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RIP Mike Robbins

Perhaps the view of Mike's family should be asked as to wether the Mar 4th episode should be shown.

the march 4th video is going up. there are those of us that want to see it. as has been stated many times before, if you dont want to see it, dont watch it. :blink: personally i will not be watching it without a good bottle of wine and a box of tissues.
It's up to Blu to air their product as they see fit. I know I'm not really ready to watch anything with Mike in it, but it's just not up to us. We can choose to watch it later or when it's not such an open wound. I don't think there is any right answer as to when to put it up, but there are so many subscribers to the site not on this forum who are unaware of the loss of Mike R. I guess I say let his videos post, they are coming to an end soon anyway. We can all just choose to not watch them if it's too hard. In a way I don't think it's wrong to show them. Mike was proud of his work. He would want his porn legacy to live on I think....then again I could be wrong. I often am.
Devastation is the only thing I can think of to describe my feelings when I read about the tragic loss of our wonderful friend Mike. I always thought he was so very special as he was always filled with life. I have read all the comments about should his next video be shown. Some how I know that Mike would not only have wanted us to watch but would be very disappointed if we did not. He was a man of life, what a better way to honor him, but to see him, and celebrate him in life. I know I will be watching with a tear in my eye and sorrow in my heart. But I will also have a smile on my face for the privilege of having shared a bit of his life. God Speed my good friend, God Speed
RIP Mike

I did not mean to say that I did not want to watch it but just felt that his family might prefer that it be shown at a later date. However I must remember that his death was possibly over a month ago even though we did not know until quite recently so perhaps it is being shown as a tribute to his life how ever short.
Wow! All I can say is I'm shocked!
I sit here with tears in my eyes wondering why such a kind and gentle soul was taken from us so soon.
I have always been a fan of Mikes work, but beyond that I always felt he was someone I'd like to hang out with. Just from seeing his work it was obvious to me he was the kind of guy that would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.
Rest in peace dear Mike.
I'm saddened by the news of Mike, I enjoyed watching him, He brought a smile to my face everytime I watched him. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes thinking about how much I will miss him.
My prayers go out to his family and friends.
RIP Mike
I am shocked by Mike's death. One so young, beautiful, handsome and dynamic taken so unexpectedly. I feel helpless to anything in this situation. It's only the memories of Mike that I have left and they are all about a lovely person who I very much would have liked to get to know. Now it's too late. If there's a god, I hope that divine being would hold Mike tenderly and welcome him to a better existence.
Guys and gals, it has taken me a couple of days to really bring myself to post on Mike's sudden passing.
May his family, friends, Broke Straight Boys members and everyone at Blu and D&E know that I sincerely send my condolences.
Peace be with you Mike and we look forward to seeing you again on the other side of the pearly gates.

I, too liked MikeR very much...!! That being said, I really don't understand why all of the secercy surrounding his untimely passing is necessary (especially to us Broke Straight Boys members). Why can't we know the cause or manner of death...?

There was no secercy when Dustin passed not so very long ago...?
castrol, because it may not be our business.

I can think of a couple of different ways that someone could die that the family would rather leave hushed up. We have to respect their wishes.

Dustin's was a special case. That was news outside of the forum, caught on camera and shown on local TV. Mike's passing was not.
I, too liked MikeR very much...!! That being said, I really don't understand why all of the secercy surrounding his untimely passing is necessary (especially to us Broke Straight Boys members). Why can't we know the cause or manner of death...?

There was no secercy when Dustin passed not so very long ago...?

This is only a guess but if I had to say I would bet they simply do not know. Remember in Dustin’s case he died in South Florida and made all the local news including Television when he did. Where in Mike’s case he was not from Florida and did not make all the news in his passing. Also remember that Broke Straight Boys has been out of shooting now for some time. Considering this happened a month ago who knows when Mike had his last contact with anyone from Blu. I would love to know myself but I doubt any of us ever will. For what it’s worth that’s my loose change.
I is only human to want to know what happened especially to someone at an age when we don't expect such s thing.

Since I am new here, reading of Dustin's death was also new to me. Last night I macde the horrible mistake of watching the video of his death. It was so disturbing that I couldn't sleep the whole night.

It wasn't that Dustin made a large impact on me here. Unlike MikeR he only made a few shoots. It was how the police in Panama City, Florida could be so criminally negligent, incompetent and calloua in dealing with a suspect and get away with it.

Sorry for bringing this up if it was already covered here when it happened. I know this site isn't meant to be a bummer for it's members. On the contrary. But it is all new to me.

P.S. Unless you're hard as nails, don't look at said video.
Dear Lubetube,

Your words express exactly the same emotions many of us here in forum experienced on hearing (and seeing) about Dustin, and the manner of his death. Because of this forum, we were able to comfort one another and collectively focus our anger. We were also able to share a small part of the incredible pain Dustin's family went thru. Please don't apologize for being a caring person. We welcome that here. Perhaps it will help to remember that both Dustin and Mike R were productive young men, and we should celebrate their lives, and not focus on their passing.

Mike, as well as Dustin touched our lives, shared some of themselves with us, and even made us laugh. We would be foolish and disrespectful, if we chose to focus on the pain and ignore the joy they shared with us.
Dear Lubetube,

Your words express exactly the same emotions many of us here in forum experienced on hearing (and seeing) about Dustin, and the manner of his death. Because of this forum, we were able to comfort one another and collectively focus our anger. We were also able to share a small part of the incredible pain Dustin's family went thru. Please don't apologize for being a caring person. We welcome that here. Perhaps it will help to remember that both Dustin and Mike R were productive young men, and we should celebrate their lives, and not focus on their passing.

Mike, as well as Dustin touched our lives, shared some of themselves with us, and even made us laugh. We would be foolish and disrespectful, if we chose to focus on the pain and ignore the joy they shared with us.

Well said Mark. Thank you.
The thing about his death is that NOBODY knows exactly what happened. now if you dont mind can we steer this back to remembering his life which was Mark's intentions? (sorry if anyone is offended by that statement)

personally, my favorite memory of Mike R was his crazy yet wonderfully intelligent banter was both on the forum and the fouton. what other porn model do you know of that cared enough about showmanship to entertain his fans on a personal level with mindless chit chat and completely seductive mannerisms?
The thing about his death is that NOBODY knows exactly what happened
Dont believe this jwglass.Broke Straight Boys knows it I am sure.Mark mentioned in his announement they waited until all details of Mike's death were known before posting. In their comments a lot of loyal members inquired about the cause but as in so many instances no reaction from Broke Straight Boys It is sometimes much better not to interprete the rules of privacy too strictly in order to avoid speculations and especially "digging". Mike himself said in one of his posts
that his family, friends and the vicinity where he lived all knew about him doing porn. That means that hundreds of people even know his real identity. What is wrong then in revealing the true circomstances of his death, rather then risking that people start to dig and finally find out things of his life, which are really not meant for the open.So please Mark dont be more catholic than the pope and tell your members how it happened, if you know it.
Because during the time of Dustin's death access was given to several other Broke Straight Boys model's real names through careless postings of obituaries, memorials, videos, youtubes, facebooks, and all sorts of things that are personal, private and nobody's business except friends and family of Mike's. Members of Broke Straight Boys are neither. If you had a friendship with him, then you have the necessary information to look it up yourself. If you do not, then allow his family the privacy to grieve. While his family loved him and may or may not have known of his work here, they may or may not have approved and for this place to arbitrarily assume expressions of grief from people he sexually stimulated would be comforting is a long stretch of the imagination. And, there are people who would attempt to intrude or otherwise insert themselves into their grieving. Allow Mike his peace and realize that any clue to what happened or how it happened could easily lead to where it happened, etc.
quite frankly, it's no-one's business how Mike R died except for his family and Real Life friends. Do the right thing and give his family their privacy and give them some respect. If you feel the desperate need to dig around in someone's private affairs, then do everyone a favour and go away.