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Using/creating profiles


BSB Addict
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
State of Confusion
I am interested in finding out how popular the profile pages are. Do you use them to get information or are they just a way to PM somebody? Have you created a page? What sort of things would you like to see on a profile page, and what things would make you want to look at them?

I am interested in finding out how popular the profile pages are. Do you use them to get information or are they just a way to PM somebody? Have you created a page? What sort of things would you like to see on a profile page, and what things would make you want to look at them?


I'd like ta see a lotta nekkid pitchas. On the profiles of the members under 25. Lotsa dickpix and bareassed butts. Maybe together with a fraternity bro, or a HS swim team bud. Lotsa closeups with no photoshopping or shit, elyot and Running, rickbell and Wahoo, gremlin and BCBoston, Clydefrog and damon, darkvictory and dankell, JJC and kham and Peconic and TDRyan, and you know, those guys.

Please Majezty, don't hold this against me. I couldn't help it, my li'l fingies just danced over the keyboard. Anyway it's what tampa and mike and paris want to see too, but aren't crass enough to say it...
I'd like ta see a lotta nekkid pitchas. On the profiles of the members under 25. Lotsa dickpix and bareassed butts. Maybe together with a fraternity bro, or a HS swim team bud. Lotsa closeups with no photoshopping or shit, elyot and Running, rickbell and Wahoo, gremlin and BCBoston, Clydefrog and damon, darkvictory and dankell, JJC and kham and Peconic and TDRyan, and you know, those guys.

Please Majezty, don't hold this against me. I couldn't help it, my li'l fingies just danced over the keyboard. Anyway it's what tampa and mike and paris want to see too, but aren't crass enough to say it...


While I can not fault your vision of the profile pages, from one crass ass to another, I could add to your list, but I will refrain at this time. :001_smile:

I'd like ta see a lotta nekkid pitchas. On the profiles of the members under 25. Lotsa dickpix and bareassed butts. Maybe together with a fraternity bro, or a HS swim team bud. Lotsa closeups with no photoshopping or shit, elyot and Running, rickbell and Wahoo, gremlin and BCBoston, Clydefrog and damon, darkvictory and dankell, JJC and kham and Peconic and TDRyan, and you know, those guys.

Please Majezty, don't hold this against me. I couldn't help it, my li'l fingies just danced over the keyboard. Anyway it's what tampa and mike and paris want to see too, but aren't crass enough to say it...
Slim. You know me a lot better than I thought. As I was reading Markymark's post about what kind of things I'd like to see on a profile page, and I said to myself, "naked pictures of the cute young members", and as I scrolled to the first reply, it was you saying just that, and you mentioned me as one of the guy's who wants it to, but isn't crass enough to say it. Well. I will be crass. I want it naked pics of all the guys you mentioned too.:001_rolleyes:

Slim. You know me a lot better than I thought. As I was reading Markymark's post about what kind of things I'd like to see on a profile page, and I said to myself, "naked pictures of the cute young members", and as I scrolled to the first reply, it was you saying just that, and you mentioned me as one of the guy's who wants it to, but isn't crass enough to say it. Well. I will be crass. I want it naked pics of all the guys you mentioned too.:001_rolleyes:


Well, I don't know whether to feel hurt, or invisible. I had posted a naked picture of me when I was young, and none of you said a thing!:confused1:
Well, I don't know whether to feel hurt, or invisible. I had posted a naked picture of me when I was young, and none of you said a thing!:confused1:

Sweet man, I just looked for it, but I can't find it!! Your family is beautiful!! You are a luck lucky man!!
Well, I don't know whether to feel hurt, or invisible. I had posted a naked picture of me when I was young, and none of you said a thing!:confused1:

You really are an amzaing looking kid in the tub but I think you are a little too young in that photo to stimulate my sexual urges. LOL :thumbup:
I'd like ta see a lotta nekkid pitchas. On the profiles of the members under 25. Lotsa dickpix and bareassed butts. Maybe together with a fraternity bro, or a HS swim team bud. Lotsa closeups with no photoshopping or shit, elyot and Running, rickbell and Wahoo, gremlin and BCBoston, Clydefrog and damon, darkvictory and dankell, JJC and kham and Peconic and TDRyan, and you know, those guys.

Please Majezty, don't hold this against me. I couldn't help it, my li'l fingies just danced over the keyboard. Anyway it's what tampa and mike and paris want to see too, but aren't crass enough to say it...


I am somewhat disappointed in you. Out of over 1000 members you only selected 14. Then you choose some that don't even fit your under 25 profile (though I am sure Gremlin appreciates your thoughts) to name one. Remember the photos posted don't necessarily have anything to do with current age. Remember your sweetie, Jayman. His looks fit the bill, but we all know the truth, Tampa could be his son. Perhaps you should just let your imagination run wild, then grab a towel.

Live Long and Prosper,

Well, I don't know whether to feel hurt, or invisible. I had posted a naked picture of me when I was young, and none of you said a thing!:confused1:


At three weeks we all look the same so no BIG deal. Except I had more hair.

Live Long and Prosper,

I am interested in finding out how popular the profile pages are. Do you use them to get information or are they just a way to PM somebody? Have you created a page? What sort of things would you like to see on a profile page, and what things would make you want to look at them?



You want to know something? I thought about putting a photo on. And I tried and I tried. I first tried pasting a photo on the screen, but it never went inside. Then I tried glue, scotch tape and silly putty, but none of them got that picture inside. I tried licking the photo, but that didn't even stick to the screen. I then tried to draw a picture in that small box, but it would not go through.

Finally someone told me I had to stick it into the hard drive. I said "hard what?" I wasn't sure what to stick where so I tried various photos and stuff into any hole or slot I could find. I was afraid I get electrocuted so I quit while I was ahead. The last thing I tried was to stand next to the screen to see if my profile would cum through. But after 4 hours I got tired of waiting and I was getting a weird tingling sensation from the screen.

So I guess what I'm trying to tell you is I have no f....kinnnng Idea how the hell to do this. So for now you will just have to use your imagination and picture a semi-pro racketball player, fit like a fiddle, hotter than molten lava that will melt your heart.

Live Long and Prosper (without photo),

O K i am now hurt, distraught, devastated, and am going to take my ball and go and play somewhere else.
Not once did you mention me.
Right i'm off to bed to sulk.
O K i am now hurt, distraught, devastated, and am going to take my ball and go and play somewhere else.
Not once did you mention me.
Right i'm off to bed to sulk.
Boy slim, I guess you really messed up this time, eh? Seriously though, I always look for a photo gallery when I check a profile. I like to see where they go, what their friends look like, what the area they live in looks like, favorite places, all that "stuff". I am always curious to learn everything I can.
Have a good day!

You want to know something? I thought about putting a photo on. And I tried and I tried. I first tried pasting a photo on the screen, but it never went inside. Then I tried glue, scotch tape and silly putty, but none of them got that picture inside. I tried licking the photo, but that didn't even stick to the screen. I then tried to draw a picture in that small box, but it would not go through.

Finally someone told me I had to stick it into the hard drive. I said "hard what?" I wasn't sure what to stick where so I tried various photos and stuff into any hole or slot I could find. I was afraid I get electrocuted so I quit while I was ahead. The last thing I tried was to stand next to the screen to see if my profile would cum through. But after 4 hours I got tired of waiting and I was getting a weird tingling sensation from the screen.

So I guess what I'm trying to tell you is I have no f....kinnnng Idea how the hell to do this. So for now you will just have to use your imagination and picture a semi-pro racketball player, fit like a fiddle, hotter than molten lava that will melt your heart.

Live Long and Prosper (without photo),


LMAO with love and affection. When you get back from vacation call me. I will get you on point with this if I can???:001_unsure::001_unsure::confused1:
Boy slim, I guess you really messed up this time, eh? Seriously though, I always look for a photo gallery when I check a profile. I like to see where they go, what their friends look like, what the area they live in looks like, favorite places, all that "stuff". I am always curious to learn everything I can.
Have a good day!

LOL Marky.
Where do i go Work, home, bed, very rarley do i go out socially i'm too tight to have a taxi home and it is a long walk home. My friends are like me Old and knackered. I live on a housing eatate which is rough, and we have the police here most weekends for out of control parties and fights, or car vandalisam.
My favorite places are Dartmoor, Exmoor, never go to the coast, too cold in winter to many people in summer.
But if i had a choise i would like to go to the Royal Marine training camp at Lympstone a short train ride from me, lots of yummy young men, a target rich environment, when they let them loose on the city they are chased by hords of women, and all the blokes try to pick fights with them, there have been some serious fights in the city.

Remember the photos posted don't necessarily have anything to do with current age. Remember your sweetie, Jayman. His looks fit the bill, but we all know the truth, Tampa could be his son. Perhaps you should just let your imagination run wild, then grab a towel.

Live Long and Prosper,


LMAO!!! Vicekid, you are on a roll!!
O K i am now hurt, distraught, devastated, and am going to take my ball and go and play somewhere else.
Not once did you mention me.
Right i'm off to bed to sulk.

Aaawww, Reub, don't go! You know we love ya here! :biggrin:
LOL Marky.
Where do i go Work, home, bed, very rarley do i go out socially i'm too tight to have a taxi home and it is a long walk home. My friends are like me Old and knackered. I live on a housing eatate which is rough, and we have the police here most weekends for out of control parties and fights, or car vandalisam.
My favorite places are Dartmoor, Exmoor, never go to the coast, too cold in winter to many people in summer.
But if i had a choise i would like to go to the Royal Marine training camp at Lympstone a short train ride from me, lots of yummy young men, a target rich environment, when they let them loose on the city they are chased by hords of women, and all the blokes try to pick fights with them, there have been some serious fights in the city.

From what you describe, it sounds to me like Lympstone was misnamed!:wink:
LMAO!!! Vicekid, you are on a roll!!

Vicekid what time line have you been jumping? Are you referring to the age of our souls? I am older than my pictures yes. I can tell you I would qualify to be Tampa's younger brother. However; I will not tell you my exact age in the Forum it is too public and in these days we do need to be on mindful of identy theft issues.
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I am somewhat disappointed in you. Out of over 1000 members you only selected 14. Then you choose some that don't even fit your under 25 profile (though I am sure Gremlin appreciates your thoughts) to name one. Remember the photos posted don't necessarily have anything to do with current age. Remember your sweetie, Jayman. His looks fit the bill, but we all know the truth, Tampa could be his son. Perhaps you should just let your imagination run wild, then grab a towel.

Live Long and Prosper,


Vice, you are disappointed, Marky is hurt that I'd blunder about in this really nice thread like an inebriated simian, and Reub is crushed and otherwise miffed that he didn't fit into either the under 25 category, or the crass, drunken simian category.

Gremlin's aspect has fascinated me since he first put up his avatar. What do you know about his age that I don't know? I thought he said he was just starting college? I think he's under 25, even though the studio pic of him (taken within the last 12 months according to what I understood) looks retro. I actually know (I think) Jayman's age, and he's young enough to be my son, but he wasn't young enough nor crass enough for either of the lists. All the rest of those dudes on the nudie list are, as far as I know, 25 or under, in real time, as you and I converse. Some others obviously are too, but aren't as assiduous posters as the ones who made the list (and mostly haven't posted avatars). Even the crassest of slender wrinklies twigged to the absurdity of requesting full frontal from a youth who hadn't got around to posting an image of any kind on his profile. Again, the two sorts listed are either possible nudie posters, given the fact that they've done the avatar thing, or a troika of slightly shyer, less crass senior perverts who would have wanted to see their fresher co-members members posted on their profiles, and might have said so if I hadn't staggered into the thread first.

Now about YOU: do you really really really not know how to post an avatar image? I want to see what you look like so badly, that I'm totally totally willing to lead you through the process if you don't. I've already done it to a degree for Reub, didn't I dear man? (He actually had to work the last bit out himself maybe.) But Vice, I can tell you how, and it's not as bad as all the other ways you tried. Christ that was funny. Remember, I love you.
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Vice, you are disappointed, Marky is hurt that I'd blunder about in this really nice thread like an inebriated simian, and Reub is crushed and otherwise miffed that he didn't fit into either the under 25 category, or the crass, drunken simian category.

Gremlin's aspect has fascinated me since he first put up his avatar. What do you know about his age that I don't know? I thought he said he was just starting college? I think he's under 25, even though the studio pic of him (taken within the last 12 months according to what I understood) looks retro. I actually know (I think) Jayman's age, and he's young enough to be my son, but he wasn't young enough nor crass enough for either of the lists. All the rest of those dudes on the nudie list are, as far as I know, 25 or under, in real time, as you and I converse. Some others obviously are too, but aren't as assiduous posters as the ones who made the list (and mostly haven't posted avatars). Even the crassest of slender wrinklies twigged to the absurdity of requesting full frontal from a youth who hadn't got around to posting an image of any kind on his profile. Again, the two sorts listed are either possible nudie posters, given the fact that they've done the avatar thing, or a troika of slightly shyer, less crass senior perverts who would have wanted to see their fresher co-members members posted on their profiles, and might have said so if I hadn't staggered into the thread first.

Now about YOU: do you really really really not know how to post an avatar image? I want to see what you look like so badly, that I'm totally totally willing to lead you through the process if you don't. I've already done it to a degree for Reub, didn't I dear man? (He actually had to work the last bit out himself maybe.) But Vice, I can tell you how, and it's not as bad as all the other ways you tried. Christ that was funny. Remember, I love you.


I think you have redeemed yourself to most, but I'm not so sure about me! Geez, I'm starting to get another complex on top of my parisnoyd!! :biggrin:

I love ya, you drunken simian you!

crass ass parisnoyd