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Impeachment News and Commentary


Oct 30, 2008
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Hi Everyone,

I know that in the recent past there has been less appetite here in the forum for discussing politics. The impeachment investigation though is certainly an elephant in the room. We all know it's happening. And many of us have opinions on where things are, where they are going and where they should go.

Participation in this thread is obviously completely voluntarily. I know there are many of us who see the forum as a place to escape from the news and the problems of the outside world. So for those of you who want nothing to do with talking about politics in here, I totally respect that choice. I have strong opinions on impeachment and I don't mind them being held up for scrutiny. In our current polarized and tribalized electorate, people on both sides of these issues will have plenty to disagree about. haha While we may trash certain public officials in our posts, I certainly hope that our responses to each other as fellow members will remain polite and civilized.

Also, none of the opinions in here should be construed as representing the views of the Broke Straight Boys site. I myself am only another member here.

Now all that said, I have written some things that I posted elsewhere online. But I thought I would share them here also. I encourage anyone else to share their views.
I saw last night [2 or 3 days ago now] an episode of Rachel Maddow where she laid out a potent theory of what is happening in plain sight with regards to Ukraine, Russia and the U.S. Now granted, this is Rachel Maddow. Yes. By her own admission she would never claim to be completely impartial. That said, with my understanding of Trump, Putin and my education in foreign affairs, it is very difficult to dismiss this as just some crackpot conspiracy theory.

What do we know about Trump's bizarre relationship with Putin that is indisputable? Trump defers to Putin at every opportunity. I've said before, Trump is in Putin's pocket. Putin has bought and paid for Trump in one way or another.

Putin has either:

1. Blackmail material on Trump.

2. He has strong financial leverage over Trump and his businesses, and has given and/or is owed huge sums of money by Trump.
(How did Trump pay CASH for a very expensive golf course in Scotland (as a for instance) at a time when his business was in debt and in and out of bankruptcy...with all U.S. banks refusing to loan him any more money?) The source of that cash likely had a Russian address.

3. Putin has dangled the promise of huge sums of future money to Trump personally.
Like a "Trump Tower Moscow" for instance, among other possibilities.

4. Trump admires Putin's dictatorial powers and genuinely wishes to seek his approval and emulate him in building a dictatorship for himself in the U.S.

5. Trump is driven by a combination of any or all of the above.

As I've warned before, Trump is in Putin's pocket. And he's driven to give away the store to Putin at the expense of our country. With nothing in return that would be of benefit to us. And the most likely reason for this is that there a strong motive of benefit to Trump personally. So he's willing to sell us (and our allies) out for personal self-interest. Because the policies he is pursuing have nothing to do with protecting U.S. interests and security from Russia, nor that of our allies.

I'll continue this in another post. I need a break. More later.
Okay. I'll continue with my earlier thread. It's just difficult and time consuming trying to be concise without oversimplifying everything that's going on.

A couple more tidbits to set the stage here. It is my firm belief that Trump must be looked at as not only a man who is deeply flawed, but one who is mentally very unwell. He's actually very transparent in that he is obviously extremely narcissistic and selfish. He doesn't say or do anything which he does not see to be of benefit to himself personally. That's one reason why he has no conscience, no empathy for others, and no qualms about breaking his oath of office to protect and defend the United States. Nor why he has no qualms about breaking historical precedents and presidential norms of behavior. If he can make money personally or find political gain for himself at the expense of the U.S. taxpayer, or U.S. national security...that's a no-brainer for him.

In his twisted mind he can justify all of it as being in the national interest even when it is only in his personal interest. That selfish end result justifies any means in his sick mind. If he does anti-democratic (small d) things... If he does unconstitutional things and breaks laws... That's all okay. Why? Because in his mind nothing could be better for the country than having him as president. Nothing could be better for the wellbeing of the country than keeping him as president well into the future. So anything he does to hold on to power, regardless of how outrageous it is, or how illegal it is... Well that just makes him a patriot rather than an unwell narcissistic liar, thief and lawbreaker.

If he wins the next election (whether the means are legal or illegal...or any combination of both) he would be completely justified in demanding that Congress overturn term limits for the Executive branch. His buddies Putin of Russia, Xi of China, Kim Jong-un of North Korea and M.B.S. of Saudi Arabia don't have to worry about pesky term limits. Why should he not be able to keep running as a president for life? That's what is best for the country anyway.

Okay. So to pull this back on track with the previous post... What is this whole Ukraine shakedown of Zelensky and the threat of withholding U.S. military aid and arms to Ukraine all about? It would be easy enough to condense it all down to Trump just breaking his oath of office, skating on very thin ice of treason and traitorhood by using the leverage of U.S. taxpayer dollars as his own personal tool...and asking for foreign help and interference of benefit to him personally in our next domestic election, and thereby by default, selling Ukraine out to the Russians. It is indeed ALL of that.

But with all the flurry of activity regarding Ukraine...with a cast of characters like employees of the State Department, Attorney General Bill Barr (who is NOT a Secretary of Sate and whose purview and duties would never typically include conducting foreign relations and lengthy international travel), Rudy Giuliani and a host of other bottom feeders and low-level henchmen who could be cast as extras in some stereotypical James Bond villain's lair...what is going on?

At its core this is all about Trump's puppet master Putin. It's about getting U.S. sanctions lifted off of Russia.

(I grant that that may not seem to be an obvious conclusion at first glance.) But that is part of the climax of where the writers of this whole sordid play intend for it to reach at its conclusion.

Because the lifting of sanctions on Russia is a high priority of Trump's simply enough because it is a HUGE priority to Putin. So Trump sees the interests of the United States as being of no concern here as he conducts this transactional favor for Putin. Many of us (including myself) did not know that Ukraine was in active secret negotiations with Russia over the war (with Russia) in eastern Ukraine. Zelensky needed to be in the strongest bargaining position possible in order to go toe-to-toe in negotiations with Putin and have any chance of not having his balls handed to him on a silver platter. That meant that he couldn't just say that he had strong EU support of his government and EU military support of his army in eastern Ukraine facing Russian troops. Putin doesn't give a rat's a** about the EU.

The only thing that would strengthen Zelensky's hand would be strong EU support combined with strong U.S. support militarily, with U.S. weapons (like the Javelins) and other U.S. economic support. And the U.S. (through Trump) purposely left Zelensky twisting in the wind every time he looked to see tangible U.S. support for Ukraine. At Zelensky's swearing in as president in Kiev, the U.S. said at first that Vice President Pence would attend. Then at the last minute they announced that Pence would do no such thing and a very low-level staffer attended the inauguration instead. Zelensky couldn't even get Trump to take a personal phone call. At a time when he was desperate for international support, and the momentous fate of the future of his country was at stake...he had to settle for low-level U.S. governmental and even non-governmental contacts with his representatives talking to the likes of circus clowns such as Rudy Giuliani in far-flung places like Madrid.

Why did the U.S. (through Trump) drag its feet and torture Zelensky like this? Because Putin told Trump to do so.

When the U.S. Congress (in bipartisan agreement) approved almost $400M in military aid to Ukraine so it could directly buy Javelins from the U.S., that would have seemed a huge boost for Zelensky. And then about a week before that infamous phone call Trump unilaterally stopped the transfer of funds with no explanation. Just some bogus excuse of "procedural issues" that were holding it up. Why? Because Putin told Trump to do anything in his power that would weaken Zelensky's hand.

I'll have to continue this later.
OK, I'll bite...LOL. But only long enough to say that I despise Donald Trump. Honestly, if it makes the republicans happy to investigate Joe Biden, then by all means, bring it on. I certainly would like to know everything there is before I vote for a candidate. But you'd be crazy not to think the President himself isn't a crooked man. Let's investigate everybody, but let's impeach Donald Trump, because he is the head honcho and the childish fits he throws on National TV is an embarrassment to our Country and we deserve better. Even if it's another Republican, we deserve better.
OK, I'll bite...LOL. But only long enough to say that I despise Donald Trump. Honestly, if it makes the republicans happy to investigate Joe Biden, then by all means, bring it on. I certainly would like to know everything there is before I vote for a candidate. But you'd be crazy not to think the President himself isn't a crooked man. Let's investigate everybody, but let's impeach Donald Trump, because he is the head honcho and the childish fits he throws on National TV is an embarrassment to our Country and we deserve better. Even if it's another Republican, we deserve better.

Amen amen amen!
Okay. I'll try to wrap this up in one post.

I'll just start off reminding everybody what our own eyes have shown us in Trump's twisted apprenticeship with his Sith Lord Putin of Russia. During the last presidential election debates with Hillary Clinton, Trump famously defended Russia against any charges of election meddling. Even though all our intelligence agencies knew the Wikileaks stolen email leaks were stolen by Russians and were coming from Russia, Trump was famously unconvinced. Trump said that we had no idea whether it was Russia. That for all we knew it could be some 400lb man sitting on a bed somewhere. (Like him maybe??) haha

Only after the election did we find out that Trump was aggressively pushing for permission to build a Trump Tower Moscow hotel. And he knew that the only way that would ever get approved is if it had the blessing of Putin himself. Of course Trump never shared the fact that he was sucking up to Putin and seeking favors from him during the course of the election, in hopes of building that Moscow hotel. Once he was called out on this huge conflict of interest later, he said that he had no idea whether he would win the election or not, or still be a private citizen. So therefore he had every right to continue pursuing this mega business deal with Russia during the campaign. (Even though he never shared this with voters.) So even during the campaign (in plain sight) he was acting as an enabler, a propagandist, an agent and an asset of Putin's Russia.

Anyhoo... Trump has been very aggressively saying before and after the last G-7 economic conference that Russia should be allowed back into the G-8. He never articulates the economic or political reasons why they should be allowed back in. Only that in his opinion they definitely should be. So let's look back at the root cause for why Russia was kicked out of the G-8 by the other G-7 members along with the Obama administration. It was because Russia invaded Ukraine and forcibly took over all of Crimea. And then it launched a war in the eastern Ukraine to claim some of Ukraine's most important industrial regions as part of Russia. That war still rages in eastern Ukraine today. Thousands have died in this war.

That's exactly why the U.S. imposed sanction on Russia in the first place. The Russian theft of emails from the Clinton campaign as well as their social media meddling in the election via ads on Facebook, Twitter, et al is yet just an additional reason why the U.S. has kept the sanctions on. But it started with Crimea.

So now we have word that circus clown Rudy Giuliani (on Trump's behalf) was pressuring Ukraine very heavily to not only try to dig up dirt on Joe and Hunter Biden...but also to investigate the made-up conspiracy theory that it was never Russia who meddled in the last election at all. That it was actually Ukraine. It's absolutely laughable that Ukraine would have seen it as being in its interest to help elect a pro-Russian candidate like Trump in the last election. But that's the propaganda line of bullshit lies Trump wants the world to hear. But why? Where is this going?

Giuliani and others were telling Zelensky that if he wanted U.S. military and economic support from the Trump administration that these investigations were a requirement which they would demand in advance in writing. They told him not only what to investigate, but also the required outcomes they expected to see from these investigations. Namely again, that Russia never interfered in the 2016 election at all and that it was instead Ukraine which did it.

When Trump's "perfect" phone call with Zelensky came to light, Trump brushed it off and said that not only was Zelensky not pressured in the phone call, but that he (Zelensky) was going to negotiate with Putin, and then he would be invited to the White House. Most of the world was like, "Huh??!" Negotiate with Putin? Then be invited to the White House? What does that mean?

So the U.S. public and the world stage is being set up for another round of Trump lies and gaslighting. Because... Any negotiations between a weakened Zelensky with a rival like Putin is going to end with not just Zelensky's agreement to hold elections in eastern Ukraine and allow voters to decide if they want to be part of Russia instead. Putin will demand (and eventually get) a very bitter and cold Ukrainian acquiescence to the Russian occupation of Crimea. Ukraine will be forced to ratify a legal document saying they agree that Russia has sovereignty over all of Crimea and that Ukraine gives up any and all future claims to it. The sellout of Ukraine will be complete. Much like Czechoslovakia to the Nazis in 1938.

What does all this have to do with Putin's (and therefore Trump's) goal of getting sanctions lifted on Russia? Do you see where this is going now?

If Ukraine "investigates" and the investigation shows that Ukraine was the one that meddled in the last election, stole the server contents from the DNC and Clinton campaign...and that it was never Russia at all... And then you have Ukraine agreeing to accept Russian control of Crimea... What happens to the excuse for maintaining the sanctions?

Trump would trot out there dragging his very portly behind, in all his sense of victimhood and indignation. Through his angry, anus-shaped lips he would rant. He'd go on and on about how the whole Russia thing was a hoax from the very beginning. And now Ukraine says that he was RIGHT! Russia never interfered or helped him win the last election. This was all a deep-state conspiracy of which he and Russia were the victims. (Blah, blah, blah) Putin said all along that it wasn't Russia. And he was right! We actually owe Putin and the Russians an APOLOGY for all of this. :sick2:

Plus, Ukraine has agreed in international accords that Crimea belongs to Russia now. So they have put the matter behind them once and for all. If Ukraine itself has agreed to put this all behind them... Then why shouldn't WE?! I therefore call upon Congress and the Senate to begin lifting Russian sanctions immediately. (Yada, yada, yada) Anything I can do by executive order to either remove or weaken sanctions on Russia, I will start doing at once. I also call upon the G-7 to allow Russia back into the G-8.

It's not a pretty picture of where this game-plan is headed. Lord knows how much success Putin and Trump will have with it. Hopefully it's not completely successful.
I don't think it will happen quite frankly. Too late....too much crap going on to even keep up. And I am not sure if the Democrats want to risk it with Republicans only needing 29 seats to take over the House again. Many think that 2018 was a left ward direction, but actually the majority were in red areas that Trump won pretty healthy with. So not sure what will happen. Trump is one for drama and chaos so he is loving life right now.......although the media says he hates it, I believe he thrives on this and has been doing this his whole life. I have no clue what the results of 2020 will be, but I do know that it will be close and not a blow out for either side. I have heard both sides saying this. Nope. I am hoping that the democrats stop with the completely left direction.....free everything and taking away everything is not a way to win an election. So who the heck knows what will happen. I am sick and tired of it all.
Good summary and thank you for providing it to us. You are an excellent writer too.....flowed so easily for such a difficult subject.
I don't think it will happen quite frankly. Too late....too much crap going on to even keep up. And I am not sure if the Democrats want to risk it with Republicans only needing 29 seats to take over the House again. Many think that 2018 was a left ward direction, but actually the majority were in red areas that Trump won pretty healthy with. So not sure what will happen. Trump is one for drama and chaos so he is loving life right now.......although the media says he hates it, I believe he thrives on this and has been doing this his whole life. I have no clue what the results of 2020 will be, but I do know that it will be close and not a blow out for either side. I have heard both sides saying this. Nope. I am hoping that the democrats stop with the completely left direction.....free everything and taking away everything is not a way to win an election. So who the heck knows what will happen. I am sick and tired of it all.

Good points Naps. I'm tired of all the drama too. But of course Trump loves the drama because he's good at instigating it and he sees it as helpful to him.
There isn't a doubt in my mind that Donald Trump is a racist, bigoted criminal who has lied and conned his way into the Presidency. And quite frankly, I'm enjoying his circus of a presidency. He's a reality-Tsar President and he's doing a helluva job entertaining us all. Do I take glee in how much he's hating his experience as President? Oh, yes. I am. He's the laughing stock of the entire world, and his Twitter screeds prove just how miserable he is. LOL! And if anyone tells me that I shouldn't be taking pleasure in our national nightmare, my response is simply I didn't vote for him, but America "elected" him, and this is the President they get. No point being miserable, so we might as well enjoy it. And pass the popcorn please. This bozo's about to self-impeach and force the cowardly Republicans in the Senate to twist and spin as they try to defend him. LOL! Can we get some butter on that popcorn?
There isn't a doubt in my mind that Donald Trump is a racist, bigoted criminal who has lied and conned his way into the Presidency. And quite frankly, I'm enjoying his circus of a presidency. He's a reality-Tsar President and he's doing a helluva job entertaining us all. Do I take glee in how much he's hating his experience as President? Oh, yes. I am. He's the laughing stock of the entire world, and his Twitter screeds prove just how miserable he is. LOL! And if anyone tells me that I shouldn't be taking pleasure in our national nightmare, my response is simply I didn't vote for him, but America "elected" him, and this is the President they get. No point being miserable, so we might as well enjoy it. And pass the popcorn please. This bozo's about to self-impeach and force the cowardly Republicans in the Senate to twist and spin as they try to defend him. LOL! Can we get some butter on that popcorn?
Haha. Very true about telling people that you didn’t vote for him. I have lots of family and friends that did, and I always say, “I’m not responsible”.
Yep. And all the farmers who voted for him that are suffering because of his trade war with China ... oh, well. They voted for him, not me. They got what they voted for. LOL
It is ironic watching conservative Republicans twist and contort themselves into knots trying to lie or make excuses for a neo-fascist who wants to be a dictator. And one who is a puppet of Russia, no less. What happened to them being the party of anti-communism, fiscal conservatism and deficit hawks? "Family values" people who forcibly kidnap children, separate them from their parents, institutionalize child neglect and abuse as a new American national state policy by putting them in cages that Laura Ingraham compares to "summer camps", and won't even give them toothbrushes or even bars of soap. These are also the former "Law and Order" people who once praised the all-American virtues of a free press, the police, the courts, the military, our intelligence services, etc.

Now they say all the media is corrupt and dishonest, (except Fox News), the courts are corrupt whenever they get a ruling they don't like. The CIA is corrupt and not to be trusted. The same for the FBI. The DOJ and even their own State Department is corrupt and dishonest unless they agree 100% with everything Trump tells them to say.

Republicans have sold their souls to the cult of personality of Trump. And in 1-5 years time they will try to rewrite history and say their words and actions now never happened. It's quite pathetic. But as a reality tv show, I guess it makes for good entertainment.

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Haha. Very true about telling people that you didn’t vote for him. I have lots of family and friends that did, and I always say, “I’m not responsible”.

Yep. And all the farmers who voted for him that are suffering because of his trade war with China ... oh, well. They voted for him, not me. They got what they voted for. LOL

The people who voted for him and make excuses for him now, deserve the government they get. haha
They do but unfortunately we are stuck with it also.

I'm right there with you Rep. Trump is like some over the top cartoon character. Corrupt, greedy, selfish, incapable of empathy or compassion for others. Willing to lie about anything and everything. Even things he doesn't even need to lie about. He can be rather comical. And very predictable in his egotism. But it is sad that the rest of us have to put up with the buffoon. It's embarrassing for America.
What I don’t understand is how anyone that is gay could ever vote Republican. I don’t mean to insult anyone, but I have to vote for the party that I feel has my best interest as a gay person. When I think of marriage equality, I think of ONE Republican judge deciding the outcome and every other Republican judge voted against it and every Democratic judge voted for it. I think of Donald Trump appointing more homophobic judges to the Supreme Court. I think of Donald Trump choosing Mike Pence as his running mate. A Vice President with a long history of LGBTQ discrimination and openly in favor of gay conversion therapy.
Call me petty if you want, but I don’t even eat at Chick-fil-a either. It’s not that their food isn’t good as hell or the people that work there aren’t incredibly kind and sweet or that they’re a Christian business. I just have a problem giving them my money. I have a problem giving anyone my money that then turns around and gives it to charities that hate and openly discriminate against people like me. So, I don’t understand anyone in the gay community voting for a Republican. I know they’re out there, and probably might be a few reading this comment. I don’t want anyone to think I hate Republicans, because I have lots of family members that are and I love them dearly. But, they’re not gay and thinking of lgbtq rights isn’t important to them.
I know Jay. The gay Republican thing is a paradox. Usually when I meet gay Republicans. they are either very wealthy or living comfortably. So for them it's about tax cuts and less government spending on social welfare programs. It's interesting to see how they try to defend Trump. (If they do at all.) Some do make a distinction between believing in conservative principles and defending Trump. But yeah. I've met some Republicans, gay and straight, who still think the sun shines out of Trump's a**.

But as we've said, Trump has abandoned or made a mockery of many core conservative principles. Lower deficits? Lower national debt? "A family (with children) should definitely consist of one man and one woman." Remember how they were so proud of that slogan when they wanted to deny adoptions or foster privileges to gays? Until now when a Republican government kidnaps children from both their parents and sees nothing wrong with leaving them to rot in modern day internment camps. No parents, minimal adult supervision, no showers or hygiene, no school. Just let 5 year olds be raised in cages on concrete floors by 7 year olds. That's how we're doing it in the U.S. of A under a Republican like Trump.

If Republicans are so pro-family and pro-family values... I'd hate to see what depravity they would sink to in their treatment of them if they disliked children.

"America First" after 3+ years is looking more and more like a fascist slogan of disdain and contempt for the rest of the world.
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What I don’t understand is how anyone that is gay could ever vote Republican. I don’t mean to insult anyone, but I have to vote for the party that I feel has my best interest as a gay person. When I think of marriage equality, I think of ONE Republican judge deciding the outcome and every other Republican judge voted against it and every Democratic judge voted for it. I think of Donald Trump appointing more homophobic judges to the Supreme Court. I think of Donald Trump choosing Mike Pence as his running mate. A Vice President with a long history of LGBTQ discrimination and openly in favor of gay conversion therapy.
Call me petty if you want, but I don’t even eat at Chick-fil-a either. It’s not that their food isn’t good as hell or the people that work there aren’t incredibly kind and sweet or that they’re a Christian business. I just have a problem giving them my money. I have a problem giving anyone my money that then turns around and gives it to charities that hate and openly discriminate against people like me. So, I don’t understand anyone in the gay community voting for a Republican. I know they’re out there, and probably might be a few reading this comment. I don’t want anyone to think I hate Republicans, because I have lots of family members that are and I love them dearly. But, they’re not gay and thinking of lgbtq rights isn’t important to them.

I don’t either Jay. But I guess there were a few Jews who voted for Hitler.