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Jimmy No More PLEASE


Well-known Member
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
I just tried to watch the Jimmy and Jamie video, saw some and turned it off.
Now Clay talks a lot, bad enough, But now Jimmy is talking to much. He is acting like some kind of superior being, and Broke Straight Boys doesn't need this CRAP.
Jimmy is offensive, foul mouthed, and needs to go. I would like to know if Jimmy is the new director, he thinks so,and we don't need him
I have yet to pipe in about the "new Broke Straight Boys", but I like Jimmy. I don't want him to go anywhere. I doubt you will get everyone to agree, and I truly believe that the people who make the videos like him too otherwise they wouldn't market their product with his face and take him out on tour. I have a feeling he isn't going anywhere, and I am okay with that.
This scene was definitely NOT a turn-on. I was totally turned off by Jimmie. I found him to be offensive and rude. Didn't help my hard-on at all. Jamie was not all that much either. This pairing scored a 2 with me. Yuk!
Some people love him and some people hate him. I had a friend of a friend come up to me at a club and told me absolutely loved Jimmy. Jimmy is really straight with a girlfriend so I think he comes across to some in a bad way. I heard he really is a great guy and I'll meet him in June so I will post what I think after I meet him.
Some people love him and some people hate him. I had a friend of a friend come up to me at a club and told me absolutely loved Jimmy. Jimmy is really straight with a girlfriend so I think he comes across to some in a bad way. I heard he really is a great guy and I'll meet him in June so I will post what I think after I meet him.
There is extensive video of Jimmy "being himself" in the BTS shoots from the NYC events, and he does seem like a really great guy. I look forward to seeing a lot more of Jimmy. :thumbup1:
Don't get rid of Jimmy... hes one of the best men that has EVER been on this site. Some people just can't take the fact that a STRAIGHT guy would not be promoting their lifestyle.
Come on!! Jimmy is playing his part. The smug straight college jock. maybe a little over the top. I like it, and he is easy on the eyes. It will be all worth it when we see more than HJs and BJs
I am waiting to see him get, what we all want to see, a cute smug straight boys get and that is TOPPED HARD! lol just my wish!
Hi Guys,

I usually do not comment on models,but i have to say this guys gotta go(Jimmy).I am trying to keep a positive spin on the new Broke Straight Boys but it's not happening for me yet.I will keep watching as some of the models are nice and not arrogant as Jimmy.

I don't care for Jimmy or Jamie. They look like all the other models since April 1st, except for Rocco and Darren, who are the only two that I like the looks of. I am just not into that almost-shaved head look with peach fuzz on the chin. (Darren needs to shave also). I am just not into the military haircut thing at all, nor the facial hair.
I was trying to avoid posting on this thread because the title is negative. But I will respond to some of LB's points. I agree that Jimmy is not typically the kind of guy I would find attractive either. I think he's about a 7 based strictly on his body. Meaning that he's not ugly, but he's no movie star. A charming personality can raise someone's point score up a notch or two though.

I myself prefer a more clean shaven look. Although some can pull off facial hair better than others. I'm thinking of Tank Shane for instance. Who still looked very good in spite of the furball on the bottom of his chin. lol

I personally don't care for the fully shaved pubic hair look. Just my opinion of course. But while I find a shaved scrotum to be attractive I don't like all the pubes shaved or left stubbly above there. Such as a fully shaved Jimmy in this scene. And even though I like Zach alot, I thought he would have looked even better if he had let his pubes grow out before his scene with Vinny. When a model tries to split the difference between being shaved and a not fully shaved stubbly look.... I think it looks unattractive and uninviting. Again just my own personal taste and opinion.
I was trying to avoid posting on this thread because the title is negative. But I will respond to some of LB's points. I agree that Jimmy is not typically the kind of guy I would find attractive either. I think he's about a 7 based strictly on his body. Meaning that he's not ugly, but he's no movie star. A charming personality can raise someone's point score up a notch or two though.

I myself prefer a more clean shaven look. Although some can pull off facial hair better than others. I'm thinking of Tank Shane for instance. Who still looked very good in spite of the furball on the bottom of his chin. lol

I personally don't care for the fully shaved pubic hair look. Just my opinion of course. But while I find a shaved scrotum to be attractive I don't like all the pubes shaved or left stubbly above there. Such as a fully shaved Jimmy in this scene. And even though I like Zach alot, I thought he would have looked even better if he had let his pubes grow out before his scene with Vinny. When a model tries to split the difference between being shaved and a not fully shaved stubbly look.... I think it looks unattractive and uninviting. Again just my own personal taste and opinion.

And I agree with you wholeheartedly, as I usually do on most everything Tampa. Thanks so much for the backup. Nice to have a comrade in here sometimes. :banana02:
What Jimmy needs is to have ass fucked really HARD!! That should knock him off his self proclaimed pedestal.
Yeah negative titles as "Jimmy No More PLEASE"and "Jimmy and Matt Worst scene ever" set the tone of the tread.

Never will be a Jimmy fan, but why bashing a model?
Personally, I don't care for Jimmy. But, that is not what bothers me. I was under the impression that the new Broke Straight Boys was not going down the sane road as Broke Straight Boys 1, where models are brought back over and over and over to the point of nausea.
I loved Tyler when he first started, but after awhile, I grew weary of seeing him, in yet another shoot. Same for MikeR and even Diesal, and lets not forget Austin. They were all great guys, but after awhile, they lose their appeal.
In the end, I just entertain myself with the forum and wait for something I like to come around, it always does eventually.
Jimmy is a clone...

Thinking back while we were treated to the bottom of the barrel episodes shot by David, we had another arrogant and unwilling model that avoided as much as he could get away with because he happened to have a girthy cock. He felt "entitled" and above the riffraff of lesser Broke Straight Boys models. This sorry so- and-so was none other than the very untalented Braden that projected the "Stud Bull" image when he was mostly only "bull". As you can tell, he was among my most disliked of all Broke Straight Boys-1 models.

Jimmy is cut from the same cloth as Braden, but fortunately enough for the membership, Jimmy at least does not look down at others in a condescending or arrogant way. Unwillingness is his answer. The macho image he projects is most likely an image that doesn't carryover when you see him at remote events. There, he looks like a normal guy without the false "bad-attitude" and is much more likable as a consequence. I find his attitude and willingness to only do one-sided sex acts boring and one had to ask is Broke Straight Boys-2 really getting their money's worth? With fans jeering that all he needs is a good and rough fucking, I feel it is not unreasonable to assume that members resent his half-assed attitude when it comes to sex while on the Broke Straight Boys payroll. After all this is not "Half-Assed Broke Straight One-Way Boys " and I don't think we need to be re-branded to this moniker either. But that is the net effect of this frustrating insistence on having ONLY straight models on our site.

I think just the fact of working for a gay-oriented web-site should be sufficient information in itself for one to fully comprehend you either "fly right or find other more-suitable employment". If Jimmy is to stay aboard Broke Straight Boys-2, I will him no harm or negative thoughts. I only wish he would "Fly right" and go with the flow or find some straight porn site he can feel comfortable with. Making people truly uncomfortable, and not just merely testing their limits, isn't my idea of a good time.


Well i personally thought it was a turn on and a good episode, sure jimmy is cocky but in an entertaining way, he makes you laugh ... he made jamie laugh. i will admit at certain bits its just, palm to forehead wtf, but a lot of the time its just banter.

Plus he's kinda hot, i want to see him fuck soon. I will admit i really didnt like him at the start but like most change it needs to grow on you. So instead of complaining i say build a bridge and get over it ...
My fantasies are where a straight gay gives, and the gay (me) gets. Does every model has to bottom, kiss and suck dick?

Why not welcome some non versatile models and videos too?

PS: Like Vinnie... give a little bit here Stimpy... :crying:
My fantasies are where a straight gay gives, and the gay (me) gets. Does every model has to bottom, kiss and suck dick?

Why not welcome some non versatile models and videos too?

PS: Like Vinnie... give a little bit here Stimpy... :crying:
Robert. You know that I agree with you 100%. Some of us really enjoy seeing a good looking straight guy giving, as you say, and receiving incredible pleasure by the gay guy taking care of his dick.

There are ALL kinds of consumers of the product that Broke Straight Boys produces. There are some very vocal members of the forum who hate "arrogant straighties" who consider themselves superior to the gay guy, and they only engage in one-sided sex with another guy, giving as the gay guy receives. But some of us come to the site looking for exactly that kind of guy. I enjoy watching the kind of model who projects a superior attitude, but who always maintains a rock hard cock, and goes into his "sex zone" while being sucked or perhaps fucking, often moaning in an out of control fashion, as their eyes roll back in their head.

Mike Robbins is the classic example of this type of model, not really as arrogant as Braden, (and a hell of a lot better looking, and brighter), but still with that superior attitude, knowing that he had a beautiful cock and a hot smooth body that gay guys wanted. Jimmy is becoming a new MikeR, and I like that.

We must keep in mind that the folks who post on the forum are a tiny percentage of general membership, so we shouldn't think that the posts by active posters such as myself, necessarily represent the whole audience that Blu Media is catering to. I would think that there are a "silent majority" that perhaps feel as I do about the models. If not, why would Mark have changed the direction of his site? I'm sure he is catering to what his paying audience wants.
We think Jimmy is hot as fuck! Can't wait to see him tomorrow night, hopefully fucking Zack!