably qualified you can apply for any job in any part of the uk.

Hi yourself - yeah, it really is like fifty smaller countries here. The reason why we have to qualify individually for each state is because the laws are different. My expertise in Illinois law is proven now, but there's no reason to think I know anything about, for example, the state laws in California (and indeed, I'd be hopeless; the only thing I do know is that they're complicated as fuck).

That said, the broad principles ARE the same from state to state - in fact, they're the same as yours, as after we cast off the harsh, cruel shackles of British rule we kept the same system of law we had while you tyrants were in charge. I definitely studied British cases in law school for fundamental principles of contract, tort, property, and criminal law.
Hi yourself - yeah, it really is like fifty smaller countries here. The reason why we have to qualify individually for each state is because the laws are different. My expertise in Illinois law is proven now, but there's no reason to think I know anything about, for example, the state laws in California (and indeed, I'd be hopeless; the only thing I do know is that they're complicated as fuck).

That said, the broad principles ARE the same from state to state - in fact, they're the same as yours, as after we cast off the harsh, cruel shackles of British rule we kept the same system of law we had while you tyrants were in charge. I definitely studied British cases in law school for fundamental principles of contract, tort, property, and criminal law.

Well in the end we let you loose and let you get on with looking after yourself. 4000 miles is far too long for us to keep a rope taught lol. So what British cases did you study ? BTW I am an engineer and not a lawyer..
Well in the end we let you loose and let you get on with looking after yourself. 4000 miles is far too long for us to keep a rope taught lol.

haha well I guess we're talking in the other thread about the government shutdown about how THAT worked out, 200-odd years later. Maybe we should have just put up with the taxes and let you handle the governance.

I don't remember many exactly, except for one called the Queen vs. Dudley and Stephens. Some sailors got shipwrecked, ran out of food, got very hungry, and began to eat each other before the rest of the royal navy showed up and rescued the remaining sailors. They were charged with murder and were convicted over their necessity defense. We read it to talk about ethical issues and how far necessity should go.

I think I knew you were an engineer, but I don't know what kind - what kind of engineering do you do?
haha well I guess we're talking in the other thread about the government shutdown about how THAT worked out, 200-odd years later. Maybe we should have just put up with the taxes and let you handle the governance.

I don't remember many exactly, except for one called the Queen vs. Dudley and Stephens. Some sailors got shipwrecked, ran out of food, got very hungry, and began to eat each other before the rest of the royal navy showed up and rescued the remaining sailors. They were charged with murder and were convicted over their necessity defense. We read it to talk about ethical issues and how far necessity should go.

I think I knew you were an engineer, but I don't know what kind - what kind of engineering do you do?

I have often thought of Britain as a 51st state or maybe the US should have 50 states tagged on to the uk lol. I have visited the US about 5 times but it has been a while since my last visit. All my visits were to the west coast and my longest stay was 3 weeks where I was based in Palm Desert but travelled the length and breadth of CA and some parts of Az and Nevada. I took a trip over the border to Tijuana but didn't manage to catch Herb Albert, but did get to see some of Leroy Brown's junk yard dogs..

I am a telecommunications engineer and work for British Telecom or BT which is like AT&T. I did a 4 year apprenticeship and got some qualifications that equate to degree level.
1. I love my family and friends, but prefer to be alone most of the time.
2. I don't like a messy living room. The rest of the house can look like shit though.
3. In a 20 year span I've lived in 3 houses and never new my neighbors.
4. Refuse to buy another house, the 20 something in me doesn't want to get tied down.
5. I work graveyard, and love it!! having days off is a blessing.
6. Bad at saving money. Williams fault lol
7. I'm great at finding antique furniture and paying next to nothing for them.
8. I have a rolling stones lips tattoo, but would go see Neil Diamond first.
9. Have a secret crush on Rafael Nadal
10. I'm a very masculine bottom gay man, but I do check out woman?