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Jamal and Corey


Well-known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
As I watched this shoot I was amazed at how much of a gamer Corey was. He took it like a champ from Jamal. Everything about the shoot was as expected....but wait....there's more....disappointment, embarassment and a WTF....had David lost all sense of decorum and sanity??

I don't know about anyone else, perhaps I'm too sensitive or maybe I think the Broke Straight Boys formula has gotten stale and David thinks he has to add his own commentary to a shoot. The last shoot with Ashton and Rex there was an inane discussion about the term "nigga" (sorry if I offend) that was totally out of place on Broke Straight Boys

Now at the end of the Jamal, Corey, shoot Jamal says that maybe he'll bottom but only if the cock would be smaller than his. So David pipes up and says well if you want a smaller cock, we can recruit a Chinese or Jew to be the top.

Enough David. Are these your parting shots from filming Broke Straight Boys? Is this a subtle dig or payback?

Let us all remember you for the great shoots you've had in the past and not the parting shots of the present.
I too found the line about Chinese or Jew offensive. Why was this necessary (I am Jewish)?

Also found Corey totally underpaid. He seemed to like Jamal's big dick but why did he get so much less than other bottoms? Just because he admits to being bi?

He see he has an upcoming session with Mike Robbins. I find that a bit much so soon after we were told that Mike had died,
I too found the line about Chinese or Jew offensive. Why was this necessary (I am Jewish)?

Also found Corey totally underpaid. He seemed to like Jamal's big dick but why did he get so much less than other bottoms? Just because he admits to being bi?

He see he has an upcoming session with Mike Robbins. I find that a bit much so soon after we were told that Mike had died,
I haven't watched this update yet, but I'm sure that David did say it. Are you aware that David is Jewish, also? I do not believe that David is a bigot. He just has a sense of humor that is a bit on the edge. Like many comedians that appear in clubs, or HBO, racial, ethnic and sexual orientation humor is a part of our society today. I'm not condoning David's quip's in the scenes, as perhaps he should be more sensitive to the varying sensibilities of the viewers of this site, but I feel confident that he did not make these remarks in a malicious way. After all, David is a white Jewish man who's long time lover and business partner is of a different ethnic background. David's style has always been a stream of consciousness style, where he blurts out whatever is on his mind at that moment. I wouldn't condemn him for remarks that he thought were humorous.

I also have no problem with a new Mike Robbin's scene being shown later this week. Mike did porn scenes to earn his living. It is like an actor or actress having a movie released after their passing. Mike's death does not change who he was, or what he did.

I apologize if my opinion's offend anyone's personal feelings, but this is how I feel.
I've said over and over again that David's unprofessional, racist comments are offensive, but the powers that be behind this site apparently approve of his tone which lead me to believe that they are of like mind.

Then of course there are the David-lovers that no matter what he says, will race to his defense and make excuses for his comments. At this point he could turn somersaults across the video in a KKK outfit and they'd all say, "He has a sense of humor that is a bit on the edge." Or they'd point out that he's Jewish. As if that excuses his behavior.

Personally, I don't care if he's purple with pink polka dots ... racist comments are wrong, and if you think that these comments that he's always making are OK, then you're just as ignorant. As gay men who have endured every possible type of condemnation and hate throughout history, we should be the last one's on earth approving of such behavior.

As a business that depends on the money being paid by its member in order to survive, it's incomprehensible that you would allow such things to taint your company image.
I've said over and over again that David's unprofessional, racist comments are offensive, but the powers that be behind this site apparently approve of his tone which lead me to believe that they are of like mind.

Then of course there are the David-lovers that no matter what he says, will race to his defense and make excuses for his comments. At this point he could turn somersaults across the video in a KKK outfit and they'd all say, "He has a sense of humor that is a bit on the edge." Or they'd point out that he's Jewish. As if that excuses his behavior.

Personally, I don't care if he's purple with pink polka dots ... racist comments are wrong, and if you think that these comments that he's always making are OK, then you're just as ignorant. As gay men who have endured every possible type of condemnation and hate throughout history, we should be the last one's on earth approving of such behavior.

As a business that depends on the money being paid by its member in order to survive, it's incomprehensible that you would allow such things to taint your company image.
Please keep in mind deeteedub, that all of the scenes that we are now watching were filmed months ago, and that David is no longer making scenes for Broke Straight Boys, so perhaps the owner of this site agrees with you on this issue.

I was not speaking as an apologist for David, just for myself, as a gay, Jewish man myself, I was not offended by the comment's that were reported that David made. To joke that a black man's penis is larger than an Asian or a Jew does not offend me.

If my finding humor in David's statements make me ignorant, in your opinion, I cannot change your mind, and I defend your right to your opinions too.
I agree with Mike.

David's comment was just a case of self=deprecating humor in my opinion. I think we all get a little too politically correct and hyper-sensitive at times.

However, the use of the n-word, even using the urban derivation of it, was wrong by Ashton and Rex. I know that word is slung around by people of my generation all the time.

But I do know one thing. That word is only used by white-on-white or latino-on-latino etc

A white or hispanuic dude would never use that term to an African-American, for instance. At least not in New York. So obviously they themselves know it ain't kosher.

Getting back to David. I'm gonna miss that edgy humor of his.
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I agree with Mike.

David's commen was just a case of self=deprecating humor in my opinion. I think we all get a little too politically correct and hyper-sensitive at times.

However, the use of the n-word, even using the urban derivation of it, was wrong by Ashton and Rex. I know that word is slung around by people of my generation all the time.

But I do know one thing. That word is only used by white-on-white or latino-on-latino etc

A white or hispanuic dude would never use that term to an African-American, for instance. So obviously they themselves know it ain't kosher.

Getting back to David. I'm gonna miss that edgy humor of his.
Corey really does go for it doesn't he? Between him and blonde Sean and Rex they really earn their money. And Jamal isn't far behind either. I love the way Corey gets right down on the dick. Over and over again.
I found this scene to be disappointing. I have no problem with Jamal or Corey. My problem is with the camera work. There was no shot of initial penetration of Corey, nor was there a decent view of Jamals cum shot.
As for David's banter. I said it along time ago and will say it again, David has no clue what is ok to say and what isn't. As stated in another post here, as gay men we should never say anyone or any race is lesser than another. After all, isn't the fight for gay rights all about being treated equally? Speaking for myself I have been treated differently because of my sexuality and it doesn't feel good at all!
I am afraid that Dickhead (Sorry Richard, I couldn't resist) is right! I too found the Chinese/Jew comment to be unsettling,
and I'm a big ol' fat drag queen with Lisa Lampinelli syndrome, so there ya go! We could have gone all day with out the last comment, even from our lovable old David, whom we already know to be edgy! However, I also know it was NOT an intentional slur, just a slip like certain Academy Award winners in recent days! So I will now drop this discussion, in favor of Beiber slamming, unless Blumedia can get him on the futon????? Any takers?
Three strikes and you are OUT!

I am afraid that Dickhead (Sorry Richard, I couldn't resist) is right! I too found the Chinese/Jew comment to be unsettling,
and I'm a big ol' fat drag queen with Lisa Lampinelli syndrome, so there ya go! We could have gone all day with out the last comment, even from our lovable old David, whom we already know to be edgy! However, I also know it was NOT an intentional slur, just a slip like certain Academy Award winners in recent days! So I will now drop this discussion, in favor of Beiber slamming, unless Blumedia can get him on the futon????? Any takers?

Dear Markymark,

Maybe that would be just the right kind of publicity stunt to keep Beiber from singing, that is until he is here for the third futon date and he his vocal cords are getting the workout they deserve all the way from the other end. LOL

Unfortunately, I have had enough of David's unprofessional and inappropiate 'banter'. His comments during the conclusion of this shoot were absolutely un-called for and (IMHO) at best were 'borderline' racist.

David...enough is enough! If you don't know what to say, it is very OK for you NOT to say anything, at all!!
A question about Corey

I've noticed something about Corey in the shoots in which he bottoms. Does he have only one ball? I've seen his nutsack from different angles and it seems to me that he only has one ball. Is it just me?

He's a great bottom and takes all tops like a champ. When he blows his load it looks like a full load so I guess it doesn't matter if he has one ball or two.

Just an observation.
Dear Markymark,

Maybe that would be just the right kind of publicity stunt to keep Beiber from singing, that is until he is here for the third futon date and he his vocal cords are getting the workout they deserve all the way from the other end. LOL


It occurs to me that this may be just what the Doctor ordered. I have it on very good authority that in order to improve their quality, vocal chords must be exercised regularly. I am sure many of the loving and caring members of the forum, as well as several of our futon pumpers, would leap at the opportunity to assist Justin with this sorely needed exercise, no?