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obama's speech

I found this latest op-ed piece to be very insightful. It reiterates the points I was already trying to make about the current state of politics as practiced by what is supposed to be the "loyal" opposition. Republicans in the past have delighted in trying to paint liberals as America haters who were not patriotic. (Or worse)

Republicans were very quick to scold Obama for putting so much effort in trying to secure the Olympics for Chicago. Which happens to be in the U.S. They tried to say that this showed that he wasn't taking other matters more seriously. Like the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that he never started but is nonetheless stuck with the cleanup. These same conservatives were not giving Bush any grief about all the time he spent in Crawford clearing brush on his ranch. And this was at a time when the war in Iraq was at its gloomiest.

They also weren't scolding him about Katrina which just happened to coincide with his Labor Day vacation back at the ranch in Texas. He wasn't about to cut his vacation short in order to give leadership to the relief and recovery efforts in the Gulf Coast. It wasn't until a week later when enough bodies were piling up in the streets that the Republicans begged him to show some interest in what was going on down there.

Now we have Obama making a one day trip to Europe to lobby for the U.S. to get the Olympics and the Republicans go nuts. They accuse him of going AWOL. Dereliction of duty in a time of crisis... Just on and on. And in that trip to Europe he happens to have a meeting with his top military commander for the Afghanistan and Pakistan theater. Which could hardly be called a waste of his time.

Paul Krugman's article I think unfortunately paints an all too accurate picture of how low the present Republican/conservative establishment has sunk.

Below is Krugman's "The Politics of Spite"

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He's Baaaak!

Bravo Rifle!

I'm so tired of people letting these political messiahs of the airwaves tell them what to think about the current state of politics. These political commentators are very ego driven. They care only about saying shocking things to get higher ratings and drum up controversy. Make no mistake though. Their overwhelming agenda is to maintain and enhance their own cult of personality. They feel they should be adored and nearly worshipped by their followers. And unfortunately for the country their whackjob conspiracy theories find many listeners and believers.

Tampa: Sorry for my absence. I had to take a work-break. Gotta make a living you know. I DID hear the Star Spangled Banner swelling in the background . . . It's comforting to know our nation is in good hands. I don't know if my Yabnkee boy signed out or not, but I'll bet he drifts through again. No, I wan't abducted by aliens to be re-programmed. It did me good to read that your sweeping generalizations about the kooks in the heartland are almost as sweeping as my generalizations about about our politicians. I'll see if I can tone it down a bit. So . . . go forth and feel good. May the force be with you! :biggrin:
I think all politicians and political commentators have issues with "loyal" opposition. It is not solely a conservative/republican flaw. Many politicians in all parties (there are more than the two big ones) have this problem. I think Americans in general have grown to have this problem. There is no more civil discourse and compromise anymore. Just name calling, mud throwing, and flat out lying. Though lately it does seem the Republican party has gotten so angry they have kicked it up a notch.
I think all politicians and political commentators have issues with "loyal" opposition. It is not solely a conservative/republican flaw. Many politicians in all parties (there are more than the two big ones) have this problem. I think Americans in general have grown to have this problem. There is no more civil discourse and compromise anymore. Just name calling, mud throwing, and flat out lying. Though lately it does seem the Republican party has gotten so angry they have kicked it up a notch.

Seems just like the Houses of Parliament to me guys. Name calling, mud throwing, fiddling expenses, etc etc. See, you are part of the UK LOL
I came rather late to the controversy over the White House trying to marginalize Fox News from covering official news conferences. Even though I do not hide the fact that I am liberal I do not agree with the actions the White House took. It only makes them look petty. Having to deal with opposition news outlets is part of the democratic process.

Heavy handed tactics against opposition news outlets is more reminiscent of third world countries. Yet the way Fox is comporting itself is also much more like that of an opposition outlet taking on a third world dictatorship. Not that of a news outlet taking on a government that was democratically elected with a solid majority of the vote. Their behavior is also unprecedented for a "news organization" in the United states. Fox is no longer just a news organization with a conservative point of view. None of the other liberal news organizations went to such extremes when conservatives were in charge of the national government. In spite of my unease with recent White House actions vs. Fox, it would be the height of folly to suggest that the Obama White House treat Fox as exactly on the same level as ABC, CBS, CNN, BBC, etc.

If liberals had been the ones who organized the "spontaneous" angry mobs to storm Bush's and other Republicans' events, the conservatives would have been howling to the rafters. Now it's considered okay by Republicans to heckle a president in the halls of Congress. How long are Democrats and other liberals supposed to put up with this without responding in kind? Just remember who started this slippery slide to what used to be considered uncivilized political discourse in the U.S.

Rachel Maddow here comes from a left leaning news network. But I think she gives a reasonable, fair and balanced take on Fox vs. the Obama White House. By the way I disagree with the title of this youtube video. It's titled: Why Fox News Isn't News. Maddow herself (who happens to be gay) goes on to say why Fox IS news. But also explains why it's now different. I also agree with her that most media have missed a major point of this story so far.

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Healthcare Reform Dead?

The final results are in on the Mass. Senate race. I admit that I am very upset. Ted Kennedy would be heartbroken to see healthcare go down in flames with his own old Senate seat. What irony...

Around the offices and country clubs of of the health insurance executives they will be breaking out the champagne. Especially when they were looking at having to cover people regardless of pre-existing conditions. The party of NO will try to make sure that everything stays exactly as it is now with healthcare. As if the status quo right now is acceptable.

So for those who feel we have the best healthcare system on the world right now...let the good times roll. :confused1:
Tampa, I was so afraid that was going to happen. We might as well kiss the health care plan good bye. I hope the Republicans are happy and can live with themselves. Greed, greed, greed.

It looks as if Obama has got a real fight on his hands trying to convince the Senate to adopt the Healthcare proposal. It just goes to show that these people do not care about the ordinary American who cannot afford private healthcare and they probably only care about what backhanders they will be receiving from insurance companies.

At the end of the day though, these guys were elected into office and voters elect them - they should remember that.
I do not get my news from the media any more. I do not believe what my elected officials are telling me. I have to go to books. And one has to pick the books with care. I list here some reading material that I think is somewhat fair and balanced.

Reckless by Byron L. Drogan (Senator,D)
It Takes a Pillage by Nomi Prins
America for Sale by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D
Obamanomics by Timothy P. Carney
Meltdown by Thomas E. Woods Jr.
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The final results are in on the Mass. Senate race. I admit that I am very upset. Ted Kennedy would be heartbroken to see healthcare go down in flames with his own old Senate seat. What irony...

Around the offices and country clubs of of the health insurance executives they will be breaking out the champagne. Especially when they were looking at having to cover people regardless of pre-existing conditions. The party of NO will try to make sure that everything stays exactly as it is now with healthcare. As if the status quo right now is acceptable.

So for those who feel we have the best healthcare system on the world right now...let the good times roll. :confused1:

Tampa -

If it makes you feel any better, not all of us are heart broken!!!

Though, Hitler seems a little upset:
