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Wondering When BSB's 2,000th Episode Will Arrive :)

Wow, to think I believed I was the only one who is a freak for stats. Just thinking first, I hope I am around in 2020, by then I am sure someone, would have developed something new, a sensor video cam to capture every movement from every angle simotamasly. Eliminating the need for a cameraman. Maybe then we may simulated models in 3D or using 4D?? I know, I do have to much time on my hands. 2 years are a long way aways.lol

LOL. As I read your 4D comment it triggered a memory of the "Bugs Life" 4D show in Disney World where your face got sprayed when the bug spray on screen went off and you felt a little poke in the butt when the insects supposedly walked off the stage and under you. The possibilities of that being moved to home porn viewing lol.
LOL. As I read your 4D comment it triggered a memory of the "Bugs Life" 4D show in Disney World where your face got sprayed when the bug spray on screen went off and you felt a little poke in the butt when the insects supposedly walked off the stage and under you. The possibilities of that being moved to home porn viewing lol.

LOL, hey, with the way things are going, that wont be to off in the future.
Hey All,

I was thinking again about the magic number (and timing) of when the 2000th episode of the site might occur. Obviously a while back when we members tried to unscientifically guess when the 2000 milestone might fall, we were basing that on a continuous release of 3 porn episodes per week. Now we're getting 2 per week. So between the slightly fewer weekly updates and the unexpected wrench of Corona virus being thrown in there whch could potentially further delay any more new filming....we may not reach that milestone this year at all. Another1 hypothesized (a year and a half ago) that we would reach porn scene number 2000 in September of this year. My guess (at that same time) was that it would fall deeper into winter of this year.

So for the benefit of those of us who like to discuss and geek out over some of the more interesting and/or obscure statistics of the site, I was wondering if Bryce or anyone else in staff or management could tell us our running total and where we're sitting in the latest numbers. lol :)
I was wondering if Bryce or anyone else in staff or management could tell us our running total and where we're sitting in the latest numbers. lol :)
That number is always available to us Tampa on the upcoming scenes listings. On the upcoming Blaze Fucks James promo it says,

"Blaze Austin Fucks James Dawn will be released on Apr 23, 2020. Come back Apr 23 to see this new Broke Straight Boys Scene. In the meantime, check out our other 1897 scenes".

So there's your answer, 1897!!!!! :cool:
That number is always available to us Tampa on the upcoming scenes listings. On the upcoming Blaze Fucks James promo it says,

"Blaze Austin Fucks James Dawn will be released on Apr 23, 2020. Come back Apr 23 to see this new Broke Straight Boys Scene. In the meantime, check out our other 1897 scenes".

So there's your answer, 1897!!!!! :cool:

That's very clever Mikey. Well done! :thumbup1: They didn't used to share those breadcrumbs with us. So at 2 scenes per week or 8 per month... It looks like we've got at least another 10 months to a year to go. And that's assuming they already have a decent amount left in the can. And also assuming that they don't have to totally shut down filming for an extended period due to the virus.

They're also in Georgia with a Republican governor who wants to reopen a bunch of stuff on Friday. He has no real plan. Just a wish and a prayer and an arrogance that he knows better than the medical professionals. So expect Georgia to have a second wave of new cases of the virus and a prolonged spike in new deaths. And don't even get me started on Florida. *sigh*
They're also in Georgia with a Republican governor who wants to reopen a bunch of stuff on Friday. He has no real plan. Just a wish and a prayer and an arrogance that he knows better than the medical professionals. So expect Georgia to have a second wave of new cases of the virus and a prolonged spike in new deaths. And don't even get me started on Florida. *sigh*
LOL. Don’t get me started.
10 months from now would be February 2021. 10 episodes per month..

True, Another1. haha

I think the only spin I could put on that incorrect date would be a technicality. haha It's possible though that the 2000th episode will be filmed early in the new year. Even if it isn't released until May of 2021 or later. :)
IDK which shower scene you are referring, but there is a BTS shower scene with Daniel Grange(MY ALLTIME fav-yes-even over Ronan Kennedy, model)-and Angel, entitled, "The Experiment"...while not the typical Broke Straight Boys video, I think that is why it STILL sticks out as one of my top 5 all time favs, as it showed passion, lust, sex, 'emotional connection'-even if scripted, (WELL PORTRAYED).


I was thinking about this recently as well when I saw the shower scene in my favorites. Does management already have plans for it, or might this be something we could give ideas for on the forums? Personally, I think a group wrestling scene with the losers bottoming would be awesome and different for the site. I'm sure there are a lot of other ideas that could be floated around before it happens. Just a thought.
Something I had considered for a while as a strong possibility was that many of the scenes we are seeing now were filmed right near the beginning of the virus scare. Many of us assumed that maybe Broke Straight Boys had a found a way of safely filming during the virus. I think the filming of new porn scenes may be greatly slowing down, if not grinding to a halt for a while. We've been told in the past that whatever scenes we are seeing right now have typically been filmed about 2 months prior. So even as models may have filmed in mid to late February/early March and mention their concerns about Corona on camera...this was quite likely when people were getting concerned about it but not yet panicked enough to stay at home and out of public. Plus, Georgia's governor was one of the last holdouts in the nation to very grudgingly issue stay at home orders. (Then he is one of the first governors in the whole country to try to open things back up again even though Georgia has shown no signs of getting its Corona outbreak under control. But that's a different story for another thread.)

So as we reach the last of the reserves of porn scenes left in the can, they are going to have to get more creative (and of course careful) in providing new content. Even as a paying customer myself who would love to have them constantly providing new porn content, I am also a realist. The health and safety of the models and the Broke Straight Boys staff and that of their families and loved ones, must come first. That's far more important than the filming of new scenes. Just because Georgia may say that adult filming is allowed, doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good idea. Just because Broke Straight Boys could legally film as normal, does not mean at all that they should. Big difference there.
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Something I had considered for a while as a strong possibility was that many of the scenes we are seeing now were filmed right near the beginning of the virus scare. Many of us assumed that maybe Broke Straight Boys had a found a way of safely filming during the virus. I think the filming of new porn scenes may be greatly slowing down, if not grinding to a halt for a while. We've been told in the past that whatever scenes we are seeing right now have typically been filmed about 2 months prior. So even as models may have filmed in mid to late February/early March and mention their concerns about Corona on camera...this was quite likely when people were getting concerned about it but not yet panicked enough to stay at home and out of public. Plus, Georgia's governor was one of the last holdouts in the nation to very grudgingly issue stay at home orders. (Then he is one of the first governors in the whole country to try to open things back up again even though Georgia has shown no signs of getting its Corona outbreak under control. But that's a different story for another thread.)

So as we reach the last of the reserves of porn scenes left in the can, they are going to have to get more creative (and of course careful) in providing new content. Even as a paying customer myself who would love to have them constantly providing new porn content, I am also a realist. The health and safety of the models and the Broke Straight Boys staff and that of their families and loved ones, must come first. That's far more important than the filming of new scenes. Just because Georgia may say that adult filming is allowed, doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good idea. Just because Broke Straight Boys could legally film as normal, does not mean at all that they should. Big difference there.
well they have possibly 7 new scenes from the week they filmed at the beginning of February that haven’t been released, including the one already in the upcoming with Calhoun and Masyn Thorne. That’s almost an entire month’s worth, not to mention any of the older scenes they have lying around. In the recent interview with Gage Owens, they were talking about a threesome Gage Owens did and Sha said something like, “did we even release that”, and of course they had. But it makes me wonder if they could have scenes dated that far back that they’ve never released. There are pairings in the past that I’ve expected based on who was at the house at one particular time. For example, Cody Smith and Cory Parker, or Max Jay and Derek Cline. Not to mention guys like Tyson Rush or Denver Dubois that haven’t had that many scenes released. There used to be 7 guys at the house at one time. So if a model has only released 3 or 4 scenes, chances are there are 1 or 2 more that haven’t been released. That’s just my crazy way of looking at it. I’m not always right, but if I am right...about Cory, Max, Derek, or Tyson.....that sure is some beautiful men of color. BRING IT ON, I’m waiting. :)
well they have possibly 7 new scenes from the week they filmed at the beginning of February that haven’t been released, including the one already in the upcoming with Calhoun and Masyn Thorne. That’s almost an entire month’s worth, not to mention any of the older scenes they have lying around. In the recent interview with Gage Owens, they were talking about a threesome Gage Owens did and Sha said something like, “did we even release that”, and of course they had. But it makes me wonder if they could have scenes dated that far back that they’ve never released. There are pairings in the past that I’ve expected based on who was at the house at one particular time. For example, Cody Smith and Cory Parker, or Max Jay and Derek Cline. Not to mention guys like Tyson Rush or Denver Dubois that haven’t had that many scenes released. There used to be 7 guys at the house at one time. So if a model has only released 3 or 4 scenes, chances are there are 1 or 2 more that haven’t been released. That’s just my crazy way of looking at it. I’m not always right, but if I am right...about Cory, Max, Derek, or Tyson.....that sure is some beautiful men of color. BRING IT ON, I’m waiting. :)

You are onto something there Jay. We did go through this kind of scenario once before when David left and before Broke Straight Boys-2 started with Clay. There were many scenes just before Clay started filming that had been held back over the course of several years for reasons...how to put this diplomatically...that they were not of the highest quality. Some scenes are filmed and put through the editing process and "in the can" so to speak. But then they are held back because the quality of them is deemed to be rather low and the staff knows that they will not likely get rave reviews. At the time they of course put out the best quality ones that David had left behind. But then in the final maybe two weeks or so before Clay started putting out the first of his Broke Straight Boys-2 vids, we started getting some rather low quality older Broke Straight Boys-1 vids featuring models who hadn't filmed in over 5 years or so. They cleared out everything usable they had in order to start fresh with an empty vault.

It's possible if Broke Straight Boys is unable to film normally for weeks or months on end and they work through the best quality videos that are most recent, that they will shake the dust off of some of held back vids compiled over a long period, and start releasing those...as opposed to releasing none at all. If so, we have to be prepared for the fact that these older held back vids may not always be of the best quality. But again, it beats not having any at all.

Just as for instance Sha told us quite a while ago in early 2018 I believe (and after they had parted ways with the model due to lower ratings and tepid reviews from members) that they had one more vid of Ashton Taylor filmed and in the can. But they hadn't released it yet. To my knowledge they still haven't released it. And if they haven't released it there's probably a good reason for that. haha :) So we may be in for some spring cleaning Broke Straight Boys style as they empty out the vault and dust off some older unreleased vids that have been stuffed and hidden away in a corner somewhere.
I’m amazed at the history and stars you guys know. I don’t even have to bother figuring something out. I know who to ask.
You are onto something there Jay. We did go through this kind of scenario once before when David left and before Broke Straight Boys-2 started with Clay. There were many scenes just before Clay started filming that had been held back over the course of several years for reasons...how to put this diplomatically...that they were not of the highest quality. Some scenes are filmed and put through the editing process and "in the can" so to speak. But then they are held back because the quality of them is deemed to be rather low and the staff knows that they will not likely get rave reviews. At the time they of course put out the best quality ones that David had left behind. But then in the final maybe two weeks or so before Clay started putting out the first of his Broke Straight Boys-2 vids, we started getting some rather low quality older Broke Straight Boys-1 vids featuring models who hadn't filmed in over 5 years or so. They cleared out everything usable they had in order to start fresh with an empty vault.

It's possible if Broke Straight Boys is unable to film normally for weeks or months on end and they work through the best quality videos that are most recent, that they will shake the dust off of some of held back vids compiled over a long period, and start releasing those...as opposed to releasing none at all. If so, we have to be prepared for the fact that these older held back vids may not always be of the best quality. But again, it beats not having any at all.

Just as for instance Sha told us quite a while ago in early 2018 I believe (and after they had parted ways with the model due to lower ratings and tepid reviews from members) that they had one more vid of Ashton Taylor filmed and in the can. But they hadn't released it yet. To my knowledge they still haven't released it. And if they haven't released it there's probably a good reason for that. haha :) So we may be in for some spring cleaning Broke Straight Boys style as they empty out the vault and dust off some older unreleased vids that have been stuffed and hidden away in a corner somewhere.
I would be thrilled to see a new Ashton Taylor scene. In fact, more so than other recently released scenes but I guess that’s just me.........And I just checked and see that Ashton has a 4.35 model rating, not terrible.
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I was all into some more Ashton when I gazed at your avatar today and I got mesmerized. Do you think they might have a JAKE scene laying around somewhere for a rainy day???:smiley-love021:
Honestly, looking back at Jake’s scene partners (particularly the last 4) and those partners and their scenes, the only 2 possible people I could think he could have filmed with are Jonny Cox and Ryan Pitt. I’m guessing Jonny Cox didn’t happen, because Jake said on his twitter (when it was active) that he wasn’t going to bottom, and i’ve also been told that Jonny Cox didn’t want anything near his ass. Ryan Pitt on the other hand will do it all...lol....no limits. And if you go back to Ryan’s scenes before his comeback with Kace, his 4 scenes before that are exactly the same partners Jake had in his his last 4 scenes. I don’t know if they filmed together, but I bet they were in the house at the same time.
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I was all into some more Ashton when I gazed at your avatar today and I got mesmerized. Do you think they might have a JAKE scene laying around somewhere for a rainy day???:smiley-love021:
speaking or avatars and Ashton, I went to his page to look at pictures to create an avatar for him, and Jesus....that boy is photogenic. Totally stunning face.
this is an interesting thread. Perhaps I'll be proven wrong but my prediction is the 2000th scene will be marked by... nothing in particular.

Just letting my creative juices flow for a moment. How about this for a special anniversary scene... James Dawn is in the middle of the kitchen table, his ass being serviced by five or six others - say Tanner, Calhoun, Ben Dover, Jos Alvarez and Ashton, all of whom cum in inside his ass … ah well, dreams are free...
speaking or avatars and Ashton, I went to his page to look at pictures to create an avatar for him, and Jesus....that boy is photogenic. Totally stunning face.
Absolutely Jay!!!! :smiley-love021:
