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The Winner of the Contest!!!


BluMedia Staff
Staff member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
South Florida
Hey Members!

I wanted to announce the winner on Feb. 27th which I thought was Friday, my bad...I had my dates wrong.

We are proud to announce the winners of the contest. Before I make the announcement, I want to thank everyone that submitted in there scenarios. It was a very hard decision and some very good scenarios but there can only be one winner. So here are the winners.

Our first place winner and will be the Director of the day is a member named

Rob Smith-Congratulations for being our winner and becoming the director of the day

The 2nd runner up is: Casper
The 3rd runner up is: Denny Bear

I have already contacted and spoken to Mr. Rob Smith the winner of the contest and Mark will be contacting the 2nd and 3rd place winner.

Once again congratulations to all three winners and we thank you for sending us your scenarios.
Congratulations to Mr. Smith, Casper and Denny!!!!! I'm sure the scene is going to rock!
Congrats to Rob Smith, Casper, and Denny!

I'm really looking forward to this shoot!

David, can you point out which scene was Rob's?
Rob was one of the members that emailed in his entry:

Gay boy: skinny, and hung, Former nerd in high school, picked on alot.
Straight guy: total "Tool", Very cocky, broke bcse he wnt to tittie bar and spent he wad
there. Need cash fast so his girlfriend doesnt find out. She thinks hes
with his ill grandmother. He was the guy who picked on our gay boy in
high school.

Scene: get the tool naked to start jerk off we tell him that the model is shy and
we blind fold him. Enter our gay boy who starts giving too head. The
Tool get into it big time and says he will do anything that the model
wants. we ask him "anything??" he says what we are paying him he
will do anything. we tell him to take the blind fold off. Our gay boy gets
his revenge after all these years by making the Tool suck him and then
the Tool gets fucked by the gay boy.
Mr. Smith is a man of few words. But he gets his point across. LOL If the models have the acting skills to pull it off, this will be a very hot scene. I think everybody has had the fantasy of the popular hot looking jock in H.S. that they could never get. Especially if he was arrogant and cocky and picked on the less popular guys.
David, I wish you could get two guys to do the scene who were actually to some degree the real life protagonists of the situation Rob describes, rather than making two of our faves act out the script. Either way it will be hot, but it could be awesome if there were some authenticity behind it. Maybe a bit hard to research. Can imagine how the ad would run lol...

Other than that, which one of Casper's took second? I emailed him a couple of days ago telling him that he was on the shortlist, and hoping he'd take you up on the offer to direct if he came in first. Will have to check to see if he answered. I like Rob's script, but you know me, I never agree with anything and actually preferred some of Casper's since they didn't present any break at all in the Broke Straight Boys paradigm, and yet brought in some really amusing and creative twists to the formula. But anyway.

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S to DennyDarling for placing 3rd.
Thanks, David! Yep, Rob wrote a fantasy many of us can relate to, although you have already done something similar in the past. It did involve 3 straighties and a gay boy, but similar.

Slim is right. You must screen a couple newbies for this scene. :biggrin:

Rob is gonna have a blast!! Congrats again, Rob!!
Casper was the Educational Porn Video Scenario and Denny had the regarding that the models couldn't perform so I leave the room but the camera is still on and the two models, get it on while I'm out of the room.

There were a lot of good ones. Again, what I did was read, just read the top 19 scenarios. Based on the rules of the contest, we didn't want the scenarios with models mention. The reason being is that *I* can't guarantee getting those models requested for the scene and logistically it maybe impossible. So those scenarios I read but didn't choose.

Then there were the scenes that were super complicated. I wanted simple scene that would be fairly easy to film. Remember the person filming is really not a director and has no experience in production so the motto: KISS (keep it simple stupid) was one of my key decision makers in choosing the best of the best. I narrowed it down to 19.

Once I got to the top 19. I then copied and paste the scenarios onto word documents without the members names and printed each (19) scenarios. Not knowing whom the members are, we sat at a round table and the 4 of us read each one. From that we then picked the top 4 scenes. Of course when the 4 of us read each one, we kept in mind the motto: KISS and we really had to narrow down the selection from 19 to 4.

To be honest we then laughed and said, "I hope Casper isn't the winner"...LOL. So once we had the top 4 winners I looked up the scenarios and checked there names out and to my surprise the first place winner as a member named Rob Smith and to my surprise the 2nd place was Casper and the 3rd place was Denny Bear.

I wasn't the only person involved with making the decision and I think we were very fair when deciding the best of the best and what made the most sense to film. Now, the fact its all staged, is another story. I have to put my 2cents into the mix. Once we figured out the winner, I then starting thinking. Either stage the scene and use existing models or find models that had this type of experience and try to figure out the best way to come up with models to fit this scenario. This will be determined at a later date and you will have to wait to see the finished scene once its completed.

The idea of having the contest was not to have a realistic scene, it was primarily to have a member come and see the studio and see how our operation runs and how porn is filmed and how production is, meet the models, meet me and the office staff and to meet Tyler and to break all the myths people have about a porn studio and the fantasy that most people have what really goes on "behind the scenes".

We haven't really disclosed anything but we already had a visitor that happens to be one of the more popular members that posts on this forum. He just happen to be in town and I had the honor to spend half of the day with this person. Although it was on a Saturday and our office and studio was closed, I gave him the tour and he got to see the studio and we chatted a lot about the site and the office and production...it was great for both of us and it was truly an honor to meet one of the popular formites.
LMAO, this is hot. I can't wait to see this scene. I understand why it won above all the other entries. Mr. Smith congrads.
Well lets see I would first like to thank the Academy.... oh wait wrong contest! LOL Anyway I am very honored to be chosen and I thank all of you for your thoughts. This actually has two positive outcomes. One is my health is not doing to good and it is very hard for me to get out and about. I got to thinking after submitting my ideas what if I win I wont be able to travel down to accept it. I would have felt so bad I almost wished I hadn't entered. Second I was not going to announce this yet and instead wait until Monday night but as a lot of you know I have been with partner for 29 years on March 1st. So by current Iowa law we are going to make it legal Monday afternoon and will be married in a small ceremony. This will now be a great wedding present. :) Many thanks to Mark, David and all the Broke Straight Boys staff. Also my fondest congratulations to Mr Smith and also to Casper may he rest in peace for their great ideas.
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Congratulations to Rob Smith.....not sure who you are on the forum but you are one lucky guy getting to spend some time with David and the crew.

I know Casper is no longer with us posting but he did well to come second.

CONGRATULATIONS DENNY......on both coming 3rd and also for Monday and the marriage....that's awesome buddy.....what a weekend for you..:001_smile:

Hey, guys -

Congratulations to the winners! And. . . I do hope this contest will be open to us Canadians, someday - we do have a free-trade agreement, you know! LOL!!!

:waw:Congrat's Mr. Smith and to you Danny for cumming in 3rd. And also to you and your partner, my you two have a remarkable wedding. :001_wub: :bananatux:
A real big CONGRATS to Mr. Rob Smith on winning 1st place in the contest. Also to Denny Bear for coming in 3rd, and lest we forget, Casper. He did submit some good scenes as I read some of them.

Tacoma Gary
Denny Bear, A big congratulations to you and your partner of 29 years and for the opportunity to become married. I am so happy for the two of you being able to make it legal. The best of everything to you two gentlemen.

Tacoma Gary
"Denny had the regarding that the models couldn't perform so I leave the room but the camera is still on and the two models, get it on while I'm out of the room." (Quote David on Denny Bears submission)

I for one think this scene would be hot as hell. I can't imagine that it has'nt happened before at Broke Straight Boys It's real, and it would feed the voyueristic needs and thrills of many of us. It would be a refreshing change from the norm and would allow the models to follow their own instincts. Have you ever wanted to be that "fly on the wall?" Think Gino and his camera shy cock, how shy would it be if he thought the camera was'nt running? We may not get the best angles and shots, but we would get total reality.
Way to go Denny, on an excellant idea!
I gotta go rub one out now - c'ya
Wow..double Congrats....29 years...!!!! That is an inspiration for us all. Congrats on winning and congrats on the wedding!!!!

Hey David

Look I know Denny didn't win but couldn't you use his idea anyway. Ok so he won't get to be there to film it but what about using it....it is a dam hot scenario.....call it a wedding present :thumbup1:
You're right Wantto. There would be nothing wrong with David filming something similar to that scenario at a later date. I'm assuming that Denny would be flattered by that . Since he's already stated that his health would make the trip and directing a non starter.

Congratulations Denny on your upcoming nuptials!