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What's Life Like in New York City?

I'm really enjoying the almost real-time pics of daily life in NYC Mikey. Thank you for sharing them. :)
Thank you very much Tampa. You started this thread with a question, and now with my iPhone camera, I am more than happy to answer your question with my camera. :smile:
Mike that is such a great way to spread good cheer all year around. You might even capture some hot guys during your travels (smiles).
The history of the New York City transit system teaches us that the original trains were all elevated or an EL Train as it is called. Here is an old car on the now defunct Third Avenue El as it passes apartment building windows in Manhattan.

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The advent of the new underground system in the early 1900s was a game changer in the efficiency and effectiveness of the NYC subway. We still have some El lines today but the vast majority are deep below the ground and have no impact on driving or pollution as it did back in the day.
Apropos to our discussion of the Elevated Subway lines that were the original version of the system, here is an image of The Bowery in 1909 with the El Train up above. Life must have been very different 100 or so years ago!

I just heard on the news this morning 1 line is out due to Covid causing too many sick drivers. Fortunately this new strain is less severe so less hospilizations & deaths.
I just heard on the news this morning 1 line is out due to Covid causing too many sick drivers. Fortunately this new strain is less severe so less hospilizations & deaths.
I also heard this morning that a couple of the local lines have temporarily shut down for that reason. And I agree that strain is much milder and hopefully if the U.S. follows the patterns in South Africa and Great Britain, hopefully this wave will subside in the coming weeks or months.
My eldest son who has his shot and booster just tested positive.
No, I was about to go see him on his return with my grandkids after a short vacation in Florida but saw his email in time. TY for asking.
Today is our first snow fall of the season. And being it is not on one of my two work days, my motto is “Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow”. I was actually disappointed when I went outside this morning as it was a few inches but not a massive one. But even a moderate snow is pretty to look at, particularly in the first few hours before it turns to slush or dirt. Here are a few shots from a few minutes ago!



Until the famous NY grim takes over. But that is if the snow does not melt first. Ahh the delights ofglobal heating! But seriously thank you for the pictures, Mike.
Until the famous NY grim takes over. But that is if the snow does not melt first. Ahh the delights ofglobal heating! But seriously thank you for the pictures, Mike.
You’re welcome br. By the way, have you ever mentioned where you are currently living?
Yes with my eldest son but isolated in his basement, totally isolated in northern NJ not far from NY. As I have mentioned before, I am homebound.
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Yes with my eldest son but isolated in his basement, totally isolated in northern NJ not far from NY. As I have mentioned before, I am homebound.
I knew that you were homebound but was wondering in what part of the country is your home. I see in New Jersey. Does he have a backyard? Perhaps in the nice weather you can sit and enjoy the changing seasons and breathe in the fresh air. As I get older I appreciate the changing seasons more and more. I love how nature always comes through, more slowly at times than others, but the change from a day like today, with the trees all bare to the buds coming out in the spring to the full bloom of summer. I love watching the beauty of nature…..almost as much as I enjoy watching the beauty of young men!!!

Both are created by God or nature or however you look at things. But there is so much beauty in this world to enjoy looking at! :smile:
Yes he does, we are in the country so no public transport. I use to be into the out doors. As a kid did all sorts of gardening. We lived in the woods. Gus for which my email is named for ( over the years we had a few). We went to dog school, more for me than him & even won a medal for obedience his not mine! In San Diego almost all my free time was at the local nude beach (aside from the gym). The quick way down was via a steep climb. In those years I was in tip-top shape and made it up & down in record time. Now look at me, I barely can make it to the mail box & back!
Oh wrt gay men getting married. I believe it has less to do with denying their sexuality & more to do with what they saw at home. In my case good. It should be clear to you Mike I am an open book. You can ask me anything BAD OR GOOD. In turn, I will not expect the same from you. It is not that I am disinterested but I know others feel differently.

As to embarrassing, getting arrested when stepping of a plane. Ha! Ha! Not my finest hour!
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I think I have been open over the years on this forum regarding my life as well. I have never had any sexual attraction toward females so for myself getting married to a woman and having children was never an option. But all of the gay men who I’ve known in my life who were once married all eventually divorced. Many told me the same thing that they wanted a “normal” life but eventually they realized that they could not be in a monogamous relationship with a woman and they eventually had to be true to their natural instincts of being with other men.
Yes that is very true but in my case had I been older it might have worked. It has for others. But for such a marriage to work, both must be honest & have qualities that cause them to be attracted to each other above and beyond sex.
How is your son now, Br? Better I hope?

TY he is but I have not seen him as he widely told me to stay away, which I have. My middle son got Covid after having a shot and two boosters. But the effects were not serioous and passed after a day or two.

It is in explicable how a person of Novak's standing could do what he just did . There is no excuse for endangering others.
We had a major snowfall over night in New York, but it did not seem that bad here in Brooklyn. I just went outside and it seems to have stopped.



Good day to stay inside and watch Duke basketball on TV and porn on Broke Straight Boys :001_smile: