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Senior Member Status


Well-known Member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
Wow, I just realized that I have reached Senior Member status. How and when did that happen? Just curious.
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. I am doing the usual laundry routine and some other household chores. Have a dinner meal in the crock pot (slow cooker) going for supper this evening. We are having hearty beef and vegetables. Will fix biscuits and a green salad to go with it.
Wow, I just realized that I have reached Senior Member status. How and when did that happen? Just curious.
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. I am doing the usual laundry routine and some other household chores. Have a dinner meal in the crock pot (slow cooker) going for supper this evening. We are having hearty beef and vegetables. Will fix biscuits and a green salad to go with it.

Sounds great. What time should we be over for dinner? LOL I think you reached senior status with your 100th post.:wink: You are now entitled to join AARP. They will send you all kinds of goodies like discounts on Aricept and Depends. The Aricept helps you to remember what the Depends are for. Hope you and yours are well Gary.
Thanks Tampa. I am already a member of AARP and yes I am still waiting for those offers on Aricept and Dpends, LOL. Supper will be served at 6:00p.m. Have finally got that dreaded job called laundry done. I even put a gallon pitcher out on the balcony for making Sun Tea, though we don't have too much of that today, but maybe I can call it Partly Sunny Tea. LOL
Wow, I just realized that I have reached Senior Member status. How and when did that happen? Just curious.
Hope everyone is having a great Sunday. I am doing the usual laundry routine and some other household chores. Have a dinner meal in the crock pot (slow cooker) going for supper this evening. We are having hearty beef and vegetables. Will fix biscuits and a green salad to go with it.

I'll be there for dinner..... Dad is cooking tonite so it could be anything!!!! Now that you have achieved Senior Member status you qualify for:

Free Senior moments
A discount on "Just for Men: Short and Curly"
entitlement to list that your best feature is your wallet

Have a good one!

Hiiiiiiiiiiii Gary

Ill have you know they must like you better

i got shit all ....I did not get freebies...... but the QMOTH did wish me well

Congrates to your status
congrates on becoming a senior member. I hope you recive everything from the AARP.:lol: Sorry I missed Dinner, maybe next time.