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Hi, how is your day going.

The heat and humidity is fixed in for now and I’m glad that I got out last weekend and on Monday morning to enjoy the cooler temps. I got through my two work days fine and now I’m on my four day weekend. How did people live without air conditioners? It is hard to fathom, although when I was a kid growing up we only had window fans and somehow survived. But for now I am very happy to be indoors with my big screen TV chillin’. :cool:
The heat and humidity is fixed in for now and I’m glad that I got out last weekend and on Monday morning to enjoy the cooler temps. I got through my two work days fine and now I’m on my four day weekend. How did people live without air conditioners? It is hard to fathom, although when I was a kid growing up we only had window fans and somehow survived. But for now I am very happy to be indoors with my big screen TV chillin’. :cool:

My AC has been on all week 😭 😭 my poor power bill is gonna be huge 💰💰💰 and I was a dumb shit and left it on all day while at work too 🤯 🙃 {sighs}

I'm ready for autumn now! Haha
As of 10 AM it is 85 degrees but the real feel or heat index is already in the nineties. I did my morning chores and checked out the sky. It is somewhat blue but not bright blue but rather hazy blue with a few clouds. I think we may get thunder showers later.

The last really active day for me was last Wednesday when I worked in the office and traveled back and forth by subway. Since then it has been a quick morning trip outside for the newspaper and some grocery or deli shopping and then back inside to my air conditioned apartment with the big screen TV to “veg” until the next morning. Today, I thought that perhaps I could get a walk in early before the heat of the day sets in. Today is forecast to go up to 95 with a heat index well over 100.

Nope, it didn’t happen. I went outside and started sweating and looked at the hazy sky and said to myself………do your errands and get back inside…….and so here I am to veg for another day. But Monday is a work day so I will get up and at em, but not today! :wink:

The last really active day for me was last Wednesday when I worked in the office and traveled back and forth by subway. Since then it has been a quick morning trip outside for the newspaper and some grocery or deli shopping and then back inside to my air conditioned apartment with the big screen TV to “veg” until the next morning. Today, I thought that perhaps I could get a walk in early before the heat of the day sets in. Today is forecast to go up to 95 with a heat index well over 100.

Nope, it didn’t happen. I went outside and started sweating and looked at the hazy sky and said to myself………do your errands and get back inside…….and so here I am to veg for another day. But Monday is a work day so I will get up and at em, but not today! :wink:

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Agreed, I'm in "couch potato" mode 🙃 LOL
I took advantage of the break in the heat and humidity this morning by walking on the Promenade along the East River for a half hour or so before work. The clean crisp air is quite a contrast from “the sauna” we’ve been in for the last stretch of days. There was even a brisk breeze blowing the flowers and leaves. As the old song goes, “What a difference a day makes”. :sun:

It was a clear low humidity morning and on my way to the deli, I turned toward the park for an unplanned walk. It’s going to get hot again later with the humidity returning in a day or so, so I took advantage of the pleasant morning.

Yesterday and today were both beautiful clear days with low humidity. I was out enjoying both days. Today I was in Brooklyn Bridge Park late this afternoon when I heard helicopters overhead. I assume they were over the East River patrolling the skies over the West Village area where President Biden was due shortly to commemorate the opening of the new Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center on the 55th anniversary of the Stonewall Riot which began the gay liberation movement back in 1969. Happy Pride :thumbup1:

I took advantage of the break in the heat and humidity this morning by walking on the Promenade along the East River for a half hour or so before work. The clean crisp air is quite a contrast from “the sauna” we’ve been in for the last stretch of days. There was even a brisk breeze blowing the flowers and leaves. As the old song goes, “What a difference a day makes”. :sun:

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Wow amazing place
Today is the start of a new month and work week, (a short one for most folks with July 4th on Thursday), and the merry-go-round of weather in the North East has given us a crystal clear, cool, low humidity Monday. Sunday was muggy and by late afternoon the skies opened up. The Mets game in Queens was delayed for a couple of hours, but it sure is nice today. Happy Monday! :sun:

It is a cloudy, humid morning in NYC with just a bit of sun peaking through the clouds. The Fireworks tonight will be on the West Side of Manhattan, so they will not be visible in my neighborhood. In past years, we had huge crowds here to watch. Some folks will probably still show up tonight looking for the fireworks and be disappointed. Lol

I saw fireworks in NYC once. It was 2004 and I was on the Manhattan coast (?). It was the first time I saw openly gay people congregated.
Hi Treb. Nice to see you on the forum. The Macy’s Fireworks display periodically moves from the East River to the Hudson River. Always in lower Manhattan. New York City has been a welcoming home to openly gay people probably to one degree or another for much of the last century. When I was going out a lot to clubs and such, I would meet so many young people who had moved here from elsewhere in the country for that very reason, and I know it is the same today.
I was just out for my morning chores and while the weather app on my phone says it is 80 F, it sure feels closer to 100. 🥵

The streets have a holiday weekend feel, with less folks around, many I’m sure off to cooler places like the beach or upstate or out of state to the country. But this city dweller intends to spend the rest of the day inside with the air conditioner keeping me cool. :cool:

I was just out for my morning chores and while the weather app on my phone says it is 80 F, it sure feels closer to 100. 🥵

The streets have a holiday weekend feel, with less folks around, many I’m sure off to cooler places like the beach or upstate or out of state to the country. But this city dweller intends to spend the rest of the day inside with the air conditioner keeping me cool. :cool:

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I went grocery shopping yesterday morning, it was all people headed to the beach. Lots and lots of 20 something's wearing cut out side tshirts, showing beautiful side abs, nipples and tummies 😍

Gosh, do I really like living near the beach during the summer 😂
How was everyone's weekend? Mine went pretty well. Always staying busy.

Good to hear that yours is going well!

Honestly it could be better for me. I've had a headache that's been coming and going the last few days. I stepped on the scale for the first time in a few weeks and I've gained 6lbs from the holidays and birthday parties I've been going to the last few weeks and I feel like shit that I indulged and ruined my hard work on my weight loss 😭

Hope everyone else is having fun this weekend!
Good to hear that yours is going well!

Honestly it could be better for me. I've had a headache that's been coming and going the last few days. I stepped on the scale for the first time in a few weeks and I've gained 6lbs from the holidays and birthday parties I've been going to the last few weeks and I feel like shit that I indulged and ruined my hard work on my weight loss 😭

Hope everyone else is having fun this weekend!
Please Chac, don’t be down on yourself. Health, fitness and weight control are a lifetime journey. Six pounds can be easily lost and much more once you get back on track. I hope all forumites had a great Fourth of July weekend.

Please Chac, don’t be down on yourself. Health, fitness and weight control are a lifetime journey. Six pounds can be easily lost and much more once you get back on track. I hope all forumites had a great Fourth of July weekend.

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Yeah, I am very hard on myself LOL I just need to get the whip out and get my lard ass back to the gym 🤣🤣

Hope you and all our peeps here had a nice 4th!

Oh and one edit: a big 🖕 to humidity. God it was awful today, I went for a walk to hopefully clear my headache (it worked) and I came back all swampy.