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Tales of Lust and Seduction


Your husband?? OK, well, I hope J/J enjoyed the story, lol.

Yes, my husband (almost three decades now) loves "literotica." I'm more of a visual person so I watch and he reads. As far as the J/J (my favorite toy in the entire world...yes, it travels with us) one of us can cum only once...sucks to be a boy!...Well okay, not one of "your boys," but a "typical male."
I really wish that you would send me a picture of you. I am trying to narrow this down, JLipps.

You are either:

A. SMOKIN' HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!:001_tt1:
B. The nicest guy on the planet:001_wub:......
C. Just exude SEXINESS......
D. The LUCKIEST man ever.
E. ALL OF THE ABOVE!:001_tt2:

LOL Ms. K,

Definitely 2 of the 5. A third, depending on who you ask. Plus, I do have an innate gift.

I need more information............my imagination is going to keep me awake at night ,thinking of the possibilities.:w00t:

That was so freakin' hot. Thanks so much for sharing that with us. Please sir...may we have another? LOL

You must have a whole lot of personality going for you J. It's even more surprising given the likely age difference between you and Carlos. You've got game! lol I also liked the fact that he was cut. Because nothing can spoil a good vibe with someone new than finding they have a hygiene problem under their foreskin. With him being hispanic I figured there was a 60% chance that he was uncut. For the record though while I prefer cut I think uncut is fine as long as they are washed down there.

I can only imagine that plenty of younger and possibly better looking guys in that diner never would have stood a chance with Carlos if they had made a move on him. But you seem to be able to come across as very non threatening. You could give lessons! haha

If I could ask a follow-up question on a previous story, did you ever hear back from the guy doing the car washes by the side of the road? Did he ever come back for seconds or thirds?

Thanks again for another great story J!
Hey Tampa,

So glad you enjoyed Carlos. I too was surprised that Carlos was cut (and quite happy), as that is also my preference. However, he was born in the US and in an American hospital at a time when they routinely were still doing circumcisions on all newborn males, unless the parents objected. I didn't tell you too much about him and perhaps I just assumed that you (and others) by now realize, I only deal with straight young men. Every now and then a "bi" guy will slip in, but for the most part, they are always straight. Carlos is a beautiful young man with a drop dead body. He is used to having any woman he wants. He has no girlfriend because he enjoys playing around too much, to get entangled in a relationship. If you recall, I mentioned that he had bit "hit" on by other men. Still, he had never taken it seriously, til he met me. I'm sorry if I gave the impression that he was not at all challenging, or that he was perhaps bi, or something.

And you are correct, I am very non-threatening. I have always considered myself as passive-aggresive. So, when I meet guys, I am very mild mannered and nonthreatening. However, once a guy lets his guard down, I become aggressive, but not in a threatening or obnoxious way.

I have been seducing men for a very long time, and I have a very sensual way about me that brings out sexuality in others. I also have the ability to know within the first 5 minutes after meeting someone, if I can seduce them, or not. In all my years, I have only been refused twice, and I still remember those two. Others have turned me down at first, but after knowing me for awhile, eventually come back and seek me out, knowing they can get what they want (sexually) from me. The other thing is, I have patience! I once waited for a guy for 11 years before I landed him. He was definitely worth the wait!

Hope that answers some questions for you, and for Ms. K. AS for Steve, yes, we haVe been together again but that is another story, perhaps an update, like at Broke Straight Boys! LOL
Hey Tampa,

So glad you enjoyed Carlos. I too was surprised that Carlos was cut (and quite happy), as that is also my preference. However, he was born in the US and in an American hospital at a time when they routinely were still doing circumcisions on all newborn males, unless the parents objected. I didn't tell you too much about him and perhaps I just assumed that you (and others) by now realize, I only deal with straight young men. Every now and then a "bi" guy will slip in, but for the most part, they are always straight. Carlos is a beautiful young man with a drop dead body. He is used to having any woman he wants. He has no girlfriend because he enjoys playing around too much, to get entangled in a relationship. If you recall, I mentioned that he had bit "hit" on by other men. Still, he had never taken it seriously, til he met me. I'm sorry if I gave the impression that he was not at all challenging, or that he was perhaps bi, or something.

And you are correct, I am very non-threatening. I have always considered myself as passive-aggresive. So, when I meet guys, I am very mild mannered and nonthreatening. However, once a guy lets his guard down, I become aggressive, but not in a threatening or obnoxious way.

I have been seducing men for a very long time, and I have a very sensual way about me that brings out sexuality in others. I also have the ability to know within the first 5 minutes after meeting someone, if I can seduce them, or not. In all my years, I have only been refused twice, and I still remember those two. Others have turned me down at first, but after knowing me for awhile, eventually come back and seek me out, knowing they can get what they want (sexually) from me. The other thing is, I have patience! I once waited for a guy for 11 years before I landed him. He was definitely worth the wait!

Hope that answers some questions for you, and for Ms. K. AS for Steve, yes, we haVe been together again but that is another story, perhaps an update, like at Broke Straight Boys! LOL

See, this is what I tell my husband! I think he would really enjoy another man; I am not coordinated enough for a strap on and I have no "emotional investment" in dildos, although he enjoys them when I use them on him. He is a very feminine man (I'm more the husband). And alas, I would offer up his ass, but he, like me is 48...too old for the "patients" of you JLipps4U and we have both agreed that monogamy is the way to be (for now).:w00t: But we both enjoy your stories full of passion, thank you.
Geez Beth,

You sound like a couple that I knew back in the 80's in Houston! The three of us got together and had fun for about a year. They were such a sweet couple. I hope they are still together as well, they were made for each other.
Geez Beth,

You sound like a couple that I knew back in the 80's in Houston! The three of us got together and had fun for about a year. They were such a sweet couple. I hope they are still together as well, they were made for each other.

Although we have been together since 1982, both of us hate Houston...way too humid. Most of our friends are on their second marriage or are now single. We really do complement each other very well. There are always two questions we ask each other: "are you happy?" and "is there anything I can do to make you happier?" I think one day he will want to try it with a guy and I would be happy with that...as long as he is happy too!
The making of Matt

Recently I alluded to an adventure where I was involved with 5 frat brothers. In order to perhaps relay the events of that adventure, I need to first explain how it all came about. That involves telling the story of Matt.

I was living in the dorms. It was 11 floors with 20 rooms per floor. Matt lived on my floor, across the hall and down a couple of doors. I first saw Matt, the day after I had arrived and moved in. Matt was moving in and was with his family. As they were bringing his belongings in, we all headed towards the elevator. Everyone was carrying something, except me of course. I saw him and immediately imagined what it would be like to suck his dick. He was so damned cute! His mother was holding a large box, when I noticed they were heading to my floor. I held my arms out and I asked her to let me carry the box for her. She hesitated, but she passed it to me. Meanwhile she looked over at Matt, and Matt looked at me and said hi, and thanks.

Matt was a gorgeous young man. He was about 5’ 10” and broad shouldered with a small waist and a nice round ass. Matt had short blonde hair and pale blue eyes. He wore tight fitting jeans and cowboy boots. I could not detect any facial hair, not then anyway. Later I found he just had mostly peach fuzz on his chin. Yes, Matt was a born and bred country boy straight off a ranch about 2 hours away. Matt had a dimpled chin and a small, perfectly shaped nose. He was just adorable!

I followed him to his room with the box and put it down on his bed. His mom was just gushing how sweet I was to help. I asked if they needed anymore help but Matt quickly offered that they were about done. He introduced himself, as I did as well. As I turned to leave I told him my room number and again offered my help.

About 30 minutes later, there was a knock on my door, and it was Matt. His mother wanted to invite me to eat with them before they left. I thanked him but declined and he turned and left.

As the weeks unfolded, I rarely saw Matt, except coming and going from the dorm. I never even saw him in the showers, or the bathroom. Every now and then I would see him at the cafeteria that most of us attended. I had already sensed that he was nervous when he saw me. And when he with friends, he looked at me in panic that I would speak to him in front of his friends. But I knew better, and I would just give him a subtle nod, or a quick smile and then turn away. More than once, I saw him turn back around and look at me, then turn away quickly. That told me what I needed to know. He was interested, but he was afraid.

One day, I was hungry and with a friend and we decided to run into another cafeteria, the one frequented by the jocks and all the frat and sorority kids. My friend and I went in and got our trays and went to look for a seat. As we walked by a table, I spotted Matt. He was with a group of frat pledges. As my friend and I walked by, several of his frat brothers looked at us and turned and talked to each other and starting laughing. I knew they were mocking us. I was tempted to stop and say hi to Matt, but instead I turned and we walked to the other side of the dining room. Even from across the hall, I could see Matt, and saw that he was looking at me as well.

One late Friday night, I was sitting in the lobby watching TV. I heard someone come in and turned to see who it was. Lo and behold, it was Matt. Matt spotted me as he walked to the elevator. Matt smiled and waved (to my surprise) and instead of going up, he walks over to where I am sitting. We talk a few minutes and he tells me he has been at a frat party and he is wasted. I noticed that by the way he was walking. He plops down next to me, out legs touching. He proceeds to tell me about the party, and how this sorority chick left him all hot and bothered. With that he gets up and says goodnight, and starts to walk away. I notice that his jeans are kind of full in the front. He walks to the elevator and turns to look at me, and of course, I am watching. He goes in the elevator, and I assume he is gone, but I notice his head pop back out, again, looking in my direction. I jump up as my gaydar is alarming! I hurry to the elevator, but to my dismay, it is gone, and so is Matt.

I wait for another elevator and head up to my floor. I get there and nervously walk towards Matt’s room. As I get to his door, I notice it is slightly open and I can hear him moving around. My heart is pounding as I prepare to knock. Before I can though, the door swings open and there stand Matt, in tighty whities, sporting a hardon pointing to the left. He says hey, and tells me to hold on, he is going to the bathroom. I stand outside his room and wait. He returns, his cock still hard and pointing straight up to his navel. We go into his room, and he locks the door and invites me to sit on his bed. I sit at the foot of the bed and he jumps in and stretches out.

I tell him I was just checking to see how he was feeling. He tells me he is okay, just very horny. He places his arm between his legs, as if to hide his hard on. He tells me again about the sorority chick who left him all hot and tells me what how he was trying to get into her pants. I notice he is actually using his arm to put pressure on his cock. I am so hot myself. I lean down, almost laying on my stomach facing him and I start to ask him about her. Like, what her tits are like and did he feel them. As he begins to answer he turns and moves his body closer to me. I can feel the heat from his body, next to my arm. I keep egging him on, asking more and more details about what he was prepared to do with her. AS I listen, I move my arm down, and soon I can feel his hard cock pressed lightly against my elbow.

I am so frickin hot and nervous, and I am anxious to reach out and touch him, but am afraid to be so blunt. So, as subtle as I can, I press my arm towards his hard cock. There it is, I can feel the entire length of his hard shaft. His cock throbs, and he leans into my arm and he presses his cock harder against my arm. I ask him how much experience he has had, or if he is a virgin. He laughs nervously, and assures me he is no virgin. Then he admits it has had mostly hand jobs and blowjobs. We start talking about blowjobs as he begins to hump my arm. I sit up and move my hand down to where my arm was and he leans his raging hard on right onto my hand. I turn my hand and wrap my fingers around his cock and feel it throb. He tells me how much he’s love a blowjob, and I start to lightly move my fingers up and down his shaft. His cock throbs again and I feel a wetness on my fingers. I scoot down on the bed so my face is even with his cock.

Suddenly we both stop talking. I reach out to the waistband oh his briefs and start to pull them down. I can smell the aroma of young man in heat and I take a deep breath. He reaches down and pulls his briefs down. We are no longer speaking, just acting. His full cock spills out and almost slaps me in the face. I take hold, and I lick the tip of his cock. His whole body shudders. His cock is beautiful. His cock is even from the tip of the head, down to the base. About half way down the hard shaft, a vein pops out down to the base. It is so white and so beautiful. The cock is about 6” and a nice even thickness.

With that, I open my mouth and swallow that raging hard on, all the way down to the base. He moans and tells me, “yeah”. I suck his hard cock, slowly, up and down that shaft. He rolls back flat on his back and spreads his legs. I position myself between his legs and suck him deep and slow. I love the aroma of his manhood. It is intoxicating! Matt is squirming and moaning. I don’t want this to end, I don’t want him to cum, so I mostly suck him slow. I speed up from time to time and bring him close, then I slow down again and deep throat him some more. Every now and then, I lick down to his balls, and he is loving it.

We go on for what seems hours until Matt starts humping my face and telling me he has got to cum. So finally, I feel his balls tighten up and his shaft swells in my mouth. I can almost feel his cum working its way up the throbbing shaft. He thrusts his hips up as his cock explodes in my mouth. I swallow his load, hungrily. Finally, we both collapse. We both just lay there for several minutes, I think we could both just fall asleep like that. Suddenly I notice that he has gone to sleep. I sit up, not sure what to do. I get up and cover him, then I quietly make my way out of his room.

I didn’t see Matt for several days. I was worried that he would be freaked out, but hoping that he would realize that the blow job was something only he and I would know about. For the last few weeks of that semester, Matt would call me, always around 11:00 pm, at least once a week, and I would blow him again, and again, It was a great way to end that semester! Matt and I eventually became good friends and continued to have sex for almost 2 years. One thing, he appreciated that I always pretended not to know him, in public, and my reward, was his cock. It was at the beginning of that second year, that we ended up in that orgy. But still, there is another part to this story, before I can get to the orgy, and his name was Steve! Stay tuned!
Hmmmmm, if you ended up at an orgy with Matt, someone must have given away the secret............
LOL Ms. K,

It is not so much that someone gave away the secret. As i indicated, there was another part to the story, and his name was Steve. Actually, it became kind of convoluted, but it was fun, and for me, it was particularly amusing. Keep in mind also that I said that Matt and I actually became friends, real friends.
LOL Ms. K,

It is not so much that someone gave away the secret. As i indicated, there was another part to the story, and his name was Steve. Actually, it became kind of convoluted, but it was fun, and for me, it was particularly amusing. Keep in mind also that I said that Matt and I actually became friends, real friends.

I do have to ask, do you still keep in "touch?":thumbup: It's a shame to waste a good friendship.:crying2:
No Beth, unfortunately not. We became quite good friends while we were both in college, all total for about 5 years. But, first I moved away from the area, and later on, he did. We were not the kind of friends who hung out, but rather the kind who could be completely open with one another, when we were together.

Matt was straight, but he loved having sex with me. He always told me I would be the only man he would ever have sex with. At that time, I believed that to be true. I wonder if in years and decades that have followed, if Matt ever found another man he could be comfortable and enjoy having sex with. Part of me hopes not, but part of me hopes he could. He did invite me to his wedding, but I declined. I was tired of being the "bridesmaid" and never the bride. But that is the fate one can expect when having relationships with men who are basically straight, and want/need a woman in their life. And that is a good thing. I would never want all straight men to turn gay. Who would father the future hotties, if all men turned gay?
The Making of Matt, part II

As I explained already, Matt and I did become quite good friends. Our meetings were always clandestine in nature. And I was certainly okay with that. Matt could pursue his interests, and I, mine. As our friendship developed, Matt treated me more and more like a girl, and I was in heaven when we were together.

At the beginning of the Spring semester, Matt moved into one of the “frat” dorms and we saw each other less. Still, whenever he was free on a weekend, and he was horny, he knew he could call me and would arrange a meeting. My own roommate, knew that I was seeing a straight guy, and he accepted that he would leave the room whenever I got the call. My roomie was straight, but very open minded, and I always left him the room whenever he had a girl he wanted to screw.

Over that Spring, my meetings with Matt became more and more romantic. He could not bring himself to go down on me, but he would want me to cum too and usually gave me a hand job. I was okay with that. I usually just gave him head, but very intense head. He loved the way I sucked his cock and offered that he wanted to always have me nearby to service him.

One night, Matt called and wanted to come to my room. My roomie was there, but Matt said it would be about an hour. So, my roomie and I proceeded to get high, and before 30 minutes had passed, Matt was at my door. He came in, knowing my roomie was there. But there was something different about his attitude. He came in and we shared a few more hits with my roomie, who then got dressed and left.

Once we were alone (we were both sitting on my twin bed), Matt looked at me and said, “I want to make love to you.” I was floored! I wasn’t even quite sure what he meant by that. I really didn’t know what his idea of making love meant. With that, Matt stood up and grabbed my arms and pulled me up as well. He put his arms around me and started kissing me, deep and passionately! I was kissing him back but wondering, what the hell was going on. Matt had never been the dominant one.
I stopped thinking and gave in and we kissed with feeling. Eventually we fell back on my bed and continued. He kissed my mouth, and then my neck, and we both became just lost in the heat and the passion. Eventually, we tore off our clothes and continued. He got on top of me and started humping my stomach with his raging hard on. I thought he was going to spear me! He whispered in my ear, “I want you, I want to take you.” Now, remember, we had only done oral, so this caught me quite by surprise.

I started to go down on him, but he picked me up, literally, and set me on top of him, in a 69 position. I was leery, as he had never gone down on me. Well, he was not that night either! Instead, he began to jerk my cock as I sucked on his. My ass was right in his face, and I soon felt a wet hard finger probing my ass! Before long he had worked two fingers in my ass, slapping my ass with his other hand. I didn’t know this Matt! This was not the young horny frat boy I knew! Finally he had had enough, and he pulls me up, off his cock. “I’m going to take you now,” he says to me. For a split second, I was actually scared! I was dying to stop him and ask him to explain what was going on, but I was so in lust with Matt, I didn’t want this to stop! So, he lays me down on my stomach, and he mounts me from behind. I heard him spit on his hand, and then I felt that hard fucking head at my hole as he started to penetrate my ass. I wanted to scream! I had only bottom maybe a couple of times, I really was not into anal sex.

He drove home all the way, and again, I wanted to scream! I felt he was splitting me open! My ass felt on fire! He began to pound my ass, hard. He seemed like he was getting close, and I was relieved! He slowed down and lay completely on me, I could feel all of his body crushing me underneath. At that moment I gave in, and I relaxed. Before long I felt his mouth on my neck, I turned to try and look back and Matt grabbed my face and started kissing me, as he continued to pound my ass gently. I was in heaven again, and thinking to myself, if only I could get pregnant! LOL

At this point his cock began to feel good inside me. I could feel it massaging my prostrate. I started bucking my hips up to meet his assault and we developed a new rhythm. We fucked with complete abandon. After a short while, I could hear his breathing changed, and I knew he was getting close. Every time he lunged into my ass, I would tighten my ass muscles around his cock and try to keep him there, he felt so damned good inside me! I heard him yell “fuck” as he started to blow his load inside me. At that moment, I felt something I had never experienced, I too was cumming! It was a few moments of complete and utter ecstasy! I had never cum while being fucked, and not even touching myself! He collapsed on top of me, our bodies were hot and sweaty, he almost slid off me! I was in such bliss, I didn’t care.

After a few minutes, he rolled off me and tells me, “okay, now its your turn.” I looked up at him and told him, he had made me cum when he came. He was in awe. “Really?” “ You came too?” I assured him I had and he was now in awe of himself! LOL He didn’t realize that was possible either. We both laughed, and I sensed he was so proud of himself. He reached around and kissed me one last time, and then he said, thank you”. With that, we spooned and before long were both asleep, his arm wrapped around my body. An hour later, my roomie came back and I awoke. Matt didn’t wake up, so I covered him up and proceeded to relay the night’s events to my roomie. Matt slept all night long, and when he woke the next morning, he was startled that he had slept there all night.

We borrowed my roomie’s car and went to a truck stop for coffee. It was there Matt proceeded to tell me how he had gotten drunk and high with one of his frat brothers. The frat brother, Steve, had told Matt how he had sex with a queer sometimes. Matt confessed to Steve that he was seeing a guy for oral sex. Steve then told Matt that he should try to get his queer friend(me) to do anal. Matt had sensed that Steve wanted to have sex with him and Matt freaked out and left, but left terribly horny. It was then he decided to come to me and he was going to really have some fun. What neither boy knew, was that I was the queer that was having sex with Steve! But that is a tale for another story!
I normally would not post another story so soon, but this was fresh on my mind, soI decided to write it. Plus, I am between semesters and have another week with time to do what I like. Once school starts again, I find it difficult to have the time to write. I will be working on the next part(III) of this story, but I shall wait till next Monday to post it.

The next part centers around Steve. It was not a particularly erotic event, but it is an integral part of how the frat orgy came about. The frat orgy will be part IV.
OMG...we all need to have an experience like that...at least once in our lives! Thanks for following up on Matt; now for Steve?!

Your story was and is incredible. The fact that you had the ease and self confidence to go for whatever you wanted for one. Then the fact that you had a roommate who was straight and so openminded. Few guys on my hall would ever have been that understanding. More common to me were the stories of guys who told of having gay roomies who they kicked out or ran off in some way.

I was especially impressed how you and Matt had a very amicable agreement that you would not approach him or act like you even knew him in other social circles where you were not in the same league. It kind of reminds me of the plot of a really good British movie called "Get Real". They say that women's hearts are very deep and complex. I believe that's true. However here you show that what is really in men's hearts (separating sex from actual feelings) might surprise alot of people who are oblivious to such things. Never minding the sexual aspects of your story, the sociological subplots are downright fascinating.

I can only imagine that he was either embarrassed or downright mortified to realize that he had unintentionally slept overnight in your room...and that now your own roommate knew the whole story. You owe your roommate a debt of gratitude for being so accepting, relatively very mature, if not downright "worldly" and "wise" about the whole thing. From the way you describe him so far he was way ahead of his time.

But of course the sexual aspects of your story are quite entertaining as well. Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us. I look forward to hearing how the rest of this story played out for you.

You are too kind, my friend. I must admit that I have lived a very blessed life, even though I grew up poor as dirt. I made many mistakes in my life, but I always had the good sense to learn and to take impossible situations and use them for the good.