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Yaaah I just finally cancelled my 3 yr sub


New Member
Apr 4, 2010
Reaction score
I finally cancelled my subscription to Broke Straight Boys, reason: after all those promises for new content, and suffering thru shitty updates, I see that the new people are just the old ones from there other sites, and what else? even more solos. Well i had enuff.:thumbup:
I finally cancelled my subscription to Broke Straight Boys, reason: after all those promises for new content, and suffering thru shitty updates, I see that the new people are just the old ones from there other sites, and what else? even more solos. Well i had enuff.:thumbup:

Sorry to see you leave. Mgt has given us the new formats and we know that Leon from his BTS interview has been having str8y sex with the boys month on month. I referred David Taylor to D&E/Blu and you'll miss him, too. He is str8, is married and has 2 kids. Nice guy.......

Have a nice life!
One of the things that always confuses me about this site is the joining date in the upper right hand corner. It's kind of like in the old days when you counted the months between the baby shower and the wedding shower. I know it reallly doesn't mean anything but it still leaves me confused.
Sorry to hear that but we do have new models coming. Yes we have to put a lot of straight boys in solo's and then duo's. I'm also updating twice a week and we used to update 1-2 times a week. I've added behind the scenes videos which the latest one has 2 new models coming soon. I converted to HD and even more stuff coming. I try to give the most I can for you guys but guess you can't please everyone.

One of the things that always confuses me about this site is the joining date in the upper right hand corner. It's kind of like in the old days when you counted the months between the baby shower and the wedding shower. I know it reallly doesn't mean anything but it still leaves me confused.

Where do you see that?

Every website on the internet today regardless if they are a straight site or a gay site all have solos. Some membership sites have more then others but when your dealing with the type of models we have on our site, at times we need to place them into a solo so we can "warm" them up.

Filming porn is hard enough...being straight and doing this for the first time is even harder so at times to build the models confidence we have to place them in a solo. Solos are boring but its been around the industry for decades, you can see solos on DVDs to membership sites throughout the history of porn.

As for being impatient and waiting...sorry members but we can't place all the footage up all at the same time. Mark is updating the site often as possible and I think we are offering more then others do. Just in the past few days, we already introduced Andy, in the BTS section we introduced Scott & Leon that is cumming and our next newest model is name Jake, so since we have introduced HD to the site, we already introduced you to four new models, Andy, Jake, Scott & Leon and there are still lots to come. In this latest update we have Ty & Diesal who have many fans on this site and many have requested to see more of Ty and of course many love to see Diesal After Jake's solo, we place him with Tyler that many have been requesting to see him again. We haven't seen Tyler in a long time so I matched Tyler up with new model Jake.

If your dissatisfied with Broke Straight Boys, please email me or PM with your suggestions. I have asked for your advice and suggestions in the past, but it seems nobody can answer me..I gave in past threads and post scenarios and asked one specific member what would they do...and I'm still waiting for there answer and this particular member had bashed management so when I turned the tables and asked his advice, there was no reply. Its great when members want to focus on the negatives, but I see the positives and so do a lot of other members. Its sad when members want to complain without giving suggestions...if you want to cancel your membership at least give us a reason.

The reasons we here is repeat models. Boring scenes. Not enough new models. This seems to be the main complaint. So I impose these questions to those that seem we are using repeat models, have boring scenes and not enough new models:

1. How would you handle being in business and that 75% of your members keep requesting the same models? Would you ignore 75% of your members? Would you satisfy your members and do you best to show requested models?

2. How would you film a model that comes into your studio and has never filmed porn before and is very nervous? Would you just tell this type of model, "Hey, buck up! I'm paying you money so you will perform and do as I say and if you don't like it, you can leave?" and then throw him into a fucking scene and make him feel very uncomfortable or Would you simply work with that model and try to make him more comfortable so you can build his confidence up so when he does his fucking scene, he will be more willing and not as pressured to do more?

3. If you have 6 months worth of footage and in that 6 months worth of Broke Straight Boys footage you have many new hot models, but you can't place them all up on the site all at once and you don't want to place the Broke Straight Boys episodes out of order, how would you handle this?

As you can see from my questions, there are many challenges just dealing with content & models and making the correct decisions we think would satisfy all our members...but when your faced with certain decisions, you have to do your best.

It would be nice to hear from those complaining members and I like to see your answers to the above questions be answered and see how you as a member would handle our some of our challenges.

Hi Guys,
I have been a member of Broke Straight Boys for about a year and always read these forums and never posted one. I have to say I love this site and most of the models and am looking forward to see what is coming.It was sometimes a bit boring but hey what isn't at times.
David and Mark and all the others who are responsible for this hot site is keep up the good work and keep bring back Diesal,Anthony(love that boy) The 2 Jimmy's ,and i even love Tank....I am a bit over 60 and these guys make my heart flutter.....
Every website on the internet today regardless if they are a straight site or a gay site all have solos. Some membership sites have more then others but when your dealing with the type of models we have on our site, at times we need to place them into a solo so we can "warm" them up.

Filming porn is hard enough...being straight and doing this for the first time is even harder so at times to build the models confidence we have to place them in a solo. Solos are boring but its been around the industry for decades, you can see solos on DVDs to membership sites throughout the history of porn.

As for being impatient and waiting...sorry members but we can't place all the footage up all at the same time. Mark is updating the site often as possible and I think we are offering more then others do. Just in the past few days, we already introduced Andy, in the BTS section we introduced Scott & Leon that is cumming and our next newest model is name Jake, so since we have introduced HD to the site, we already introduced you to four new models, Andy, Jake, Scott & Leon and there are still lots to come. In this latest update we have Ty & Diesal who have many fans on this site and many have requested to see more of Ty and of course many love to see Diesal After Jake's solo, we place him with Tyler that many have been requesting to see him again. We haven't seen Tyler in a long time so I matched Tyler up with new model Jake.

If your dissatisfied with Broke Straight Boys, please email me or PM with your suggestions. I have asked for your advice and suggestions in the past, but it seems nobody can answer me..I gave in past threads and post scenarios and asked one specific member what would they do...and I'm still waiting for there answer and this particular member had bashed management so when I turned the tables and asked his advice, there was no reply. Its great when members want to focus on the negatives, but I see the positives and so do a lot of other members. Its sad when members want to complain without giving suggestions...if you want to cancel your membership at least give us a reason.

The reasons we here is repeat models. Boring scenes. Not enough new models. This seems to be the main complaint. So I impose these questions to those that seem we are using repeat models, have boring scenes and not enough new models:

1. How would you handle being in business and that 75% of your members keep requesting the same models? Would you ignore 75% of your members? Would you satisfy your members and do you best to show requested models?

2. How would you film a model that comes into your studio and has never filmed porn before and is very nervous? Would you just tell this type of model, "Hey, buck up! I'm paying you money so you will perform and do as I say and if you don't like it, you can leave?" and then throw him into a fucking scene and make him feel very uncomfortable or Would you simply work with that model and try to make him more comfortable so you can build his confidence up so when he does his fucking scene, he will be more willing and not as pressured to do more?

3. If you have 6 months worth of footage and in that 6 months worth of Broke Straight Boys footage you have many new hot models, but you can't place them all up on the site all at once and you don't want to place the Broke Straight Boys episodes out of order, how would you handle this?

As you can see from my questions, there are many challenges just dealing with content & models and making the correct decisions we think would satisfy all our members...but when your faced with certain decisions, you have to do your best.

It would be nice to hear from those complaining members and I like to see your answers to the above questions be answered and see how you as a member would handle our some of our challenges.


haha well david, im not a complaining member, im actually quite happily addicted to this site so i dont know if my reply will be of any help! lol

Question 1: There is nothing in the site title that says New Broke Straight Boys not that you guys dont put out new models, as you said, weve had four in the last week! i think that there is a happy medium here. especially when you place new models with the seasoned veterans. Its great to see them mentoring these new models. Like the Diesal and Ty update, Ty not being used to the Broke Straight Boys format was great, and i think it was super awesome to see Diesal as the veteran and his appreciation was seen on film. like slave pleasing master (not that it was aimed that way, thats just what i saw)

Question 2: I think your compassion for these boys help them relax and be able to let down their guards. You can only suggest someone to do something, and when its forced it will come across as forced and they will erect (hehe) guards that will limit them from what they will do. Its very fly by the seat of your pants. I think its great, and even though i hate reality shows, its like the reality show of porn! This is one of the reality shows i can enjoy. but when these boys leave with a good sense of doing something, and getting paid for it, they will be more likely to come back, then leaving us more able to see repeat action of the boys we like. its for this reason that we get to see little treats like Diesal and Jimmy passionately making out. i wasnt there for filming, but it seems like they were happy with putting on a show for us and it kept them getting more and more into it.

Question 3: People are fickle. youre never going to please everyone. Sure it would be great to pick and choose the episodes you want us to see and push them to the front, but then the episodes that get pushed back keep getting pushed back. and thats lost resources because eventually its more detrimental to keep pushing back scenes. a month from now, if you were to release a scene from 4 years ago, im sure the members would have quite a bit to say about it, even if they dont say enough already! I think you just need to stick to your guns, be confident in your plans, and follow through. Sure, this guy just canceled his 3 year membership, but some of us are new and really appreciate what you do, and will most likely be around for three years or more! its the cycle of life in the porn business. as the old leave, the new come, as you have showed us with the different models.

Dont worry about it david, for every member that is upset, there are like 4 more that will refer your site to their friends. i truthfully think this is one of the better sites out there for all of the reasons i stated above, and im sure im not the only member who thinks this way!
Solos are WAY boring...:mad:
Again to quote Sly Stone, "Different strokes (pun intended :cool:) for different folks".

To see a brand new straight boy appearing in a gay porn flick for the very first time can be exciting to me. From the banter between Dave and the newbie, to the removal of the shirt, etc. etc. can be very hot.

You can't get to Point B, without starting at Point A, so I disagree about solos being "WAY boring". I find them way interesting and a springboard to more and better things to come, (cum? :thumbup1:)
If your dissatisfied with Broke Straight Boys, please email me or PM with your suggestions. I have asked for your advice and suggestions in the past, but it seems nobody can answer me..I gave in past threads and post scenarios and asked one specific member what would they do...and I'm still waiting for there answer and this particular member had bashed management so when I turned the tables and asked his advice, there was no reply. Its great when members want to focus on the negatives, but I see the positives and so do a lot of other members. Its sad when members want to complain without giving suggestions...if you want to cancel your membership at least give us a reason.
David, you obviously have a very popular and successful web site that is loved by your vast membership. You have to do what you and your management team think is right. In life there are very few absolutes as to what is right and what is wrong.

As I'm into quoting lyrics from older rock songs today, I would offer the words of the once very very hot Rick Nelson who said.... "You see, ya can't please everyone, so ya got to please yourself"
Hi Guys,
I have been a member of Broke Straight Boys for about a year and always read these forums and never posted one. I have to say I love this site and most of the models and am looking forward to see what is coming.It was sometimes a bit boring but hey what isn't at times.
David and Mark and all the others who are responsible for this hot site is keep up the good work and keep bring back Diesal,Anthony(love that boy) The 2 Jimmy's ,and i even love Tank....I am a bit over 60 and these guys make my heart flutter.....

Thank you so much for posting and welcome to the forum!!! and thank you for your positive remarks :thumbup:
Wow JW and Mike...very powerful...that is awesome...perhaps your positive messages can infect those that just bore us with there negativity.
Wow JW and Mike...very powerful...that is awesome...perhaps your positive messages can infect those that just bore us with there negativity.
Thanks David, and I obviously love the site and the work you do, but I'm not bored by negative posts either. I like to hear from all sides on an issue, not just the one's I agree with. But ultimately, the quality of your work will keep the majority of your members satisfied, and we will continue to subscribe to the site, month after month.
Well, I'll add my two cents, cuz, well, I'm like that. :p

If Broke Straight Boys offered nothing else but the main site, it would still be a bargain and worth the fee. I've criticized with the same thoughts, and came around to other side from posts David made.

Bored with Broke Straight Boys? That can be understandable, however, you have so many other sites you get for free with your monthly subscription, that if you feel bored, you're just not looking very hard.

The new HD has been live all of what, five days? So far we have two new models, and some old favorites. I certainly can't bitch about that.

David and company have gone above and beyond their call of duty to explain over and over and over again exactly what was happening, and still, some people don't understand.

If you find a better site, I hope you'll come back and tell us, but I don't think you will. Broke Straight Boys is the best of the best.
Where do you see that?

You know, like on the upper right corner of this very post where it says "Join Date" and gives a date. The date is the date of joining the forum and not the date of membership. I realize that. I was just trying to point out the confusion it causes when a member claims to be dropping a 3 year subscription and shows a join date of April, 2010. I realize it is perfectly logical that a member could belong to Broke Straight Boys for three years and join the forum to say goodbye. It still causes a bit of a double take - like a wedding license dated December and a birth certificate dated August.
perhaps your positive messages can infect those that just bore us with there negativity.

Pretty out of order comment that David to be honest. Once again you're over reacting to a single members entitled view. I know this site is close to your heart and I also know you put a lot of work into it. However, try staying a more cool and level headed when confronted by such negativity.
The Best

Broke Straight Boys is great great site. Sexy, interesting guys in a warm, friendly and safe setting. I'm not a fan of solos, but they are necessary. Broke Straight Boys is also a Model Business thanks to Mark and his staff. Quick responses to problems, friendly and lots of bonus sites. Everyone on campus who subscribes really likes it, the guys and the girls. You guys are obvisously doing something right. Keep up the good work.