Thanks for sharing that story about your friend Broke
Mike Robbins. It sounds like he always had a crush on you. I think his giving you a BJ was something he always wanted to do. Then to get a BJ from you was the icing on the cake for him whether you threw up or not. When the choice of hot guys are so few and far between those things can happen among good friends. Also, many gay men are attracted to straight men. So, I think you were his perfect combination. You were friends, you were involved in gay porn, and he is gay. He thought wow, a friend that I can really have a relationship with. It sounds like you handled that pretty well.
Sometimes openly gay men don't understand how some guys can be involved in gay sex for pay or play. I have a few straight friends from childhood that still hang out with me. They come over occasionally to explore gay sex... Shhhh!!! Don't tell their wives, girlfriends, or families. LOL None of them would even consider themselves bisexual. They just want to explore gay sex privately without their wives or girl friends knowing. Most have only ever explored it a few times. Often when they had fights with their wives and GF's... LOL. I learned a long time ago that some guys just want to explore have fun without guilt or shame; then there are some that get very self-conscious of what they had done at times.
So, I think it is all about sexual maturity. I really never like labels of gay, bisexual, or straight. Those labels seem to be so limiting. I believe that most people are just simply sexual beings with the potential to love and respect each other. I also believe that sometimes the time and the mood is just right to engage in sex with a good friend for the fun of it without falling in love. I also believe that sex is the ultimate expression of unconditional love that we offer to one another to express our affection for each other.
Unfortunately, sometimes close friends make more of the experience than was expected. Then some of us can share our love and affection with a close friend once in a while without developing emotional attachments. It doesn't mean we are gay, bisexual, or straight. Just that we are sexual. If we are oriented toward one sex or another predominantly we will always feel more comfortable with people of that sex. Nothing will ever change that.
Hopefully your friend will come to understand that. Bless your heart for sharing and for at least being willing to explore the hidden possibilities with an old friend drunk or not. It is these experiences that help us to grow and mature on a much deeper level as people. Dude, you are awesome...