Denny Bear
Well-known Member
A while back our Lovely Ms. Kianna came up with the idea to post a story and then let each person add a few lines to it to see how it progressed. I for one really enjoyed doing it as I think a few others did also so I thought why not try it again. So with Ms. K’s permission I will post this as seed stock to see what you folks can add to it. Have fun.
Although he was in Florida it seemed colder then normal making him wish he had brought a sweater. Ben loved to spend his late evenings walking barefoot on the beach and did so regularly until two weeks ago when he and Steven broke up. They would spend hours on the beach in the moon light watching the surf come in. Occasionally they would see the distant lights of a ship passing over the horizon. They would sit and talk about where it could possibly be heading. But tonight Ben was alone, alone except for the other people on the beach. Most of which were cuddling with their partners against the brisk night air, making Ben feel all the more alone. Suddenly a voice broke the darkness, “you look a bit cold tonight” Ben was shocked and jumped back as he had not seen the young man sitting in the dark next to a large rock.