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Members favourite music

New York New York, It's a helluva town. ...

For some reason this song keeps running through my mind lately. It stars Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly and someone named Jules Munshin, about three sailors who have 24 hours to see all of New York City.

New York, New York, it's a wonderful town! The Bronx is up and the Battery's down. The people ride in a hole in the ground, New York, New York, it's a helluva town. ...

Martin Nguyen, age 14. This kid to going to go places. He has mastered the art of fingering. with such ease.

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Gert van Hoef, 20 years old, the Netherlands, accomplished concert organist. I love watching his videos with his assistant. Makes one wonder what their relationship is.

This is my instrument. I am planning on posting a video of a mini, mini, performance by me soon. If you remember the BTS when Paul went home, you can see that his parents have the same make and model of keyboard in their home. Also in this picture you see an accordion on the lower left. I got that when I was 9 years old and it is with it I learned to play music. The little play piano on the bottom middle (dusty) is what I used to teach my children the basics of music. (The toy to the bottom right is probably more suited for a thread of a different nature. HeHe!)

In honor of our trip across the George Washington Bridge yesterday onto the Palisades Parkway on the way to New Paltz, I dedicate this song.

It's 35 years since 1980's new romantics band Spandau Ballet hit the scene. They have sold over 25 million albums and have had hits all over the world. This is one of their most popular

Gert von Hoef "Conquest of Paradise" Listen to the end. Citizens of Great Britain will enjoy it. The young man (19) is also enjoyable to look at even though he is not wearing customary organ shoes.

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