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Mickey Mantle nude photo


BSB Addict
Nov 29, 2008
Reaction score
brooklyn ny
hey if you like Mkey Mantle as I do a nude photo is a big turn on.
They said in a review of a new book about him that he was sexually abused by a half sister and her boy friend that his nuude photo was on a website http://hotprisonpals.com after you enter it it says it had 3 million hits in the last 4 days after the new book came outand shows a few nude pics of him.
hey if you like Mkey Mantle as I do a nude photo is a big turn on.
They said in a review of a new book about him that he was sexually abused by a half sister and her boy friend that his nuude photo was on a website http://hotprisonpals.com after you enter it it says it had 3 million hits in the last 4 days after the new book came outand shows a few nude pics of him.
Thank you Joey. Mickey was very good looking, in addition to be a great ball player. I attached the pic that you directed me to, for those who do not care to go to a site for prisoner's who are trying to bilk lonely women and gay men, but that's a discussion for another thread.

Thanks so much for what does look like a real, unaltered image of "The Mick", as we've never seen him before. :thumbup:


  • mickey_mantle.jpg
    78 KB · Views: 51
I love the rare finds of male celebrity nudes. Have you guys got any more you'd be willing to share? :drool:
Ms. K, I too second that request of a nude pic of James Dean.
Thanks for the suggestion.

Okay Gary, I found a naked James Dean for you, but I don't know how to make it smaller.:blush:

I don't know how to make it smaller.:blush:

Okay Gary, I...don't know how to make it smaller.:blush:

Dear Ms. Kianna,

To make it smaller: mmmmmmmmmmmmh Well, let me think here...all you have to do is.....think of your least favorite elderly aunt.....with the tripple chin, her thick and flaking pancake makeup with the two perfectly centered red dots one on each cheek and her botox-inflated unsymetrical bright red lips accented by bristly black and gray hairs directly above and with a little drool strategically located on the corners of her mouth.....that loves nothing more than to grind on your body while she sufficates you with her unwanted and repeated kisses mouth-to-mouth (as in CPR minus the chest compressions) and her radioactive bad breath.

Yeah, that should do it. I can testify that I am indeed smaller now reliving this repulsive scenerio. Thank God she has given up her livelong "dipping snuff" habit.

I sincerely hope this worked for you as well as it did for me. If not, read it again and again. Eventually, over time you will become smaller too even if not for anything else, but from actual starvation and the total lack of human contact itself. Did I not tell you her kisses were deadly? I guess, then, an oversight committed on my part.

Ms.. Kianna...I hope I answered your desperate plea for help.
Getting back to Mickey Mantle nude pose, I really enjoyed his being so relaxed amid the press reporters in the locker room. I just wish the photo was less grainy and his male appendage was more prominently displayed, as it were, with better lighting. Where is GE when you really need them? One remaining and ever-nagging question remains to be answered as a consequence of poor lighting and low picture resolution, was our much beloved Mickey actually "cut" or "uncut"? Inquiring minds REALLY want to know (for statistical purposes only). Meaning no disrespect to the man, simply indicate your vote with your "C" or "UC" and no other editorial or medical comment is required. Tabulation of these results will be done by an independent accounting firm Shorty/Mushroomhead/& Eve R Girthful.
I'm going to guess "cut", cumrag... I made it as big as I could, and there appears to be "head definition". :blush:
Okay Gary, I found a naked James Dean for you, but I don't know how to make it smaller.:blush:


Oh, my, Ms. K.... Hmmm, as I ponder your interest in making it smaller, I can only imagine you were hoping to make it less grainy so we could better make out the details... *sigh* JD was so incredible... and to see his fine accoutrements in greater detail would only serve to work my blood pressure up to dangerous levels ;););)
Thanks for the pic of James Dean.
It may not be that clear of a picture, but it is clear enough for me to let my dirty mind wonder.
Thanks again

The pic of Mantle is way hot on many levels. Great bod, nice junk, and totally relaxed with being nude with all the other guys being dressed. That's body confidence. There is also the era. I think men were just more comfortable getting naked with other men... and not in a homo way!
I'm amazed at the gym in the locker room when the built boys try and hide their jewels. They rarely shower there. Maybe their jewels are just chips! There are two Asian guys that keep their towel on after showering, pull up their undies, and then drop the towel. They were in the shower. Guys saw. So why the towel act???
Anyway, the Mantle pic was a REAL treat...
That's body confidence

The pic of Mantle is way hot on many levels. Great bod, nice junk, and totally relaxed with being nude with all the other guys being dressed. That's body confidence. There is also the era. I think men were just more comfortable getting naked with other men... and not in a homo way!
I'm amazed at the gym in the locker room when the built boys try and hide their jewels. They rarely shower there. Maybe their jewels are just chips! There are two Asian guys that keep their towel on after showering, pull up their undies, and then drop the towel. They were in the shower. Guys saw. So why the towel act???
Anyway, the Mantle pic was a REAL treat...

Dear Stripe222,

I have heard older guys relating that they routinely swam naked at the YMCA or other indoor pools and nobody seemed to care. Yet, today, when I go swimming, it's like the current generation guys are sharing a co-ed dressing room. Most guys are so protective of other guy's wandering eyes as if they wouldn't have wandering eyes just walking in a mall or down a sidewalk secretly undressing any female coming their way. They live is such fear of rape, that is "eye" rape. What weenies they are!

I had a tall guy with a swimmer's body drying off after showering standing close to me and almost put his butt in my face and then had the nerve looking around at me as if I was some "dirty old man" because I had my eyes open.

Fortunately, there are still those occasional exhibitionists that obviously take pleasure parading nude in the locker room and being on display for all to see. However, these sweethearts are getting fewer and fewer as they age, as most of them are not being of this current generation, marking what I fear is the end of an era.

Part of this fear of showing their goods in non-sexual locations is that as more and more kids are "home schooled", this customary male-on-male socialization in locker rooms is more limited than typical of older generations. That is further impacted by the expectation of never participating in military service and for the college bound, no longer are guys living in dorms and especially with the formerly common community showers.

If things continue at this pace, guys will be afraid of appearing in their underwear before long having "no body confidence".
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Wow Cumrag,

You really hit the nail on the head there. I have many much older friends who tell me that back in the day the YMCA not only encouraged nudity in the swimming pools... they required it. They had signs saying, "No Clothing Allowed".

I would say that from about the 90's on that the younger guys got more and more and more modest with being nude in front of other guys. Even at the beach all the swimwear for men went from form fitting polyester to nylon with with mesh inside, to the boardies that cover everything from the waist to the knee. God forbid you see even a little bit of the lower thigh.

I had forgotten that the draft eliminated a requirement by nearly all young U.S. males to shower with very large groups of other men. It forced men at an early age to accept and be proud of their nude body as it was. A guy who had body issues was forced to adjust and become more confident being nude. A guy with a 1 1/2 inch softie had to trot right in there and stand next to the guy who had 6 inches or more soft.

While some of the more extreme modesty by some guys is a fear of gay guys seeing their goods...I fear there is also just a lack of "body confidence" as you say. And I don't think that is a healthy thing either. It negatively impacts the overall self esteem.
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I regret the day...

Wow Cumrag,

You really hit the nail on the head there. I have many much older friends who tell me that back in the day the YMCA not only encouraged nudity in the swimming pools... they required it. They had signs saying, "No Clothing Allowed".

I would say that from about the 90's on that the younger guys got more and more and more modest with being nude in front of other guys. Even at the beach all the swimwear for men went from form fitting polyester to nylon with with mesh inside, to the boardies that cover everything from the waist to the knee. God forbid you see even a little bit of the lower thigh.

I had forgotten that the draft eliminated a requirement by nearly all young U.S. males to shower with very large groups of other men. It forced men at an early age to accept and be proud of their nude body as it was. A guy who had body issues was forced to adjust and become more confident being nude. A guy with a 1 1/2 inch softie had to trot right in there and stand next to the guy who had 6 inches or more soft.

While some of the more extreme modesty by some guys is a fear of gay guys seeing their goods...I fear there is also just a lack of "body confidence" as you say. And I don't think that is a healthy thing either. It negatively impacts the overall self esteem.

Dear Tampa24,

When I grew up, guys actually had a package and a butt. I guess due to genetic manipulation of our food supply, these no longer exist just like T-Rex. I can't tell you how fortunate I feel to actually know the organic contours of a male body.

Kids growing up today with their over-sized and disgustingly baggy shorts or pants have really missed the boat, the visually and sexually appealing boat. When I was in school, girls were all aflutter (and i might add more than a few guys as well) over guy's beautifully rounded butts and secretly over their impressive packages hanging either to the left or right. Boy bulges, whether natural or assisted with unused socks, were all the rage back then. Straight guys especially can't imagine the extent of what they have been robbed of by conforming to America's male equivalent of a "burqa". I am sure however, the Taliban would gladly approve.

I remember in the golden/olden days when basketball stars actually had something more than stumps for legs appearing below the hems of their shorts. Imagine that! And that applies equally to old grampa-styled boxers. What could be more sexually appealing than that!:lol: Surely, sexuality is not DEAD, is it? Regardless of one's sizable package, form fitting underwear actually do work and work very well accommodating even those "sizable packages" while adding a now rare visual treat for your significant other. Essentially, you get two for the price of one. That should be seen as a "sweet deal". I consider "form fitting underwear" to be "underwear with perks". Perks and an occasionally noticeable stiffy for your added visual enjoyment. And avoiding whiplash while walking, running, or riding a horse.

Why all the denial? Afraid to step up to the plate with all bulges proudly displayed? Enjoy what you have got while you have still have it and to the maximum extent possible! WORDS TO LIVE BY. I think this fashion has robbed all of us unnecessarily while wasting tons and tons of needless fabric, and for what? Sheer stupidity are the only words that come to mind.

Thank you for letting me get this fashion burden off my chest!
Attention Comando Devotees:

The above written statement was not written with you in mind. After all, you do indeed know the male's organic shape to the max. Furthermore, the whiplash I mentioned earlier fails to recognize that this is your best calling card and entertainment package all in one. I say "Long Live Comando" as God is my witness and beware of those pesty zippers. I practice it frequently at home myself with elastized shorts having no zipper.

Keep up the good faith effort
Gym nude

Stripe, Tampa, Stimpy

I'm not shy about being gym nude in the locker room. However, occasionally I like to be private or maybe there is a wierdo about. I don't hide looking at other naked guys, but I don't make it obvious either. If they see me looking at them I often just give a nod or a smile or even a wink. Some guys (not many though) even re-position themselves to give me a better view.

Sometimes when I feel like causing a little trouble, I like to catch guys out staring at me when they think I don't know they are looking at me. Mirrors are great for this. Its fun to see their reaction to being busted. :w00t:

If your avatar photo is of you Undie I'm afraid you'd have to bust me. haha Because there's no way that I could not look if you were standing within a few feet of me. :biggrin: