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Members favourite music

I wonder if any of the NYC members would put me up for a few nights ?

If you are serious, I'm sure they would...no strings attached. If you ever get to Dallas, let me know...we have room. Anyway, you should start a thread if you really want a place to stay.:2c:
If you are serious, I'm sure they would...no strings attached. If you ever get to Dallas, let me know...we have room. Anyway, you should start a thread if you really want a place to stay.:2c:

Beth, I wouldn't start a thread until I knew I could afford the tickets and the air fare. And thank you for your offer - you're a good friend. xx
I think this song is most appropriate for this Easter weekend. The british group Barclay James Harvest or BJH to their fans, were more popular in Europe rather than in their homeland - very akin to Depeche mode. Here is their famous song Hymn..

Wow, I saw this thread light up and when I pulled it up I saw it was started way back in 2009. Since it is still alive, let me throw in my ticket's worth.

I am an older gentleman having been born in the late forties. Before TV (damn now I sound ancient) all we had was the radio or vinyl records. I listened to the music of the 50's, 60's, 70's (some of my more foggy years), 80's, 90's until the present time. I listened to Ted Mack's Amateur hour on the radio to the present American Idol, Voice, etc on TV today. I am a lover of up and coming rising stars.

My love of music - all I can say is that music is my life. I love all genres from swing to today's hits. I rock with the oldies, classics, country, jazz, rap, hip hop, Broadway musicals, and the list goes on and on. I have seen everything from Cats on Broadway to the Supremes on stage. However, my passion is in the spiritual environment. I sang professionally in church for twenty years as well as playing the organ. The organ is my instrument of choice. I possessed a church organ which I had in my house for thirty years before I sold it when I retired. I now possess an elaborate keyboard which satisfies my need to continue playing.

Music is the communication between one's soul and that of the greater power. It enhances and embraces our inner selves. It allows us to soar free in the universe of life. I get the same effect listening to David Cook singing "The time of my life" to Albert Schweitzer playing one of Bach's toccatas on the organ.

Thank you, Jon, for starting up this thread.
I think this song is most appropriate for this Easter weekend. The british group Barclay James Harvest or BJH to their fans, were more popular in Europe rather than in their homeland - very akin to Depeche mode. Here is their famous song Hymn..

Jon, forgot to mention - thank you for posting this. I do remember this song. Very enlightening and appropriate for the Season of the Savior of the Dawn.
Thanks, Jon. I am (usually) hesitant about going to concerts/live events, for the simple reason that, they 'usually' do not sound like what you hear on the radio...thus, on (Most all) my postings in your thread, I look for this quality. I have not been to many live events for the above reason, or they do not put on a good show, and (I'm sorrybut) my money is too precious/valuable to me to 'experiment', LOL

Great song Bob. I love live events.

I'm just back from the Neil Finn concert and omg it was fabulous. It last well over 2.5 hours and although he was promoting his new album Dizzy Heights, he played a lot of stuff from as early as Split Enz, through Crowded House and a lot from his solo albums. What impressed me and my 2 friends was that he didnt take a break from singing at all. I was well impressed.
THANKS, Jon! I never could figure out how to post a/the actual video(s)[not to mention, the lead singer kinda gets me warm n fuzzy!] LOL Hope all is well with you!

Great song Bob. I love live events.

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Bob - Go to the Youtube site and cut and past the URL but instead of just copying it in this white box, click on the Insert video icon (its the one next to the far right hand side above), and copy the url into there.
Jon, my love, (unfortunately here's where we scrap....unless you concede to sloppy 2nds, lol. Even before I heard him as a singer, I fell head over heels for him because of...?? Yep....his EYES, then his voicem artistry, and body! WOW!!

You know I am joking with you!!

Here is a guy I would love to sleep with. He is far more talented that that asshole Bieber and I love Adam to bits.

THANKS for the help!! it is appreciated

Bob - Go to the Youtube site and cut and past the URL but instead of just copying it in this white box, click on the Insert video icon (its the one next to the far right hand side above), and copy the url into there.