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Hi, how is your day going.

I was out again this afternoon enjoying the nice weather, and instead of walking along the East River, I took the route to DUMBO through the streets that lead me to the walkway entrance to The Brooklyn Bridge. Just past the entrance is Washington Street where the tourists take their selfies through the portal of The Manhattan Bridge where it appears that The Empire State Building is right there, while it is just an optical illusion.

As I listen to the folks talking, it is apparent that this is a multi-national destination. I love living in a tourist destination. :001_smile:

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Nice tour Mike, thanks for sharing.
I had an eventful day yesterday and today. I leaned back in my recliner Friday night and nearly ended up ass over teakettle on the floor. The back wood failed and basically turned into sawdust 🤣😭 They definitely do not make furniture to last more than a few years now 😔 I also managed to slice my finger open getting rid of the old one, thankfully my brother was able to help with that task.

So I went recliner shopping and found myself a nice one that has built in massage and heated seats that was "reasonably priced". Probably a bit overkill but fuck it, you can't take 💰 to the grave, so mights well enjoy it 🤣 They even had one that did just about everything but blowjobs, but I am not spending nearly 8 grand on a chair hahaha

Hope everyone is doing well 🤗
I had an eventful day yesterday and today. I leaned back in my recliner Friday night and nearly ended up ass over teakettle on the floor. The back wood failed and basically turned into sawdust 🤣😭 They definitely do not make furniture to last more than a few years now 😔 I also managed to slice my finger open getting rid of the old one, thankfully my brother was able to help with that task.

So I went recliner shopping and found myself a nice one that has built in massage and heated seats that was "reasonably priced". Probably a bit overkill but fuck it, you can't take 💰 to the grave, so mights well enjoy it 🤣 They even had one that did just about everything but blowjobs, but I am not spending nearly 8 grand on a chair hahaha

Hope everyone is doing well 🤗
Not a relaxing weekend for you Chac. Luckily no major injury other than the finger. Falling back onto the floor could have left you in bad shape. I hope you enjoy your new recliner, hopefully more sturdy than the old one. And I agree that things like that which we use all the time no need to go on the cheap side. You work hard and deserve to buy things that make you happy! Have a great day and week!!!!
Nice tour Mike, thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much for saying that TouchKrazy. That was my intention with those pics. I actually walked past the sign, the marking on the ground showing the bridge entrance stairs and the map on the concrete, as I started to enter DUMBO. I thought that this might make an interesting post here on the forum, and went back to take those shots. I’m glad you enjoyed the “virtual tour”. If you ever make it to New York City, I’d love to take you or any other forumite on the real deal tour. But much appreciation for your post!!! :thumbup1:
My erection! Hahahaha! *shot*

Just kidding. I was super exhausted after work and have been dreading trying to balance it with school. As I am so old, I have a lot less energy than I did when I was a kid. Sorry for the whine.
My erection! Hahahaha! *shot*

Just kidding. I was super exhausted after work and have been dreading trying to balance it with school. As I am so old, I have a lot less energy than I did when I was a kid. Sorry for the whine.

No problem, feel free to vent! I can definitely relate...

My friend is a younger guy and he is up late and getting ready to go out and here l am like, I'm in bed already LOL I honestly don't know how much longer it will last, there is an age gap (I'm still on the fence about that, I know he is a consenting adult but I'm still a bit uncomfortable and would actually prefer someone closer to my age) and while he is such a sweetheart, I just don't see it working long term 🫤. I'm in the phase of life I guess where just sitting on the couch reading is enough "fun" for me ahahahaha LOL. My god, after I typed that out I think know I am old now 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I still do love going out for things, but I am pretty often ready to be done by 11pm. Which is really sad because it's not like I can sleep after. Goddamned insomnia. Speaking of which, I have to be up at 5am for work tomorrow, and here I am still up.
It's weird having the temptation of beautiful young men around, though thankfully I have yet to encounter a minor. Could be worse though. You could be a centuries-old vampire attending high school perpetually.
No problem, feel free to vent! I can definitely relate...

My friend is a younger guy and he is up late and getting ready to go out and here l am like, I'm in bed already LOL I honestly don't know how much longer it will last, there is an age gap (I'm still on the fence about that, I know he is a consenting adult but I'm still a bit uncomfortable and would actually prefer someone closer to my age) and while he is such a sweetheart, I just don't see it working long term 🫤. I'm in the phase of life I guess where just sitting on the couch reading is enough "fun" for me ahahahaha LOL. My god, after I typed that out I think know I am old now 😭😭😭😭😭😭
My advice is to just go with the flow with your young friend. If he likes to be with you, and you get off sexually with him, all is good for now. Enjoy the good parts and don’t swat about your different schedules. Whatever will be will be. Cut to hookey old song. Lol

It's weird having the temptation of beautiful young men around, though thankfully I have yet to encounter a minor. Could be worse though. You could be a centuries-old vampire attending high school perpetually.

I feel like “Dear Abby” doing an advise column but don’t sweat it. Beautiful young men are enjoyable to be around. As long as you just look and not touch, enjoy the beautiful “scenery “. :wink:
I know I’m very weird being on a porn forum yet enjoying this thread so much, just chatting with my forum friends. :thumbup:
Apologies for not being so much of a contributor. I have been so tired from work and human events and heat and politics, and since I can't afford a membership right now, I have to go elsewhere for my homosexual stimulatory needs.

As much as I dislike the word queer as an identity, there's something jarring about homosexual used outside of anything more than 20 years old. Well, off to work.
After several weeks of extreme heat followed by heavy rain and wind, today is a beautiful summer day and I got in a nice walk on the Promenade and through the neighborhood. Good to get some sun and fresh air this morning. :sun:

It's weird having the temptation of beautiful young men around, though thankfully I have yet to encounter a minor. Could be worse though. You could be a centuries-old vampire attending high school perpetually.

That actually brings up a good point Treb, I was talking with my younger coworkers (most are late 20s and early 30s) and the subject of living forever came up. When it came to my turn to respond to the question "do you want to live forever?" I came back and replied no. All my friends will be gone, who knows what my health would be like, and seeing what my grandparents and parents have gone through health wise lately, I don't think I would want to live forever. It kind of reminds me of The Green Mile and the Tom Hanks quote there at the end.

. If he could make a mouse live so long, how much longer do I have?

That actually brings up a good point Treb, I was talking with my younger coworkers (most are late 20s and early 30s) and the subject of living forever came up. When it came to my turn to respond to the question "do you want to live forever?" I came back and replied no. All my friends will be gone, who knows what my health would be like, and seeing what my grandparents and parents have gone through health wise lately, I don't think I would want to live forever. It kind of reminds me of The Green Mile and the Tom Hanks quote there at the end.

. If he could make a mouse live so long, how much longer do I have?

I hadn't remembered that part of the movie. I read the book and all i can remember really was feeling red hot rage at the injustice and bitter tears.

I've long gone back and forth about the idea of immortality. Right now I am feeling an apprehension about my own non-existence, so might accept such a prospect, but who knows? I also don't want to outlive all my loved ones. My mom's death remains the most awful part of my life (admittedly traumatic in an unusual way) and I dread mourning some of my older friends.

One thing's for sure: if you get offered immortality, read the fine print. Or if offered by a jinn, make sure you are very clear in what you and it mean by immortality. None of that undying but continuously physically aging bullshit.

Whine: I have to get up at 5am again tomorrow. Why do I keep doing this to myself?
After several weeks of extreme heat followed by heavy rain and wind, today is a beautiful summer day and I got in a nice walk on the Promenade and through the neighborhood. Good to get some sun and fresh air this morning. :sun:

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That picture in the middle with the young couple holding hands... it reminds me of more youthful rage. I guess I understand it now. I could never have felt safe to hold hands with a young fella (if I had been brave enough to have one). I was recently watching this show called Bodies on Netflix, and they mentioned that in modern times (there's time travel involved) two men could hold hands in public. Strange random connections the human mind is capable of, eh?
That picture in the middle with the young couple holding hands... it reminds me of more youthful rage. I guess I understand it now. I could never have felt safe to hold hands with a young fella (if I had been brave enough to have one). I was recently watching this show called Bodies on Netflix, and they mentioned that in modern times (there's time travel involved) two men could hold hands in public. Strange random connections the human mind is capable of, eh?
That couple were obviously tourists taking selfies and she was doing poses with the Manhattan skyline just before I took that pic. I was just going for the general vibe of folks walking on The Promenade and didn’t realize that they were in the shot until I looked at it later. He was hot with the top button on his shirt open. I love how my neighborhood has become such a tourist destination with the “eye candy” of young good looking guys making my walks very enjoyable. :001_smile: