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Dakota Ford is Dakota on Guys Gone Wild site

I'm a doctor so I see asses all day long. Give me something more than your i'm so senior member mentality. You've never met any of these boys and what you see is what they want you to see. Now, what was that you said about assumptions....

Love it ....

Another1 ~ You're a sweetheart in every way. . . but I'm glad you're not my Confessor!!! ;-) In my church, we have this prayer in which we pray for forgiveness, saying, "We have left undone, those things we ought to have done; and we have done, those things which we ought not to have done. And there is no health, in us."

Pax vobiscum,


Ambi, you too are one of the sweetest and most compassionate of people to post on this forum but......In church yes....and people need forgiveness, love and understanding from others for all sorts of reasons. This, however is a porn site. Where many a real god fearin' man woman or child, would dare not go! Some transgressions and human mistakes can be forgiven in one's heart, but...in a business, I don't know that "consequences" carry the same weight. I think if someone deceives (intentionally) their boss or bosses, despite their "popularity" that "boss" has the right to terminate the relationship. I don't really think the members' voices were the determining factor here. Heck, they were as surprised as the members to see how many sites this model had worked on. There's just something about leaving a "bad taste" in one's mouth, or leaving a negative impression on people too! Sorry, that's just how I feel about it!
Ambi, you too are one of the sweetest and most compassionate of people to post on this forum but......In church yes....and people need forgiveness, love and understanding from others for all sorts of reasons. This, however is a porn site. Where many a real god fearin' man woman or child, would dare not go! Some transgressions and human mistakes can be forgiven in one's heart, but...in a business, I don't know that "consequences" carry the same weight. I think if someone deceives (intentionally) their boss or bosses, despite their "popularity" that "boss" has the right to terminate the relationship. I don't really think the members' voices were the determining factor here. Heck, they were as surprised as the members to see how many sites this model had worked on. There's just something about leaving a "bad taste" in one's mouth, or leaving a negative impression on people too! Sorry, that's just how I feel about it!
While you and I rarely agree on what constitutes a hot porn scene, I do completely agree with you on this post, Betu! :001_tongue:
I'm a doctor so I see asses all day long. Give me something more than your i'm so senior member mentality. You've never met any of these boys and what you see is what they want you to see. Now, what was that you said about assumptions....

Then you must feel right at home whenever you look at yourself in the mirror!