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Members favourite music

This is one of my favorite songs by Tina Turner. It is a beautiful song, although sad. It can apply to so many such as those that stay in a relationship, a porn star, prostitute, hustler, etc. that do it only for the money. As a youth, I spent many years selling my own body for sex just for the money. It was a very lonely and dark period of my life. If I could go back to that time, would I do it again? Yes, I would! There was a certain mystique in it all, yet it was also a time I had total control of my life and who I was. That period shaped me into the man I am today. I look at our Broke Straight Boys models and can internally feel what is going through their minds and emotions to venture into a world of what so many refer to it as a life of perversion. I praise our models for the balls they have to entertain us. They are all my heroes!

This is one of my favorite songs by Tina Turner. It is a beautiful song, although sad. It can apply to so many such as those that stay in a relationship, a porn star, prostitute, hustler, etc. that do it only for the money. As a youth, I spent many years selling my own body for sex just for the money. It was a very lonely and dark period of my life. If I could go back to that time, would I do it again? Yes, I would! There was a certain mystique in it all, yet it was also a time I had total control of my life and who I was. That period shaped me into the man I am today. I look at our Broke Straight Boys models and can internally feel what is going through their minds and emotions to venture into a world of what so many refer to it as a life of perversion. I praise our models for the balls they have to entertain us. They are all my heroes!
Although Jon will "kick my butt" for going off topic on the music thread, I agree with your words Louis, regarding the Broke Straight Boys models.
This is one of my favorite songs by Tina Turner. It is a beautiful song, although sad. It can apply to so many such as those that stay in a relationship, a porn star, prostitute, hustler, etc. that do it only for the money. As a youth, I spent many years selling my own body for sex just for the money. It was a very lonely and dark period of my life. If I could go back to that time, would I do it again? Yes, I would! There was a certain mystique in it all, yet it was also a time I had total control of my life and who I was. That period shaped me into the man I am today. I look at our Broke Straight Boys models and can internally feel what is going through their minds and emotions to venture into a world of what so many refer to it as a life of perversion. I praise our models for the balls they have to entertain us. They are all my heroes!

Here is "my song" in response. Steve saved my in many ways; he is my hero:
WTF is repeating posts on 2 separate threads achieving. Get back on thread please or I will close it down
Jon, Take a chill pill. This is only a porn forum. In the big picture, who gives a fuck where something is posted or if it is posted twice. This should always be a fun place to relax and have fun. :smile:

And by the way, I didn't think we can still close our own threads. I thought we lost that privilege back when a crazed racist named Mitch would start threads that went on and on and then suddenly close them. Maybe Mark has reinstated that ability, but let's keep this fun thread open. Okay?
We can and I did when I was away last time.
Perhaps you have powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men, Jon. I had started the "Brody Lasko And Ian Dempsey Orgy (Starring Ronan Kennedy!!!)" thread, so I just looked and did not see anyway that I can delete it now, (not that I ever would want to) but................................
.......................................btw, I am treading on dangerous ground now on your thread Jon.........lol
Hi dudes,

I love music and although I play acoustic guitar (badly) I prefer listening to my collection as well as my dad and uncles.

My musical range goes from A to Z ranging from all types of music, be it pop, rock, country, folk or classical. Does anyone else have such a diverse range ?

Jon, please do not close this thread. I have enjoyed posting here. In your original post you asked if any of the members also shared a diverse range of music interests. Since you started this thread there have been over 1,000 posts which means the members are interested in sharing. I myself have shared videos expressing my passion for organ music. Although it may not be to everyone's interest, it has given me pleasure to share in what I love. I realize you get upset when people start discussions concerning a certain video, but that is the nature of the forumites. We do tend to stray. We are humans. Nothing wrong with that. It is alright for you to bring us back into the focus of the thread, but the "WTF"'s are not necessary, Jon. Below is another video of Gert von Hoef, The Netherlands, playing for a congregation on a Sunday morning. I praise this young man, not only for his talent, but also for the fact he works hard to earn his money. Enjoy, Jon.

Sorry Louis but we gotta get back on track here. Appreciate your music taste but the thread has become like a church.

Went to watch Sheryl Crow last night and man what a gig. She really is a rock chick and the 6 other members of her band were really on the ball.

The concert below is like eleven years ago but the band never sounded better than last night.

Sure, Jon. Anything you say.


Hey, Louis - never fear ;-)

I certainly love our Jon: and Jon certainly loves his classic rock-'n-roll (which is awesome!): but I share your passion for organ music. The organ was, historically, known as the "Queen of all Instruments", and there is something deeply satisfying about hearing all its ranks, and tones, and colours, engaged in a work of great passion, and beauty.

And I don't care if the music is of the church, or IN a church - it's still MAGNIFICENT. I am from one of those lovely Anglican/Episcopalian parishes which is blessed with a wonderful instrument, and a great organist to perform upon it, and where most people (negligently, thoughtlessly, and criminally) deign to arise and engage in jolly chat, while the postlude is being played. To me, this is sacrilege - because I think more of the Gospel is expressed in the MUSIC, than in any sermon. So I always stay, upon my hard little bench, till the last note expires, into the atmosphere. . . .

Now, I shall try to hunt up something for Jon, too, but this is for you, Louis - one of my favourites, Handel's "Largo". (It is the last thing people will hear of ME, on this earth, I love it that much.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtIQ8I3wUl8

And, another one of my favourites, Louis, unparalleled in its peace and calm: The "Organ Fantasy in C Major", by Cesar Franck ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSMoovj9A4g

Who cares (I ask, rhetorically) if some of the world's best music was written for the organ, and sounds as if it comes from churches? Because, some of the world's best music WAS written for the organ, and DOES come from churches! It is a simple fact, which any musicologist would gladly acknowledge ;-)

Finally, Louis, I don't know if you have this album or not, but here are the complete Franck organ masterworks - two hours' worth - played by Michael Murray at the manuals of the great organ of Saint-Sernin. This album is one of my most cherished possessions, and I hope you enjoy the link. (Few people will have the patience to listen, but I think YOU will, Louis.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COBgiU2SptY

Yours, for All Saints' Day,

P.S. If you like liturgical music, Louis, you can't go wrong by looking up BBC's "Choral Evensong". It is updated weekly, with the most beautiful choral music, accompanied upon the organ. Here is the link, for you (the sung psalms are always glorious: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPwcmsRzPlk) ~~~ http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04mbmzb

P.S. Here is my favourite window, I like to sit beside, in church, dedicated to those lost in the Great War. Beneath the image of Christ, the scrolled, stained-glass caption reads, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." I believe this.

My favourite window.jpg

Now for Jon's turn. Jon - you know that all rock and roll comes from the Blues - and nobody sings the blues better than Mr. B.B. King. And his guitar riffs are sublime. (God bless LUCILLE.) I have yet to hear a rock musician who can make a guitar SING, like that.

"A" :)

* "How blue can you get?" ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jCNXASjzMY

* "Guess who?" ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yv-ECx8nSyI

* "The sinners' prayer" (with Ray Charles) ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jla0tNfM0PI

* "Lucille" ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y8QxOjuYHg
Thanks, Ambi. Those links will give me something to listen to while I am cooking dinner today. In reference to the first link you posted, I met Diane Bush when she was in concert in my home town. I bought one of her tapes and she signed the insert for me. I have also seen the organ in the video on one of my trips to Fort Lauderdale.

Have a great Sunday.