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Jimmy No More PLEASE

I like Jimmy and find his attitude to be alot of fun. I think is very unique and refreshing. Evidently alot of guys on this thread have never been with a real straight dude before. I have and I have met alot of guys just like Jimmy. If they had been with are real straight dude, they would see how real Jimmy really is.
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yes in deed

I like Jimmy and find his attitude to be alot of fun. I think is very unique and refreshing. Evidently alot of guys on this thread have never been with a real straight dude before. I have and I have met alot of guys just like Jimmy. If they had been with are real straight dude, they would see how real Jimmy really is.

I have met several like jimmy , 20 dollars later and there gone . He is not a real straight boy , the boy across the street is . I don't care for boys who think that there doing you a favorer .best thing jimmy can do is find a job in construction .:001_tt2:
Well I think it is safe to say that jImmy and Jamie are not going to be replacing any of our favorites in the favorites section! These two boys just don't really get any better.
I am wanting to be patient, but when will these Jimmy episodes end??????????????????????
And send Jamie with him, they deserve each other.
I like Jimmy and find his attitude to be alot of fun. I think is very unique and refreshing. Evidently alot of guys on this thread have never been with a real straight dude before. I have and I have met alot of guys just like Jimmy. If they had been with are real straight dude, they would see how real Jimmy really is.
I too have been with guys like Jimmy, and I too enjoy his attitude, as well as his looks, and yes he is "the real deal". I don't think that it was an accident that he was the first new brokie to introduce the direction that the site is going in. After all, before we ever met him, Mark described him as "Jimmy the trip". :001_tongue:
What Jimmy needs is a LONG session with Diesal and let Diesal pound his ass with huge pole of his.

No thanks.. "Diesal" was not attractive in my opinion.

Personally, I don't care for Jimmy. But, that is not what bothers me. I was under the impression that the new Broke Straight Boys was not going down the sane road as Broke Straight Boys 1, where models are brought back over and over and over to the point of nausea.
I loved Tyler when he first started, but after awhile, I grew weary of seeing him, in yet another shoot. Same for MikeR and even Diesal, and lets not forget Austin. They were all great guys, but after awhile, they lose their appeal.
In the end, I just entertain myself with the forum and wait for something I like to come around, it always does eventually.

I agree with this actually despite how much I love Jimmy. I think all models have their time to shine and then its over (at least on one site), but we haven't seen Jimmy fuck or get fucked yet and I want to see that for sure before he goes. I hope they don't go down that road that BSB1 went down either... I agree... Tyler, Diesal, Austin, MikeR, JJ, (I think was his name), Corey for sure, Leon, and a few others were brought back far too many times and made me feel nauseated as well. I also didn't like Tyler's cockiness acting like he ran the show at the end.
No thanks.. "Diesal" was not attractive in my opinion.

I agree with this actually despite how much I love Jimmy. I think all models have their time to shine and then its over (at least on one site), but we haven't seen Jimmy fuck or get fucked yet and I want to see that for sure before he goes. I hope they don't go down that road that BSB1 went down either... I agree... Tyler, Diesal, Austin, MikeR, JJ, (I think was his name), Corey for sure, Leon, and a few others were brought back far too many times and made me feel nauseated as well. I also didn't like Tyler's cockiness acting like he ran the show at the end.

Wow, you said something negative about TYLER:scared:..............The Prince of Broke Straight Boys, who has been nominated for Sainthood by our members. You better be careful, these guys could have deadly assassins headed your way, as we speak. TYLER bashing, is a bitter pill for many of the forumites to swallow.

Diesal bashing:blink:, will get your halo removed, and MissD will clip your wings herself.

You really didn't have to go after two of the most beloved Broke Straight Boys models ever. But then, of course you did...........No one has been safe from you, except Clay.:sneaky2:
No thanks.. "Diesal" was not attractive in my opinion.

sorry qscott, not everyone can look like your mother.

as for the halo? im sure me and miss deidra would be glad to take possession of your halo and wings, diesal needs a new cock ring and i just love the feeling of feathers against my balls.
Wow... I very rarely post anything on the forum, But I feel the need to express my thoughts. I'm trying really hard to like BSB2, but its not easy. While it seems to be half and half... I go with the side that's seen more than enough of Jimmy. I've been with my fair share of straight boys and while they were cocky they were not an azz!!! I know that may appeal to some but not me. Keep in mind thats just my opinion. When I read that Broke Straight Boys was switching I was sad but thought maybe something better is on the way!!! I havent seen it yet.... I want to get back to the days where you couldn't wait for the new post.... I not going to say I'm going to cancel my membership because I'm not... But for the love of god and thoes of us who love the straight boy taking it up the azz.... Can we get to the good stuff!!! And I do really miss Diesal!!!

I'm really beginning to think the new Broke Straight Boys sucks.

Mark had a cool site before the modifications.

Oh, about, Jimmy. Like the rest of the model's (BSB2) ..A TURN OFF!

My two cents, (Suggestion) Fire the Director!

Going forward w/balls! :tongue_smilie:
I think Jimmy is hot and I loved the scene.

Thanks kev im trying i see you only have three post. You should start posting more since me and a few other models are on the forum now. Hope to hear from you soon.
Well i personally thought it was a turn on and a good episode, sure jimmy is cocky but in an entertaining way, he makes you laugh ... he made jamie laugh. i will admit at certain bits its just, palm to forehead wtf, but a lot of the time its just banter.

Plus he's kinda hot, i want to see him fuck soon. I will admit i really didnt like him at the start but like most change it needs to grow on you. So instead of complaining i say build a bridge and get over it ...

Thanks astro i wish more members had your attitude. TWO POSTS come on you should start posting more now that im trying my best to communicate with you and the rest of the members i need your opinions and critism.
im trying my best to communicate with you and the rest of the members i need your opinions and critism.

We see that and we do appreciate it Jimmy. :001_smile:

We do thank you Jimmy for coming into the forum to chat with us and get our feedback. Not all models are willing to do that. Only people with strong personalities and very good self confidence can handle the criticism as well as the praise.
Jimmy isn't hot enough to act as obnoxiously as he does. If he really, really, really hates sex with dudes so damn much, then DON'T DO IT. End of story.

Unlike some other folks, I REALLY LIKE listening to Clay talk to the models.
Jimmy isn't hot enough to act as obnoxiously as he does. If he really, really, really hates sex with dudes so damn much, then DON'T DO IT. End of story.

Unlike some other folks, I REALLY LIKE listening to Clay talk to the models.

Glenn i have to im broke.
We see that and we do appreciate it Jimmy. :001_smile:

We do thank you Jimmy for coming into the forum to chat with us and get our feedback. Not all models are willing to do that. Only people with strong personalities and very good self confidence can handle the criticism as well as the praise.

Thanks tampa i can handle the criticism as long as it makes since. Your points usually make since.
I'm really beginning to think the new Broke Straight Boys sucks.

Mark had a cool site before the modifications.

Oh, about, Jimmy. Like the rest of the model's (BSB2) ..A TURN OFF!

My two cents, (Suggestion) Fire the Director!

Going forward w/balls! :tongue_smilie:

The director is one of the best in bizzz i can guarantee you he will be around as long as he wants. As for me if everyone feels the way you do maybe i wont be around long. In my opinion the site sucked cock before the changes :wink: