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Sean & Santos 11/8 update

I just watched it. Didn't like it. But, didn't see Sean push away once. He slapped at Santos several times and each time he did Santos slowed down and Sean stopped. Go back and look. When he complained about his position, Sean was complaining about almost falling over the edge of the futon. When he got the chance to move, he moved over to the center of the futon and assumed the same position. It's that same old bugaboo we so often have here: someone yells wolf and our minds begin to see 'big and bad' behind every bush.

I know Sean has a puppy dog face and an adenoidal voice and he's very vocal, check the previous anal scene he did. I also know his crayola is not the reddest or the yellowest in the box, so he does draw a viewer's empathy. He certainly drew mine. And Santos is certainly not involved in this scene. He's very cold and mechanical and is doing what we're told he was told to do - push! As to Sean's response - a friend noted something I think worthy of at least a passing glance: at one point, Sean's toes curl. That's a strange response, don't you think, for someone hating every moment?

I have to say again, I don't like this scene. I still call sex by that old expression making love. People who need anything more than a gentle man with a dick to accomplish an orgasm are a mystery to me - but that's just me.

There is one other thing I need to remind Scott of: D&E was under contract to Blu. Every piece of film they shot for Broke Straight Boys was paid for by Blu and belonged to Blu. There was no submission to Blu. Blu owned it before it came out of the camera. It was sent to them because they had already paid for it. They edited it and they chose to broadcast it. That must have been difficult to see from so high a perch - next time be sure there's a horse under you before you pronounce judgement. . .perhaps the hiatus was not long enough.

And, yes, Slim, that's a cattleprod!

Wow Rifle, I'm getting to agree with everything you said there, so either you are mellowing or I'm becoming a bitch lol.
I have a crush on Sean (my matt dillon lookalike) so I thought this match-up with Santo's would be a good one. I liked the episode the 1st time, then after all the controversy I watched it 2 more times. I think the episode was fine, and the only dislike I have is with Santo's disrespect for Sean's comfort. Sean asked him a few times to slow down he was not used to this and he sped up. Also David's 2 disrespectful comment's #1 that's why your being paid $1500.00 #2 Now you know what your girlfriends go through. But the episode in general I liked and I watched Sean very close and I don't feel any bounderies were crossed. Let the controversy stop!!!!
I have a crush on Sean (my matt dillon lookalike) so I thought this match-up with Santo's would be a good one. I liked the episode the 1st time, then after all the controversy I watched it 2 more times. I think the episode was fine, and the only dislike I have is with Santo's disrespect for Sean's comfort. Sean asked him a few times to slow down he was not used to this and he sped up. Also David's 2 disrespectful comment's #1 that's why your being paid $1500.00 #2 Now you know what your girlfriends go through. But the episode in general I liked and I watched Sean very close and I don't feel any bounderies were crossed. Let the controversy stop!!!!

Well respected opinion. Question though: why all of a sudden are David's comments all of a sudden offensive? He's said them before or things very close to.
your right "Z" David has made similiar comment's before, but this time it sounded very rude. I like David's personality a lot and would definitly be friends if we ever met, but I guess it was the way he sounded with no concern for Sean. I just read David's comments concerning this episode and I now i really like this episode knowing no animals or my Sean were hurt during the filming.
your right "Z" David has made similiar comment's before, but this time it sounded very rude. I like David's personality a lot and would definitly be friends if we ever met, but I guess it was the way he sounded with no concern for Sean. I just read David's comments concerning this episode and I now i really like this episode knowing no animals or my Sean were hurt during the filming.

To me, his tone sounded the same as every other time. LOL I can hear the PSA read by Tyler now, "No animals, straight boys or assholes were harmed during the filming of this scene."
Wow Rifle, I'm getting to agree with everything you said there, so either you are mellowing or I'm becoming a bitch lol.

Hey Jon,

I hope you are doing well dear friend. xo :biggrin: I have stayed clear of this controversy because I see no good coming of it. I don't have a burning desire to pull anyone's opinions over to my own.

I will say though that Rifle is reminding me more and more of the guy that we all used to get along with very well. In the not so terribly distant past.
I have a crush on Sean (my matt dillon lookalike) so I thought this match-up with Santo's would be a good one. I liked the episode the 1st time, then after all the controversy I watched it 2 more times. I think the episode was fine, and the only dislike I have is with Santo's disrespect for Sean's comfort. Sean asked him a few times to slow down he was not used to this and he sped up. Also David's 2 disrespectful comment's #1 that's why your being paid $1500.00 #2 Now you know what your girlfriends go through. But the episode in general I liked and I watched Sean very close and I don't feel any bounderies were crossed. Let the controversy stop!!!!

Peter, look at Sean's hands - they slap Santo's thigh and every time he does, Santos slows down. It's a signal - I don't know if they worked it out in advance or it was just done, but it happens everytime. Slap, slap, slap and slow down. I think if it were anything else there would be some pushing back or holding back or pushing away - it simply doesn't occur. As to the director's comments: if you go back through the last ump-teen dozen episodes, he's said those lines over and over again. People are just hearing them as disrespectful because they are set to hear them as such. I think Santos didn't hear a lot of what Sean said because a lot of Sean's vocalizations were just that - vocalizations. It's just not a good scene. I agree - let's be done with it.

Glad you like Matt Dillon. I'd never thought of the similarity of eyebrows with Sean, but there is. I had lunch in San Francisco with Dillon once - twenty years ago, at the old Pam Pam Restaurant at Geary and Mason. My husband and I were having lunch with a friend who was doing a show at Marine's Memorial Theatre and Dillon was visiting him. I'm afraid the similarity ends with the eyebrows though.

Oh, Jon, we have a terrible problem with bitches here in the mountains. We have them neutered. We're like the Laplanders - we do it with our teeth. Let us know if you're interested.

Bob, I'm not sure whether you're on something here dude, but you make 2 public apologies yesterday and still go on about the RAPE. WTF are you playing at and let things rest or I fear/hope we won't be seeing much of you
in the future
Peter, look at Sean's hands - they slap Santo's thigh and every time he does, Santos slows down. It's a signal - I don't know if they worked it out in advance or it was just done, but it happens everytime. Slap, slap, slap and slow down. I think if it were anything else there would be some pushing back or holding back or pushing away - it simply doesn't occur. As to the director's comments: if you go back through the last ump-teen dozen episodes, he's said those lines over and over again. People are just hearing them as disrespectful because they are set to hear them as such. I think Santos didn't hear a lot of what Sean said because a lot of Sean's vocalizations were just that - vocalizations. It's just not a good scene. I agree - let's be done with it.

Glad you like Matt Dillon. I'd never thought of the similarity of eyebrows with Sean, but there is. I had lunch in San Francisco with Dillon once - twenty years ago, at the old Pam Pam Restaurant at Geary and Mason. My husband and I were having lunch with a friend who was doing a show at Marine's Memorial Theatre and Dillon was visiting him. I'm afraid the similarity ends with the eyebrows though.

Oh, Jon, we have a terrible problem with bitches here in the mountains. We have them neutered. We're like the Laplanders - we do it with our teeth. Let us know if you're interested.

I've posted on the other thread that I liked this and I do. This was the first time I've watched Sean and tbh he is not my type but damn it Santos is. I actually watched this film directly after watching the Mike/Corey movie and the only difference is, is that Sean protesteth too much. Mike and Santos have similar sized dicks and know how to use it, they're both great fucking machines.

Going back to this one though, prior to the fucking did you notice whilst Santos was sucking Sean's dick that Sean had his hands all over him, kept coming around the front to feel his breast. Sean also sucked dick pretty good too, much better than Santos who should learn to deep throat lol, not bad for a straight guy Sean.

Finally after all the "pain" that Sean endured he ended up taking a facial which he also didn't protest to. Not only did he take the facial but he allowed Santos to rub his cum dripped cock over his lips afterwards.

There have been many films in the past when a guy has been fucked and he didn't like it, the film was stopped and they ended up jacking off. This could have happened here, but it didn't which suggests that Sean was quite happy for most of the time but decided for some reason to give the "crocodile tears" approach.

Regarding David's comments - they're just normal and par for the course. Remember the Forest Gump name calling - LOL. Gonna miss you David - love you to bits too. xxx
I was going to stay out of this but ScottC I agreed with everything you had to say about this entire situation.

You think that this film is so repugnant that it has no place in a niche, fetish pornography site catering to people who get off on seeing uncomfortable straighties having to undergo a lot of gay shit against all their instincts in order to make the cash they need for school, rent and car payments?

You keep making this arguement and no offense, but I think it's really lame. You're not only making some assumption that all of the scenes either are, or supposed to be, uncomfortable. And that people come here to watch the models degrade themselves and be uncomfortable. Now I'm well aware of the fact that there are certain members who get off on that since they complain ad nauseam about people's preferences for the more romantic scenes. But I know I for one, and a lot of other members, don't come here to get off on people being degraded. In fact, one of the reasons I avoided looking at Broke Straight Boys scenes on the free site that introduced me to Broke Straight Boys was because the premise didn't appeal to me. But when I saw my first scene, Logan/Shane, and saw similar scenes where despite the premise, the models seemed to have a really good time and there was some really good sex. That's why I decided to plunk down my money every month. I would say at least 80% of scenes, despite these guys "only doing it for the money", the sex seems to be enjoyed and a good time is had by all. If all the scenes were like this one with Sean/Santos, or if most of the models choose to play the scene as if they had a gun to their head, I never would have joined.

slimvintage I respect and enjoy reading a lot of your posts, and I realize that maybe you met David or something and really respect him, but one thing I find really annoying about these forums is how you and a lot of other David apologists feel the need to defend David from every bit of criticism lobbed at him as if the man is unfallable and beyond reproach. If he's being attacked, that's one thing, but just because David has directed some good scenes on this site, doesn't mean people are beholden to love the guy and think he's perfect. One reason I'm looking forward to the change is so the fawning over David and attacking of those who say even the slightest bad thing against him or swooped down on by David's fan club.

I'm sorry to say but I've found a lot of David's responses in this thread passive aggressive and hypocritical. At one point he says he's said all he needs to say and is retiring to his porn cave. But wait then he's back to talk about how much love he has for everyone and is taking the high road, while not forgetting to subtly call out the people who are throwing him under the bus, saying he's the victim of a witch hunt, mock those who didn't enjoy the scene and telling people to get over it.

I remember the first ruckus on this forum I decided to participate in, was in the reaction to the first scene with MikeR and Josh. A few people mentioned that they didn't buy that Josh had been involved in an ATV, or whatever that thing was, accident. People jumped all over it and mocked and berated anyone for daring to question David's integrity. David joined in mocking those who questioned what was fake and what wasn't. And basically said that some things were fake, but most everything presented was the real deal. But now that people are taking a scene at face value, people are being made fun of for not being able to separate fantasy from reality, and David's party line is that "Duh you fools it's just porn. It's just as fake as a Hollywood movie." I'm sorry but you can't have it both ways.

Oh, for heaven's sake, get down off the cross. We need the wood. Nobody's throwing anybody under the bus. All anybody's asked anybody to do is to go back and look at what you're accusing everybody of. First: many of the actions supposedly perpetrated in the scene were not really there. Second: D&E's action was filming the scene. Once it was filmed it no longer belonged to him it belonged to Blu. Third: Blu chose to edit it and broadcast it. Fourth: Those who got so upset kept charging D&E with everything from criminal rape to deflowering a virgin. Fifth: You know something, I have not spoken to David or Slim or Mike or Jon personally (except in this thread) in months. I don't like them any more than they like me. And I never apologize for anyone except myself.

I've been a member of this site since 2007. I know many of the models personally. I know a lot more about what's fake and what's real and what's fantasy in these scenes than almost anyone and I don't share it. I also know that seventy-five percent of the so-called "truth" being tossed about in this thread is based on misperceptions and wet dreams. If the word 'rape' had not been tossed out so loosely in the first place - many of you would have never seen most of what you claim to have seen.

I don't like this scene either - but I don't like either of the performers. There's a reason it was left sitting around at the bottom of the barrel which Blu is now scraping. Calm down, you're getting your wish. The Broke Straight Boys that we old fogeys came here for is coming to an end - let us enjoy what pittance is left. Those of you who celebrate this ending are welcome to do so, but can we not put the daggers away for the remainder of the transition.
I was going to stay out of this but ScottC I agreed with everything you had to say about this entire situation.

You keep making this arguement and no offense, but I think it's really lame. You're not only making some assumption that all of the scenes either are, or supposed to be, uncomfortable. And that people come here to watch the models degrade themselves and be uncomfortable. Now I'm well aware of the fact that there are certain members who get off on that since they complain ad nauseam about people's preferences for the more romantic scenes. But I know I for one, and a lot of other members, don't come here to get off on people being degraded. In fact, one of the reasons I avoided looking at Broke Straight Boys scenes on the free site that introduced me to Broke Straight Boys was because the premise didn't appeal to me. But when I saw my first scene, Logan/Shane, and saw similar scenes where despite the premise, the models seemed to have a really good time and there was some really good sex. That's why I decided to plunk down my money every month. I would say at least 80% of scenes, despite these guys "only doing it for the money", the sex seems to be enjoyed and a good time is had by all. If all the scenes were like this one with Sean/Santos, or if most of the models choose to play the scene as if they had a gun to their head, I never would have joined.

slimvintage I respect and enjoy reading a lot of your posts, and I realize that maybe you met David or something and really respect him, but one thing I find really annoying about these forums is how you and a lot of other David apologists feel the need to defend David from every bit of criticism lobbed at him as if the man is unfallable and beyond reproach. If he's being attacked, that's one thing, but just because David has directed some good scenes on this site, doesn't mean people are beholden to love the guy and think he's perfect. One reason I'm looking forward to the change is so the fawning over David and attacking of those who say even the slightest bad thing against him or swooped down on by David's fan club.

I'm sorry to say but I've found a lot of David's responses in this thread passive aggressive and hypocritical. At one point he says he's said all he needs to say and is retiring to his porn cave. But wait then he's back to talk about how much love he has for everyone and is taking the high road, while not forgetting to subtly call out the people who are throwing him under the bus, saying he's the victim of a witch hunt, mock those who didn't enjoy the scene and telling people to get over it.

I remember the first ruckus on this forum I decided to participate in, was in the reaction to the first scene with MikeR and Josh. A few people mentioned that they didn't buy that Josh had been involved in an ATV, or whatever that thing was, accident. People jumped all over it and mocked and berated anyone for daring to question David's integrity. David joined in mocking those who questioned what was fake and what wasn't. And basically said that some things were fake, but most everything presented was the real deal. But now that people are taking a scene at face value, people are being made fun of for not being able to separate fantasy from reality, and David's party line is that "Duh you fools it's just porn. It's just as fake as a Hollywood movie." I'm sorry but you can't have it both ways.


Thanks for what you say about reading my posts and all that, despite your finding some of it annoying. Here's what I tried to say in those posts: David has made this site, which is by definition a niche, fetish porn site, into something less dark and obsessive than it might otherwise have been, by means of his klutzy, downhome manner, corny sense of humor and general good will. Otherwise it would have possibly been truer to it's core identity: a gay porn site that basically caters to people (gay men in the main) who find it hot to see young guys who present themselves as heterosexual and in need of fast money, willing to do, regardless of how badly it goes against their instincts, homosexual acts in order to make the bread they need at that moment. Every straight guy has his price.

I didn't make any of that up. We've heard from management that this is an award winning "niche fetish site". I just elaborated on the kind of fetish and the kind of niche. If you can find a better fetish and a better niche for it, I'd be genuinely interested to know what you think it is. But precisely because of David, and the kind of guy he is, you and I and a bunch more people, have been able to enjoy the site for the other reasons you elaborate. David took Mark's site and made it into what it is that you like.

As far as being a David apologist is concerned I do that for all of the above. You'll have noticed that he mangles the language a bit and goes off on tangents sometimes when he answers attacks against him. You say that he doesn't respond well and goes overboard. That's why I'm a David apologist. What got me riled was when 2 forumites, Mark the owner and Deidra the moderator, piled on (when they saw how the wind was blowing) about the Santos Sean video. It reminded me of Sarah Palin and Chinless Mitch. Deidra had also said that someone should be ashamed of himself for the video. We know who she meant, even though she got it wrong. I couldn't not have spoken up. That tacky little jibe (how this video is just all the proof needed that Mark is doing the right thing by taking the site in a different direction) was so cowardly and opportunistic of them, and exactly what wasn't needed at that particular moment. It's all over now and I'm satisfied that David and Mark have finally been nice, which is all that was needed under the circumstances.

If you've enjoyed the site, with it's psychologically dark mission statement and weird, fetishist corporate identity, it's because in the producer's wise, goofy and contrarian way he threw the book partly out the window and offered you the laid back, relatively sunny, sexy, random, boy next door, straightie, male/male, humorous, gonzo, messin'-around-together scenes that made you stay a member. We enjoy Broke Straight Boys because of David, and to a large extent only because of David. Don't fool yourself that this stuff would be just as much fun without him.
We enjoy Broke Straight Boys because of David, and to a large extent only because of David. Don't fool yourself that this stuff would be just as much fun without him.
People say that I kiss David's ass, and perhaps' your's too Slim, but I agree 100% with every word that you said in the previous post.

I cringe, and I laugh when folks say the site will be better without David. How do they know? No one has ever seen it without him. Thus far, the site is the story of David and the models.

When the new episodes are unveiled, it will in effect be a new site going under the old name. Will it be better, worse, the same? We have no way of knowing. That's why it's so ridiculous for anyone to proclaim that it will be better. How do they know?
The grass is always greener on the other side, so they say. Maybe the next producer will make his films in Nevada where there is no grass, hint hint.