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Quiet Forum Let's Chat

That would make blowing him rather difficult. :p haha

Make a hole in the mask. The existing holes in the masks have as much chance of stopping a virus as a chain-link fence has of stopping a mosquito. As for social distancing, could someone show me something more than propaganda, such as scientific evidence that it is effective?
As a new user I find the forum quite 'daunting'. Everything seems to lumped into Everything Under The Sun and I have no interest in going through hundreds of pages to find something interesting. Perhaps there could be some categories to divide things up, for example, a section where models themselves post, a suggestions section sub divided into fantasy and practical
I hope that site owner, Mark is reading your suggestion, special70. We used to have separate sections including one exclusively for models to interact with the forum. I never understood why he lumped everything together under “Everything Under the Sun”. I so agree that separate sections are more user friendly for members.:thumbup1:
Again we have reached a very quiet time. I would hope that the scenes do increase in frequency, as scenes drive the forum.
Mike I agree on both your last two comments. Also add I am displeased that on the last two days so few members spoke up on anything.
I hope that site owner, Mark is reading your suggestion, special70. We used to have separate sections including one exclusively for models to interact with the forum. I never understood why he lumped everything together under “Everything Under the Sun”. I so agree that separate sections are more user friendly for members.:thumbup1:

Unfortunately this makes the board even worse because it used to be this way. There was a general no porn forum and a porn forum and it just didn't work well because there wasn't enough people posting. It would work if the board was way busier. It works great on JustUsBoys but there is almost 8,000,000 posts. I would suggest the search box to find what you are looking for. it works quite well.
Unfortunately this makes the board even worse because it used to be this way. There was a general no porn forum and a porn forum and it just didn't work well because there wasn't enough people posting. It would work if the board was way busier. It works great on JustUsBoys but there is almost 8,000,000 posts. I would suggest the search box to find what you are looking for. it works quite well.
Thank you for responding Mark. Obviously you didn’t see my post when I originally made it back in November. You are a busy man and cannot see every post when it is made. By the way, I am a member of JustUsBoys and it is an excellent forum with tons of content and it is completely free. I recommend others check it out.
Thank you for responding Mark. Obviously you didn’t see my post when I originally made it back in November. You are a busy man and cannot see every post when it is made. By the way, I am a member of JustUsBoys and it is an excellent forum with tons of content and it is completely free. I recommend others check it out.
That all may be true but for me I am way too busy to add more, in fact I have had to drop stuff. I think my stats are proof as to how busy I am :smile:
Thank you for responding Mark. Obviously you didn’t see my post when I originally made it back in November. You are a busy man and cannot see every post when it is made. By the way, I am a member of JustUsBoys and it is an excellent forum with tons of content and it is completely free. I recommend others check it out.

Sorry if I missed it. Definitely true JustUsBoys is a massive forum. Glad you are part of it.
I sure wish we had more discussion going on here, both about current models and scenes, past models and scenes and also just about life in general. As Tampa started a thread several years ago, he calls, “The Virtual Coffee Shop & Corner Pub”. I suppose it is too much to expect this forum to be what it was five or ten years ago as less and less people seem to want to chat, but I live in hope that we might have even a little more activity. I guess as in Tampa’s Virtual Coffee Shop theme, my thoughts of when the forum was “The Forum” reminds me of the TV show Cheers, a place to stop in after work to connect with your friends, a place where everyone knows your name…..or at least your screen name. lol

I loved Cheers. But alas times are not the same . Just to throw this out is Social Media on line which is a source of much good & bad. Just look at Covid with the craziness it seems to have caused to the point as just one example my son mentioned today Novak is destroying his name because of the restrictions and vaccine while claiming he is not an antivaxxer. As old as I am I do not know it this same issue was present when the polio vaccines were introduced back in the 1950's.
I have been thinking along the same lines. People who say that the Covid vaccine is too new to trust. I say wasn’t the polio vaccine too new too? But everyone took it.
Older people often say the good olde days & I could not disagree more. What I do say we live in different times with different problems but people are the same as they were with respect to (note Mike I spelled it out for you) character. We have Trump & Putin now back then you had Hitler & Stalin. They may be different people but have the same characters. Broke Straight Boys lets us escape that world at least for me most of the time.
With only one new scene per week, there isn’t much to talk about regarding new stuff. Mark posted a throwback BTS of the 1000th scene yesterday. I thought that might generate some reflections from the forum, but nada. It seems only picture threads, politics and my sports comments are what’s happening here……….Nothing much to do with Broke Straight Boys Too bad……….It used to be a lot of fun here.
Fun is in the eye of the beholder. In any case I am up to discuss many things. My guy interests are about all straight acting guys who appear any where on the net & in any age from the beginning. I , too, would love to know their biographies. And I often add comments about them, particularly with respect to pre-2000 because unlike the present days often little is known about them and one has to dig deeply. Back then reasons were as varied as now. I, too, would love there to be more responses but that just seems to not be the case but it does not keep me from going on & it keeps me busy all day & every day. Finally, I try to respond to every topic, some times too much.
Sorry I’ve been missing the last few days, thanks to SEGPAY. I had changed credit cards and forgot to change it on file with SEGPAY. So instead of emailing me that my card was declined, they just lock you out of the website for 3-4 days when they decide to run the card again. Of course I entered my new card when I couldn’t log in a few days ago, but they still kept me locked out until today. Honestly…..pretty shitty customer service. Of course I don’t blame Broke Straight Boys, but I would recommend using a different billing company. The fact that they don’t even try to email you to let you know so that you can correct the error before interrupting service is complete bullshit.
Sorry I’ve been missing the last few days, thanks to SEGPAY. I had changed credit cards and forgot to change it on file with SEGPAY. So instead of emailing me that my card was declined, they just lock you out of the website for 3-4 days when they decide to run the card again. Of course I entered my new card when I couldn’t log in a few days ago, but they still kept me locked out until today. Honestly…..pretty shitty customer service. Of course I don’t blame Broke Straight Boys, but I would recommend using a different billing company. The fact that they don’t even try to email you to let you know so that you can correct the error before interrupting service is complete bullshit.
I have no idea how it is decided who does the billing for each member. Mine has always been Epoch. I don’t know how their policies may differ but thankfully I never have had an issue.
I have no idea how it is decided who does the billing for each member. Mine has always been Epoch. I don’t know how their policies may differ but thankfully I never have had an issue.
I used to have Epoch and never had an issue either and then I left a couple of years ago for a month or two. Now I have segpay and they’re awful. Basically my punishment is that I have to give up 3 days of my 30 day subscription for a declined card. I promise I won’t let it happen again. If it does I’ll just cancel. They should at least consider billing history and see that I have a long history. What if I had lost my credit card and had to report it stolen and didn’t have a replacement yet? The fact that they don’t even contact you at all to let you know your card didn’t process.
Epoch & CC Billing are good. When I had to get a new number I told them & I had no trouble with extending memberships. On the other hand Net Billing said my new number was declined when given them several times so I let the Broke Straight Boys & College Dudes subscriptions it was handling run out & I believe switched to CC Billing.