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Hey, whats up? its ya boy, Mike robbins! lol

hey everyone,
been busy lately, to say the least.. lol.. puttin it on hold again.. so next month hopefully ill be able to go, we'll see.. but anyways.. haha glad everyone loved the pic.. n yeah ill post 1 or 2 more ;)

MissDeidra- yep, i will have my own chair :) cant wait, and i would love to tat you, it would be an experience for both of us! I think i'm up to 22 individual.. im getting another one soon, my friend drew for it for me, it's pretty sweet, ill post pics when its done.

jw- give it a yr and it will be good to go!
Hey Mike, I literally just posted in the ladies forum that I just got a tat this afternoon of a little heart with Broke Straight Boys in it....maybe you can add to it. Will you share some pics of some of the work you've done so far? I think that would be really exciting to see.
here are a couple... i have many more lol


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i love them all. me and miss d will have to track you down and make you tag us!
hell yeah! i will happily tell you guys where my shop is n everything once i get it set up!

only 1 of those i fucked up on... we put the stencil on backwards lol--but its the marines one.. the u.s. and s.a. are backwards lol he didnt care so we went wit it!
i couldnt tell until you said something! great job buddy!
how sweet. you were covering that chick's nipple with ur hand..or was that her hand? i wantd to see what u thought about Alice? please tell me you made time to see it..i hope you weren't disappointed. i had a feeling when i left that i wanted to see it again the next day but didn't go back yet.
your artwork is proper nice. you cuold work for that chick on LA Ink..she's got great skills too. but i'm not sure about having them on my face..to each their own right? ttyl.
I was knocking around the idea of getting some around my hairline/ears. Not everyone can pull of facial tattoos. And I think that is her hip Qwerty...your mind is in the gutter lady....
Hey everyone!

Jw-- hell yeah thx bro ;)

qwerty-- yulp got the chance to watch it.. gota say, it was a tad bit creepier than i expected lol still loved it tho! If i could work with kat von D i would die a happy man :D lol n thank you very much :)

MissD-- hell yeah, ive always wanted to get one on my hairline.. maybe some latin or soemthing.. idk.. but im afraid my hair will fall out and ill look like a douche lmao

Yulp thats me! mR. GeYsEr himself lol
Ok there Mr Robins you have let the cat out of the bag in the latest film with Austin and you know the question we are all wanting to hear the answer to. So tell us all the kinkey details of when you goofed around with another guy off camera? And don't leave out anything I want to enjoy every seductive moment of this. :id_hitit::iwantitnow:
Ok there Mr Robins you have let the cat out of the bag in the latest film with Austin and you know the question we are all wanting to hear the answer to. So tell us all the kinkey details of when you goofed around with another guy off camera? And don't leave out anything I want to enjoy every seductive moment of this. :id_hitit::iwantitnow:

I was stopping by to ask the same thing... Thanks for asking Denny Bear.:thumbup:
Hi Mike..just want to say I really enjoy watching your work. You're so damed cute and so very HOT. I could only dream of having such a nice body and cock and being able to shoot like that. BTW..you look sexy in your boxer briefs. But the few times you've been in tighty whities,I have wanted to die. You look awesome in those. The bulge and the outline are a site to behold and the white against your skin really makes it for me. Thanks for your hard work and for sharing you wonderful personality.
so yeah, april is star wars profile pic month on facebook, just though i would put that out there since we chatted so much about star wars!
Ok there Mr Robins you have let the cat out of the bag in the latest film with Austin and you know the question we are all wanting to hear the answer to. So tell us all the kinkey details of when you goofed around with another guy off camera? And don't leave out anything I want to enjoy every seductive moment of this. :id_hitit::iwantitnow:

i dont kiss and tell :P LOL!! JK

nah so one of my really good friends from when i was younger came out a couple years ago and i was cool with it and was friends with him and everything.. well like last summer he found out about me doing porn and he came to me personally about it and i went over n talked to him.. he tried to do somethin n i turned him down he got mad n pushed my face then i pushed him down then he like tried to wrestle me but im a beast and i was like haha ok we'll have some fun and i toyed with him for a lil bit.. teasing him.. then he got mad and tried to swing on me.. i grabbed both of his arms and put them under my legs and by this time i noticed he had a raging hard on.. whipped out my cock, went to skull fuck him but by the time it was out of my pants he was already deep throating it to my balls. sucked me til i busted in his mouth. it was pretty hot lol then i got shit faced one night gave him a blow job and puked fire cheeto's and captain morgan all over his dick and balls. lol. then he like fell in love wit me n i told him i dont feel that way for guys he got mad and said some fucked up shit so i stopped talkin to him. coulda went better but he just couldnt understand i guess.

Hi Mike..just want to say I really enjoy watching your work. You're so damed cute and so very HOT. I could only dream of having such a nice body and cock and being able to shoot like that. BTW..you look sexy in your boxer briefs. But the few times you've been in tighty whities,I have wanted to die. You look awesome in those. The bulge and the outline are a site to behold and the white against your skin really makes it for me. Thanks for your hard work and for sharing you wonderful personality.

thank you very much chase, i am truly flattered :D maybe ill have to bust out the tighty whities one more time haha :p

Mike Robbins.

I bow down to you. You is HOT.

haha now this put a smile on my face :D lol

hey where you been, we miss you here in forumland. Give us some love.

yo here i am what r ur other 2 wishes? lol

so yeah, april is star wars profile pic month on facebook, just though i would put that out there since we chatted so much about star wars!

gggggggggggglllllllllllllllllllgggggggggggglglglglglglglglglglglgl ;D
Thanks for sharing that story about your friend Broke Mike Robbins. It sounds like he always had a crush on you. I think his giving you a BJ was something he always wanted to do. Then to get a BJ from you was the icing on the cake for him whether you threw up or not. When the choice of hot guys are so few and far between those things can happen among good friends. Also, many gay men are attracted to straight men. So, I think you were his perfect combination. You were friends, you were involved in gay porn, and he is gay. He thought wow, a friend that I can really have a relationship with. It sounds like you handled that pretty well.

Sometimes openly gay men don't understand how some guys can be involved in gay sex for pay or play. I have a few straight friends from childhood that still hang out with me. They come over occasionally to explore gay sex... Shhhh!!! Don't tell their wives, girlfriends, or families. LOL None of them would even consider themselves bisexual. They just want to explore gay sex privately without their wives or girl friends knowing. Most have only ever explored it a few times. Often when they had fights with their wives and GF's... LOL. I learned a long time ago that some guys just want to explore have fun without guilt or shame; then there are some that get very self-conscious of what they had done at times.

So, I think it is all about sexual maturity. I really never like labels of gay, bisexual, or straight. Those labels seem to be so limiting. I believe that most people are just simply sexual beings with the potential to love and respect each other. I also believe that sometimes the time and the mood is just right to engage in sex with a good friend for the fun of it without falling in love. I also believe that sex is the ultimate expression of unconditional love that we offer to one another to express our affection for each other.

Unfortunately, sometimes close friends make more of the experience than was expected. Then some of us can share our love and affection with a close friend once in a while without developing emotional attachments. It doesn't mean we are gay, bisexual, or straight. Just that we are sexual. If we are oriented toward one sex or another predominantly we will always feel more comfortable with people of that sex. Nothing will ever change that.

Hopefully your friend will come to understand that. Bless your heart for sharing and for at least being willing to explore the hidden possibilities with an old friend drunk or not. It is these experiences that help us to grow and mature on a much deeper level as people. Dude, you are awesome...:thumbup1:
Michael that was extremely hot and very moving and I sincerely thank you for sharing it with us. I almost feel guilty prying it from you as I can only guess how deeply personal that must be. Rest assured we will only think more of you for sharing it with us. Jayman, as always your understanding is impeccable and I could not agree with you more. The only thing I might add is I think there is this desire or almost instinct in us that somewhat craves the allure of straight boys. This site is a testament to that. We are so accustomed to our feelings that we sincerely believe that everyone should feel the same as we do. Just like straight people cant understand what it is like to feel gay because they don't. It's almost like a challenge for us to open their eyes and turn them to the light.
Michael that was extremely hot and very moving and I sincerely thank you for sharing it with us. I almost feel guilty prying it from you as I can only guess how deeply personal that must be. Rest assured we will only think more of you for sharing it with us. Jayman, as always your understanding is impeccable and I could not agree with you more. The only thing I might add is I think there is this desire or almost instinct in us that somewhat craves the allure of straight boys. This site is a testament to that. We are so accustomed to our feelings that we sincerely believe that everyone should feel the same as we do. Just like straight people cant understand what it is like to feel gay because they don't. It's almost like a challenge for us to open their eyes and turn them to the light.

Denny, I take your point about our fascination with straighties, and wishing they could only just have that watershed moment that would give them the insight to realize their sexual diversity. But I think that some of it is the whole hornet's nest of "straight acting". Remember the tussle in the forum about being able, or not being able, to stand nelly guys?

Maybe it's a sort of atavistic, instinctual thing for anyone (be he gay or be she straight) who is attracted to males of the species, to long for them to look and act "masculine" and to feel uncomfortable if they act "feminine". Many of us here on the forum have said a bunch of times that we don't care if a cute dude like MikeR is actually gay or actually straight, as long as he does a good job of looking like a young guy-guy, and acting that way, and talking that way. And the ones who don't, who are girly, get a bunch of flak from our friends who like fella type boys and don't like nelly ones.

MikeR, dude you are the effin' ur-epitome of a cute straightie who is wild-assed enough, has a good enough sense of humor and a fertile enough imagination, to do the kind of number on your buddy that you did. Your story is at least as hot as most of the episodes on Broke Straight Boys, mostly because we know you, have seen the evil grin, and find you totally genuine. All the more so for doing what you did.

So do it again lol. God I wish Preston would come back for one more shoot with you. You pressed all his buttons perfectly and that dick torture scene was in my top 5. OK, top 2.