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Quiet Forum Let's Chat

Epoch & CC Billing are good. When I had to get a new number I told them & I had no trouble with extending memberships. On the other hand Net Billing said my new number was declined when given them several times so I let the Broke Straight Boys & College Dudes subscriptions it was handling run out & I believe switched to CC Billing.

I agree that Epoch and CC Billing are pretty good. No real issues for me. I hadn't heard of Segpay before.
I have been thinking along the same lines. People who say that the Covid vaccine is too new to trust. I say wasn’t the polio vaccine too new too? But everyone took it.

I know this is an old convo. But I have to agree with you guys on these people who whine about the Covid vaccine and their excuses for not getting it. When they say they won't take it because they don't know what's in it... Give me a break! These same people send (or sent) their kids to school with the required vaccines like polio, whooping cough, measles, mumps, diphtherea, rubella, chicken pox and maybe even flu and tetanus. I'd wager 99.9% of parents never ask or demand to know all the ingredients or all of the processing steps those vaccines go through before they consent to giving them to their children. But because the Covid vaccines are so politicized, people fall back on this line of forgoing them supposedly out of concern over the ingredients.
I know this is an old convo. But I have to agree with you guys on these people who whine about the Covid vaccine and their excuses for not getting it. When they say they won't take it because they don't know what's in it... Give me a break! These same people send (or sent) their kids to school with the required vaccines like polio, whooping cough, measles, mumps, diphtherea, rubella, chicken pox and maybe even flu and tetanus. I'd wager 99.9% of parents never ask or demand to know all the ingredients or all of the processing steps those vaccines go through before they consent to giving them to their children. But because the Covid vaccines are so politicized, people fall back on this line of forgoing them supposedly out of concern over the ingredients.
Exactly my thoughts on it. And the politicalization of it all started as many whacky theories did with five letters-TRUMP. He may be out of office, But his influence sadly permeates our politics today.
Agree with Mike & Tampa. On a completely unrelated topic. I am about to reach 25,000 post since I first posted last August. Talk about having no life!

Congrats Br. We thank you for all the pics and posts to liven the place up with.
Exactly my thoughts on it. And the politicalization of it all started as many whacky theories did with five letters-TRUMP. He may be out of office, But his influence sadly permeates our politics today.

Unfortunately he was the straw that broke the camel's back, the poison will take decades to remove, if ever. People have forgotten how to work together to achieve a common goal. It's really so sad to see the political path this country is on and how divided we have become as a nation. It pains me to say this but I do agree with Trump on one aspect of his campaign, we do need to drain the swamp of DC. No more lifetimers in senate or house seats, you serve one or two terms are you are done. To take some liberties from Lincoln's speach at Gettysburg: "government of the people, by the people, for the people". We need to get the lobiests out of Washington, corporate America should not be ruling the country.

I am certainly not the smartest person in the room, but as a country we all need to work together to better the future for our children. I have two nephews and I honestly worry about how much of a fucked up world we will be passing on to them.
Unfortunately he was the straw that broke the camel's back, the poison will take decades to remove, if ever. People have forgotten how to work together to achieve a common goal. It's really so sad to see the political path this country is on and how divided we have become as a nation. It pains me to say this but I do agree with Trump on one aspect of his campaign, we do need to drain the swamp of DC. No more lifetimers in senate or house seats, you serve one or two terms are you are done. To take some liberties from Lincoln's speach at Gettysburg: "government of the people, by the people, for the people". We need to get the lobiests out of Washington, corporate America should not be ruling the country.

I am certainly not the smartest person in the room, but as a country we all need to work together to better the future for our children. I have two nephews and I honestly worry about how much of a fucked up world we will be passing on to them.
You make some excellent points chac54. I have often thought that I am grateful not to have any children or nephews or nieces to worry about. The future does look bleak for the younger generation.
This is probably off topic, but after a long period of silence I have to post these thoughts!
In recent weeks, I have witnessed an assault on the personal autonomy of an entertainer on the theater stage and an assault on the national sovereignty of nation on international stage!
This is world we are leaving to future generations!
This is probably off topic, but after a long period of silence I have to post these thoughts!
In recent weeks, I have witnessed an assault on the personal autonomy of an entertainer on the theater stage and an assault on the national sovereignty of nation on international stage!
This is world we are leaving to future generations!
You are 100% correct another1. And btw, I am thrilled to see you are still a member here. Hopefully you’re doing okay aside from watching the world go to hell in a hand basket, to use an old cliche.
Need I remind all the above, The country went through such dark periods before. Go back and look what happened before WW II, look at what Hitler did in Europe at the same time Japanese were doing their horrors in Asia and what it cost the free world to defeat.
I failed to add, look what it took to get us to enter the war.
This is probably off topic, but after a long period of silence I have to post these thoughts!
In recent weeks, I have witnessed an assault on the personal autonomy of an entertainer on the theater stage and an assault on the national sovereignty of nation on international stage!
This is world we are leaving to future generations!

Yes. To agree with Mikeyank, I'm thrilled that you're still with us Another1. In spite of the state of the world and society right now I hope you're doing well yourself.
Here is a bit og good news. The senate confirmed our first black supreme court justice.
Today is not quiet, IT IS DEAD!!!!! Perhaps I should also stop posting.
Today is not quiet, IT IS DEAD!!!!! Perhaps I should also stop posting.
The forum has been very quiet for a long time br. Actually there are only four or five people including myself who contribute on at least a semi regular basis. But as paying members we all have the ability to post as little or as much as we choose. You obviously enjoy posting your pictures and other comments and so as long as we have the forum and you enjoy posting, I see no reason for you to stop posting. As we only get one new scene per week, the forum is a large portion of what we get for our subscription dues, so you might as well use it as a way to express yourself. That’s what I do.
The forum has been very quiet for a long time br. Actually there are only four or five people including myself who contribute on at least a semi regular basis. But as paying members we all have the ability to post as little or as much as we choose. You obviously enjoy posting your pictures and other comments and so as long as we have the forum and you enjoy posting, I see no reason for you to stop posting. As we only get one new scene per week, the forum is a large portion of what we get for our subscription dues, so you might as well use it as a way to express yourself. That’s what I do.

I may not post much, but I do try and stop in and read what the days scuttlebutt is. I'm just too tired sometimes, I'm working 11 hour days lately, then going over to help my 76 year old Dad with what he needs done around the house. I'll try and make more of an effort.
I may not post much, but I do try and stop in and read what the days scuttlebutt is. I'm just too tired sometimes, I'm working 11 hour days lately, then going over to help my 76 year old Dad with what he needs done around the house. I'll try and make more of an effort.
I am semi-retired and only work two days a week. On my work days, I am out of my apartment for about ten hours and by the time I get home I’m exhausted. I admire you chac54, working 11 hours and then helping your dad out. But if you could add your voice here whenever you can, that would be terrific. :thumbup1:
I am semi-retired and only work two days a week. On my work days, I am out of my apartment for about ten hours and by the time I get home I’m exhausted. I admire you chac54, working 11 hours and then helping your dad out. But if you could add your voice here whenever you can, that would be terrific. :thumbup1:

I'm ashamed to admit it but I have a near 200 video backlog on this site and College Boy Physicals. I keep the vids I download in a folder for watching and once I view I move them to an archive of sorts. Since most Broke Straight Boys scenes have 3 videos now, that's at least 65 scenes I am behind :crying1: I guess I have some catching up to do LOL
Being homebound due to my disabilities & isolated the Forum has become my main source attention. I try to share what I download for the enjoyment of others which is why I post the pictures I do. I also am not shy in expressing my opinions right or wrong as they may be. It took me many years to join the Forum & I am the poorer for it. As to what I download, I am collector & only watch a little of what I download. That is crazy but the fun for me is the collecting.
I just flipped through perhaps 15 model pages & I recognized nearly all the models faces, mind you not all by their names. What have I come to. Be kind!!!!