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Sad news - Br6205


BSB Addict
Jul 9, 2020
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I'm sad to report that it looks like our fellow forumite br6205, may have passed away. He had not been posting for about a week and it had me greatly concerned as no matter how much pain or how he was feeling, he used to always say something each morning to welcome us to a new day. So I started doing some internet investigation and came upon an obituary that matched.

I won't directly link to the obituary to keep his family's privacy, but if Mark @BrokeStraightBoys would like I can DM him the link to possibly verify. I'm 80 - 90% sure it is him with what he had shared with me and @mikeyank during our chats.

If it isn't him, I sincerely apologize and I hope Br has a good sense of humor about it and I'll eat a few helpings of lima beans as penance.

Rest in peace my friend 🙏
I'm sad to report that it looks like our fellow forumite br6205, may have passed away. He had not been posting for about a week and it had me greatly concerned as no matter how much pain or how he was feeling, he used to always say something each morning to welcome us to a new day. So I started doing some internet investigation and came upon an obituary that matched.

I won't directly link to the obituary to keep his family's privacy, but if Mark @BrokeStraightBoys would like I can DM him the link to possibly verify. I'm 80 - 90% sure it is him with what he had shared with me and @mikeyank during our chats.

If it isn't him, I sincerely apologize and I hope Br has a good sense of humor about it and I'll eat a few helpings of lima beans as penance.

Rest in peace my friend 🙏
Yes Chac. It certainly appears to be him in the obituary that I found too. Thank you for creating this thread to notify the forum of his passing. How terribly sad indeed.
So sad to read what was becoming increasingly apparent, going from posting extensively for many hours on a daily basis to nothing at all since his last post early Christmas morning in the context of his age and disabilities and serious health issues. He wrote often that I was his friend, and I felt him to be mine as well. He had me spending at least an hour and most days multiple hours reading every single one of his many posts and commenting as many as I could as I knew that he craved appreciation of his devotion to Broke Straight Boys He frequently thanked me and lamented that not more members replied to his posts, but I would always remind him that I saw on a daily basis many Broke Straight Boys members viewing his posts while not necessarily replying, and he appreciated that affirmation. I would always advise him in advance of all of my upcoming out of state vacations and assured him that I would return on such and such date and resume reading and commenting on his many daily posts. He had an amazing life, including a heterosexual marriage with three children, a doctorate and and a life of interesting life experiences. As Broke Straight Boys owner Mark pointed out, with Br's over 141,806 posts, Broke Straight Boys had become for this homebound elderly gay man (a bi who evolved to totallly gay in my view) his sole outlet to the world. Without doubt, in the history of Broke Straight Boys, Br will go down as its most devoted and voluminous poster, who literally devoted many hours of his day (or rather night as he was the ultimate night owl in his sleeping habits) usually starting his daily posting around midnight and ending around 6 A.M. or so. So I bid a sad farewell to my friend and Broke Straight Boys's most dedicated poster ever!
RIP Br......II'm a bit shocked. Not a regular poster but I liked and respected you.
I liked your spikey posts and your porn mindset.
You were much maligned and misunderstood.
You had some badly worded posts that would make the most holiest of gays cringe.....I think you were unintentionally spicey. But genuinely a nice bloke.
I often saw your posts and thought "ouch" but the essence of what you said held water.
I think you suggested, if not directly, too much porn and too little time.....who could argue with that?

May you rest in peace x

P.S. Can I have your immense porn stash (I hope you'd get that joke...not a joke really...I'd quite like it haha)
P.P.S. Hats off...sleep well xx