Vice, you are disappointed, Marky is hurt that I'd blunder about in this really nice thread like an inebriated simian, and Reub is crushed and otherwise miffed that he didn't fit into either the under 25 category, or the crass, drunken simian category.
Gremlin's aspect has fascinated me since he first put up his avatar. What do you know about his age that I don't know? I thought he said he was just starting college? I think he's under 25, even though the studio pic of him (taken within the last 12 months according to what I understood) looks retro. I actually know (I think) Jayman's age, and he's young enough to be my son, but he wasn't young enough nor crass enough for either of the lists. All the rest of those dudes on the nudie list are, as far as I know, 25 or under, in real time, as you and I converse. Some others obviously are too, but aren't as assiduous posters as the ones who made the list (and mostly haven't posted avatars). Even the crassest of slender wrinklies twigged to the absurdity of requesting full frontal from a youth who hadn't got around to posting an image of any kind on his profile. Again, the two sorts listed are either possible nudie posters, given the fact that they've done the avatar thing, or a troika of slightly shyer, less crass senior perverts who would have wanted to see their fresher co-members members posted on their profiles, and might have said so if I hadn't staggered into the thread first.
Now about YOU: do you really really really not know how to post an avatar image? I want to see what you look like so badly, that I'm totally totally willing to lead you through the process if you don't. I've already done it to a degree for Reub, didn't I dear man? (He actually had to work the last bit out himself maybe.) But Vice, I can tell you how, and it's not as bad as all the other ways you tried. Christ that was funny. Remember, I love you.