I personally love all you loud mouth opinionated bitchy queens!!!!
Well said! What else would one expect?
I personally love all you loud mouth opinionated bitchy queens!!!!
Once again we agree Repareur!!! This is far from a perfect website, but adding in management giving us a pretty much open and free forum to express ourselves makes it a bargain in my eyes.I personally like the forum. There are so many sites that I wish I could say this or that was great and you guys should do more of this or that! Here we can. Sometimes I think management listens and actually tries to improve things! Who else out there does this? It's my understanding that many sites are huge corporate owned conglomerates that own straight gay and anything else they feel they can sell a membership to. If you want to find anything out about a model you have to do lots of research. We may not always get the "straight " story but at least there is some effort to personalize the models. I applaud management for even trying to do this! And really guys, Would you expect a large group of gay guys or any other fairly large group to agree with everything?
I personally like the forum. There are so many sites that I wish I could say this or that was great and you guys should do more of this or that! Here we can. Sometimes I think management listens and actually tries to improve things! Who else out there does this? It's my understanding that many sites are huge corporate owned conglomerates that own straight gay and anything else they feel they can sell a membership to. If you want to find anything out about a model you have to do lots of research. We may not always get the "straight " story but at least there is some effort to personalize the models. I applaud management for even trying to do this! And really guys, Would you expect a large group of gay guys or any other fairly large group to agree with everything?
Great post!!!Well, I've been giving this issue a great deal of thought in the last 5 minutes. My posts seem to never be centric. I have very eclectic sexual proclivities, which attract me to almost any pretty guy that has a dick. I don't care if sex is perverted, or totally normal, where you put the guy on his back, fuck his ass with his hot legs way high in the air, pull out and cum in his mouth and then make him suck the dick that just came out of his ass. Normal is fine with me. But perverted doesn't turn me off, either.
Even little dicks are fine. I'm trying to look for some hot guy I don't like. I thought the scene with Ronan Kennedy fucking Issac Lin was perfect. Absolutely perfect! But, I found myself an outlier from from other posts on the scene. In fact I posted that I felt bad about liking the scene and people encouraged me to express my opinion, no matter what. So I owned up to being a sexual pervert and liked the scene.
I've made mistakes. One time I said something shitty about hot-little-pretty-assed-boy Oliver Saxon. It hurt his feelings really badly. I hadn't thought about him reading it. I still regret having done that, and decided to avoid hurting people's feelings when I post, because once I've done wrong, I can't take it back. Really. I can say "sorry" but it doesn't fix the wrong, even when the guy has such a hot body and such pretty skin as Oliver has. I'm trying to remember that experience, when I post. Johnny is my conscience.
But, while I am self-constrained on some issues, I am pleased that there is not an official censorship the forum. If I want to be dumb or ignorant, I get to be dumb and ignorant. (Apparently right up to being abusive!)
I cut my teeth on eclectic forums in Hyde Park in London when I was a kid. Here's how I'd got to the Hyde Park. By the time I was ten, I could talk my parents into almost anything. My older brothers went to Ivy League schools. Instead of them coming all the way back to Texas from New Haven or Boston at Christmas, I'd go from Texas up there to visit them. Believe me, I was sucking big boy dicks on those visits to my brothers' schools. Plus, I found out a lot about far away places like London, and the sexual possibilities in Europe.
In 1946, in the first summer after the Big War, I talked my parents into letting me spend the summer in Europe. This is the way you would go to Europe. You'd get on a train and go to Memphis, then Chicago, then New York City. There you'd catch a steamship for London. I'd be looking hot in my Neiman Marcus closthes on these trains and I'd suck anywhere from 5 to 10 dicks a day by patroling the train and getting those horny soldiers to my little cubical (I'd talked my parents into a private berth all the way) on the train and suck their dick. Then when I got onto the ship, there was such a thing as steerage passengers, and I'd pick off at least 4 or 5 straight-boy dicks a day. Some days more! I'd let these fuckers bust in my mouth (if you can imagine!) and to this very day, I still remember how those little "pings" felt when they hit the roof of my mouth. Oh Jesus!
Then when i'd get to London, I'd head straight for Savile Row where they had this fantastic class of Jewish Tailors. I'd get these guys to fix me up to look like the hottest fucking British School Boy possible. In those days, School boys wore suits and ties to class, and everywhere they went. I was a hot 18 year old guy, dressed like a British Schoolboy, but way better and more carefully than any of the real British. More British than the British! LOL I'm just saying.
Then i'd go to Hyda Park where people would be debating any topic. You could get on a stool and say anything you could get a crowd to gather and start listening to. I learned this game quick, and I was the hottest fucking guy on a stool in Hyde Park. I'd be talking like I knew something about a topic by understanding the issues from other people who had been debating the topic. I can remember all the topics that were hot in the park in those days.
But I wasn't interested in any topic. Really. I was interested in sounding good, looking good, drawing a big crowd, and then picking one hot guy out of the crowd to take back with me to the Old Hyde Park Hotel, and suck his dick. London was full of hot guys coming back from the war. I specialized in finding the flyboys and sucking their dicks until I could talk them into sucking my dick, and then into fucking my ass, and then into letting me fuck their ass. I had several parallel relationships going at one time, so I could discard anyone who balked in the suck, suck, fuck, fuck progression and replace him with a new "find" from the forums in Hyde Park. What a fucking summer!
I can tell you, in case you want to be bored, about the topics being debated in Hyde Park in those days. This is 70 years later, and everyone of the debaters were wrong. Only I, who fucked the hot British men won. I was right, the whole time. Nothing is more righteous than sucking a British dick and progressing through the steps (suck suck fuck fuck) until you end up fucking his ass. If they ever post British whores on South Beach or Key West, I'll do it again.
But here's my point. It doesn't much matter what I said on the stump in Hyde Park, or what I say on the Membership Chat Forum. What really matters is what they put in a scene. My joy certainly doesn't depend on what some member has posted about it. The only thing that matters is what does my old dick think about the scene. And because my dick loves hot fuckers, both gay and straight, most scenes are interesting to me. I claim to have NO taste and generally, most people will agree, that sexually, I just don't have any taste. I look to see that whoever's in the scene has a dick. At least one dick.
I can't get the idea to be making moral judgments about pornographic websites. They're fucking pornographic. I take them for what they are. I hate to be such a simple fuck, but unfortunately, I am a simple fuck. My defense and justification for being such a simpleton is that my dick has always loved me, through thick and thin, through tough time and great times. My dick has loved me unfailingly. And I can't help but love a dick like that. Regardless of what's said in the Membership Chat Forum. I just want to say this. I've had some wonderful times in my life with my dick and even in my old age, i still love that fucker. He does his best. I love that about a guy!
StudddAndy;192860But here's my point. It doesn't much matter what I said on the stump in Hyde Park said:
Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. And the forum abounds in both!!
I keep a sign in my computer that says, "If assholes could fly this place would be an airport". I'ts come in handy from time to time.
Once again, I hope that everyone keeps things in perspective that this site and this forum is the "candy store" of life, and no one should ever take anything said here too seriously. It's all basically just a goof! Silly fun and a distraction from the real shit we face every day!
Don't worry....Be happy!![]()
opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. And the forum abounds in both!!
Were Here. Were Queer. And We All Got Assholes..amen!
Jimmy is the grossest and talentless model ever to be filmed here!! Lets see you not take that serious lololol
Well, I've been giving this issue a great deal of thought in the last 5 minutes. My posts seem to never be centric. I have very eclectic sexual proclivities, which attract me to almost any pretty guy that has a dick. I don't care if sex is perverted, or totally normal, where you put the guy on his back, fuck his ass with his hot legs way high in the air, pull out and cum in his mouth and then make him suck the dick that just came out of his ass. Normal is fine with me. But perverted doesn't turn me off, either.
Even little dicks are fine. I'm trying to look for some hot guy I don't like. I thought the scene with Ronan Kennedy fucking Issac Lin was perfect. Absolutely perfect! But, I found myself an outlier from from other posts on the scene. In fact I posted that I felt bad about liking the scene and people encouraged me to express my opinion, no matter what. So I owned up to being a sexual pervert and liked the scene.
I've made mistakes. One time I said something shitty about hot-little-pretty-assed-boy Oliver Saxon. It hurt his feelings really badly. I hadn't thought about him reading it. I still regret having done that, and decided to avoid hurting people's feelings when I post, because once I've done wrong, I can't take it back. Really. I can say "sorry" but it doesn't fix the wrong, even when the guy has such a hot body and such pretty skin as Oliver has. I'm trying to remember that experience, when I post. Johnny is my conscience.
But, while I am self-constrained on some issues, I am pleased that there is not an official censorship the forum. If I want to be dumb or ignorant, I get to be dumb and ignorant. (Apparently right up to being abusive!)
I cut my teeth on eclectic forums in Hyde Park in London when I was a kid. Here's how I'd got to the Hyde Park. By the time I was ten, I could talk my parents into almost anything. My older brothers went to Ivy League schools. Instead of them coming all the way back to Texas from New Haven or Boston at Christmas, I'd go from Texas up there to visit them. Believe me, I was sucking big boy dicks on those visits to my brothers' schools. Plus, I found out a lot about far away places like London, and the sexual possibilities in Europe.
In 1946, in the first summer after the Big War, I talked my parents into letting me spend the summer in Europe. This is the way you would go to Europe. You'd get on a train and go to Memphis, then Chicago, then New York City. There you'd catch a steamship for London. I'd be looking hot in my Neiman Marcus closthes on these trains and I'd suck anywhere from 5 to 10 dicks a day by patroling the train and getting those horny soldiers to my little cubical (I'd talked my parents into a private berth all the way) on the train and suck their dick. Then when I got onto the ship, there was such a thing as steerage passengers, and I'd pick off at least 4 or 5 straight-boy dicks a day. Some days more! I'd let these fuckers bust in my mouth (if you can imagine!) and to this very day, I still remember how those little "pings" felt when they hit the roof of my mouth. Oh Jesus!
Then when i'd get to London, I'd head straight for Savile Row where they had this fantastic class of Jewish Tailors. I'd get these guys to fix me up to look like the hottest fucking British School Boy possible. In those days, School boys wore suits and ties to class, and everywhere they went. I was a hot 18 year old guy, dressed like a British Schoolboy, but way better and more carefully than any of the real British. More British than the British! LOL I'm just saying.
Then i'd go to Hyda Park where people would be debating any topic. You could get on a stool and say anything you could get a crowd to gather and start listening to. I learned this game quick, and I was the hottest fucking guy on a stool in Hyde Park. I'd be talking like I knew something about a topic by understanding the issues from other people who had been debating the topic. I can remember all the topics that were hot in the park in those days.
But I wasn't interested in any topic. Really. I was interested in sounding good, looking good, drawing a big crowd, and then picking one hot guy out of the crowd to take back with me to the Old Hyde Park Hotel, and suck his dick. London was full of hot guys coming back from the war. I specialized in finding the flyboys and sucking their dicks until I could talk them into sucking my dick, and then into fucking my ass, and then into letting me fuck their ass. I had several parallel relationships going at one time, so I could discard anyone who balked in the suck, suck, fuck, fuck progression and replace him with a new "find" from the forums in Hyde Park. What a fucking summer!
I can tell you, in case you want to be bored, about the topics being debated in Hyde Park in those days. This is 70 years later, and everyone of the debaters were wrong. Only I, who fucked the hot British men won. I was right, the whole time. Nothing is more righteous than sucking a British dick and progressing through the steps (suck suck fuck fuck) until you end up fucking his ass. If they ever post British whores on South Beach or Key West, I'll do it again.
But here's my point. It doesn't much matter what I said on the stump in Hyde Park, or what I say on the Membership Chat Forum. What really matters is what they put in a scene. My joy certainly doesn't depend on what some member has posted about it. The only thing that matters is what does my old dick think about the scene. And because my dick loves hot fuckers, both gay and straight, most scenes are interesting to me. I claim to have NO taste and generally, most people will agree, that sexually, I just don't have any taste. I look to see that whoever's in the scene has a dick. At least one dick.
I can't get the idea to be making moral judgments about pornographic websites. They're fucking pornographic. I take them for what they are. I hate to be such a simple fuck, but unfortunately, I am a simple fuck. My defense and justification for being such a simpleton is that my dick has always loved me, through thick and thin, through tough time and great times. My dick has loved me unfailingly. And I can't help but love a dick like that. Regardless of what's said in the Membership Chat Forum. I just want to say this. I've had some wonderful times in my life with my dick and even in my old age, i still love that fucker. He does his best. I love that about a guy!